Top of the bill is the news that Lightyear, Pixar's new origin movie for the beloved Toy Story character, will be voiced by Chris Evans. The movie is set to hit theaters in 2022. Buzz Lightyear was first played by Tim Allen in Toy Story in 1995, the first movie ever released by Pixar. Lightyear will focus on the young test pilot behind the toy. Advertisement Tweeting about the role, Pixar said: Here’s a first look of the young test pilot that became the Space Ranger we all know him to be today. Lightyear launches into theaters June 17, 2022. Blasting into theaters June 17, 2022, Lightyear is the definitive story of the original Buzz Lightyear. Voiced by @ChrisEvans, get ready to go to “infinity and beyond” with Lightyear. �� ����