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Award-winning restaurant reopens after car smashed through d
Award-winning restaurant reopens after car smashed through d
Award-winning restaurant reopens after car smashed through doors during dinner
It’s been six weeks since a car ploughed through the glass doors of Rotorua’s Urbano Bistro restaurant, seriously injuring Rotorua woman Sian Hapgood. The
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Rotorua ,
New Zealand General ,
New Zealand ,
Mark Solon ,
Jane Solon ,
Julie Sewell ,
Andrew Warner ,
Kelly Makiha ,
Richard Sewell ,
Urbano Bistro ,
Rotorua Daily Post ,
Plumbing World ,
Urbanobistro ,
Carcrash ,
Refurbishment ,
Reopening ,
Marksolon ,
Janesolon ,
Sianhabgood ,