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ASIA - Young people in the footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio
ASIA - Young people in the footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio
ASIA - Young people in the footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Agenzia Fides: Organo di informazione delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie dal 1927
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Kazakhstan ,
Kyrgyzstan ,
Ashgabat ,
Ahal ,
Turkmenistan ,
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Uzbekistan ,
Tajikistan ,
Tajik ,
Uzbek ,
Soviet ,
Ariel Alvarez Toncovich ,
Giorgio Frassati ,
Institute Of The Incarnate Word ,
Young ,
Blessed Pier Giorgio ,
Agenzia Fides ,
Central Asia ,
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati ,
Father Ariel Alvarez Toncovich ,
Incarnate Word ,
Father Toncovich ,
Karaganda Monastery ,
Soviet Union ,