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Alumna gives back to U.S. at highest levels of government :
Alumna gives back to U.S. at highest levels of government :
Alumna gives back to U.S. at highest levels of government
Alumna Marjorie Ucros '10 is currently working at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, helping put together the daily presidential brief.
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Miami ,
Florida ,
United States ,
Switzerland ,
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Venezuela ,
America ,
American ,
Marjorie Ucros ,
Avril Haines ,
National Counterterrorism Center ,
Jackd Gordon Institute For Public ,
United Nations ,
National Geospatial ,
Intelligence Agency ,
Hispanic Advisory Council ,
National Intelligence ,
National Security Council ,
United Bank ,
United State ,
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency ,
Public Policy ,
Cyber Threat Intelligence Fellowship ,
Honorable Avril Haines ,
Stephanie La Rue ,