Feb. 6, 1939 â Dec. 12, 2020 James F. (Jim) Godier was born on Feb. 6, 1939, to Frank and Agnes Wood Godier in Ste Geneviève, Missouri. Jim left this world on Dec. 12, 2020, surrounded by the family he loved at the age of 81. Agnes told stories of a young Jim, how when something was unknown to him, he would work until he mastered it. The family had a big Philco radio that young Jim longed to understand. She said she came home from shopping one day and 6-year-old Jimmy had a blanket in the kitchen, with every part of the radio dismantled on it. By suppertime he had the radio rebuilt, then knew how it worked, inside and out. He was born with a drive to understand and solve, and mechanics were his passion.