Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

katrina devastated new orleans and the gul gulf coast, we lookt the deaf of devastating part of history. >> i'm charlie angela. every inch has become a stage. >> and we begin tonight in france where three american men will be recognized for their act of bravery, french president francois hollande will recognize them. three people were injured when the gunman opened fire on a train from belgium to paris. the attacker was a 26-year-old more onak man. intelligence services had beck n tracking his movement, since last am. john terret has more. >> when most of us would run a, spencer, alec, and anthony, ran into the line of fire. >> ambassador jane hartley brimming with praise over three young americans who stopped a french attacker. spencer stone and his boyhood friend alex are being lauded as heroes in france along with a third american friend anthony and two other passengers, one british, one french. they noticed the gunman trying to fire an ak .47 in their train car. >> tackled them, we hit the ground, alec came up and grabbed the gun out of his hand while i pit him in choke hold. i.t. seemed like he just kept pulling more weapons left and right. pulled out a handgun. alec took that. took out a box cutter started jabbing at me with that. >> french authorities sai th sae 26-year-old gunman was on the radar in three countries for having ties to radical islam and for having traveled to syria. his legal team says he's just a homeless man who found the weapons in a bag. >> he said he planned to hold up the train and jump out the window to escape. >> that's unlikely. >> to the point he was just trying to rob the train it doesn't take eight magazines to rob a train. >> reporter: but they admit it was fortunate. the shooter seemed unsure how to handle the weapons. >> clearly he had no firearms training whatsoever, and if he knew what he was doing or just got lucky and done the right thing he would have been able to operate through all eight of those magazines and we would have all been in trouble. >> on monday, these three shy americans will be feted at the highest of are french society. the president and prime minister will be there and many members of his cabinet. it's possible no american has had quite this welcome in paris since the end of world war ii. john terret, al jazeera. >> in japan officials are investigating a series of explosions that lit up a night sky at a u.s. army depot. 25 miles southwest of the comal capital. capital. the pentagon confirmed this and said there were no injuries. the explosions they say sounded like fireworks. global markets taking a nose dive after uncertainly over china's economic conditions. the dow jones fell more than 530 points or 3.4%. the standard & poor's fell more than 64 points and losing more than a trillion in a week. ali velshi has more on why the markets took a turn for the worse. >> this is because china has devalued its currency. china likes to control its economy, this is a sign it hasn't been able to. gets factories moving, more people employed, the federal reserve has been looking add all the stuff going on in the world and deciding that it hasn't got a clear signal about when it's going to start raising interest rates. we're expecting this to have happened by now or at least by the end of the year. now that's a terrible thing except investors don't like uncertainty. dropping prices on oil to below $40 a barrel today it came back after that, but these things are signaling a slowing global economy and that's got investors worried. >> now to presidential politics. republican front runner donald trump continues to defend his immigration plan. extends to its handling of undocumented immigrants already in the u.s. >> the government has no idea. we've lost control of our country. our borders. the government has no idea how many illegals there are. i have heard 11 million for years and now the other day i heard 30. scott walker is being accused of commentincopying comments and pe of donald trump. >> this should be a red flag to voters out there who for years have had lip service for politician he because those politician he haven't been committed to following through on those promises. >> walker added he opposes a repeal of the 14th amendment. legalizing birth right citizenship. former president george w. bush's former attorney says the investigation is not a political witch hunt. >> it is unconceivable to me that a great deal of that was not classified and the question was what she knew what was on those e-mails that she sent, received and what she did with respect to them. >> and there are more signs that vice president joe biden is considering a third presidential run. he met yesterday with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. he's also been spending time in delaware with his family and closest political advisors. reports say biden could make his decision within the the next mo. >> 17 wildfires are raging across the west. the most recent began less than 24 hours ago in lake county and spread over 400 acres in just two hours. lisa bernard reports from king's canyon national park. where firefighters are working around the clock. >> what did you learn about this fire? >> this is the most steep topography. one of the most steepest train in the united states. >> what would it happen if it went to the other side? >> on the other side of the road is more uncontained fuels, these firefighters are trying as hard as they can to keep it inside those lines. they are trying to eliminate the vegetation and by lighting back fires we're able to control it a little more do it under our terms versus nature's or others. >> the fire has been raging since a lightning strike ignited the area last month. most of the fire is in the back country inaccessible to firefighters on foot. choppers have been collecting water from a large lake here and dropping it as fast as possible and returning for more. thick smoke in the mornings is preventing the choppers from going up until late afternoon. ten helicopters are being used on this fire. and here you can see what they are trying to prevent. king's canyon lodge is the only structure so far that has been destroyed by the fire. it was built in 1928 and tourists have been coming here for decades. it was filled with antiques that are now all gone. the owner is surprised that the double gravity gas pump survived, most of the park has been closed to visitors because of the fire. >> lisa bernard reporting there. french and german officials are expected to meet tomorrow to discuss the migrant crisis. after days of confrontations and storming lines of police in macedonia, thousands of riot police on sunday were making their way to european union. ann dew smongs is iandrew simmo. >> reporter: waiting for another journey. at one point police and soldiers were blocking the border with force. now they're organizing transit for these people to pass on through macedonia and on to serbia. in the crush there's tension. a train has arrived. there's no way everyone can get on board. there doesn't seem to be any system on telling these people whether they have a right to board this train, or not. it's hit and miss. people are pleading to soldiers to let them on board. they begin to let people through in orderly lines. the anxiety turning into smiles of relief. some of the security forces here are helpful and considerate. but any resistance to their orders is seen as provocation. one officer was heard telling a refugee if you don't like this, then you should go back to syria. and this mar man was saying evef he had the right papers he wasn't being allowed on the train. >> okay, it's enough. >> it's enough, it's enough. that is enough. okay, that is enough. >> this woman from afghanistan is trying to guide an extended family of 12 through all of this. she says she's been separated from some of them. >> my family are there, my grandpa and all children my uncle's children, my husband, but we don't going. >> some people have gone through extraordinary length to go this far, parting with their children on the border so they'd be allowed in. >> they would put their children underneath the razor wire, and let them come to the train station. this should not be happening anywhere to anybody. >> reporter: as many more people head from greece to the border, the latest political moves like so many others right across europe have failed these people. andrew simmons, al jazeera, macedonia. >> joining us now, a civil rights lawyer in. it is our understanding they have now been allowed to go through. do you think this flow of refugees is going to continue on this route? >> macedonia has seen a flow of migrants and each month it's more and more people entering. coming to greece from turkey and greek authorities transporting people from the greek islands to the mainland. you can expect macedonia can expect an even higher number of migrants in the particular months. >> why is this route so popular. >> we have seen this route being used by migrants and a sigh lum seekers, in the last few years actually, it's he mostly because greece and bulgaria have built fences on their mainland borders with turkey. they travel down to ismir in turkey and from there they take rickety boats to greece and then to macedonia or serbia and their genome is to go to the north eu countries. >> what was happening is the police there were authorized to do what was necessary to protect themselves if they were attacked. is there any evidence that any of the refugees were actually attacking any of the authorities at the border? >> no. we asked the ministry of the interior what was thinterior whf tear gas and stun grenades? they were authorized to use force if they were astacked. we asked were any of them attacked? we didn't get an answer to that question. >> whose responsibility is it to make sure these refugees are safe? >> it is the responsibility of the macedonian authority. but local ngos, we are talking about families with children, we are talking about children traveling without their parents, we are talking about people who are actually seeking protection. >> so along the way and once they get to their destination are you saying there's often no sort of assistance for them at all or very limited assistance? >> what assistance is provided is provided by local citizens and organizations. assistance to people traveling through the country they also documented that police often use physical violence against people fleeing. >> you're saying at this point there is no reason to anticipate this flow will actually lessen but you think in fact it will actually grow. >> we think it will actually grow and macedonia needs to cope with the situation. >> thank you very much. all right tensions are running high on the streets of lebanon tonight. coming up, angry lebanese citizens fed up with their government clash with riot police. and negotiators in north and south korea meet. hoping to ease tensions between the two. e two. yo >> angry protesters and riot police have been battling in the streets of beirut, frustration what protesters believe is an ineffective and also corrupt government. prime minister hinted he might resign. he also said anyone using violence against the protesters would be held accountable. yesterday, water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets were fired against protesters. ukrainian field commander says fighting between the ukrainians and provision fighters, monday marks ukraine independence days. official from the north and south korea met today at phnom truce village. harry fawcett filed this report. >> in these heightened times between north and south korea, it is not uncommon to see messages that are fairly mixed. driving across this checkpoint, towards pan moonjam, the peace village where these talks have been taking place, a south korean military force says there's been significant military movement north of the border. 50 of north korea's 70 submarines have been deployed from their bases, so far undetected by south korean ships and planes as well as that artillery on the northern side has been doubled we're told while these talks have been going on. it's worth pausing and think how we got to this point. it was on august the 4th when there were land mine blasts on the south korean side of the demilitarized zone. loudspeaker broadcasts, propaganda broadcasts across the border. north korea has been demanding south korea end the broadcasts, up to issuing a deadline for them to end, otherwise there would be a north korean military strike against them. the problem is south korea says it will not end those broadcasts until or unless north korea apologizes for the land mine attacks. we've had a very difficult situation even though we've had talks over the last couple of days. >> security talks scheduled for this week between india and pakistan have been called off. this comes during the time the two countries have been exchanging artillery fire. both sides say the other called off the meeting. it is now been over a year since the two countries have held high level talks. i.s.i.l. is counterattacking ally forces. iraqi officials report more than 70 soldiers and allied militia men have been killed since saturday. meanwhile in baghdad there is a growing division among shia politicians and parties following calls for reform. zeina khodr has more from baghdad. >> reporter: it is a protest movement that has brought society together but also brought into the open the power struggle between iraq's shia politicians. first they demanded better services then they want change. are. >> translator: people don't just want water and electricity. we want political reform in government institutions. >> reporter: prime minister haider al-abadi promised to do just that. but reforming iraq sectarian based political system will not be easy. teen prime minister said he is facing -- even the prime minister said he is facing difficult adversaries. >> we will and in their way. >> abadi has the backing of the highest shia authority in iraq. grand ayatollah ali al sistani. it was a message of support to abadi and to his rivals not to stand in his way. he approached nouri al-maliki. he has been challenged by political forces from within the shia leadership. shia militias who are known as the popular mobilization forces have replaced asn army that collapsed in the face of i.s.i.l. forces. allies of maliki who still has the largest single block in the iraqi parliament. >> translator: there are serious divisions within the shia house. this is very dangerous. abadi tried oask iran to stop shia groups from meddling in affairs but it didn't work. >> many cases stronger than the state. abadi needs to meet people's expectations in order to ensure his credibility but there is much more at stake including the future of iraq as a state. zeina khodr, al jazeera, baghdad. it was one of the worst natural disasters in u.s. history. when hurricane katrina came ashore no one knew how bad it was going to be. no one who ever survived the storm could forget how bad it actually was. relations between the u.c. and iran, tonight at 9:00 p.m. from havana, cuba, a look at the island nation that has been cut off from the united states, for almost 50 years, antonio mora, shows how warming relations with the u.s. may impact them. them. >> katrina was really a wake-up call. >> one of the worst catastrophes in u.s. history. >> most of south louisiana is all sediment, plant growth and decay... there's always a risk of flooding. >> now, new cutting edge technology that could help prevent future disasters... >> the system has really evolved. >> and what it means for new orleans. >> our big take away is new orleans is on a good track, but the job is not done here. >> techknow investigates 10 years after katrina. >> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey and here's a look at your top stories. three american men who helped prevent a mass shooting on a train will be honored tomorrow. the three men spoke about the ordeal at the french ambassador's residence in france. firefighters are pitching in to fight 17 wildfires in the west. the peterson fire is the latest to erupt in lake county in northern california. massive stock market selloff, april china unexpectedly devalued its currency. markets will be opening in the next hour. president obama will mark the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina there week by visiting new orleans. president obama will speak to city officials and more than 1800 people died in that storm, caused 125 billion in damage. so tonight, we look back at the storm, and its aftermath, and we begin with a clip from our documentary, "only new orleans." . >> the storm hit monday morning at approximately 5:30 in the morning. at about 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m, that monday, august the 29th, we got the first reports that the levee started breaching. the other districts of new orleans are predominantly below sea level. so when the levees that were built in the 1960s are breached, the city doesn't stand a chance. >> we put my mom in the swimming pool with the kids and we floated them to the bridge right there. we walked to the bridge. the water was here. people helped us because we can't swim, some of us can't swim. they had old people, bedridden, couldn't get out of the bed. they pushed them in their beds on mattresses or whatever they had. >> then the reports coming into our communications division that water was rising at a very rapid pace in several parts of the city particularly the lower 9th ward where water had risen up to 19 feet in ten minutes. >> water in the house and literally we stepped down from out the bed, all the furniture is floating, everything is floating, we got the decision to get into the attic. >> people were making phone calls to 911 operators and drowning in their attics. we got really bad reports. >> people were falling into the water, drowning, in total distress. so it was mass chaos at that time. >> we had enough time to get onto the attic by kicking a hole from the inside, get onto the roof and think we'll now be save and the house lifts off its foundation because it wasn't attached to its foundation and a piece of water floats when water hits it, it floated up the street that way the way the current was pushing it, so we wound up up the street on the roof of my house and that is how my granddaughter died. when we tried to seek refuge on another roof, she dropped off and disappeared. >> kim bondi, senior of operations. if new orleans is your home, it's always your home. take us back to where you were at that time? >> i was working in new york and was actually supposed to be in new orleans during that week but there were a million things going on and i couldn't. so i ended up being in the control room leading coverage as the storming was making landfall. and talking to my parents who had decided to stay. and they were in my home. so when i hear these stories and see those pictures and you're looking at pictures from the second floor of my home, you can see the garage, this is what i walked into. i mean a lot of those you know memories feel so far away and yet they're just right here. everything is right on the surface, you know. >> absolutely. >> what i love about the documentary is, and you'll see as you watch tonight is, it really is a celebration of the human spirit. people in new orleans are amazingly resilient. >> you're a different breed. >> we really are and they are. new orrleanians, my home had to be rebuilt i was sort of me and my brother, and you know, it took a lot of people to do it, things like your home being broken into after the storm and people stealing your bathtub or cutting the copper from underneath your house. but at the same time, the people of new orleans we were all going through this together. i didn't think that new orleans could come back as far as it has. i mean it's been ten years and there is still so much work richelle to be done. but the city is in many ways a better city. because people in new orleans have rallied and come together and you know really pushed the city forward. it is not through the help of the government or anyone else. it is truly about and as you'll see in the documentary only new orleans about music and the celebration of life and joy and pain. and you know lots of people really rallying. because they believe this city, new orleanians, the person who made this film, believe in new orleans enough to tell the story. >> only about half of people from new orleans have returned, is that because some people just financially can't, is it because some people don't want to? are there people who have been left behind and who are those people who have been left hidged? >> there are people who couldn't afford to come back and people who chose thought to come back. imagine if you are displaced and you oar family and you have kids, this was back to school time in new orleans. people had to move forward and put their kids back in school. we sent our special correspondent soledad o'brien, to interview, i think what the population is actually closer to 60 or 70%, 70% but those are not original new orle rvetionanians. we have done a great favor to your home town of houston. >> you have. you have. i'm glad to have so many of you all in my home town, absolutely. we are everywhere, right? memphis, you know, after the storm i was walking down the street and seeing people from new orleans, allen toussant, aaron neville who now lives in new york, there were those who chose not to come home and also who couldn't afford to come home. i have children in school, i have a better job, they were forced to leave and many of them did not come back. you are right. >> would it say it deeply changed people forever in a painful way, is it difficult for some people to watch? >> it is very, very emotional. i have seen it, when it was sent to me it was quite the surprise and i saw some of the very early footage, the aerials were aerials around my house. my house had nine feet of water for three weeks. the very first images i saw were actually on television. some of that exact same footage is what you'll see in the documentary tonight. i still get very emotional, heartbroken. i'm very sad for people who lost their lives, family members. i didn't lose family members, just a lot of stuff, houses and cars and things that could be replaced and could be replaced. there are people who have not had answers, bodies not identified, people not accounted for. but in new orleans people are trying to get on with their lives. you would say, i can't wait to stop talking about katrina. and you would say before katrina, it would take 75 or six years before it wasn't the first thing that came up in the first five minutes of conversation. >> where dogs new orleans go next, this is ten years, maybe that's a difficult question to answer. but i know there were people who couldn't see where new orleans is right now. >> they are rebuilding the economy, there is a focus on bioscience, a lot of young people moved to the city. so new orleans as our mayor says is looking at the city that it had imagined, city we want to be. we had a figure out a different way to do business. we had to think about recovery, education. i spent a lot of time volunteering in schools after i moved home and our education rates, our graduation rates were around 52, 55%. they're now up exponentially. there are people who are saying, i want to move to new orleans. the spirit of music, people wanting to come and experience our culture has really helped in that revival. >> wonderful. again, the documentary is only new orleans and you are kim bonde, our vice president of programs. thank you kim. only new orleans. runs tonight on al jazeera america, 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. the. 8:30, we are going to ask them about their experience. and weather forecasting has come a long way since hurricane katrina. nasa will have storm technology, phil torres will have this on "techknow." >> traditionally the national weather service has relied on hurricane hunters, they fly into the storm and take measurements, but for safety reasons, they only ask fly when the storm isn't too long. we can't current take measurements through heavy rain. >> when we were on katrina they were flying over their airplanes when they could and the last measurements were just a little bit after this, in this region here. >> dr. rough, professor of atmospheric science, said winds picked up even more building stronger storm surge and in the final hours that that couldn't be measured. >> the magnitude of flooding and also the locations where the flooding happened were very unexpected. >> inspired by katrina, dr. ruff, and his scientists launched cyness. >> it's a combination of eight satellites operating over the tropics, will measure very often because the satellites chase each other around. will take measurements of the storms very quickly. >> because cygness is a modified system that is already in space it is not as expensive. some more can be sent, the more satellites, the more measurements, therefore the more accurate the storm forecasting will become. >> when forecasts are wrong, people tend not to trust the next forecast as much. if they know that forecasts are reliable, they are much more likely to listen when there's a forecast for an emergency. >> what's interest going these new satellites is their size. the eight satellites are only about the size of a carry-on suitcase and only weigh about 64 pounds each. nasa says its r&d is always looking for smallest most cost effective way of using the vantage place of space for weather on perpt. >> tune in to "techknow" tomorrow, 6:30 eastern, 3:30 pacific, only on al jazeera america. before these professional gamers start playing, they're being tested for drugs. and the national zoo in washington is celebrating not one but two new baby cubs. >> the lifeline of the american west. >> for the first time in four years, britain and iran have opened embassies in each other's capitals. from london paul brennan has our report. >> reporter: this is the first visit to tehran by a british foreign secretary in 12 years, the sign of the importance which britain places on the establishment of relations with the islamic republic. britain is one offul western governments anticipating multibillion dollar business opportunities on the horizon. >> well i hope as the nuclear deal is implemented, and sanctions are gradually lifted off and iran reintegrates more effectively into the international economy, we will also see a tha that thawing of relationships between particularly saudi arabia and iran. burned a car and ransacked buildings in retaliation, the u.k. expelled iranian diplomats from london. >> things have changed in iran sings the removal of a.mahmadin. from iran. >> morning staff shuffled in and out of the building. then the charge daffairs is entered. >> a very significant day for our countries pps. >> representatives attending the ceremony are now looking forwards to better consular help. >> the main problem was the visas. especially the shia muslims that wanted to go to the holy shrines in iran. they had to go through a lot of hassle to go to the holy shrines in iran. >> the door of the embassy remain closed to all but officials and visiting dignitaries. actual it'll take many months until full functionality is restored but after a gap of four years the embassy here and in tehran are once again open for business. paul brennan, al jazeera, london. >> egypt's antiquities minister is trying to raise 40 million to buy back a statue. authorities in u.k. placed an export ban on the statue. the ban which expires on friday was intended to give egypt or a collector the chance to purchase the statue. thousands of computer gamers are coming together in germany this weekend, like their counterparts, professional gamers are being tested for performance enhancing substances. >> reporter: global music and sporting super-stars, but there is a new player exploding onto the world stage. welcome to the world of e-gaming. >> a lot more people are starting to know your face and the brand you're playing for. even in my home town, people come up to me and ask for photographs or -- autographs or photos. >> whether competitive gaming is in fact a sport? it's certainly trying present itself as just that. one of e-gaming's largest organization he now drug-testing players. >> we began working with the world antidoping agency and the national anti-doping agencies in germany to come up with comprehensive policies that would allow us to police our events globally. at the highest level. >> gamers have been accused of taking stimulants. this event in the german city of cologne. >> we have had bans on drugs, throughout its entire history but with this case we realized we didn't have the tool set we needed to really police. >> our role in this situation we wanted to support on the one hand and to improve the feeling on drug free gaming on the other hand. so we are kind of, yeah, arbitrator or referee in the country. >> career gamers apparently are taking this seriously too. >> we are playing for thousands of dollars. we need to take things more seriously and do stuff like that i have no problem about that. it's all good to me. >> and with predicted revenues set to top $1 billion within two years, organizers are hoping it's now game over for drug cheats. sarah coats, al jazeera. >> washington's national zoo is celebrating its newest arrivals, plural, born on saturday, both cubs appear to be healthy. their mother gave birth only days after zoo officials realized she was pregnant. working to make sure each cub gets enough time with mom. >> they have next to no fur, they're unable to thermoregulate, and they need to receive calories and fuel for furnace. because we have twins and because there are challenges with mom raising twins at the same time, we have followed our protocol where we will swap out the babies over the course of the day. >> the first cub weighed in just about three ounces, the second just under five ounces. the sex of the cubs will be determined in a few weeks when they are both examined by veterinarians. how comics from around the world are getting a laugh from their audiences in scotland. ftc pl a. >> a ten-year-old florida girl says a pain of the close encounter with a shark will not keep her from doing what she loves. kelly sarmack was standing off the beach in shallow water when she was bitten by a shark. paramedics did get her to the hospital very quickly. she needed 90 stitches. that said, she says she won't be staying away from the water any time in the future. >> i'm pretty sure i won't get bit by a shark in the future. >> concerns over china's slowing economy sent the global markets into a tailspin last week. in awr our week ahead segment as you have been reporting, it's been nearly ten years since hurricane katrina and its devastation to the gul gulf coa. we'll, have stories and photos that are to say the very least, incredible. richelle. >> del thank you so much. comedians from across the globe, as charlie angela reports, their humor transcend cultural and linguistic differences. please. very same way. everybody say, i don't know what people expect. >> making fun preconceptions, a big celebrity in south africa but in the u.k. he's just an unknown comedian charming an audience with his observations. >> every day partly cloudy. with no chance of black people. but he believes comedy can unite people. >> i know inside south africa with 11 official languages and even more cultures, i've definitely seen it transcend culture. papa cj was voted the best comedian. he performance all over the world but always tailors his material. >> the first thing i know about any new country, i find out about their politics their culture their recent scandals. my first ten minutes is purely about them. with that you've brought them in instantly and then can you bring them beyond their borders. >> as an indian comedian, depending where i am, people treat me differently. what i found exciting was how interesting the american comedians are. i say dude, i'm from india, if i open my bathroom window, 10,000 indians will come. >> when you're outside something you see things that people on the inside don't see anymore. everything is all of odd and strange and interesting and quirky. and that is the cement and the bricks of comedy. >> reporter: the festival approves that comedy is universal, but the passion and austerity, if you show it they'll find you out. charlie angela, al jazeera. celebration was held in honor of onom, ten day long harvest festival. steamed rice was the main dish, in this vegetarian festival. i'm richelle carey, the news continues there with dwawlts. del walters. walters walters americans talk about stopping the alleged shooter on a train in france. the french will honour them. >> it was not a conscious decision, we just kind of acted. >> presidential politics, immigration, planned parenthood and donald trump - how republicans are trying to separate themselves, heading into september after the storm - 10 years after hurricane katrina killed nearly 2,000 people, the lessons learnt and the problems that still exist we begin tonight in france, where we are now hearing

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Louisiana , United States , Turkey , China , Delaware , California , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , Serbia , Ukraine , New Orleans , India , Egypt , Massachusetts , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Tehran , Iran , King Canyon , Belgium , South Korea , Greece , South Africa , New York , Japan , Macedonia , Lake County , Germany , Afghanistan , Florida , Lebanon , Pakistan , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Beirut , Beyrouth , Iraq , Baghdad , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , Houston , Texas , Bulgaria , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Americans , Ukrainians , Macedonian , Greek , Scotland , Britain , Iranian , North Korean , French , Ukrainian , Iraqi , British , German , Lebanese , South Korean , American , Jane Hartley , Orleans Allen , Scott Walker , Phil Torres , Elizabeth Warren , Joe Biden , Harry Fawcett , Kim Bonde , Andrew Simmons , Haider Al Abadi , Paul Brennan , Papa Cj , Al Jazeera America , Lisa Bernard , Nouri Al Maliki , George W Bush , Aaron Neville , Zeina Khodr , Richelle Carey , Francois Hollande , Kim Bondi , Charlie Angela , Ali Al Sistani , Antonio Mora ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

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katrina devastated new orleans and the gul gulf coast, we lookt the deaf of devastating part of history. >> i'm charlie angela. every inch has become a stage. >> and we begin tonight in france where three american men will be recognized for their act of bravery, french president francois hollande will recognize them. three people were injured when the gunman opened fire on a train from belgium to paris. the attacker was a 26-year-old more onak man. intelligence services had beck n tracking his movement, since last am. john terret has more. >> when most of us would run a, spencer, alec, and anthony, ran into the line of fire. >> ambassador jane hartley brimming with praise over three young americans who stopped a french attacker. spencer stone and his boyhood friend alex are being lauded as heroes in france along with a third american friend anthony and two other passengers, one british, one french. they noticed the gunman trying to fire an ak .47 in their train car. >> tackled them, we hit the ground, alec came up and grabbed the gun out of his hand while i pit him in choke hold. i.t. seemed like he just kept pulling more weapons left and right. pulled out a handgun. alec took that. took out a box cutter started jabbing at me with that. >> french authorities sai th sae 26-year-old gunman was on the radar in three countries for having ties to radical islam and for having traveled to syria. his legal team says he's just a homeless man who found the weapons in a bag. >> he said he planned to hold up the train and jump out the window to escape. >> that's unlikely. >> to the point he was just trying to rob the train it doesn't take eight magazines to rob a train. >> reporter: but they admit it was fortunate. the shooter seemed unsure how to handle the weapons. >> clearly he had no firearms training whatsoever, and if he knew what he was doing or just got lucky and done the right thing he would have been able to operate through all eight of those magazines and we would have all been in trouble. >> on monday, these three shy americans will be feted at the highest of are french society. the president and prime minister will be there and many members of his cabinet. it's possible no american has had quite this welcome in paris since the end of world war ii. john terret, al jazeera. >> in japan officials are investigating a series of explosions that lit up a night sky at a u.s. army depot. 25 miles southwest of the comal capital. capital. the pentagon confirmed this and said there were no injuries. the explosions they say sounded like fireworks. global markets taking a nose dive after uncertainly over china's economic conditions. the dow jones fell more than 530 points or 3.4%. the standard & poor's fell more than 64 points and losing more than a trillion in a week. ali velshi has more on why the markets took a turn for the worse. >> this is because china has devalued its currency. china likes to control its economy, this is a sign it hasn't been able to. gets factories moving, more people employed, the federal reserve has been looking add all the stuff going on in the world and deciding that it hasn't got a clear signal about when it's going to start raising interest rates. we're expecting this to have happened by now or at least by the end of the year. now that's a terrible thing except investors don't like uncertainty. dropping prices on oil to below $40 a barrel today it came back after that, but these things are signaling a slowing global economy and that's got investors worried. >> now to presidential politics. republican front runner donald trump continues to defend his immigration plan. extends to its handling of undocumented immigrants already in the u.s. >> the government has no idea. we've lost control of our country. our borders. the government has no idea how many illegals there are. i have heard 11 million for years and now the other day i heard 30. scott walker is being accused of commentincopying comments and pe of donald trump. >> this should be a red flag to voters out there who for years have had lip service for politician he because those politician he haven't been committed to following through on those promises. >> walker added he opposes a repeal of the 14th amendment. legalizing birth right citizenship. former president george w. bush's former attorney says the investigation is not a political witch hunt. >> it is unconceivable to me that a great deal of that was not classified and the question was what she knew what was on those e-mails that she sent, received and what she did with respect to them. >> and there are more signs that vice president joe biden is considering a third presidential run. he met yesterday with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. he's also been spending time in delaware with his family and closest political advisors. reports say biden could make his decision within the the next mo. >> 17 wildfires are raging across the west. the most recent began less than 24 hours ago in lake county and spread over 400 acres in just two hours. lisa bernard reports from king's canyon national park. where firefighters are working around the clock. >> what did you learn about this fire? >> this is the most steep topography. one of the most steepest train in the united states. >> what would it happen if it went to the other side? >> on the other side of the road is more uncontained fuels, these firefighters are trying as hard as they can to keep it inside those lines. they are trying to eliminate the vegetation and by lighting back fires we're able to control it a little more do it under our terms versus nature's or others. >> the fire has been raging since a lightning strike ignited the area last month. most of the fire is in the back country inaccessible to firefighters on foot. choppers have been collecting water from a large lake here and dropping it as fast as possible and returning for more. thick smoke in the mornings is preventing the choppers from going up until late afternoon. ten helicopters are being used on this fire. and here you can see what they are trying to prevent. king's canyon lodge is the only structure so far that has been destroyed by the fire. it was built in 1928 and tourists have been coming here for decades. it was filled with antiques that are now all gone. the owner is surprised that the double gravity gas pump survived, most of the park has been closed to visitors because of the fire. >> lisa bernard reporting there. french and german officials are expected to meet tomorrow to discuss the migrant crisis. after days of confrontations and storming lines of police in macedonia, thousands of riot police on sunday were making their way to european union. ann dew smongs is iandrew simmo. >> reporter: waiting for another journey. at one point police and soldiers were blocking the border with force. now they're organizing transit for these people to pass on through macedonia and on to serbia. in the crush there's tension. a train has arrived. there's no way everyone can get on board. there doesn't seem to be any system on telling these people whether they have a right to board this train, or not. it's hit and miss. people are pleading to soldiers to let them on board. they begin to let people through in orderly lines. the anxiety turning into smiles of relief. some of the security forces here are helpful and considerate. but any resistance to their orders is seen as provocation. one officer was heard telling a refugee if you don't like this, then you should go back to syria. and this mar man was saying evef he had the right papers he wasn't being allowed on the train. >> okay, it's enough. >> it's enough, it's enough. that is enough. okay, that is enough. >> this woman from afghanistan is trying to guide an extended family of 12 through all of this. she says she's been separated from some of them. >> my family are there, my grandpa and all children my uncle's children, my husband, but we don't going. >> some people have gone through extraordinary length to go this far, parting with their children on the border so they'd be allowed in. >> they would put their children underneath the razor wire, and let them come to the train station. this should not be happening anywhere to anybody. >> reporter: as many more people head from greece to the border, the latest political moves like so many others right across europe have failed these people. andrew simmons, al jazeera, macedonia. >> joining us now, a civil rights lawyer in. it is our understanding they have now been allowed to go through. do you think this flow of refugees is going to continue on this route? >> macedonia has seen a flow of migrants and each month it's more and more people entering. coming to greece from turkey and greek authorities transporting people from the greek islands to the mainland. you can expect macedonia can expect an even higher number of migrants in the particular months. >> why is this route so popular. >> we have seen this route being used by migrants and a sigh lum seekers, in the last few years actually, it's he mostly because greece and bulgaria have built fences on their mainland borders with turkey. they travel down to ismir in turkey and from there they take rickety boats to greece and then to macedonia or serbia and their genome is to go to the north eu countries. >> what was happening is the police there were authorized to do what was necessary to protect themselves if they were attacked. is there any evidence that any of the refugees were actually attacking any of the authorities at the border? >> no. we asked the ministry of the interior what was thinterior whf tear gas and stun grenades? they were authorized to use force if they were astacked. we asked were any of them attacked? we didn't get an answer to that question. >> whose responsibility is it to make sure these refugees are safe? >> it is the responsibility of the macedonian authority. but local ngos, we are talking about families with children, we are talking about children traveling without their parents, we are talking about people who are actually seeking protection. >> so along the way and once they get to their destination are you saying there's often no sort of assistance for them at all or very limited assistance? >> what assistance is provided is provided by local citizens and organizations. assistance to people traveling through the country they also documented that police often use physical violence against people fleeing. >> you're saying at this point there is no reason to anticipate this flow will actually lessen but you think in fact it will actually grow. >> we think it will actually grow and macedonia needs to cope with the situation. >> thank you very much. all right tensions are running high on the streets of lebanon tonight. coming up, angry lebanese citizens fed up with their government clash with riot police. and negotiators in north and south korea meet. hoping to ease tensions between the two. e two. yo >> angry protesters and riot police have been battling in the streets of beirut, frustration what protesters believe is an ineffective and also corrupt government. prime minister hinted he might resign. he also said anyone using violence against the protesters would be held accountable. yesterday, water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets were fired against protesters. ukrainian field commander says fighting between the ukrainians and provision fighters, monday marks ukraine independence days. official from the north and south korea met today at phnom truce village. harry fawcett filed this report. >> in these heightened times between north and south korea, it is not uncommon to see messages that are fairly mixed. driving across this checkpoint, towards pan moonjam, the peace village where these talks have been taking place, a south korean military force says there's been significant military movement north of the border. 50 of north korea's 70 submarines have been deployed from their bases, so far undetected by south korean ships and planes as well as that artillery on the northern side has been doubled we're told while these talks have been going on. it's worth pausing and think how we got to this point. it was on august the 4th when there were land mine blasts on the south korean side of the demilitarized zone. loudspeaker broadcasts, propaganda broadcasts across the border. north korea has been demanding south korea end the broadcasts, up to issuing a deadline for them to end, otherwise there would be a north korean military strike against them. the problem is south korea says it will not end those broadcasts until or unless north korea apologizes for the land mine attacks. we've had a very difficult situation even though we've had talks over the last couple of days. >> security talks scheduled for this week between india and pakistan have been called off. this comes during the time the two countries have been exchanging artillery fire. both sides say the other called off the meeting. it is now been over a year since the two countries have held high level talks. i.s.i.l. is counterattacking ally forces. iraqi officials report more than 70 soldiers and allied militia men have been killed since saturday. meanwhile in baghdad there is a growing division among shia politicians and parties following calls for reform. zeina khodr has more from baghdad. >> reporter: it is a protest movement that has brought society together but also brought into the open the power struggle between iraq's shia politicians. first they demanded better services then they want change. are. >> translator: people don't just want water and electricity. we want political reform in government institutions. >> reporter: prime minister haider al-abadi promised to do just that. but reforming iraq sectarian based political system will not be easy. teen prime minister said he is facing -- even the prime minister said he is facing difficult adversaries. >> we will and in their way. >> abadi has the backing of the highest shia authority in iraq. grand ayatollah ali al sistani. it was a message of support to abadi and to his rivals not to stand in his way. he approached nouri al-maliki. he has been challenged by political forces from within the shia leadership. shia militias who are known as the popular mobilization forces have replaced asn army that collapsed in the face of i.s.i.l. forces. allies of maliki who still has the largest single block in the iraqi parliament. >> translator: there are serious divisions within the shia house. this is very dangerous. abadi tried oask iran to stop shia groups from meddling in affairs but it didn't work. >> many cases stronger than the state. abadi needs to meet people's expectations in order to ensure his credibility but there is much more at stake including the future of iraq as a state. zeina khodr, al jazeera, baghdad. it was one of the worst natural disasters in u.s. history. when hurricane katrina came ashore no one knew how bad it was going to be. no one who ever survived the storm could forget how bad it actually was. relations between the u.c. and iran, tonight at 9:00 p.m. from havana, cuba, a look at the island nation that has been cut off from the united states, for almost 50 years, antonio mora, shows how warming relations with the u.s. may impact them. them. >> katrina was really a wake-up call. >> one of the worst catastrophes in u.s. history. >> most of south louisiana is all sediment, plant growth and decay... there's always a risk of flooding. >> now, new cutting edge technology that could help prevent future disasters... >> the system has really evolved. >> and what it means for new orleans. >> our big take away is new orleans is on a good track, but the job is not done here. >> techknow investigates 10 years after katrina. >> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey and here's a look at your top stories. three american men who helped prevent a mass shooting on a train will be honored tomorrow. the three men spoke about the ordeal at the french ambassador's residence in france. firefighters are pitching in to fight 17 wildfires in the west. the peterson fire is the latest to erupt in lake county in northern california. massive stock market selloff, april china unexpectedly devalued its currency. markets will be opening in the next hour. president obama will mark the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina there week by visiting new orleans. president obama will speak to city officials and more than 1800 people died in that storm, caused 125 billion in damage. so tonight, we look back at the storm, and its aftermath, and we begin with a clip from our documentary, "only new orleans." . >> the storm hit monday morning at approximately 5:30 in the morning. at about 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m, that monday, august the 29th, we got the first reports that the levee started breaching. the other districts of new orleans are predominantly below sea level. so when the levees that were built in the 1960s are breached, the city doesn't stand a chance. >> we put my mom in the swimming pool with the kids and we floated them to the bridge right there. we walked to the bridge. the water was here. people helped us because we can't swim, some of us can't swim. they had old people, bedridden, couldn't get out of the bed. they pushed them in their beds on mattresses or whatever they had. >> then the reports coming into our communications division that water was rising at a very rapid pace in several parts of the city particularly the lower 9th ward where water had risen up to 19 feet in ten minutes. >> water in the house and literally we stepped down from out the bed, all the furniture is floating, everything is floating, we got the decision to get into the attic. >> people were making phone calls to 911 operators and drowning in their attics. we got really bad reports. >> people were falling into the water, drowning, in total distress. so it was mass chaos at that time. >> we had enough time to get onto the attic by kicking a hole from the inside, get onto the roof and think we'll now be save and the house lifts off its foundation because it wasn't attached to its foundation and a piece of water floats when water hits it, it floated up the street that way the way the current was pushing it, so we wound up up the street on the roof of my house and that is how my granddaughter died. when we tried to seek refuge on another roof, she dropped off and disappeared. >> kim bondi, senior of operations. if new orleans is your home, it's always your home. take us back to where you were at that time? >> i was working in new york and was actually supposed to be in new orleans during that week but there were a million things going on and i couldn't. so i ended up being in the control room leading coverage as the storming was making landfall. and talking to my parents who had decided to stay. and they were in my home. so when i hear these stories and see those pictures and you're looking at pictures from the second floor of my home, you can see the garage, this is what i walked into. i mean a lot of those you know memories feel so far away and yet they're just right here. everything is right on the surface, you know. >> absolutely. >> what i love about the documentary is, and you'll see as you watch tonight is, it really is a celebration of the human spirit. people in new orleans are amazingly resilient. >> you're a different breed. >> we really are and they are. new orrleanians, my home had to be rebuilt i was sort of me and my brother, and you know, it took a lot of people to do it, things like your home being broken into after the storm and people stealing your bathtub or cutting the copper from underneath your house. but at the same time, the people of new orleans we were all going through this together. i didn't think that new orleans could come back as far as it has. i mean it's been ten years and there is still so much work richelle to be done. but the city is in many ways a better city. because people in new orleans have rallied and come together and you know really pushed the city forward. it is not through the help of the government or anyone else. it is truly about and as you'll see in the documentary only new orleans about music and the celebration of life and joy and pain. and you know lots of people really rallying. because they believe this city, new orleanians, the person who made this film, believe in new orleans enough to tell the story. >> only about half of people from new orleans have returned, is that because some people just financially can't, is it because some people don't want to? are there people who have been left behind and who are those people who have been left hidged? >> there are people who couldn't afford to come back and people who chose thought to come back. imagine if you are displaced and you oar family and you have kids, this was back to school time in new orleans. people had to move forward and put their kids back in school. we sent our special correspondent soledad o'brien, to interview, i think what the population is actually closer to 60 or 70%, 70% but those are not original new orle rvetionanians. we have done a great favor to your home town of houston. >> you have. you have. i'm glad to have so many of you all in my home town, absolutely. we are everywhere, right? memphis, you know, after the storm i was walking down the street and seeing people from new orleans, allen toussant, aaron neville who now lives in new york, there were those who chose not to come home and also who couldn't afford to come home. i have children in school, i have a better job, they were forced to leave and many of them did not come back. you are right. >> would it say it deeply changed people forever in a painful way, is it difficult for some people to watch? >> it is very, very emotional. i have seen it, when it was sent to me it was quite the surprise and i saw some of the very early footage, the aerials were aerials around my house. my house had nine feet of water for three weeks. the very first images i saw were actually on television. some of that exact same footage is what you'll see in the documentary tonight. i still get very emotional, heartbroken. i'm very sad for people who lost their lives, family members. i didn't lose family members, just a lot of stuff, houses and cars and things that could be replaced and could be replaced. there are people who have not had answers, bodies not identified, people not accounted for. but in new orleans people are trying to get on with their lives. you would say, i can't wait to stop talking about katrina. and you would say before katrina, it would take 75 or six years before it wasn't the first thing that came up in the first five minutes of conversation. >> where dogs new orleans go next, this is ten years, maybe that's a difficult question to answer. but i know there were people who couldn't see where new orleans is right now. >> they are rebuilding the economy, there is a focus on bioscience, a lot of young people moved to the city. so new orleans as our mayor says is looking at the city that it had imagined, city we want to be. we had a figure out a different way to do business. we had to think about recovery, education. i spent a lot of time volunteering in schools after i moved home and our education rates, our graduation rates were around 52, 55%. they're now up exponentially. there are people who are saying, i want to move to new orleans. the spirit of music, people wanting to come and experience our culture has really helped in that revival. >> wonderful. again, the documentary is only new orleans and you are kim bonde, our vice president of programs. thank you kim. only new orleans. runs tonight on al jazeera america, 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. the. 8:30, we are going to ask them about their experience. and weather forecasting has come a long way since hurricane katrina. nasa will have storm technology, phil torres will have this on "techknow." >> traditionally the national weather service has relied on hurricane hunters, they fly into the storm and take measurements, but for safety reasons, they only ask fly when the storm isn't too long. we can't current take measurements through heavy rain. >> when we were on katrina they were flying over their airplanes when they could and the last measurements were just a little bit after this, in this region here. >> dr. rough, professor of atmospheric science, said winds picked up even more building stronger storm surge and in the final hours that that couldn't be measured. >> the magnitude of flooding and also the locations where the flooding happened were very unexpected. >> inspired by katrina, dr. ruff, and his scientists launched cyness. >> it's a combination of eight satellites operating over the tropics, will measure very often because the satellites chase each other around. will take measurements of the storms very quickly. >> because cygness is a modified system that is already in space it is not as expensive. some more can be sent, the more satellites, the more measurements, therefore the more accurate the storm forecasting will become. >> when forecasts are wrong, people tend not to trust the next forecast as much. if they know that forecasts are reliable, they are much more likely to listen when there's a forecast for an emergency. >> what's interest going these new satellites is their size. the eight satellites are only about the size of a carry-on suitcase and only weigh about 64 pounds each. nasa says its r&d is always looking for smallest most cost effective way of using the vantage place of space for weather on perpt. >> tune in to "techknow" tomorrow, 6:30 eastern, 3:30 pacific, only on al jazeera america. before these professional gamers start playing, they're being tested for drugs. and the national zoo in washington is celebrating not one but two new baby cubs. >> the lifeline of the american west. >> for the first time in four years, britain and iran have opened embassies in each other's capitals. from london paul brennan has our report. >> reporter: this is the first visit to tehran by a british foreign secretary in 12 years, the sign of the importance which britain places on the establishment of relations with the islamic republic. britain is one offul western governments anticipating multibillion dollar business opportunities on the horizon. >> well i hope as the nuclear deal is implemented, and sanctions are gradually lifted off and iran reintegrates more effectively into the international economy, we will also see a tha that thawing of relationships between particularly saudi arabia and iran. burned a car and ransacked buildings in retaliation, the u.k. expelled iranian diplomats from london. >> things have changed in iran sings the removal of a.mahmadin. from iran. >> morning staff shuffled in and out of the building. then the charge daffairs is entered. >> a very significant day for our countries pps. >> representatives attending the ceremony are now looking forwards to better consular help. >> the main problem was the visas. especially the shia muslims that wanted to go to the holy shrines in iran. they had to go through a lot of hassle to go to the holy shrines in iran. >> the door of the embassy remain closed to all but officials and visiting dignitaries. actual it'll take many months until full functionality is restored but after a gap of four years the embassy here and in tehran are once again open for business. paul brennan, al jazeera, london. >> egypt's antiquities minister is trying to raise 40 million to buy back a statue. authorities in u.k. placed an export ban on the statue. the ban which expires on friday was intended to give egypt or a collector the chance to purchase the statue. thousands of computer gamers are coming together in germany this weekend, like their counterparts, professional gamers are being tested for performance enhancing substances. >> reporter: global music and sporting super-stars, but there is a new player exploding onto the world stage. welcome to the world of e-gaming. >> a lot more people are starting to know your face and the brand you're playing for. even in my home town, people come up to me and ask for photographs or -- autographs or photos. >> whether competitive gaming is in fact a sport? it's certainly trying present itself as just that. one of e-gaming's largest organization he now drug-testing players. >> we began working with the world antidoping agency and the national anti-doping agencies in germany to come up with comprehensive policies that would allow us to police our events globally. at the highest level. >> gamers have been accused of taking stimulants. this event in the german city of cologne. >> we have had bans on drugs, throughout its entire history but with this case we realized we didn't have the tool set we needed to really police. >> our role in this situation we wanted to support on the one hand and to improve the feeling on drug free gaming on the other hand. so we are kind of, yeah, arbitrator or referee in the country. >> career gamers apparently are taking this seriously too. >> we are playing for thousands of dollars. we need to take things more seriously and do stuff like that i have no problem about that. it's all good to me. >> and with predicted revenues set to top $1 billion within two years, organizers are hoping it's now game over for drug cheats. sarah coats, al jazeera. >> washington's national zoo is celebrating its newest arrivals, plural, born on saturday, both cubs appear to be healthy. their mother gave birth only days after zoo officials realized she was pregnant. working to make sure each cub gets enough time with mom. >> they have next to no fur, they're unable to thermoregulate, and they need to receive calories and fuel for furnace. because we have twins and because there are challenges with mom raising twins at the same time, we have followed our protocol where we will swap out the babies over the course of the day. >> the first cub weighed in just about three ounces, the second just under five ounces. the sex of the cubs will be determined in a few weeks when they are both examined by veterinarians. how comics from around the world are getting a laugh from their audiences in scotland. ftc pl a. >> a ten-year-old florida girl says a pain of the close encounter with a shark will not keep her from doing what she loves. kelly sarmack was standing off the beach in shallow water when she was bitten by a shark. paramedics did get her to the hospital very quickly. she needed 90 stitches. that said, she says she won't be staying away from the water any time in the future. >> i'm pretty sure i won't get bit by a shark in the future. >> concerns over china's slowing economy sent the global markets into a tailspin last week. in awr our week ahead segment as you have been reporting, it's been nearly ten years since hurricane katrina and its devastation to the gul gulf coa. we'll, have stories and photos that are to say the very least, incredible. richelle. >> del thank you so much. comedians from across the globe, as charlie angela reports, their humor transcend cultural and linguistic differences. please. very same way. everybody say, i don't know what people expect. >> making fun preconceptions, a big celebrity in south africa but in the u.k. he's just an unknown comedian charming an audience with his observations. >> every day partly cloudy. with no chance of black people. but he believes comedy can unite people. >> i know inside south africa with 11 official languages and even more cultures, i've definitely seen it transcend culture. papa cj was voted the best comedian. he performance all over the world but always tailors his material. >> the first thing i know about any new country, i find out about their politics their culture their recent scandals. my first ten minutes is purely about them. with that you've brought them in instantly and then can you bring them beyond their borders. >> as an indian comedian, depending where i am, people treat me differently. what i found exciting was how interesting the american comedians are. i say dude, i'm from india, if i open my bathroom window, 10,000 indians will come. >> when you're outside something you see things that people on the inside don't see anymore. everything is all of odd and strange and interesting and quirky. and that is the cement and the bricks of comedy. >> reporter: the festival approves that comedy is universal, but the passion and austerity, if you show it they'll find you out. charlie angela, al jazeera. celebration was held in honor of onom, ten day long harvest festival. steamed rice was the main dish, in this vegetarian festival. i'm richelle carey, the news continues there with dwawlts. del walters. walters walters americans talk about stopping the alleged shooter on a train in france. the french will honour them. >> it was not a conscious decision, we just kind of acted. >> presidential politics, immigration, planned parenthood and donald trump - how republicans are trying to separate themselves, heading into september after the storm - 10 years after hurricane katrina killed nearly 2,000 people, the lessons learnt and the problems that still exist we begin tonight in france, where we are now hearing

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