Sursa foto: The National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities against COVID-19 (CNCAV) informs that, in the past 24 hours, 54,065 doses of vaccine have been administered, of which 37,623 Pfizer, 5,981 Moderna, 7,752 AstraZeneca and 2,709 Johnson&Johnson. The data were provided by the National Institute of Public Health through the National Electronic Vaccination Register application. According to the CNCAV, in the past 24 hours, 23,209 people were vaccinated with the first dose and 30,856 people with the second, Agerpres informs. As of December 27, 2020, 7,328,556 doses were given to a number of 4,136,319 persons, of which 944,082 received only the first dose and 3,192,237 including the second. In the past 24 hours, there have been 43 side effects recorded - 6 local and 37 systemic.