Qazi Hadi at Topline Securities said Pak Suzuki informed analysts that with regards to rupee-dollar parity, the company may undertake price review. — AFP/File KARACHI: As the auto assemblers anticipate jump in vehicle prices on account of spiralling raw material prices on world markets, another cost pressure has emerged following removal of export tax rebate by China on 146 kinds of steel products from May 1, 2021. At the analyst briefing held last week, Pak Suzuki Motor Company Ltd (PSMCL) and Indus Motor Company (IMC) cautioned about price hikes in vehicles. Qazi Hadi at Topline Securities said Pak Suzuki informed analysts that with regards to rupee-dollar parity, the company may undertake price review. However, the potential impact of the ongoing third wave of Covid-19 is also under consideration.