By Staff Sgt. Jessica Montano, 55th Wing Public Affairs / Published May 14, 2021 Wing leadership and Headquarters Air Force Directorate of Total Force Integration assessments team pose for a photo at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. The HAF/DSI team assessed Total Force Integration here Apr. 29 - May 3. (U.S. Air Force photo by Charles J. Haymond) '); $slider .carouFredSel({ auto: false, responsive: true, swipe: { onTouch: true, onMouse: false }, prev: $wrap.find('.pager-left'), next: $wrap.find('.pager-right'), scroll: { fx: "crossfade", items: 1, onBefore: function (data) { $(data.items.old[0]).removeClass('current'); }, onAfter: function (data) { $slider.find('video').each(function () { $(this)[0].player.pause();