Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

streets of beirut. thousands protest what they say is a dysfunctional government. >> i'm catherine wambua-soi in a poor area. i'll tell you how that will help people get clean water, cheaply. we begin the newshour in macedonia, where security forces have given up trying to stop thousands of refugees crossing the border from greece. they are letting group of people through, and authorities are supplying buses and trains to take them to serbia, the next step in an e.u. journey. hundreds of might ants on seat -- migrants on saturday made a run for the border. security tried to use stun guns, they were overbhemed. this is why we are seeing a rush of people at the border. they are trying to get to hungary, a major crossing point into the e.u. hungary is building a 4 meter barbed wire fence. the rush is on to get through before it's finished. jonah hull is live for us in greece. what's the situation there. any sense that more people will be arriving. frankly, more people will be arriving all the time. as for what is happening at this point, of course, on saturday there were coy otic scenes as hundreds and hundreds broke away from the police lines. the razor wire that was laid across the track behind me leading from greece to macedonia. they sprinted across the fields with stun grenades exploding around them, utterly terrified. it's a lot calmer now, this crossing. not an official crossing, it's a railway line. people are walking along the line. it is, in theory, opened but controlled by the macedon wan police, who are only allowing groups in periodically at a time. presumably, we don't know because they won't tell us, the tactic is to control the flow into the next town along, which is the macedonian railway down, to control the flow into that town as and when trains and buses are available. what the macedonians don't want is an overflow of people on their territory, they'd rather it be here in greece. >> jonah hull on the greek side. let's cross to andrew simmonds on the macedonian side of the border with greece. we know that a number of refugees boarded a train that left a while ago. what is happening there now? >> chaotic scenes really. the situation in the railway station is it that everyone that remained on the platform, many of them could not get on the train, there wasn't room. hundreds have been moved away from the railway station. some are over here, some getting into taxis, if they can afford them, and if you look over here, there are some boarding one of the many buses brought down here by the government. everyone is paying a small fee. it is quite clear that the government tends to clear the area as much as they can, as to whether closing the border was the right thing to do, ask any humanitarian and diplomat, most will say it was a mistake. whether or not macedonians accept and admit that is another matter. there were a number of injuries that added to the crisis. now it appears that what they are doing is get out as many trains as possible, and as many buses as they can arrange as well. so what happens from here is that a very large bottle neck will occur on the serbian border, where the refugees and move across into serbia. serbia will then move as many as they can from hungary on to places such as germany, france and other e.u. states. colossal numbers. i'll get perspective on the situation from alexandra, who is working for a local national government organization. you have been here day and night to help these people. how critical is the situation? >> sorry about my voice. it was difficult to bring all the people into the country. the situation is critical, because the people don't know when they are going to get the paper. we never know what time the trains are going to be. they are like some timetables, but never expected. that's why people are nervous and are pushing and pulling. and that's why we are really needing to be hear, giving food and water to extract the most vulnerable of them all, the families with the children. >> io is watching you as police were selecting people to put on the train. almost hit and miss. you were trying to convince them that this woman should go on, this trial. it's not organised at all, is it? >> actually, we were working with - the army was there, because there was a big number of people. the army was in to organise it. they were relying on me and other people to extract the families. we are working with them in this case. they ask us which families should we take next. and we say this family has eight children. they have to go. they cannot stay here, you must be exhausted from what you are doings, the united nations is not here. they are all here. from the observers eye, the whole thing seems chaotic, what do you say. >> it is. it's what we face every day. usually i'm facing the north. here there is another girl working the job. her name is gabrielle. >> can i ask you one question, an important question. it was obviously a big mistake for the macedonian government to close the border, wasn't it. >> of course there was. i don't see the point of that. we don't under why that happened. they said the state of emergency, and months - for months, and more, 2,000 people are crossing the country as they did today, tomorrow, two weeks ago. i don't see why the state of emergency appears suddenly. and what they did is let the people that were there. yesterday we saw desperation. women that - the razor wire was there, they put children under the wire. we would go and extract the families. this desperation should not happen anywhere to anybody. >> on that note, thank you very much for that. that is it, no exaggeration, the scenes that people are witnessing here with people offering their children, handing them over. not just as a means to get a ride, as a means of desperation, because they want help, assistance. this is something that is not going away. it is simply being moved on. moved on to another location. it doesn't get easier, it doesn't get any less expensive. and it certainly gets more painful. not just for the people, but for all aspects of trying to help these people out, trying to comfort them, trying to equip them to live something near like a normal life. >> desperate and chaotic scenes there near the border with macedonia. andrew simmonds live for us many of the refugees making their way to europe are escaping the war in syria. at least 34 people have been killed in government air strikes there, the rebel held town of duma, coming under heavy bombardment on saturday. buildings in the town were struck with shells. 200 people were reported to be trapped under the rubble. rescuers were working on sunday to find survivors. the rebel-held town is regularly targeted by forces. air strikes killing 100 people. south-west of duma, the town is under government siege, lying north of damascus, food there. it is in short supply. people are dependent on age, agencies are being blocked from entering with food supplies blocked, the chin are doing what they can to find something to seat. scavenging through the rubbish on the street. >> this man and his children came to the area to escape a siege in another city nearby. now they are living under another one. >> we were sitting in our home, there were air strikes over our heads. i have four children. they get scared. fighting was in front of our house, that's when we decided to flee. >> thousands came here hoping to find security and food. they found neither. >> they have been under various levels of siege since the start of the syrian war. the residents started peaceful protests against the government earlier on in the uprising, but that was when the town's buildings were whole. they never imagined what would follow would be four years of hardship. they have had intermittent access to basic necessities like electricity and water. now that the town is under siege, aid agencies like the red crescent are unable to take in crucial supplies. >> all entrances are closed off. no basic medical supplies can enter. the situation is getting worse, because of the growing shortage of basic materials. >> the clinics are having to shut down because they don't have the medicine to treat people and as the routes in and out are blocked, the residents go hungry lebanon's prime minister says all political forces are to blame for the unprecedented protests in beirut. the outcry can't be ignored, and lebanon needs to elect a president as soon as possible. thousands fought with riot police on saturday. richard thompson as the details. >> reporter: these were by far the biggest protests since the crisis began. and now it's about much more than just rubbish collection. many people have been pushed to their limits by unreliable power supplies, expensive water and what they say is a dysfunctional government. >> we are against the sectarianism of the lebanese government. the parliament stole from the people's pockets, forcing youth to emigrate. we are here to protest lack of jobs, poverty and hunger. we have no electricity or water. >> reporter: it wasn't long before the protest became a standoff. riot police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowds. dozens of demonstrators and police were wounded. the crisis began a month ago with the closure of lebanon's biggest landfill site. rubbish piled up across the city. the summer heat made the fumes and smell worse. >> it's the stench of political corruption and paralysis that is driving the movement. there's no lasting solution to the waste management crisis, but with unrest on a scale not seen in beirut for years, the government is facing bigger problems an academic and analyst says people are protesting over much more than just garbage. >> what has happened is that there has been an accumulation of both garbage in the streets and real anger by citizens across the whole political spectrum about the manner in which they feel they are mistreated by their own government, or the fact that there isn't really a functioning government. there's problems and electricity cuts. water shortages, drop in wages, lack of job opportunities, a lack of basic political integrity of the lebanese system, and ordinary citizens are fed up with it. what you are starting to see is the kind of expression of anger that mirrors what we saw in many of the protests in egypt and tunisia and other places. in other words, a sense that citizens feel they are treated by their own government with both heavy-handedness, shooting yesterday at a peaceful protest and political disdain. ordinarily citizens feel they have no value, they don't count, they are fed up with it because they are starting to feel the tangible consequences of water, electricity, jobs, rubbish in the streets. it's qualitatively different to the protests seen before. >> i think the government will have to respond substantively. what the government does, the political elite, the ruling class, they blame each other or politicians on tv, supporting the demonstrators, while they ask the politicians to step down and get out of the way while good efficient people govern the country. the ruling class has not responded differently to how it has in the past. this is troubling, this is why people are out in the streets, because they are fed up with this. it was annoying before, embarrassing, it's hurting when you don't have fresh water in your home, electricity is cut 10-12 hours in the day. they are problems that should not exist. they are simply logistic al things to resolve. the government can't make a decision on how to solve the problems. there's a deeper structural problem in the incompetence of the governing structure in lebanon, and many lebanese are saying they've had enough, and want something to change more to tom on the al jazeera newshour. warming ties between u.k. and iran as both countries reopen their embassies. >> i'm in bogota where hundreds of cuban doctors that fled venezuela are caught in limbo here in columbia in sport, we hear from usain bolt, as he is ready to run for gold at the world athletics championships. >> documents in north and south korea are talking to try to eases cross border tensions. the two countries locked in a war of words since trading artillery fire. the talks lasted 10 hours, at a border village. live to harry fawcett, who is at the bridge, close to south korea's border. harry, the second round of talks, nearly four hours under way. any indication at this point of what is going on? >> no, everyone here in south korea, among the officials, remains tight-lipped, saying when the talks start and finish, and little else. the question, i suppose, is exactly what is being addressed in the talks. if they are able to talk about other things than what has got them to this situation, potentially there's some process that can be made. if they address the nub of the interests that separates the sides over the last few days, with north korea demanding the stop of loud speaker broadcasts. threatening to below them up before the talks got under way, and with the south korean side saying no, we'll continue with the loud speaker broadcasts until north korea admits responsibility and apologises for land mine blasts this month that seriously injured two seen soldiers. if that is the main point of the talks and contention, it's hard to see how they'll find much common ground. >> south korea's talking about military manoeuvres detected from north korea. >> that's right. it's not entirely contradictory. it could be that north korea is firming up the negotiating position by putting on a show of force. it's a big show of force, the forces that have been talking to the seen media. they say some 50 of north korea's submarines left their bases, and have not been detected. they put out planes, ships to detect where they might be. as well as that, they say the artillery on the northern side of the border has doubled while the talks have been going on. obviously that is something the south koreans take seriously, they maintained a heightened state of alert. it seems contradictory, but could be linked to talks itself. >> harry fawcett live near the south korean border britain and iran reopened embassies in each other's capitals. british foreign secretary hammond travelled to iran for a ceremony. live to paul brennan, outside the iranian embassy in london for us. paul, what is at stake here, it's not just diplomatic issues, there's a lot of economic issues at stake. >> yes, there is. basically it's a significant day not just politically, but business wise as well. of course the nuclear deal opens the way for sanctions. there's a billion dollar market for all kinds of things within iran. and it's significant not just the british, but the germans and other western countries rekindle diplomatic ties. at the same time they are taken along side the missions, business leaders. philip hammond took a minister from the treasury, and some senior businessmen from companies involved in mining, engineering and energy. basically to start opening the marketplace. the british don't want to be seen to be left behind when it comes to the business possibilities, and the lucrative possibilities that are entailing. >> paul brennan, live there in london. joining me from tehran, is a political analyst. thank you for being with us. how is this resumion of diplomatic relations received in tehran then? >> it is immense, the respeption is immense in the iranian -- reception is immense in the iranian capital and in england. there's 5,000 iranians in england. these people need to do some paper works and doesn't make sense not to have embassies in england or iran. it's a great day for the iranians, they have been waiting for more than four years to see this important day. let's not forget the day that those ta attacked the foreign embassies did not represent anyone in the country, they represented themselves and their depravity. it was so ugly, that both the leader and the government criticized the attacks four years ago. it is now - it's all about diplomacy, and serves as proof that diplomacy is working, that the nuclear deal between iran and the west is working and in full swing. >> we talk about the historical relationship between iran and britain, you mentioned that the protest that took place four years ago, and the tearing down of the british embassy, where does this animosity towards britain come from. it's something deep rooted, isn't it, going back to the colonial times. >> it is, but it's in the past. it's also about domestic consumption. some want to win votes, they come up with a scapegoat in the name of england. they win votes, especially the hardliners, this is the 21st century. i think the iranians came to their sense, the government came to their senses, now they have common enemies and challenges. in the face of i.s.i.l., the drug war and the problem of migrant crisis in the middle east, in north africa, and, of course, in europe. there is no limit in what these two countries can do, in order to cement ties to firm it up when it comes to dealing with the challenges. we have serious problems history when it comes to the british conduct. when we go to the iran sovereignty. especially when it comes to the time that the british and american governments work together to back up and instigate a coup against iran. the first democratically elected government. apart from that, i think it's all about diplomacy, mutual trust and interest, and let's cross our fingers that there'll be no clowns on the streets to attack the embassies, there'll be good-minded politicians that will act beyond these, you know, sentimental reactions when it comes to relations between the two countries. i think this is a great day for iran and the british government. i think they have a lot of common centers from now on. that's why they are here. let's not forget that we have many - several, several british government officials, as well as trade leaders and officials here to sign trade deals with iran. it's a win-win day for both countries. >> good to get your perspective on this. thank you for your time. >> reporter: let's get the weather with rob. and typhoon ghani is still around near taiwan. >> yes, it's one of a pair of typhoons around for a week. the satellite shows it best. let me take you back 24 hours. there are two spinning discs, this is not the one we are interested in. behind me, this spinner lost its eye. it's ghani, and apsani. ghani had an interesting course. it starts off somewhere around about the middle of the pacific and turned into a typhoon. heading west wards towards the philippines. they did a right angle turn to sit off where it is now. over the philippines, it churned for two days. this was always the fear. it rained and rained and rained. it left about half a meter of rain. it caused tremendous landslides gusting 205 k/hr, and causing 10 deaths. luckily for taiwan it's off the coast. it has left rain there, some landslides, it's kusting about 185km an hour. and is a category 3 storm. the course is the interesting one. if it follows this one, it's heading to south korea, and eventually vladivostok. >> switching gears, digital art is nothing new, it's been around as longs as the computer. as it become more sophisticated so too the way it's showcased. >> reporter: hi, meet latervo. >> i'm a digital artist. >> this is the curator of panther modern. >> i create architecture for other artists. >> unlike other online galleries connected to a physical space, panther only exists in the virtual world. the digital art work it exhibits was designed to be viewed online. in traditional galleries, the emphasis is on gallery-worthy works. artwork that moved behind the novelty of the web to create online gallery work. it is a new concept. >> you can go into a lot of virtual spaces and see crazy things. crazy graphics. what is it artists can do with that space. what do they do? what the do they bring to the mix. i don't know if that's a totally resolved question. >> most art isn't digital art like this, it's meant to be viewed in person. panther modern looks like it could exist in the real world, but the art couldn't. for artists like photographer mark dorph. that's part of the appeal. his work combines traditional photography with digital images. >> these images are made to replicate a reality, but they go beyond that. they can lose a lot of the rules and laws of our physical existence, things like physics, budget. things like space. so you can go to town. >> encouraging artists to create work that cannot exist in the physical world was a goal, like panther modern, she can only be reached online. >> i don't seek to be anonymous. i ask people to meet me in the virtual space. >> it seems that's where she and her gallery is most at home. >> kristen saloomey al jazeera new york. stay with us here on the newshour, still ahead iraq's prime minister responds to protests with a promise to tackle corruption. he says he's facing powerful enemies. also coming up... >> this is sending a message and the message is drawing big crowds. we hear from the man that wants to bet hillary clinton for the democratic party's presidential nomination and why the virtual world of e-sports is facing a battle to stay drug free. drug free. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. hello again, you are watching the al jazeera newshour, a reminder of our top stories. hundreds of refugees bored a plane to go from macedonia to serbia. border police have started to let people through. there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people trying to cross into macedonia on their way to northern europe. in lebanon, dozens of people have been injured as protesters fought with riot police in down-town beirut. it's the worst unrest in a month of demonstrations sparked in a waste management crisis. the british flag has been raised in tehran as it reopened the embassy for the first time in four years. iran opened its mission, relations improved since work powers struck a nuclear deal with iran in july. now, thousands of experts gathered in stockholm for what is called world water week. the theme this year is water for development. focussing on making sure resources are used efficiently. and we have enough for the world's growing needs. 9 billion, rather, cubic meters of water is used worldwide every year. of that 40% is consumed by four countries, china, india, u.s. and brazil. most of that water, 69% is used in agriculture, like irrigating crops or raising cattle. 19% is used for generating electricity. 12% domestic use. 750 million people, 11% of the population do not have actions to safe water. almost 40% of them live in sub-saharan africa. from kenyan, catherine wambua-soi reports on a scheme trying to give people better action to water this card has never been more important for people in this township on the outskirts of nairobi. it pays for water. at half a u.s. cent. this person and several other card holders gets 20 litres of clean water. an average family using 120 litres a day. in an area where water has been expensive, this atm style dispenser is welcome news. . >> it helped me. we used to go far to look for water. now if there's no water from the city council, we can get water here. >> this is a slum of half a million people. the nairobi water company, which provides water to the residence has installed four dispenses, facing competition from the vendors. >> see that water point there. that's an illegal connection, it appears to be busier, the many water points here in the states to be operated by landlords and vigila vigilante groups. those that live here buy water at twice the cost. >> we don't have the facilities. because we don't have resources. in the >> reporter: local community workers are used, including skeptics to buy the cards. they say although the new water points are cheaper, they're an inconvenience. >> the water points are few, the water pressure is low. we have to queue, wasting a lot of time. the water provider hopes to install 1,000200 water -- 1,200 water dispensers to reach all those in the slum. until then they have no option but to operate alongside the cartels. we are joined by margaret batty, director of global policy and campaigns, a charity dedicated to providing safe water to the poor and marginalized. what do you make of this atm style water dispenser. is this the right way forward, do you think? >> thank you. it's fascinating to see innovations like this. as pointed out, the poorest people off grids don't receive water in the home, are the hardest to reach. they pay more for the water than we do in london, doha or new york. it's interesting to find out ways or innovative ways of reaching the population. we avoid that situation you show about racquet ears, black market and extortion. also, as you say, it's important to realise the scale of this problem. there's 650 million people without safe water. that's one in 10 in the population, and related to that, the questions of sanitation and hygiene. 2.3 billion people without sanitation, which impacts on the quality and surety of the water. this is a big problem, but great to see innovations like this. >> we mentioned the topic of the world water week is called water for development. what does that mean. what are the pressing topics that need to be discussed there. >> it's interesting. stockholm, world water week, there's a gathering of community and the anticipation and energy, because we are four weeks away from a major agreement from the united nations, on sustainable development goals, and the overall headline of the development goals will be to eradicate poverty by 2013. massive ambition, and you can't do this unless you address access to water sanitation and hygiene. so at stockholm this week, water aid, international non-governmental organization, world health organisation, private sector, they are all coming together to say how can we step up. what's the transformational change we need to achieve so everyone everywhere has water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030. this is a big agenda. the next four weeks are pivot although ol. >> the challenge of course is to coordinate the different groups and country. what are the maybe obstacles that you encounter in delivering aid to problem areas. >> a couple of things, really. partly innovation, such as you show in nairobi, really encouraging. a major issue is political leadership. this can be leadership at national level, international. communities and utilities such as you showed in the programme, and financing. when it comes to be need more finance of course, funding for water and sanitation. we are looking at different ways to do things, underpinning economic development, and we need to find different ways of addressing the issue. we have 15 years. >> good to peak to you. margaret batty from campaign water aid. thank you for being with us. high level talks between india and pakistan collapsed hours before they were to begin. pakistan pulled out saying it will not accept india's preconditions. it wants to discuss the dispute over the kashmir region. india wants the meeting between the national security advisor. we go to the indian capital in new delhi. more in a moment. let's hear from haider al-abadi. in pakistan administered kashmir. >> although the indian prime minister and the pakistani minister, sharif agreed to resume talks, there was an indication it was a step forward. now the pakistani side said it analysed the indian foreign minister's statement at a press conference in which india put two conditions - pakistan says india cannot unilaterally put conditions for talks, they should be unconditional. they cannot do this alone. they object to the second point, that the pakistanis will not be allowed to meet the kashmiri leaders likely to attend the talks, and india would not accept a third party. therefore pakistan coming to the conclusion that the talks would not be productive. the fear is that with the breakdown of the talks, the tensions along the cin of control -- line of control in the disputed region of kashmir was likely to get worse before it got better. >> india described pakistan's decision to back out of the national security advisor's talks as unfortunate. the stalling of the talks boils down to what was going to be on the agenda in terms of what the leaders were going to talk about. now, india says the talks would be firmly on terrorism. cross-border terrorism, that the indian government says pakistan is aware of and has the ability to help solve. without it, without this discussion, the indian government says there can be no viable or sustainable us discussion. islamabad is seeking a broader pallet. including on the disputed kashmir region. india says that is not on the agenda of the talks about 250 protesters are blocking access to a port in southern iraq, rallying outside the port since friday. demanding jobs and political reform. the perform haider al-abadi announced reforms that said some people are standing in the way of progress. there's a split among shia politicians and parties over plans to shake up government and fight corruption. zeina khodr has more. >> reporter: it's a protest movement that has brought society together and brought into the open the power struggle between the iraqi shia politicians. iraqis from different sects and walks of life at first demonstrated better services. now they want change. >> people don't just want water and electricity, we want political reform, and government institutions. >> prime minister haider al-abadi promised to do that. the protests a show of support for a pledge to fight corruption, reforming the sectarian political system will not be easy. the prime minister said he is facing powerful enemies. >> translation: there are people that want to bring down the political process. they have money and run television and radio stations. we will stand in their way. >> they have the backing of the highest society in iraq. the grand ayatollah sistani. whose as considerable influence over the shia population, through his statement he urged haider al-abadi to press ahead with reforms. it was a message of support and to his rival - don't stand in his way. he took over and replaced nouri al-maliki, accused of sectarian practices. after i.s.i.l. took over much of the mainland. his mission was to reconcile the communities, and reassert state authority. he's been challenged by forces within the leadership. shia militias, known as the popular mobilization forces collapsed. they have political ambitions, some have links with iran and are allies of maliki, who have the largest single block in the iraqi parliament. >> there are serious divisions within the shi'a house. this is very dangerous. haider al-abadi tried to stop shia groups meddling in state affairs. it didn't work. >> reporter: the protests emerged from a grassroots movement. but there's fear they may be hijacked by political forces who are stronger than the state. haider al-abadi needs to make people's expectations to ensure credibility. including the future of iraq as a state at least 14 members of one of el salvador's street gangs has been killed in a prison. the violence happened in a gaol in the city, about 30km from the capital of san el salvador. a state of emergency was declared for 72 hours in the prison after fighting broke out between two factions of the same gang hundreds of cuban medical workers hoping to reach the u.s. are stranded in columbia's capital bogota. the government wanting to take advantage of an initiative granting them visas. sporting white gowns and showing their diplomas, these cuban medical workers are caught in limbo in bogota. they reached columbia legally, fleeing the medical mission. they were enticed to do so by the 2006 cuban medical parole programme. a u.s. government initiative promising them a fast and safe passage to the u.s. >> we expected our cases to be resolved within 15-90 days. that's how the programme works. some waited up to seven months without response, or have been turned down. >> dozens are crammed in small apartments, savings running out. this nurse fled five months ago with just $600 in his pocket. >> translation: we are facing true hardship. we left families and jobs for something that was 99% certain, and now we don't know what will happen to us. >> this dentist is it six months pregnant, unable to pay for a hospital, she's visited bay colleague. -- by a colleague. >> translation: i'll soon be giving birth. i don't know where and how. what will happen to us. >> reporter: cuba started its international medical brigades in 1963. currently more than 50,000 work abroad. the island received oil and cash. cuba demanded an end to the parole programme, blaming it for blame train. so many thought it was a consequence of renewed ties between the u.s. and cuba, something the u.s. government denies. >> i pointed to the u.s. citizenship and immigration service to speak to these cases, and what these medical personnel are going through. but it is not at all related. not to the new policy with cuba, there's no time, no connection. >> the u.s. agency responsible for the programme said they were unable to provide specific answers, and in a statement they have seen increasing cases and were dedicating resources to the pending case load, but with more doctors arriving in bogota, it's unclear whether their journeys will end here still to come on the newshour. find out if serena williams can stay on course for another title in cincinnati. back in a moment. a moment. hello again. in the race for the u.s. democratic party's presidential nomination, former secretary of state hillary clinton is dealing with reports of a criminal investigation into her private email accounts. and that is helping her only serious rival, senator bernie sanders. tom ackerman reports from the campaign trail in south carolina. >> reporter: across the conservative state thousands flogged to hear self-described socialist bernie sanders declaim his favourite populist themes. >> this campaign is sending a message to the most powerful people in this country. to the billionaires, and what we are saying to them is you are no longer going to be able to get it all. it is not a radical idea. it's an american ideal. that of - that if somebody works 40 hours a week, that person should not be living in poverty. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: the 73-year-old senator from vermont wins praise from his admirers for qualities they consider lacking in the democratic front runner. >> i see hillary clinton beholding to corporations, where bernie sanders is getting his support from the people he claims to represent. >> reporter: bernie sanders has been narrowing the gap with clinton, in polls ranking with her in early primary states. as much as bernie sanders is drawing voters away from hillary clinton, his big challenge in states like south carolina is to attack blacks and hispanics. >> reporter: they called for more for education and jobs. sanders promised to protect black voting rights from republicans they see restricting them. >> i'd like to see her touch on it like bernie sanders did. he'll steal a lot of votes from hillary clinton. >> reporter: what bernie sanders refused to do is confront hillary clinton. >> there are many issues we disagree, but i'm not going to engage in personal attacks and characterizations. >> reporter: bernie sanders addressed some local leaders with a forthright approach. >> he didn't have an answer, he said he'd do more research. that's a good sign. he could have brushed the question off as some do. >> reporter: the first primary is five months away. time enough for sanders to make hillary clinton's obligation less assured. time to get all the sport. here is andy. >> thank you so much. in the next few minutes, usain bolt and justin gatlin will be in action apt the world championships. the semifinals test 100 metres are coming up in beijing, the gold medal to be decided. bolt has been hampered by injury, coming through the heats in 9.96 seconds. gatlin has been twice suspended for doping offense, and he was booed by the crowd before his heat, but won the quickest time of the day, 9.83 seconds. >> it was a good run. i feel good, happy with my performance. >> a lot of people see you two as diverse. how do you look at it? >> i look at it as a competition, i'm here to compete against anyone in the lane sunday's early actions saw jennifer closing in on a second world title in the heptathlon, recording a season best in the long jump and with the 800m to run in the 7-discipline event, the britain has a strong overall lead serena williams once again has the unstoppable look about her in cincinnati, the defending champion through to the final after beating elina svitolina, the world number one, winning in straight sets. setting up a final with simona halep. this is serena williams final tournament before the us open. the american aiming to win all four grand slams in the same year, for the first time in her career. >> well i look at to this way. last time i lost in cincinnati and won the open. and then won cincinnati and lost the open. hopefully i'll be okay novak djokovic faces roger federer in the men's final in cincinnati. novak djokovic dropped a set against ukrainian alexandr dolgopolov, before coming through in three sets. novak djokovic made four previous appearances in the since final, and lost every one of them roger federer reached the final by beating world number two, andy murray. roger federer has now beaten murray in the last five matches. he's aiming for a seventh title in cincinnati. tiger woods is in a tie for second place going into the final round of the wyndham championship. in with a chance of a tournament win. woods had a share of the lead at the halfway stage. a round of 68 keeps him within two strokes of leader. he could have been better for woods, but he did this on the final green. he three-putted. >> it was a grind. i can't believe myself. i had to put defensively because of it. i couldn't get on the run that jason and jonas did. i didn't put myself in the right spots. >> australian cricket captain michael clarke is closing in on a win against england in the final test match. his side in complete control. australia needs a couple more wickets to claim the win. england have already won the series. >> india pushed the lead to 400 runs in the test against india. rouhani scoring a century. india attempting to level that series. in formula 1, the belgium series getting under way in the next hour. lewis hamilton on poll position. he'll share the front of the grid with nico rosberg. lewis hamilton's 10th hole in the last 11 races, britain leading nico rosberg by the over all standings competitive video gaming may not be an idea of genuine sports. the prize money is real. it's predict the market is worth a billion dollars worth of revenue within two years. with high stakes comes the dem takes for some gamers to cheat, as sarah coates reports productions of this magnitude are reserved for global music and sporting superstars. but there's a new player exploding on to the world stage. welcome to the world of egaming. >> a lot of more people are knowing your face and the brand you play for, even at my home town people come up and ask for autographs and photos. it's a bit much to take in. it's known as the superstar. >> opinions remain fiercely divided on whether competitive video gaming is a sport. but it's certainly trying to present itself as just that. one of egaming's largest organizations drug testing players. >> we began working with the world anti-doping agency and the anti-doping agency in germany to come up with policies allowing us to police all events at the highest levels. gamers have been accused of taking stimulants to improve concentration and reaction time. stakes are high, with prize money of 250,000. at this event, in the german city of cologne. >> we had an example where a player came forward. >> we had bans on drugs. we realized that we didn't have the tool set needed to police. >> it's irrelevant in this situation. we wanted to support on the one hand and improve the feeling on drug free gaming on the other hand. we are kind of - yes, arbitrator, referee. >> career gamers appear to be taking testing seriously too. >> we are playing for thousands of years and dollars. bringing more professionally, taking things seriously, doing things like that. i have no problem about that. it's all good to me. >> with predicted revenues set to top $1 billion within two years, organizers are hoping it's game over for drug cheats more from the world athletics later on. that is it for now. >> thanks andy. now a full bulletin of news is straight ahead. stay with us here. here. [ ♪ ] the next step in their journey into europe. hundreds of refugees allowed into macedonia as security is eased at the border. hello. here is what else is coming up. it's scenes like this many are escaping from. we report on the people scavenging for food in syria. also ahead - frustrations on the streets of beirut. thousands protest what they say is a dysfunctional government.

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

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streets of beirut. thousands protest what they say is a dysfunctional government. >> i'm catherine wambua-soi in a poor area. i'll tell you how that will help people get clean water, cheaply. we begin the newshour in macedonia, where security forces have given up trying to stop thousands of refugees crossing the border from greece. they are letting group of people through, and authorities are supplying buses and trains to take them to serbia, the next step in an e.u. journey. hundreds of might ants on seat -- migrants on saturday made a run for the border. security tried to use stun guns, they were overbhemed. this is why we are seeing a rush of people at the border. they are trying to get to hungary, a major crossing point into the e.u. hungary is building a 4 meter barbed wire fence. the rush is on to get through before it's finished. jonah hull is live for us in greece. what's the situation there. any sense that more people will be arriving. frankly, more people will be arriving all the time. as for what is happening at this point, of course, on saturday there were coy otic scenes as hundreds and hundreds broke away from the police lines. the razor wire that was laid across the track behind me leading from greece to macedonia. they sprinted across the fields with stun grenades exploding around them, utterly terrified. it's a lot calmer now, this crossing. not an official crossing, it's a railway line. people are walking along the line. it is, in theory, opened but controlled by the macedon wan police, who are only allowing groups in periodically at a time. presumably, we don't know because they won't tell us, the tactic is to control the flow into the next town along, which is the macedonian railway down, to control the flow into that town as and when trains and buses are available. what the macedonians don't want is an overflow of people on their territory, they'd rather it be here in greece. >> jonah hull on the greek side. let's cross to andrew simmonds on the macedonian side of the border with greece. we know that a number of refugees boarded a train that left a while ago. what is happening there now? >> chaotic scenes really. the situation in the railway station is it that everyone that remained on the platform, many of them could not get on the train, there wasn't room. hundreds have been moved away from the railway station. some are over here, some getting into taxis, if they can afford them, and if you look over here, there are some boarding one of the many buses brought down here by the government. everyone is paying a small fee. it is quite clear that the government tends to clear the area as much as they can, as to whether closing the border was the right thing to do, ask any humanitarian and diplomat, most will say it was a mistake. whether or not macedonians accept and admit that is another matter. there were a number of injuries that added to the crisis. now it appears that what they are doing is get out as many trains as possible, and as many buses as they can arrange as well. so what happens from here is that a very large bottle neck will occur on the serbian border, where the refugees and move across into serbia. serbia will then move as many as they can from hungary on to places such as germany, france and other e.u. states. colossal numbers. i'll get perspective on the situation from alexandra, who is working for a local national government organization. you have been here day and night to help these people. how critical is the situation? >> sorry about my voice. it was difficult to bring all the people into the country. the situation is critical, because the people don't know when they are going to get the paper. we never know what time the trains are going to be. they are like some timetables, but never expected. that's why people are nervous and are pushing and pulling. and that's why we are really needing to be hear, giving food and water to extract the most vulnerable of them all, the families with the children. >> io is watching you as police were selecting people to put on the train. almost hit and miss. you were trying to convince them that this woman should go on, this trial. it's not organised at all, is it? >> actually, we were working with - the army was there, because there was a big number of people. the army was in to organise it. they were relying on me and other people to extract the families. we are working with them in this case. they ask us which families should we take next. and we say this family has eight children. they have to go. they cannot stay here, you must be exhausted from what you are doings, the united nations is not here. they are all here. from the observers eye, the whole thing seems chaotic, what do you say. >> it is. it's what we face every day. usually i'm facing the north. here there is another girl working the job. her name is gabrielle. >> can i ask you one question, an important question. it was obviously a big mistake for the macedonian government to close the border, wasn't it. >> of course there was. i don't see the point of that. we don't under why that happened. they said the state of emergency, and months - for months, and more, 2,000 people are crossing the country as they did today, tomorrow, two weeks ago. i don't see why the state of emergency appears suddenly. and what they did is let the people that were there. yesterday we saw desperation. women that - the razor wire was there, they put children under the wire. we would go and extract the families. this desperation should not happen anywhere to anybody. >> on that note, thank you very much for that. that is it, no exaggeration, the scenes that people are witnessing here with people offering their children, handing them over. not just as a means to get a ride, as a means of desperation, because they want help, assistance. this is something that is not going away. it is simply being moved on. moved on to another location. it doesn't get easier, it doesn't get any less expensive. and it certainly gets more painful. not just for the people, but for all aspects of trying to help these people out, trying to comfort them, trying to equip them to live something near like a normal life. >> desperate and chaotic scenes there near the border with macedonia. andrew simmonds live for us many of the refugees making their way to europe are escaping the war in syria. at least 34 people have been killed in government air strikes there, the rebel held town of duma, coming under heavy bombardment on saturday. buildings in the town were struck with shells. 200 people were reported to be trapped under the rubble. rescuers were working on sunday to find survivors. the rebel-held town is regularly targeted by forces. air strikes killing 100 people. south-west of duma, the town is under government siege, lying north of damascus, food there. it is in short supply. people are dependent on age, agencies are being blocked from entering with food supplies blocked, the chin are doing what they can to find something to seat. scavenging through the rubbish on the street. >> this man and his children came to the area to escape a siege in another city nearby. now they are living under another one. >> we were sitting in our home, there were air strikes over our heads. i have four children. they get scared. fighting was in front of our house, that's when we decided to flee. >> thousands came here hoping to find security and food. they found neither. >> they have been under various levels of siege since the start of the syrian war. the residents started peaceful protests against the government earlier on in the uprising, but that was when the town's buildings were whole. they never imagined what would follow would be four years of hardship. they have had intermittent access to basic necessities like electricity and water. now that the town is under siege, aid agencies like the red crescent are unable to take in crucial supplies. >> all entrances are closed off. no basic medical supplies can enter. the situation is getting worse, because of the growing shortage of basic materials. >> the clinics are having to shut down because they don't have the medicine to treat people and as the routes in and out are blocked, the residents go hungry lebanon's prime minister says all political forces are to blame for the unprecedented protests in beirut. the outcry can't be ignored, and lebanon needs to elect a president as soon as possible. thousands fought with riot police on saturday. richard thompson as the details. >> reporter: these were by far the biggest protests since the crisis began. and now it's about much more than just rubbish collection. many people have been pushed to their limits by unreliable power supplies, expensive water and what they say is a dysfunctional government. >> we are against the sectarianism of the lebanese government. the parliament stole from the people's pockets, forcing youth to emigrate. we are here to protest lack of jobs, poverty and hunger. we have no electricity or water. >> reporter: it wasn't long before the protest became a standoff. riot police fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowds. dozens of demonstrators and police were wounded. the crisis began a month ago with the closure of lebanon's biggest landfill site. rubbish piled up across the city. the summer heat made the fumes and smell worse. >> it's the stench of political corruption and paralysis that is driving the movement. there's no lasting solution to the waste management crisis, but with unrest on a scale not seen in beirut for years, the government is facing bigger problems an academic and analyst says people are protesting over much more than just garbage. >> what has happened is that there has been an accumulation of both garbage in the streets and real anger by citizens across the whole political spectrum about the manner in which they feel they are mistreated by their own government, or the fact that there isn't really a functioning government. there's problems and electricity cuts. water shortages, drop in wages, lack of job opportunities, a lack of basic political integrity of the lebanese system, and ordinary citizens are fed up with it. what you are starting to see is the kind of expression of anger that mirrors what we saw in many of the protests in egypt and tunisia and other places. in other words, a sense that citizens feel they are treated by their own government with both heavy-handedness, shooting yesterday at a peaceful protest and political disdain. ordinarily citizens feel they have no value, they don't count, they are fed up with it because they are starting to feel the tangible consequences of water, electricity, jobs, rubbish in the streets. it's qualitatively different to the protests seen before. >> i think the government will have to respond substantively. what the government does, the political elite, the ruling class, they blame each other or politicians on tv, supporting the demonstrators, while they ask the politicians to step down and get out of the way while good efficient people govern the country. the ruling class has not responded differently to how it has in the past. this is troubling, this is why people are out in the streets, because they are fed up with this. it was annoying before, embarrassing, it's hurting when you don't have fresh water in your home, electricity is cut 10-12 hours in the day. they are problems that should not exist. they are simply logistic al things to resolve. the government can't make a decision on how to solve the problems. there's a deeper structural problem in the incompetence of the governing structure in lebanon, and many lebanese are saying they've had enough, and want something to change more to tom on the al jazeera newshour. warming ties between u.k. and iran as both countries reopen their embassies. >> i'm in bogota where hundreds of cuban doctors that fled venezuela are caught in limbo here in columbia in sport, we hear from usain bolt, as he is ready to run for gold at the world athletics championships. >> documents in north and south korea are talking to try to eases cross border tensions. the two countries locked in a war of words since trading artillery fire. the talks lasted 10 hours, at a border village. live to harry fawcett, who is at the bridge, close to south korea's border. harry, the second round of talks, nearly four hours under way. any indication at this point of what is going on? >> no, everyone here in south korea, among the officials, remains tight-lipped, saying when the talks start and finish, and little else. the question, i suppose, is exactly what is being addressed in the talks. if they are able to talk about other things than what has got them to this situation, potentially there's some process that can be made. if they address the nub of the interests that separates the sides over the last few days, with north korea demanding the stop of loud speaker broadcasts. threatening to below them up before the talks got under way, and with the south korean side saying no, we'll continue with the loud speaker broadcasts until north korea admits responsibility and apologises for land mine blasts this month that seriously injured two seen soldiers. if that is the main point of the talks and contention, it's hard to see how they'll find much common ground. >> south korea's talking about military manoeuvres detected from north korea. >> that's right. it's not entirely contradictory. it could be that north korea is firming up the negotiating position by putting on a show of force. it's a big show of force, the forces that have been talking to the seen media. they say some 50 of north korea's submarines left their bases, and have not been detected. they put out planes, ships to detect where they might be. as well as that, they say the artillery on the northern side of the border has doubled while the talks have been going on. obviously that is something the south koreans take seriously, they maintained a heightened state of alert. it seems contradictory, but could be linked to talks itself. >> harry fawcett live near the south korean border britain and iran reopened embassies in each other's capitals. british foreign secretary hammond travelled to iran for a ceremony. live to paul brennan, outside the iranian embassy in london for us. paul, what is at stake here, it's not just diplomatic issues, there's a lot of economic issues at stake. >> yes, there is. basically it's a significant day not just politically, but business wise as well. of course the nuclear deal opens the way for sanctions. there's a billion dollar market for all kinds of things within iran. and it's significant not just the british, but the germans and other western countries rekindle diplomatic ties. at the same time they are taken along side the missions, business leaders. philip hammond took a minister from the treasury, and some senior businessmen from companies involved in mining, engineering and energy. basically to start opening the marketplace. the british don't want to be seen to be left behind when it comes to the business possibilities, and the lucrative possibilities that are entailing. >> paul brennan, live there in london. joining me from tehran, is a political analyst. thank you for being with us. how is this resumion of diplomatic relations received in tehran then? >> it is immense, the respeption is immense in the iranian -- reception is immense in the iranian capital and in england. there's 5,000 iranians in england. these people need to do some paper works and doesn't make sense not to have embassies in england or iran. it's a great day for the iranians, they have been waiting for more than four years to see this important day. let's not forget the day that those ta attacked the foreign embassies did not represent anyone in the country, they represented themselves and their depravity. it was so ugly, that both the leader and the government criticized the attacks four years ago. it is now - it's all about diplomacy, and serves as proof that diplomacy is working, that the nuclear deal between iran and the west is working and in full swing. >> we talk about the historical relationship between iran and britain, you mentioned that the protest that took place four years ago, and the tearing down of the british embassy, where does this animosity towards britain come from. it's something deep rooted, isn't it, going back to the colonial times. >> it is, but it's in the past. it's also about domestic consumption. some want to win votes, they come up with a scapegoat in the name of england. they win votes, especially the hardliners, this is the 21st century. i think the iranians came to their sense, the government came to their senses, now they have common enemies and challenges. in the face of i.s.i.l., the drug war and the problem of migrant crisis in the middle east, in north africa, and, of course, in europe. there is no limit in what these two countries can do, in order to cement ties to firm it up when it comes to dealing with the challenges. we have serious problems history when it comes to the british conduct. when we go to the iran sovereignty. especially when it comes to the time that the british and american governments work together to back up and instigate a coup against iran. the first democratically elected government. apart from that, i think it's all about diplomacy, mutual trust and interest, and let's cross our fingers that there'll be no clowns on the streets to attack the embassies, there'll be good-minded politicians that will act beyond these, you know, sentimental reactions when it comes to relations between the two countries. i think this is a great day for iran and the british government. i think they have a lot of common centers from now on. that's why they are here. let's not forget that we have many - several, several british government officials, as well as trade leaders and officials here to sign trade deals with iran. it's a win-win day for both countries. >> good to get your perspective on this. thank you for your time. >> reporter: let's get the weather with rob. and typhoon ghani is still around near taiwan. >> yes, it's one of a pair of typhoons around for a week. the satellite shows it best. let me take you back 24 hours. there are two spinning discs, this is not the one we are interested in. behind me, this spinner lost its eye. it's ghani, and apsani. ghani had an interesting course. it starts off somewhere around about the middle of the pacific and turned into a typhoon. heading west wards towards the philippines. they did a right angle turn to sit off where it is now. over the philippines, it churned for two days. this was always the fear. it rained and rained and rained. it left about half a meter of rain. it caused tremendous landslides gusting 205 k/hr, and causing 10 deaths. luckily for taiwan it's off the coast. it has left rain there, some landslides, it's kusting about 185km an hour. and is a category 3 storm. the course is the interesting one. if it follows this one, it's heading to south korea, and eventually vladivostok. >> switching gears, digital art is nothing new, it's been around as longs as the computer. as it become more sophisticated so too the way it's showcased. >> reporter: hi, meet latervo. >> i'm a digital artist. >> this is the curator of panther modern. >> i create architecture for other artists. >> unlike other online galleries connected to a physical space, panther only exists in the virtual world. the digital art work it exhibits was designed to be viewed online. in traditional galleries, the emphasis is on gallery-worthy works. artwork that moved behind the novelty of the web to create online gallery work. it is a new concept. >> you can go into a lot of virtual spaces and see crazy things. crazy graphics. what is it artists can do with that space. what do they do? what the do they bring to the mix. i don't know if that's a totally resolved question. >> most art isn't digital art like this, it's meant to be viewed in person. panther modern looks like it could exist in the real world, but the art couldn't. for artists like photographer mark dorph. that's part of the appeal. his work combines traditional photography with digital images. >> these images are made to replicate a reality, but they go beyond that. they can lose a lot of the rules and laws of our physical existence, things like physics, budget. things like space. so you can go to town. >> encouraging artists to create work that cannot exist in the physical world was a goal, like panther modern, she can only be reached online. >> i don't seek to be anonymous. i ask people to meet me in the virtual space. >> it seems that's where she and her gallery is most at home. >> kristen saloomey al jazeera new york. stay with us here on the newshour, still ahead iraq's prime minister responds to protests with a promise to tackle corruption. he says he's facing powerful enemies. also coming up... >> this is sending a message and the message is drawing big crowds. we hear from the man that wants to bet hillary clinton for the democratic party's presidential nomination and why the virtual world of e-sports is facing a battle to stay drug free. drug free. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. hello again, you are watching the al jazeera newshour, a reminder of our top stories. hundreds of refugees bored a plane to go from macedonia to serbia. border police have started to let people through. there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people trying to cross into macedonia on their way to northern europe. in lebanon, dozens of people have been injured as protesters fought with riot police in down-town beirut. it's the worst unrest in a month of demonstrations sparked in a waste management crisis. the british flag has been raised in tehran as it reopened the embassy for the first time in four years. iran opened its mission, relations improved since work powers struck a nuclear deal with iran in july. now, thousands of experts gathered in stockholm for what is called world water week. the theme this year is water for development. focussing on making sure resources are used efficiently. and we have enough for the world's growing needs. 9 billion, rather, cubic meters of water is used worldwide every year. of that 40% is consumed by four countries, china, india, u.s. and brazil. most of that water, 69% is used in agriculture, like irrigating crops or raising cattle. 19% is used for generating electricity. 12% domestic use. 750 million people, 11% of the population do not have actions to safe water. almost 40% of them live in sub-saharan africa. from kenyan, catherine wambua-soi reports on a scheme trying to give people better action to water this card has never been more important for people in this township on the outskirts of nairobi. it pays for water. at half a u.s. cent. this person and several other card holders gets 20 litres of clean water. an average family using 120 litres a day. in an area where water has been expensive, this atm style dispenser is welcome news. . >> it helped me. we used to go far to look for water. now if there's no water from the city council, we can get water here. >> this is a slum of half a million people. the nairobi water company, which provides water to the residence has installed four dispenses, facing competition from the vendors. >> see that water point there. that's an illegal connection, it appears to be busier, the many water points here in the states to be operated by landlords and vigila vigilante groups. those that live here buy water at twice the cost. >> we don't have the facilities. because we don't have resources. in the >> reporter: local community workers are used, including skeptics to buy the cards. they say although the new water points are cheaper, they're an inconvenience. >> the water points are few, the water pressure is low. we have to queue, wasting a lot of time. the water provider hopes to install 1,000200 water -- 1,200 water dispensers to reach all those in the slum. until then they have no option but to operate alongside the cartels. we are joined by margaret batty, director of global policy and campaigns, a charity dedicated to providing safe water to the poor and marginalized. what do you make of this atm style water dispenser. is this the right way forward, do you think? >> thank you. it's fascinating to see innovations like this. as pointed out, the poorest people off grids don't receive water in the home, are the hardest to reach. they pay more for the water than we do in london, doha or new york. it's interesting to find out ways or innovative ways of reaching the population. we avoid that situation you show about racquet ears, black market and extortion. also, as you say, it's important to realise the scale of this problem. there's 650 million people without safe water. that's one in 10 in the population, and related to that, the questions of sanitation and hygiene. 2.3 billion people without sanitation, which impacts on the quality and surety of the water. this is a big problem, but great to see innovations like this. >> we mentioned the topic of the world water week is called water for development. what does that mean. what are the pressing topics that need to be discussed there. >> it's interesting. stockholm, world water week, there's a gathering of community and the anticipation and energy, because we are four weeks away from a major agreement from the united nations, on sustainable development goals, and the overall headline of the development goals will be to eradicate poverty by 2013. massive ambition, and you can't do this unless you address access to water sanitation and hygiene. so at stockholm this week, water aid, international non-governmental organization, world health organisation, private sector, they are all coming together to say how can we step up. what's the transformational change we need to achieve so everyone everywhere has water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030. this is a big agenda. the next four weeks are pivot although ol. >> the challenge of course is to coordinate the different groups and country. what are the maybe obstacles that you encounter in delivering aid to problem areas. >> a couple of things, really. partly innovation, such as you show in nairobi, really encouraging. a major issue is political leadership. this can be leadership at national level, international. communities and utilities such as you showed in the programme, and financing. when it comes to be need more finance of course, funding for water and sanitation. we are looking at different ways to do things, underpinning economic development, and we need to find different ways of addressing the issue. we have 15 years. >> good to peak to you. margaret batty from campaign water aid. thank you for being with us. high level talks between india and pakistan collapsed hours before they were to begin. pakistan pulled out saying it will not accept india's preconditions. it wants to discuss the dispute over the kashmir region. india wants the meeting between the national security advisor. we go to the indian capital in new delhi. more in a moment. let's hear from haider al-abadi. in pakistan administered kashmir. >> although the indian prime minister and the pakistani minister, sharif agreed to resume talks, there was an indication it was a step forward. now the pakistani side said it analysed the indian foreign minister's statement at a press conference in which india put two conditions - pakistan says india cannot unilaterally put conditions for talks, they should be unconditional. they cannot do this alone. they object to the second point, that the pakistanis will not be allowed to meet the kashmiri leaders likely to attend the talks, and india would not accept a third party. therefore pakistan coming to the conclusion that the talks would not be productive. the fear is that with the breakdown of the talks, the tensions along the cin of control -- line of control in the disputed region of kashmir was likely to get worse before it got better. >> india described pakistan's decision to back out of the national security advisor's talks as unfortunate. the stalling of the talks boils down to what was going to be on the agenda in terms of what the leaders were going to talk about. now, india says the talks would be firmly on terrorism. cross-border terrorism, that the indian government says pakistan is aware of and has the ability to help solve. without it, without this discussion, the indian government says there can be no viable or sustainable us discussion. islamabad is seeking a broader pallet. including on the disputed kashmir region. india says that is not on the agenda of the talks about 250 protesters are blocking access to a port in southern iraq, rallying outside the port since friday. demanding jobs and political reform. the perform haider al-abadi announced reforms that said some people are standing in the way of progress. there's a split among shia politicians and parties over plans to shake up government and fight corruption. zeina khodr has more. >> reporter: it's a protest movement that has brought society together and brought into the open the power struggle between the iraqi shia politicians. iraqis from different sects and walks of life at first demonstrated better services. now they want change. >> people don't just want water and electricity, we want political reform, and government institutions. >> prime minister haider al-abadi promised to do that. the protests a show of support for a pledge to fight corruption, reforming the sectarian political system will not be easy. the prime minister said he is facing powerful enemies. >> translation: there are people that want to bring down the political process. they have money and run television and radio stations. we will stand in their way. >> they have the backing of the highest society in iraq. the grand ayatollah sistani. whose as considerable influence over the shia population, through his statement he urged haider al-abadi to press ahead with reforms. it was a message of support and to his rival - don't stand in his way. he took over and replaced nouri al-maliki, accused of sectarian practices. after i.s.i.l. took over much of the mainland. his mission was to reconcile the communities, and reassert state authority. he's been challenged by forces within the leadership. shia militias, known as the popular mobilization forces collapsed. they have political ambitions, some have links with iran and are allies of maliki, who have the largest single block in the iraqi parliament. >> there are serious divisions within the shi'a house. this is very dangerous. haider al-abadi tried to stop shia groups meddling in state affairs. it didn't work. >> reporter: the protests emerged from a grassroots movement. but there's fear they may be hijacked by political forces who are stronger than the state. haider al-abadi needs to make people's expectations to ensure credibility. including the future of iraq as a state at least 14 members of one of el salvador's street gangs has been killed in a prison. the violence happened in a gaol in the city, about 30km from the capital of san el salvador. a state of emergency was declared for 72 hours in the prison after fighting broke out between two factions of the same gang hundreds of cuban medical workers hoping to reach the u.s. are stranded in columbia's capital bogota. the government wanting to take advantage of an initiative granting them visas. sporting white gowns and showing their diplomas, these cuban medical workers are caught in limbo in bogota. they reached columbia legally, fleeing the medical mission. they were enticed to do so by the 2006 cuban medical parole programme. a u.s. government initiative promising them a fast and safe passage to the u.s. >> we expected our cases to be resolved within 15-90 days. that's how the programme works. some waited up to seven months without response, or have been turned down. >> dozens are crammed in small apartments, savings running out. this nurse fled five months ago with just $600 in his pocket. >> translation: we are facing true hardship. we left families and jobs for something that was 99% certain, and now we don't know what will happen to us. >> this dentist is it six months pregnant, unable to pay for a hospital, she's visited bay colleague. -- by a colleague. >> translation: i'll soon be giving birth. i don't know where and how. what will happen to us. >> reporter: cuba started its international medical brigades in 1963. currently more than 50,000 work abroad. the island received oil and cash. cuba demanded an end to the parole programme, blaming it for blame train. so many thought it was a consequence of renewed ties between the u.s. and cuba, something the u.s. government denies. >> i pointed to the u.s. citizenship and immigration service to speak to these cases, and what these medical personnel are going through. but it is not at all related. not to the new policy with cuba, there's no time, no connection. >> the u.s. agency responsible for the programme said they were unable to provide specific answers, and in a statement they have seen increasing cases and were dedicating resources to the pending case load, but with more doctors arriving in bogota, it's unclear whether their journeys will end here still to come on the newshour. find out if serena williams can stay on course for another title in cincinnati. back in a moment. a moment. hello again. in the race for the u.s. democratic party's presidential nomination, former secretary of state hillary clinton is dealing with reports of a criminal investigation into her private email accounts. and that is helping her only serious rival, senator bernie sanders. tom ackerman reports from the campaign trail in south carolina. >> reporter: across the conservative state thousands flogged to hear self-described socialist bernie sanders declaim his favourite populist themes. >> this campaign is sending a message to the most powerful people in this country. to the billionaires, and what we are saying to them is you are no longer going to be able to get it all. it is not a radical idea. it's an american ideal. that of - that if somebody works 40 hours a week, that person should not be living in poverty. [ cheering and applause ] >> reporter: the 73-year-old senator from vermont wins praise from his admirers for qualities they consider lacking in the democratic front runner. >> i see hillary clinton beholding to corporations, where bernie sanders is getting his support from the people he claims to represent. >> reporter: bernie sanders has been narrowing the gap with clinton, in polls ranking with her in early primary states. as much as bernie sanders is drawing voters away from hillary clinton, his big challenge in states like south carolina is to attack blacks and hispanics. >> reporter: they called for more for education and jobs. sanders promised to protect black voting rights from republicans they see restricting them. >> i'd like to see her touch on it like bernie sanders did. he'll steal a lot of votes from hillary clinton. >> reporter: what bernie sanders refused to do is confront hillary clinton. >> there are many issues we disagree, but i'm not going to engage in personal attacks and characterizations. >> reporter: bernie sanders addressed some local leaders with a forthright approach. >> he didn't have an answer, he said he'd do more research. that's a good sign. he could have brushed the question off as some do. >> reporter: the first primary is five months away. time enough for sanders to make hillary clinton's obligation less assured. time to get all the sport. here is andy. >> thank you so much. in the next few minutes, usain bolt and justin gatlin will be in action apt the world championships. the semifinals test 100 metres are coming up in beijing, the gold medal to be decided. bolt has been hampered by injury, coming through the heats in 9.96 seconds. gatlin has been twice suspended for doping offense, and he was booed by the crowd before his heat, but won the quickest time of the day, 9.83 seconds. >> it was a good run. i feel good, happy with my performance. >> a lot of people see you two as diverse. how do you look at it? >> i look at it as a competition, i'm here to compete against anyone in the lane sunday's early actions saw jennifer closing in on a second world title in the heptathlon, recording a season best in the long jump and with the 800m to run in the 7-discipline event, the britain has a strong overall lead serena williams once again has the unstoppable look about her in cincinnati, the defending champion through to the final after beating elina svitolina, the world number one, winning in straight sets. setting up a final with simona halep. this is serena williams final tournament before the us open. the american aiming to win all four grand slams in the same year, for the first time in her career. >> well i look at to this way. last time i lost in cincinnati and won the open. and then won cincinnati and lost the open. hopefully i'll be okay novak djokovic faces roger federer in the men's final in cincinnati. novak djokovic dropped a set against ukrainian alexandr dolgopolov, before coming through in three sets. novak djokovic made four previous appearances in the since final, and lost every one of them roger federer reached the final by beating world number two, andy murray. roger federer has now beaten murray in the last five matches. he's aiming for a seventh title in cincinnati. tiger woods is in a tie for second place going into the final round of the wyndham championship. in with a chance of a tournament win. woods had a share of the lead at the halfway stage. a round of 68 keeps him within two strokes of leader. he could have been better for woods, but he did this on the final green. he three-putted. >> it was a grind. i can't believe myself. i had to put defensively because of it. i couldn't get on the run that jason and jonas did. i didn't put myself in the right spots. >> australian cricket captain michael clarke is closing in on a win against england in the final test match. his side in complete control. australia needs a couple more wickets to claim the win. england have already won the series. >> india pushed the lead to 400 runs in the test against india. rouhani scoring a century. india attempting to level that series. in formula 1, the belgium series getting under way in the next hour. lewis hamilton on poll position. he'll share the front of the grid with nico rosberg. lewis hamilton's 10th hole in the last 11 races, britain leading nico rosberg by the over all standings competitive video gaming may not be an idea of genuine sports. the prize money is real. it's predict the market is worth a billion dollars worth of revenue within two years. with high stakes comes the dem takes for some gamers to cheat, as sarah coates reports productions of this magnitude are reserved for global music and sporting superstars. but there's a new player exploding on to the world stage. welcome to the world of egaming. >> a lot of more people are knowing your face and the brand you play for, even at my home town people come up and ask for autographs and photos. it's a bit much to take in. it's known as the superstar. >> opinions remain fiercely divided on whether competitive video gaming is a sport. but it's certainly trying to present itself as just that. one of egaming's largest organizations drug testing players. >> we began working with the world anti-doping agency and the anti-doping agency in germany to come up with policies allowing us to police all events at the highest levels. gamers have been accused of taking stimulants to improve concentration and reaction time. stakes are high, with prize money of 250,000. at this event, in the german city of cologne. >> we had an example where a player came forward. >> we had bans on drugs. we realized that we didn't have the tool set needed to police. >> it's irrelevant in this situation. we wanted to support on the one hand and improve the feeling on drug free gaming on the other hand. we are kind of - yes, arbitrator, referee. >> career gamers appear to be taking testing seriously too. >> we are playing for thousands of years and dollars. bringing more professionally, taking things seriously, doing things like that. i have no problem about that. it's all good to me. >> with predicted revenues set to top $1 billion within two years, organizers are hoping it's game over for drug cheats more from the world athletics later on. that is it for now. >> thanks andy. now a full bulletin of news is straight ahead. stay with us here. here. [ ♪ ] the next step in their journey into europe. hundreds of refugees allowed into macedonia as security is eased at the border. hello. here is what else is coming up. it's scenes like this many are escaping from. we report on the people scavenging for food in syria. also ahead - frustrations on the streets of beirut. thousands protest what they say is a dysfunctional government.

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