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Astro Bob: Behold, spring's Great Diamond! :
Astro Bob: Behold, spring's Great Diamond! :
Astro Bob: Behold, spring's Great Diamond!
You're already familiar with Orion's Belt and the Big Dipper. Why not add a ring to your star collection?
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United States ,
Poland ,
Greece ,
Greek ,
American ,
Polish ,
King Charles ,
Johannes Hevelius ,
Bob King ,
Edmund Halley ,
Alpha Virginis Spica ,
Big Dipper ,
Great Diamond ,
Orion Belt ,
Cor Caroli ,
Canes Venatici ,
English Civil ,
Astronomy ,
Aurora Borealis ,
Constellations ,
Northern Lights ,
Planets ,
Satellites ,
Skywatching ,
Stars ,