Occupation: Environmental scientist What a symptomatic day looks like: "My mind races at full speed and there is an ongoing racing soundtrack of questioning, irritability, and blowing small things/events, conversations out of proportion and context. My nerves are buzzing, my stomach is churning and audible, I'm hyper-alert and yet fatigued, I feel a tightness in my throat, neck, and across my shoulders." Tools that work for him: "I imagine laying in a field and watching the clouds go by. I remind myself that sometimes the sky is brilliantly blue, sometimes there is a passing cloud, and sometimes there are thunderclouds with heavy rains and loud thunder. Just as the sky changes condition, anxiety sometimes just appears with little or no reason, but I know that just as the clouds break and the blue sky appears, so too will my anxiety and anxious feelings. Instead of trying to control the anxiety and spending time figuring out 'why,' I simply recognize it, acknowledge it and move on. Other days I reach out to my spouse, father or a close friend and ask them to just listen to me for a few minutes. Talking to someone that is not judgmental or trying to 'solve' my anxiety helps me work through it."