Amber Ruffin tempts fate, musically messes with COVID-baiting Texas Screenshot: The Amber Ruffin Show Sporting a glorious 1980s metal-god mane and all the fringe Peacock could find, Amber Ruffin, alongside her similarly glammed-up and be-wigged sidekick Tarik Davis, solemnly and sonorously opened a segment on Friday’s Amber Ruffin Show by messing with Texas. Specifically, the Nebraska-raised host roasted her neighboring state’s decision to have elected noted bigot and COVID accomplice Governor Greg Abbott, targeting Abbott’s recent and depressingly predictable decision to flout medical advice and common sense and lift all restrictions intended to halt the spread of one of the deadliest pandemics in memory. At least Ruffin and Davis let Abbott and all such COVID dunces have it while keeping a song in their metal-loving hearts.