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An ex-U.S. ambassador is charged with spying for Cuba and ex
An ex-U.S. ambassador is charged with spying for Cuba and ex
An ex-U.S. ambassador is charged with spying for Cuba and exiles say 'we told you so'
Accused spy Manuel Rocha was stationed at the U.S. Interests Section in Havana during the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown. Did he have influence? | Opinion
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Cuba ,
Washington ,
United States ,
Havana ,
Ciudad De La Habana ,
Florida International University ,
Florida ,
Key West ,
Bolivia ,
Miami ,
American ,
Cuban ,
John Suarez ,
Ana Montes ,
Victor Manuel Rocha ,
Alan Gross ,
Fidel Castro ,
Carlos Manuel Alvarez ,
Us State Department ,
Wasp Network ,
Us State Department Cuba Desk ,
Victor Manuel ,
Cuban Migs ,
General Merrick Garland ,
Cuba Desk ,
Free Cuba ,
Manuel Rocha ,
Cuban Exiles ,
Quba ,
Cuban Government ,
Foreign Agent ,