Hi everyone. My dad was a model engineer subscriber, enthusiast and retired design engineer. Sadly he past away in January this year. He eft all of his possessions to my mum. She's asked me to help clear out his workshop but we're really worried about under-valuing some his stuff and don't want people just to try and buy cheap to sell on and profit from the situation. Happy for it to go for really reasonable prices, but want the equipment to go to good homes and people who will make good use of it and continue to create amazing things. The problem is we haven't got a clue what most of the stuff is or what it's worth, so I'm reaching out to this community in the hope that there are genuine people that can help guide us on the best way to deal with it all. He has hundreds of old copies of Model Engineer so figured that it would be a good place to start. I've got some photos of some of the things we've been left. I've a rough idea about some of them from looking on Ebay, but I'm not sure if that is the best route, and don't know what some of the models are, including the Myford lathe. I hope this is ok...if not I'm sure a moderator will tell me...please can anyone help?