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Assisted employment, solution for the integration of people
Assisted employment, solution for the integration of people
Assisted employment, solution for the integration of people with disabilities on the labor market
Assisted employment represents an effective solution for the sustainable integration of people with disabilities on the labor market and in society.
Related Keywords
Lithuania ,
Norway ,
Romania ,
United Kingdom ,
Portugal ,
Great Britain ,
Alina Dobrescu ,
Consultoria Empresarial ,
Unipessoal Lda ,
Nicolae Dobrescu ,
Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center Lithuania ,
European Union Of Supported Employment ,
National Network ,
Health Action Overseas Romania Foundation ,
Health Action Overseas Romania ,
Norway Grants Fund For Youth Employment ,
Norway Grants Fund ,
European Union ,
Supported Employment ,
Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center ,
Bursa ,
Disability ,
Employment ,
Project ,
Work ,