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Archaeologists Find Oldest Painting in Indonesian Cave Paint
Archaeologists Find Oldest Painting in Indonesian Cave Paint
Archaeologists Find Oldest Painting in Indonesian Cave Painted At least 4,500 Years Ago
Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest known cave art, a life-sized picture of a wild pig that was painted at least 45,500 years ago in Indonesia.
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Australia ,
Indonesia ,
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Indonesia General ,
Indonesian ,
Adhi Agus Oktaviana ,
Maxime Auburt ,
Adam Brumm ,
Basran Burhan ,
Griffith University Ph ,
Griffith University ,
Griffth University ,
South Sulawesi ,
Science Advances ,
Leang Tedongnge ,
Professor Adam Brumm ,
Griffith University Phd ,
Professor Maxime Auburt ,
Leang Balangajia ,
Cave Painting ,
Oldest Cave Painting ,
Oldest Painting ,
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