The authorities charged with the latest six-yearly review of the Australian school curriculum have just emitted their proposals and, if I could borrow John Derbyshire’s eloquent phrasing, it is all about a blackety-blackety-black black black blackety-black makeover of education in Australia. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), a federal government body, has recommended that education in Australia (up to Year 10 high school) should obsess about how an evil, white-supremacist European civilisation has visited nothing but “dispossession, disease and destruction” on Australia’s Aborigines [ This woke enlightenment is to be achieved by overlaying the “cross-curriculum priority” of “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Culture” on every discipline from Math to Physical Education. As well as inculcating national self-loathing by white Australians, the curriculum will instruct students on how “contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are strong, resilient, rich and diverse” i.e. students will be indoctrinated with a bowdlerised, sentimental, Rousseauesque version of Aboriginal pre-history where inter-tribal violence, cannibalism or harmful superstition never existed and where alcoholism, drug dependency, domestic violence, child abuse, criminal over-representation, below-average IQ and other tasteless problems don’t exist now.