ASUC senators hear office updates in penultimate meeting of the semester Lisi Ludwig/File During the ASUC’s second-to-last meeting of the spring semester, ASUC officials discussed topics such as pass/no pass options in the summer semester, propositions from the 2021 ASUC elections and plans for a disability cultural center. The ASUC also passed its consent calendar. Last Updated 3 hours Ago At its regular meeting Wednesday, ASUC officials discussed office updates, heard reports from council and commission chairs and passed several bills. During executive officer reports, Academic Affairs Vice President, or AAVP, Nicole Anyanwu told the ASUC Senate that pass/no pass, or P/NP, grading options had been approved by the Rausser College of Natural Resources for summer classes. Anyanwu added that her office is currently in discussion with the Haas School of Business and other colleges to get the same options approved for the summer term.