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We are going to begin with tough talk from trump, outlining policies on immigration, he says Illegal Immigrants must go even if born in the u. S. , and he will reverse president obamas executive actions on immigration. We have to make a new set of standards when. Youll split up families, deport children. No, we have to keep the families together. But they have to go. They have to go. What if they have no place to go . We will work with them, they have to go. We have a country or we dont. Donald trump saying hed put troops on the ground in iraq to fight i. S. I. L. , saying hed begin by taking the oil fields and cutsing off their commich. Economy. I said this will happen, iran will take over iraq, and i. S. I. S. Taking over a lot of oil in certain areas of iraq. You take away their wealth, you knock the hell out of their oil, we take over the oil which we should have done in the first place. What you are talking about is ground troops, 25,000. Well circle it. Trump saying he would charge wealthy middle Eastern Countries like saudi arabia for protection received from the u. S. Military and vowed to spend a billion of his own money to win the white House Democrat Bernie Sanders has been drawing big crowds this weekend in iowa, also appearing on tv today. Sanders taking on critics from the black lives matter movement, saying he doesnt owe the group an apology. His campaign has been at odds from activists from the group. Senator Clair Mccaskill defended hillary clinton. The missouri democrat calling accusations of wrongdoing by clinton a political witchhunt. A report says as many as 60 emails sent through clintons private email server may have contained classified information. The paris medical professionals with police, and the fight against heroin abuse. Washington announces the plan on monday. The effort is the first of the kind, putting Health Policy experts in the field, with 15 d. E. A. Officers tracking where the heroin is coming from, how its laced or getting to the streets. Julian bond remembered as a vissonary. Dying saturday after a brief illness, pob president obama and others pating tribute. Here is a look back at a towering figure in the fight for civil rights. I was hooked. I couldnt turn back. Julian bond says his moment of awakening came as a college student. It was the early 60s. Civil rights movements was building and sitins taking place across the south. I was sitting at a drug store, having lunch. A student came up and said have you seen this hell of a newspaper. Dont you think it will happen here. Dont you thing we ought to make it happen here. I said what do you mean we . He said you take this side of the drug store, ill take the other. We did, and started the movement. Reporter bond became an early layered of student nonviolent coordinating, or snik, a student in par of the 1963 march on washington. In 1965, when the heels of the Voting Rights act, bond was one of eight africanamericans elected to the Georgia House of representatives, but because of a stance against the vietnam war, the fellow state legislators voted to bar him taking his seat. He persevered with the Supreme Court ruling, the ban violating his First Amendment rights. Hed serve as congressman or senator for more than two decades, pushing for Voter Registration of blacks. In 1971 he cofounded the southern law center, serving as the president. Le moved on to lead the n. A. A. C. P. , cementing his legacy as the civil rights icon. In an interview with al jazeera, bond reflected on what has changed and what hasnt. I thought it was over, this would not happen again. I thought it was done. Bond served as a mentor. It reminds me very much of myself. I was there thinking i could change the world. He was a university professor, columnist and social commentator an poet. I sent you on a package. I have a package of films, photographs of black people. Through it all, zon to be down to earth as he was larger than life. Julian bond helped to change the country for the better, said president obama in a statement on sunday. What better way to be remembered, than that the attorneygeneral lord of the rings calling bond an icon and trail blazer. Julian bond was 75 u. S. And jeremy removing Patriot Missiles from germany. They were sent to protect turkeys southern border as the war intensified. The decision to remove the missileses comes as turkey allowed air strikes from i. S. I. L. To be launched from bases. U. S. Officials say the Patriot Missiles will return if needed for security reasons. Two female army ranger candidate could make history by graduating from the school. They have to pass a rig orrous programme in the next few days. If they succeed, theres no guarantee that theyll deserve. Jamie mcintyre looks at the controversy. Reporter scan the faces of the soldiers competing the final phase of ranger training in a florida swamp, its nearly impossible to pick out any women. In a way, thats the point. Nothing is supposed to be different for female soldiers aspiring to elite ranger status. In the Ranger School theres no optical course with shorter walls. No barbed fire, set higher. No lighter loads to shoulder. The army says for women earning the coveted tab must be hard as men. They can meet the standard and go under the tab. Thats how we want to operate as we move forward. The armys tough commander in iraq has indicated that the army has no objection to opening up many more combat jobs, such as field artillery, integrating women into front line commando units is debated. A debate this close to recruits, and one more in the fall helping to settle. Two women out of two dozen made it through the weeks of training, a gruelling ordeal that many mail soldiers find challenging. Typically more than half rt candidates dropped out. Less than 20 years ago, it was the stuff of fiction. Just as in the 1997 ji jane, the military is not identifying the female soldiers in training until, and unless they graduate. Ji jane outlasted many counterparts in the elite navy programme, one of the most gruelling anywhere. Unlike demi moores fictional navy seal, the trailblazing women are getting public encouragement from the top brass. The feedback i have with the women is how incredibly prepared they are, the effort they put forward, has been significant. They have impressed all that they came in contact with. They are motivated and frankly thats what we want out of our soldiers. Reporter the two pioneering women may be the first female rangers, they are not the last. The army plans another course, and next we are will decide whether to open the job to women permanently indonesian Officials Say they have spotted the wreckage of a commercial plane, and were founded in the mountains of the province. The trighana flight disappeared. 54 passengers and crew were on board. Search and rescue teams made preparations to reach the crash site. Authorities say no distress calls were made before the plane crashed. In the chinese say of tinnin, gas masks are in high demand. After the massive explosion that killed 112 people. Chinese authorities dont know what caused the blast. You are looking live. The images coming from china, those that lost loved ones in their homes after the blast are gathering on the streets. Demanding answers on the government. As andrew brown tells us, the concern about chemical contamination is riving rising. Reporter some survivors compared the disaster to a nuclear explosion. Close up, thats what it looks like. The toxic pool from survivors is still shrouding the zone. The government confirmed sodium cyanide was stood here. There was an added urgency to the search for survivors on this day as the toll for the dead and missing continued to rise. Along with the anger among families of the missing, and those made homeless, for the second day they attempted to protest outside a hotel where government officials were briefing journalists. Translation we want the government to tell us the truth and help us to find a proper home. What is needed most now is for the government to take care of us and keep us informed. The government doesnt knew what caused wednesday nights multiple explosions, but officials admit that sodium cyanide has been occurring on two occasions. But the reading is outside on the exclusion zone. If you were outside the 2km zone, the numbers should be within normal stance. It should not have effect on peoples lives. Gas masks are the most precious commodity. These are for the military, but theres not enough of them, indeed, if there were, they wont protect from sodium cyanide. This is very professional. It is very special material, protection, equipment. I dont think i dont know. I dont think they can do that. Chinas welloiled volunteer machine has moved into action, thousands came to the city from all over china, and here they are handing out water, food, clothing, all needed. The list for the missing is getting longer. The majority are firefighters and police. Officials say the explosions from so powerful. So far only a few bodies have been identified. There are growing calls for brazilian president Dilma Rousseff to resign tens of thousands taking to the the streets. Protesters saying that Dilma Rousseff should be impeached. Smaller gatherings are taking place in towns and city, the reporter there is the third time there has been largescale protests since Dilma Rousseff was reelected less than a year ago. The they came at a time when the popularity rate as 7. 7 . The lowest for a democratically elected president. Theres marches in the city, the largest in brasilia, south paulo and here in Rio De Janeiro out with the Workers Party they chant as the march moved along copacabana beach. The same message resonated in cities and downs across the country, including the northeast. The demonstrators anger was triggered. Leading to the rest of dozens of people. They are stealing. They dont have it. They dont have the rupture. Here in rio. Many were from the middle class. They had seen steady growth over the past decade. Now its feeling the pinch of the economic crisis. But while the protestors were making the voices heard, many more prepared to hear the sunday on the beach. There has always been corruption in this country. They are not demonstrating against corruption, they are demonstrating against a party. You know, against this government, as if the solution is if we have if we have if it does not exist all the problems are sold. Many fear the calls to out the president will lead to small stability. It will require wrongdoing on their behalf. So far none of the ongoing investigations have implicated her in the many corruption scandals plaguing the country, still, it will not be easy for Dilma Rousseff. In the coming days theyll have to pat most measures, it will not help her. There is finger pointing following the fall in the iraqi city. Baghdad making a strongerstest push yet. Plus there is a new push for peace tomorrow. In one of the worlds most troubled nations. I. S. I. L. Fighters attacking government forces, 15 dead 15rks injured. Striking on the outskirts of fallujah west of the city of baghdad. Four cars driving suicide bombs into military barricades, a gunfight following further north. More iraqi forces died when i. S. I. L. Launched separate attacks. Meanwhile the political finger pointing began, and parliament recommending that senior officials faced persecution for losing control of mosul. The blame game includes the former Prime Minister. As the Prime Minister reports from baghdad, no one is above the law. A Parliamentary Panel in iraq recommended that former Prime Minister recommended that Nouri Almaliki be prosecuted for the fall of mosul, not just Nouri Almaliki, many are former officials. Recommended that they are to be charged and prosecuted for the fall of mosul. This panel has investigated this for months. They made recommendations, passing it on to the speaker of the parliament. Passing it on to the prosecutor general. Resting in the judiciary. Nouri almaliki has not made a statement, since recommendations were made. This is the first time that the parliament lobbed accusations. Certainly theres is resentment for con sol dating power. It will be interesting to see how it develops. The body in parliament doesnt have much power as far as going forward. There is resentment building. This is something that could be a lengthy process. If there are to be formal charges made, if there is a case, this could take months, years to happen. An antitaliban official is dead along with 16 others, dying in a suicide attack. It happened in the office of the home minister of the punjab. The official hosting a political meeting at the time. A banned arm group affiliated with al qaeda, claiming responsibility any for the attack. Another round of fighting. For seven days in a row. Gunfire has been heard. Both nations claiming kashmir as their own, blaming each other for the latest round of violence. The Defense Department is looking at a site to replace Guantanamo Bay, two sites in contention is kansas and carolina. Moving prisoners would expand legal rights, something Neither Congress nor the Flavia Pennetta wan pentagon wants to do. There are reports theres a rift between the department of defense and the white house on shutting the facility and moving the prisoners out. We are trying to figure out whether the announcement is a pr exercise to show the administration is taking the pledge to shut Guantanamo Bay down, before the office is left, o whether it is a sign that the administration is taking it seriously. On one hand they want to release close clear said for release. The department of justice and defense is going to court blocking the release. On friday, theres the case of tarek, cleared for release six years ago, hes been on Hunger Strike for eight years, forcefed through his nose, and weighs 34 kilograms. On friday, the department of defense instructed the department of justice to fight his release in court, which he would have been released. The question is why are they doing that. The dod says hes on Hunger Strike, we dont want to reward hunger striking, we feel its a weapon of war. If the administration is serious about releasing the prisoners, why if had the case of tarek and others, why are they fighting the release in court. Theres another issue to contend with. If these prisoners are moved on to the mainland, if congressional restrictions are bypass the and president obama could bypass them. What is their status, is the guantanamo model moving to the mainland. Several men in indefinite detention, some tortured without due process, is it a better alternative. Many questions remain. Government and rebel leaders from south sudan resume the peace talks on monday. Thats a deadline for reaching a deal. Ending the war. 2020month conflict divided tribes. She went to a refugee camp, where some are living in peace. Tucked behind a market. Something more than the shelters is bilt on the patch of dirt. Here at the camp. Displace the people are learning to live peace reply with one another again. They come from different villages, journeys are similar. Its not one person who has lost, but many people who have lost. Meet a rora, mother of eight. She came from malakal, a town in south sudan, decimated by fighting. She said the family had to abandon her 14yearold son so they could save themselves. The last time she saw him, he was walking into the bush to check on the capital. Sometimes my heard says they are alive. Sometimes i get depressed and think negative thoughts. Others face a worse fate. I stopped thinking about it, and left it up for god. You and others like her, they are now neighbours for people from tribes. In fact, in other camps, within u. N. Compound. The tribes are segregated, intentions are high. Here they are building a community. On Common Ground of shared needs, fears and hopes. Is that is not to say members of different tribes dont fight. When they do, each leader of the tribe gathers them together to mediate. Later when we solve the problem. Theyll be able to see together. In the end they are good friends. This conflict began two years ago as a dispute between the president and his vice president. People here are desperate for peace, because peace means they can go home again. Put she says she doesnt want people to go back to the way they were living before the civil war. What happened has happened. Its in the past. What we want is for peace to come. The end of the war means this woman, and many mothers, can find out what happened to her son. If you feel like you need a vacation. You are not alone. Americans are wasting their Vacation Days. The week ahead is next. Millions of americans go to bed hungry. A look at the socalled food deserts straight ahead as well. They get exited about technology whether its in their phone or in their car, so why is it so weird on their plate . Somethings going into food that shouldnt really be there. Techknow investigates. You could not pay me to fake data. Welcome back to al jazeera america, im del walters in new york. Here is a look at the top stories. The streets of brazil filled with antigovernment protesters, thousands gathering in sao paulo and other cities. Demanding Dilma Rousseff be brought up on impeachment charges u. S. And germany removing Patriot Missile batteries from turkey. They have been deployed since 2013. Both say the mood reflects the nature of turkeys threat. The missiles could be in place in less than a week. Civil rights leader julian bond has died. Back in 1965, it took two years and a Supreme Court decision until he was able to take a seat. He left politics in 1986. Beginning in 1998. He was 75 years old. It is sunday nights, and time for a look at the week ahead. Its summer, and for most of us that means vacation, theres new studies showing americans dont know when to take time off for themselves, not to mention their families, instead we end up throwing the days away. Thats report showing unused vacation is at a 40 year eye. High. Jennifer london explains. Reporter you may not be surprised to hear that americans use less Vacation Time than before. You may be one of those people choosing to log long hours at the office, instead of the beach. There is a cost to the unused Vacation Time, and its huge. According to a travel Industry Trade group u. S. Companies owe their employees the equivalent of 224 billion in time off. To put it into perspective, thats half the size of the counter federal deficit. Its almost as much as the Gross Domestic Product of portugal, and 24 times the annual revenue of the n. F. L. Theres more. 52. 4 billion. That is what employees like you are forfeiting each year in other earned benefits. A third of paid Vacation Days disappear. They cant be rolled over because of use it or lose it company policies. David bowman is a Human Resources consultant, hard at work on a beautiful warm sunny morning. Looking forward to time off next month. Why do americans leave so much unused Vacation Time on the table, do you think . First of all, they are afraid of backstabbing, if i take a Vacation Time, what will happen, who will try to take my job, what will happen. They may be up for a promotion or a raise, and dont want it to look like they are lazy or not productive. Reporter here is what is harder to calculate. The human toll. Americas work centric culture created a society of burnt out worker bees. If you dont take time out you begin to float. You dont have that edge, that creative edge, the engaged edge. They dont become what we call in h. R. Engaged. In other words, they are not interested, their passion is no longer there. Effectiveness drops down. By comparison, european employees appear to have no qualms about taking advantage of any and all paid time off. Workers in france are given 30 Vacation Days, and report using all of them. Same goes for employees in denmark, germany and spain. In europe, its mandated, here its not. Companies say oh, well, its not something we have to do. For the good of the company, the good of the employer and employers family, the company should encourage as much as possible, do take the vacation, and take it all and with a view like this, who could argue. Now, there is no law that requires employees give workers Vacation Days. Most of them do. According to the bureau of labour statistics, more than 90 of employees got the perk. The reports shows we use 77 of that time off, and its not tied to the recent economic downturn. In fact, vacation day usage is at its lowest point in 40 years, four decades. Why do we do it, or in this case dont do it . Some of us fear getting behind at work, others argue that no one else can do the job that i do or we cant afford an expensive trip. Thats why many prefer stay staycations or staying at home or touring the city that they live in. The founder of work place trends. Com, and a Pulitzer Prize winner journalist or online columnist, and the editor of divided, the perils of our growing inequality, joining us live from rochester. Ill begin with you, let me ask this question. Are either of you doing this interview on your vacation, are you wearing khaki shorts beneath the set. I wish. Vacation is changing. The average work week is not 40 hours a week, its 47. We did it too. Gallop did a study on it. Multiple studies, people do not have enough time for personal interest, its the abolishment of worklife balance, when i was on vacation in barcelona, i was on the beach but had to answer emails, you are a business owner, you are always on the clock. How did the people with you look at you when you answered the emails, do you get the looks of scorn . We did a study and found despite the increasing work say day and more workers getting work place burnout. What is happening is people are accepting of it. Employees are happy, despite the hours that they have to put in for the same salary or less. This is truly an american phenomenon, people in europe leave the job for weeks at a time. Why dont we. Is it really fear, or do we feel that the office cant survive without us . Well, as to your first question, no, im not on vacation, and since im no longer anyones employee, except for my parttime job teaching at the law school, i dont get vacation as an entrepreneur. Is the reason people are not taking vacation, i think there is, as the Human Resources guy who was interviewed by jennifer london said, a great deal of fear by people, that if they are gone, the company will see them as not necessary, they may get stabbed in the back, because theres a culture creating this as an underlying problem. In addition, theres an Important Role by all the electronic communication. People go on vacation, and the box can text them, email them, phone them and say can you do this little thing . , the engineer that im at in rochester new york, is supposed to be on vacation, but is in here running the studio so i can talk. Dan, more than half of americans have gone 12 months without a vacation. Are we in danger of burning out . We are. Over half the employees say they are burnt out, based on research. What has happened after the recession, companies are slow to hire, interview processes extended. They are hiring less and pressure on the people. People know the boss will fire them regardless of whether they work 40 or 50 hours a week. The recession approved that. Companies said we can get by without you, employees know that. Exactly. And its all about pleasing the shareholders, talent if that is the most expensive resource, it looks better for the shareholders if you increase the profits. What is wrong with using vacation to do things around the house, which is taboo in some cultures, some argue its therapeutic to do the painting job or the honey dew list that the wife gives us. I am not sure that staying home is a problem. My wife is a c. E. O. Of a large charitable endowment. She is about to take time off. Well stay home, read books, maybe go to an afternoon movie, things like that. Not taking vacation, not taking a break is a problem. Its part of a culture in which workers have no power because of the decline of unions, the data we see on the average number of hours that americans are working, i suspect, is low, because lots of people work off the books extra hours, outs of concern, as deanne points out that their company will shed them. I was struck by what you told our producer, that the bottom 90 of americans have an average income that adjusted for inflation is the same as in 1956 1966 or 1967, hard to do travel or taking a baseball game with flat incomes. The median wage has been unchanged now for about 17 years. Half of workers in america make 520 a week or less. When you do fulltime work, its better, more in the neighbourhood of 40,000 than 28,000 a year. But without a question, the remuneration earnt by workers has been flat to falling except for talent. The u. S. Government tracks 60 levels of pay, and in 2013 the only group that got more money than on average in 2012 was the handful of jobs, 100 paying 50 million or more. Anyone under 50 million made less money in 2012 2013, than in 2012. In 2013 than in 2012. Dan, its just us. Take a look at us, the average pated Vacation Days in europe. Versus the united states. Germany and spain topping the list at 34 days of vacation. France 31. By contrast, take a look at u. S. Workers. Some corporations treat them listensly. A computer employee may get more time off. Something is wrong. The culture in europe is different. Its encouraged to take more vacation. It seems americans dont want to take vacation or the culture of fear of losing their job made it that its not a factor. Its a combination of losing their job and being replaced by someone overseas. Its more than this, whats really happened is, you know, aside from the pressure, they have all the competitive ns from the people around them. If they cant perform, they sink to the bottom, and their competitively their peers will get the promotion over them. And that is a fear. Is the issue of vacation something that slips understand under the radar of those trade agreements that we hear about, like n. A. F. T. A. And the t. P. P. , is that by accident or design . Well, its not in those agreements. We havent seen all of it. Ill be shocked if it turns out to be there. Its parts of a Global Change that is going on anywhere. The devaluation of currencies, throughout asia and china is connected with pushing down worker wages and workers dont have money to buy goods and services, and that is weakening the worldwide economy. Its an imbalance. In world war i, the french had people in some Industries Work seven days a week instead of five to increase production. And it fell 20 . People need time off to recharge. Lets close by answering this question, and ill start with you, david. Is the facts that u. S. Workers are walking away from their Vacation Time, an indication that the socalled 1 has won. Has u. S. Workers bought into the mentality that the bottom line is the only bottom line. Well, i think they have not organised and pushed back, and let me be clear, its not the 1 that is a problem. Its the tenth of 1 and above. 2 million a year and upclass that is a problem. Yes, i think that workers feel that they dont have any choice, and that is not a good thing. Its not market economics. Dan, 20 seconds, your take. 100 accurate. People are more accepting that based on the research, this is the new reality, you know what, every year it will get harder on them. Its a tough time to be an employee in america founder of workplace trends, and also an online columnist for al jazeera in rochester new york. Thank you both for being with us. 46 million americans living in what are called food deserts, areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious foods. Lawmakers coining the phrase in 2008. As john hendren reports, that means 800,000 people who rely on donations. Here in chicago. Part of the American Farm belt, the hungry line up for food. We dont have enough food today reporter no, how come . The plane didnt come. This is the face of hunger in america. It helps me out with my groceries when you are on a fixed income. And i have an 11yearold and a 35yearold to feed. Reporter in the Worlds Largest food exploiting nation, across town from where the Commodity Exchange sets food prices for the world, 311 wait for hours for free produce. This is not even half or feeding the people who are sleeping on the streets. At the bus stations. At the train stations. Its not feeding everybody, its feeding so much because there are people in need. The produce truck drops the load 50 times a month. Supplementing the food kitchens. This is an oasis with food kitchens. And ders erts. Here in cook county, one out of six here has food donated from the depository, in not necessarily the people you think. One of two households includes someone working, most with a roof over their heads. Its not a small problem, its something that in 2008 when the recession hit, we saw a spike, and unfortunately, it hasnt gone back down. We are busy. We are doing a bling business. Booming business, 200,000 pounds of food a day is leaving this warehouse and distributed to food pantries, kitchens and shelters. Across the country. In chicago, across the united states, 46 Million People received Food Assistance from the u. S. Government. We have chronic hunger. People across america and across the world who regularly dont know where their next meal is coming from. We have other families across the u. S. , who may experience hunger, because they run pay check to pay check. When times are tough, those americans join in lines like this. Food Security Experts say they are growing longer call it a commode controversy, it may be a staple of every day life in the u. S. Elsewhere toilets are a luxury. Im in india, where the government pledged to construct separate toilets for girls in all government schools. Coming up, well see how construction is going, and why its important for girls id u sayings. Education. Authorities saying wildfires in idaho are spreading. Several fires are burning in the western part of the state. 30 homesan destroyed, 75 other buildings as well. There has been no reports of ingury, a 70yearold woman died when she fell trying to evacuate. More than 16,000 acres consumed by the fires. Fires burn in california, this time in the canyon, six stretches have been destroyed, a number of roads closed because of the fire. It consumed 300 acres. L. A. County firefighters battled the blaze. Officials say it has the potential to burn 2,000 acres. Kevin corriveau has been tracking all of the wildfires and the drought thats feeding them. We are watching about 80 wildfires burning in the western part of the united states. The big problem is that the fire service will be out of their budget by next week. This has been very, very severe in terms of wildfires. We have seen double the amount that we see on any particular year. We have been seeing a good problem towards the south. Clockwise, with that, we are seeing very warm temperatures in southern california, earlier we saw temperatures as high as 102 to the north of los angeles, about 105 degrees, a little towards the east. This is what we saw today for los angeles, las vegas was 109, and where that area of High Pressure was turning, thats where we have been seeing some of the hottest temperatures there. Tomorrow it is going to be more of the same across the region. San francisco, youll be a little cooler at 79 degrees. For los angeles, we do expect the temperatures to come down where we go towards the middle of the week. We are here across the northern plains. We talked about the warm temperatures here towards north dakota and sact and south dakota and montana. A frontal boundary bushed through a cold front, whether it had seen cooler air. With that, we picked up thunder storms here. We saw the storms as a problem. We could see rain associated to the north, making its way for the east, and as we come to new york look at the temperatures tomorrow, 94 degrees. Thank you. Young women in india are dropping out of school because of a lack of rest rooms. Half the countrys schools have no toilets for girls. One in four have no bathrooms at all. A year ago the Prime Minister said he would fix the problem. We go do a school in new delhi to see if things have gotten better. Reporter they are learning the basic lessons, now the students can also take care of their basic needs at School Things to this toilet courtesy of the government. It doesnt look more than a hole in the ground, but its making a world of difference at this school. This girl says the old toilet was unusable at times, but this one is better than the one she has at home. Translation the toilet before this didnt always have running water, this one does. The old toilet smelt bad. Not this one. It has the proper wash basin, unlike the old toilet. School Officials Say the grant from the government to build a toilet means students dont skip class. Translation girls had to go home to use the toilet. Thats why they needed one here, so they wouldnt have to leave school. Girls have benefitted from this. Its a different story several kilometres away at another school in the same district. Here there are separate toilets for girls, but a lack of maintenance make them less than ideal to use. Many existing toilets are in this condition, or worse, with unreliable plumbing and smelling of sewerage, some organizations that have been building separate toilets for girls say the governments pledge is the right idea, but hard to achieve in a year. Sanitation experts say another year is needed to ensure no school is left out and to guarantee the quality of construction, and that the Prime Ministers support made a notable difference. I never saw high officials running from this, pillar to post, to get them built in the schools. Everyone is trying hard to do it at the earliest. On the one hand it is encouraging that it is built, taking place. That is important. I certainly agree that this is the time for the companies studies show female attendance increase at schools that have a clean separate toilet for them, meaning the drive to finish building the rest, and maintain them has as much to do with education as it does with sanitation tracking poachers inside one of africas Important National parks. A look at the danger of protecting rare animals from hunters that will do almost anything to kill them. Everyone has a story. And the only way to see all of a former top tinnize player was one of tennis player was one of hundreds of volunteers that helped to decorate a slum. They arrived in the neighbourhood with paint brushes ready to brighten the home there. It was one of two celebrations marking the 450th anniversary. Other athletic event were taking place. In senegal, a World Heritage strake is in existence. It served along with other species. Niklas took this along with rangers, charged with protecting animals from poachers. This is exception am inside a World Heritage site. It is home to rare animals and clams. Its half the size of belgium. Finding poachers is difficult. This morning rangers receive a tip off. On the grounds, some clues, fresh bicycle tracks, and signs of wild animals. These are the latest pictures from a nearby camera used to track animal movements. Here, the west african lion, virtually extinct. Its worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Take a look at the last picture. Barely visible. One of the poachers standing in front of the camera. Local tribes were forced out of the area 40 years ago to protect animals from being hunted. Some tribesman are known to work with traffickers. We are not surprised. Locals had the best knowledge of the park. Its so lucrative, its tempting to want to hunt here. We slowly approached the spot where the pictures are taken. The poachers are probably armed, rangers worry about a gunfight, as well as being attacked by dangerous animals nearby. Suddenly he spots them. They launch an ambush. As expected, local villagers. On them, whennons and food rations. He says he was not hunting bush meat, but the park rangers did not believe them. Most of what they did was smuggle out of the country to asia. Poachers are after a big catch. This is a rare panther. Rangers found him after his mother and siblings were killed by poachers. Despite the efforts put in place to prevent poaching, there are a number of animals on the verge of extinction. So the United Nations says this World Heritage site is in danger. Rare antelopes, elephants, lions, primates, none are spared. Rangers say poachers kill indiscriminately, even using automatic machine guns. Its disgusting, we feel responsible. An estimated 19 billion a year the global trade in wild animals is booming. Despite efforts like this, it continues to grow finally, the Magic Kingdom will be a portal to the star wars universe. Walt disney announcing its building star wars themed examples, giving an idea of plans. Disney didnt say when the attractions would open. Thank you for joining us. Im del walters in new york. Have a good night. Tonight they control huge amounts of land in iraq and syria. Brutalizing millions and their membership is growing. Americas allies in the middle east say washington has to do more to destroy isil. But why is aisles americas problem . Why hasnt the muslim world defeated isil . Later in the our panel, three years ago the g. P. Might have lost the election because of a socalled war on women. With recent comments have they written off half the lex tour at again

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