Audit of Niskayuna police finds racial disparities in arrests, traffic stops, use of force Advises better complaint and officer disciplinary systems, and body-worn cameras FacebookTwitterEmail Emblem on a Niskayuna police car in Niskayuna Wednesday Feb. 20, 2013. (John Carl D'Annibale / Times Union)John Carl D'Annibale NISKAYUNA – Black people were pulled over, arrested and subjected to the use of force at disproportionate levels to their percentage in both the town and the larger population, according to an audit of policies and practices related to racial issues involving the Niskayuna Police Department. “The overarching salient point that you can take from this report is that the Niskayuna Police Department arrests a disproportionate number of Black people compared to the percentage that they make up of Niskayuna’s population,” Town Supervisor Yasmine Syed said Thursday.