Africa Digital Finance summit inaugural event puts a spotlight on cryptocurrencies Published: February 17, 2021 13:49 GN Report Mary Njoki, organizer, Africa Digital Finance Summit seen here with Khurram Shroff, Chairman IBC Group Image Credit: Supplied Africa Digital Finance Summit’s inaugural event themed “Decentralized finance, our pathway to financial freedom” will bring together regulators, African central banks, businesses, known crypto whales, and decision-makers across the world, to rethink the development trajectory of Africa’s finance ecosystem. This year’s conference will put a spotlight on Blockchain’s continued transformation from hype to the mainstream. A roster of high-profile speakers will take the stage to explore avenues for Blockchain’s increased adoption, particularly as tech and payment giants Twitter, PayPal, and Facebook make significant investments in the space. The summit comes at a time when Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, has taken steps to deepen engagement with Africa, by creating a trust with 500 Bitcoin. Tesla, currently the world’s most valuable car company, has also announced its entry into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, effectively forging the path to the universal acceptance of digital currencies.