Astro Bob: Full Wolf Moon scores a bull's-eye! Feel like howling? Join the Full Wolf Moon on Thursday night, January 28. Telescope users can find the Mare Orientale "bull's-eye," site of one of the most violent lunar impacts. Written By: Bob King for the Duluth News Tribune | 3:07 pm, Jan. 28, 2021 × The nearly full moon rises over Lake Superior in Two Harbors, Minn. on January 27. The Earth's shadow is the gray band below the moon. It's topped by a pinkish-orange glow called the Belt of Venus from sunlight scattered by small particles in the stratosphere. (Bob King) Driving west at dusk yesterday evening, all I wanted to do was twist my head around to see the big moon rising behind me. Since that's never a safe move, instead I turned left off the highway and drove down to a nearby beach. In the darkening sky the moon beamed white above Earth's purply shadow.