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As vote on payroll tax looms, Salem outlines drastic budget
As vote on payroll tax looms, Salem outlines drastic budget
As vote on payroll tax looms, Salem outlines drastic budget cuts
Salem officials are reckoning with the possibility of no new revenue coming in to balance the budget — and considering major cuts
Related Keywords
United States ,
West Salem ,
Oregon ,
Salem ,
West Salem Branch Library ,
Americans ,
Jose Gonzalez ,
Vanessa Nordyke ,
Deanna Gwyn ,
Julie Hoy ,
Chris Hoy ,
Micki Varney ,
Josh Eggleston ,
Keith Stahley ,
Trevor Phillips ,
Michael Slater ,
Preston Mann ,
Linda Nishioka ,
Salem City Council ,
Navigation Center ,
Salem Planning Commission ,
Salem Area Chamber ,
Salem Branch Library ,
City Council ,
Salem Police ,
Citizen Budget Committee ,
Committee To Save Salem ,
Fiscal Year ,
Virginia Stapleton ,
Oregon Business ,
Let Salem Vote ,
Save Salem ,
Manager Keith Stahley ,
Operations Fee ,
Salem Workers ,
Industry Issues ,
Polk First ,
Payroll Tax ,
Fire Stations ,
Drinking Fountains ,
Est Salem Library ,