Rusty Kanokogi Fund for the Advancement of U.S. Judo 2021 award winners. Rusty demonstrating a throw to a roomful of students. Jean Kanokogi, PhD, daughter of Rusty Kanokogi and co-author of her memoir, Get Up & Fight. FOUR AMERICAN FEMALE ATHLETES AWARDED THE RUSTY KANOKOGI FUND FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF U.S. JUDO IN 2021 AFTER A YEARLONG PAUSE DUE TO THE 2020 COVID-19 PANDEMIC Rusty believed these athletes trained their guts out for the chance to represent the United States, so having the opportunity to help them is an honor.” — Jean Kanokogi, PhDSEATTLE, WA, USA, July 20, 2021 / -- Recipients Angelica Delgado, Nina Cutro-Kelly and Nefeli Papadakis make up the Tokyo 2021 US Olympic Team, and Maria Liana Mutia will represent the US on the Tokyo 2021 US Paralympic Team. All four women will receive a direct financial grant from the Rusty Kanokogi Fund to help financially support them to pursue their Olympic dreams in the 2021 Games this summer.