Live Updates
Audio EXP: #119 - 12 Masks of Halloween :
Audio EXP: #119 - 12 Masks of Halloween :
Audio EXP: #119 - 12 Masks of Halloween
A countdown to Halloween with geeky news such as Scotland Loves Anime and plenty of RPG news such as the return of Tribe 8, L5R for 5e and the One Page Dungeon Contest.
Related Keywords
Japan ,
United Kingdom ,
Scotland ,
British ,
Mamoru Hosoda ,
Davy Jones ,
Warhammer Skaven ,
Adam Rose ,
Lady Nikuko ,
Bundle Of Holding ,
Skynet ,
Genre Police ,
Perilous Studios ,
Scotland Loves Anime ,
Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko ,
Audience Award ,
Wolf Children ,
Geek Native ,
Astral Tabletop ,
Star Wars ,
Fantasy Flight ,
Squid Game ,
Neon Fox ,
Amazing Encounters ,
Sky Isles ,
Page Dungeon Contest ,
Deadlands Noir ,
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ,