By May 17, 2021 Global hospitality occupancy has climbed two-thirds of the way back to prepandemic norms of around 70 percent for this time of year. (Getty Images / alvarez.) Amadeus’ Demand360 business intelligence data, released this week, shows that hotel occupancy levels are now on an upward trajectory. According to the Rebuilding Hospitality report, worldwide occupancy reached 46 percent in April 2021, up from the low point of 13 percent in April 2020. This means that global hospitality occupancy has climbed two-thirds of the way back to prepandemic norms of around 70 percent for this time of year. Occupancy growth has been faster in some regions than others: China and North America, with occupancy levels standing at 62 percent and 51 percent respectively, are leading the way, driven by domestic travel. Europe’s occupancy recovery has been slower, standing at 18 percent at the end of April. The report suggests this could be explained by ongoing shifts in travel regulations not experienced in other regions. In Asia, overall occupancy was 34 percent for the month of April but shifts significantly based on travel guidelines and size of country.