At its 5 p.m. meeting Thursday on the second floor at the Daviess County Courthouse, Daviess Fiscal Court took up the following agenda items: ⢠Approved an MOA between the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Office of the Governor, Department for Local Government, Office of Federal Grants and Daviess County for the Daviess County CRF Reimbursement Project ⢠Heard and approved the Treasurerâs Financial Statement for November 2020 ⢠Approved all claims for all departments ⢠Heard and approved the Daviess Clerkâs Claim for Preparing 2020 Tax Bills ⢠Approved Resolution 33-2020 â Alcoholic Beverage Control Matters ⢠Approved awarding Bid No. 47-2020: Control Replacement for Courtroom Video (IT)