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AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The feminine genius and missionary soul
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The feminine genius and missionary soul
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The feminine genius and missionary soul of Pauline Jaricot at the center of the symposium of the Venezuelan PMS
Agenzia Fides: Organo di informazione delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie dal 1927
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United States ,
Rome ,
Lazio ,
Italy ,
France ,
Venezuela ,
Venezuelan ,
America ,
Ricardo Guill ,
Jesus Christ ,
Pauline Jaricot ,
Marielena Mestas ,
Catholic University Andr ,
Pontifical Mission Societies ,
Auditorium Of The Cultural Center Padre Plaza ,
Bello Catholic University ,
Agenzia Fides ,
Cultural Center Padre Plaza ,
National Director ,
Missionary Symposium ,
Pontifical Society ,
Oswaldo Montilla ,
Secretary General ,