July 19, 2021 at 5:15 PM Shares0 Lather. Rinse. Repeat. While this story is about the tempest in a Twitterpot stirred up over the weekend, it can easily be lifted and dropped on the next episode of defensive outrage from the Federalist Society. This weekend it was Slate, but next time it’ll be The Atlantic. Or The New Republic. Or Cat Fancy. It doesn’t matter what kicks it off, it’ll always play out over a few stages. Just keep this post bookmarked for future reference. Today’s installment involved a post in Slate by Nicholas Wallace. You remember Nicholas Wallace, right? The Stanford Law School student whose graduation was put on hold because a troika of Federalist Society members had a case of the feels after he produced a parody flyer suggesting that prominent Federalist Society members were deeply involved in the January 6 riots just because… prominent Federalist Society members were, in fact, deeply involved in the January 6 riots. Now graduated, Wallace wrote an article entitled Boycott the Federalist Society, pointing out the role the organization played in setting the table for the Capitol Hill putsch.