Ante rises in fight for workers Ante rises in fight for workers Morrell Group Morrell Group's "The Motioneer" mascot and the company's updated workspace to attract new engineering talent. Potential jobs candidates are met by a 7-foot robot of embossed steel, aluminum and plastic upon entering industrial automation and light assembly firm Morrell Group. A soldier, of sorts, reminiscent of the red-armored Master Chief from the popular Xbox video game Halo. But instead of battling for the survival of human civilization in interstellar warfare, Morrell's mascot "The Motioneer" is battling for talent. Morrell invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into its robot mascot and remodeling its Auburn Hills headquarters to a more modern, open concept, collaborative environment all in a bid to be more appetizing to potential employees. The firm trademarked the term Motioneer and is calling its new hires Motioneers.