$20,000 grant from MLFP (Mother Lode Food Project) and Sonora Area Foundation donors Sonora, CA — The large donation to the Amador Tuolumne Community Acton Agency (ATCAA) Food Bank will help programs that assist locals. On February 19 the Sonora Area Foundation (SAF) presented a check to the ATCAA Food Bank for $20,849.10. The grant is the result of a partnership with MLFP (Mother Lode Food Project) and Sonora Area Foundation donors. Due to COVID concerns, MLFP was not able to conduct their scheduled February food pick up and instead requested cash donations to ATCAA’s Food Bank from program participants. Sonora Area Foundation offered to match the first $5,000 in donations in honor of retiring MLFP founders Sue Mundy and Ellen Beck. Other Sonora Area Foundation donors to this grant were Bob & Katherine Laughton Fund, Boyd Family Fund, Caldwell Insurance Community Fund, Calestini/Alves Family Fund, Charles & Kate Segerstrom Family Fund, Penny Ablin & Kerry Kilgore Family Fund, R&R Family Fund, Tuolumne Sunrise Fund, and Vanier Family Fund who contributed $6,800. In addition 71 MLFP participants sent in gifts totaling $9,049.10