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Arno Mayer, Elie Wiesel Award honoree and eminent historian
Arno Mayer, Elie Wiesel Award honoree and eminent historian
Arno Mayer, Elie Wiesel Award honoree and eminent historian of modern Europe, dies at 97
Mayer's WWII experience as a Jewish refugee from Germany and member of the U.S. "Ritchie Boys" intelligence unit inspired his deep scholarship on the history of diplomacy.
Related Keywords
Russia ,
Germany ,
Berghahn ,
Nordrhein Westfalen ,
Virginia ,
United States ,
Luxembourg ,
Israel ,
Washington ,
Maryland ,
New York ,
France ,
Italy ,
America ,
American ,
Russian ,
French ,
Italian ,
German ,
Arnoj Mayer ,
Mark Milley ,
Thomasm Siebel ,
Magen David Adom ,
Philip Nord ,
Angela Creager ,
Arno Mayer ,
Marcel Ophuls ,
Lawrence Stone ,
Lillian Mayer ,
Ida Mayer ,
Anthony Cardoza ,
Victor Brombert ,
Robert Oppenheimer ,
Loyola University Chicago ,
Institute For Advanced Study ,
Princeton University ,
City College ,
Yale University ,
Us Army ,
Rockefeller Foundation ,
Henry Putnam University Professor Of Romance Languages ,
Guggenheim Foundation ,
Princeton University Press ,
American Historical Association ,
Netflix ,
American Academy Of Arts ,
University Council On Human Relations ,
American Council Of Learned Societies ,
Department Of Defense ,
Brown University ,
Us Holocaust Memorial Museum ,
American Political Science Association ,
Dayton Stockton Professor ,
Old Regime ,
Great War ,
Dodge Professor ,
Rosengarten Professor ,
Contemporary History ,
Abba Eban ,
Consul General ,
Grandy Duchy ,
Camp Ritchie ,
Ritchie Boys ,
Operation Paperclip ,
Camp Hunt ,
Wernher Von ,
Secret Nazis ,
Human Relations ,
Elie Wiesel Award ,
Memorial Museum ,
Joint Chiefs ,
Henry Putnam University Professor ,
Romance Languages ,
Comparative Literature ,
Ritchie Boy ,
New Diplomacy ,
Heavens Not ,
Final Solution ,
New York Times Book Review ,
Notable Book ,
Scholarly Distinction ,
American Historical ,
From Zionism ,
American Academy ,
American Political Science ,
American Council ,
Learned Societies ,
Diplomacy Since ,
Italian Fascism ,
Advanced Study ,