0 shares There’s no official word yet on the government’s reported decision to walk back its plans for Hanukkah restrictions. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasts on Twitter that Israel has “among the lowest death rates among coronavirus sufferers in the world.” “We made the right decisions, saved many lives, and that’s what we will continue to do,” he says, without detailing what decisions he is referring to. He attaches a chart of unknown provenance showing death rates of coronavirus sufferers, showing Israel as the second-lowest of a handful of countries, beaten only by Iceland. שיעור התמותה בין נדבקי הקורונה בישראל הוא מהנמוכים בעולם. קיבלנו את ההחלטות הנכונות, הצלנו חיים רבים, וזה מה שנמשיך לעשות. pic.twitter.com/2lwQU7xEes