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America and why it is now under attack plus, big game, sold out crowds, teams with millions at stake. Now theres millions of eyes on me and i can win millions of dollars. Battle for the biggest gaming prize ever. Debate night is more than a year before the actual election but tonight the republican candidates are off and running for the nomination. The so called second tier of republicans, wrapped up one debate earlier in cleveland. The main event though, will take place in less than an hour, the top 10 candidates in the polls appear in the first, prime time debate of the 2016 season. Taking center stage, is park billionaire with a double digit lead. Our country is in serious trouble. Donald trump the front runner will have the enviable spot of isnt stage in this debate he will be joined by nine of his challengers including jeb bush, running second and scott walker who is third in most polls. The independent review journal in this video took a light hearted view at how some of the candidates will preparing. I normally call my mom to get advice. Trump on the other hand is down playing expectations he told abc news he plans do wing it. I have never debated before, i am not a debater. Not a debater but a leader and one who doesnt mince hi words. How stupid are our leaders in how stupid are these politician to allow this to happen. How stupid are they. A no holds bar style has helped propel him to the top early in the race. We have losers, we have losers they dont have a clue politician are all talk no action. Still the debate is a critical opportunity for challengers in a crowded field of president ial wanna bees to stand out, seven gop candidates couldnt gain enough traction to earn a spot in the prime time debate so they faced off before the prime time event in a debate on the fox news channel. Now to the elephant not in the room, donald trump. I have had my issues with donald trump. I talked about him from the standpoint of being an individual that is using his celebrity, rather than his conservativism. Since he has changed his mind on amnesty on healthcare, and abortion i would ask what the principles by which he will govern. Each hoping to do enough damage to raise their rankings and make the cut for the top tier in the next debate in september. At al jazeera Political Correspondent in cleveland tonight, as you know, in the first debate today the republicans candidates are quick to take aim at Hillary Clinton, lets take a look. To all the americans that want a better life, dont vote for Hillary Clinton. You wont get it, she isnt going to repeal obama care and replace it, i will. Hillary clinton lied about benghazi she lied about emails. She is still defending plans parenthood and she is still her partys front runner. 2016 is going to be a fight. Between conservativism, and a Democrat Party that is undermining the very character of this nation. So michael is this a group of republicans coming together to go after Hillary Clinton. Well, in a sense it is, they want to go after Hillary Clinton because they want to associate her with barack obama. They did that but at the same time they also lost an opportunity, i think to do after the front runners in the campaign that are going to be on the the big stage later tonight, donald trump scott walker, even down to rand paul and cruz and rubio. The of going after Hillary Clinton is one they could galvanize behind, trying to get these headlines and this is important for those not on the kitty table tonight. The second debate, the happy hour is what carlie called it. So, a lot of spinning going on in the spin room, and it includes democrats tell us what they are saying about the depate so far. You know the domes had Hillary Clinton responses coming out. Rapid fire we saw Debbie Wasser mapp schultz making the rounds here. Speaking to everyone, talking about the republicans and what their ideas are he says they are seeing right this, he says the 11 party is all about money. I think they are all aeditions tonight for the billionaire money. They are all auditioning for the coke brother money then you have a billionaire with his own money so the rhetoric is how do i appease my billionaire. And that duh not jive with what the average ohio voter needs. Or wants. Ohio wants to play host john, so they have to be a little bit gracious, but they also have to point out the differences between a ohio government, and a ohio republican. Again we havent got ton the main event but in the second tier, theres a lot of talk about charley tonight right . A lot of people thought she was the most succinct, that she rose above the other six. As i said earlier speaking with colleagues and people here a lot of people were underhemmed by that crew. George pataki gave offerings that were interesting but i dont think they saw him as a candidate that rose above i look at john kasich the governor of ohio got off that stage, by polling well enough to get into the main event separating himself from that group is what made him a winner. All right we will see what they say tonight, thank you very much. The Democratic National committee revealed its president ial debate schedule today, the democrats will host six. That will be followed by debates in iowa, new hampshire, and South Carolina. The last two will be in florida and wisconsin. After the iowa caucus, on february 1st, 5 Democratic Candidates including Hillary Clinton will participate. Turning now to Malaysia Flight 370 Authorities Say more plane debris washed up today. Thats where part of the wing was last week, Officials Say the part is from flight 370, which disappeared last year, they say that other debris, aluminum pieces and window fragments have also washed up. The families are still skeptical. Reports from bay jeng for 16 monos their emotions have swung from dispair and hope. Soapy barging into the offices of the airline, they may have felt they had nothing to lose. The announcement from the government brings neither closure nor defendant to the families and relatives of the chinese victims. Some even believe that the wreckage was planked on reunion island. It is not true. I a lot of things would have been easy to find, but they didnt find them. During this time, we cannot leave anything. Because aircraft had a gps. The airline duhnt want us to know the truth. Thats why we cannot believe them. They want answers. This was not a protest against chinas government, which is why it was allowed to happen. One appealed for help by coincidence his foreign minister is in malaysia attending a regional conference. The search should continue, at the same time we agree that we should find out the truth, and start rolling out the next phase of the plan. The nox phases is far from clear. It shows search teams looking in the area. Australias prime menster though is hopeful. And it suggests the ever the first time, it might be a little bit closer to solving this mystery. Algae, beijing. In the mediterranean rescuers are still searching for survivors just one day after a boat full of migrants capsized. Moorely 400 people were rescued and 25 bodies recovered and 200 are still believed to be missing. Claudia reports. Hundreds of migrants who have been rescued on monday out in the Mediterranean Sea by an Irish Navy Ship as you can see behind me, where they are here. On thursday, about 367 migrants from all across africa, and the mid ple east, arrived safely here, they werent first aid food, water, shoes inning they needed before they are taken to a number of Reception Centers while six others that were rescued yesterday were airlifted to a nearby hospital on the nearby island. Because of their serious conditions, 25 people who drowned were recovered from the sea were taken away, but the death toll is still unclear, because according the the survivors it was carrying 600 migrants and if that is true, theres no way to confirm it as the ship has sunk, and many of the bodies may be lost at sea. That the death toll may be as high as 200. And now this is once again a tragedy when they saw this ship behind me, approaching in the distance, all or most of the migrants moved to one side of the boat, causing it to capsize and causing so many people to lose their lines. A set back today for the United States against isil. The pentagon said some of the dozens of rebels trained and equipped by the u. S. , have either been captured or have pled the fighting all together. National security has more from the pentagon. This video purports to show u. S. Trained fighters captured by the front, the pentagon acknowledged that five of the newly trained recruits were detained and a 6th fighter was killed in the battle last friday, and an attack the pentagon now admits it never saw coming. In which a group tied to al quaida, touted as a plow to the u. S. Backs new syrian forces. This unidentified fighter brags on this date, the front cut a hand of the west, and the americans. The pentagons decision to embed the first 54 graduates of the Training Program with moderate Syrian Opposition forces known as division 30 was based on a faulty u. S. Intelligence assessment. That was unlikely to attack, u. S. Backed forces in the north. Still the official line is that the unexpected is always expected in more. We acknowledge theres challenges but the idea that we were caught totally flat footed be i the idea that we were sending people into a very dynamic and rapidly changing war zone, is not accurate. Allowing them to direct missiles from american drones. The air strikes inflicted substantial casualties and help successfully repeal the attack. Be uh the recruits soon began deserting their post, reportedly saying they signed up to fight isil. Many are know unknown. The spokesman possibilitied questions about what appears to be an unambiguous failure. We have been pretty forthright about the significant challenges that that operation has faced. It has not sick cantly incumbered the other aspects. As forced move within 30 miles of the capitol. What he didnt say is that the progress has been made largely by summit supported curds. Who have so far proven to be the most effective antiisil forces on the battlefield. The pentagon down played the set back. Pent gone Spokesman Says the u. S. Remained committed to train and equip program and argue that the success does not hinge on any single incident or group. John. All right, thank you. In saudi arabia an isil linked group is claiming responsible for a deadly suicide bombing at a mosque. 15 people killed, 12 were members of Saudi Special forces. The Moss Scott Walker in a compound run by the interior ministry this spring an isil affiliated group claimed responsible for two bombings that killed more than two dozen people, at shia mosques in saudi arabia. A White House Program designed to prevent attacks in this country is under fire tonight. The plan is called countering violent extremism. They met today in boston, l. A. And minneapolis those are the three pilot cities theysy they are fueling antimuslim sentiments and breeding mistrust. Legionnaires disease has now claimed three lying in new york. A building building cooling towers are the source of the outbreak. The city has ordered all of them to be toasted. Some experts say thats not enough. All water cools towers must be tested for legionnaires bacteria. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution. Everyone understands that it has been limited to one community in our city. Health officials believe five cooling towers used for large air Conditioning Systems are the source of the recent legionnaires outbreak. They say the drinking wattser safe. There is no risk to our drinking water. There is no risk to our water supply. But a top researcher recently told us more testing is needed and questions the source of the bacteria. Although i dont have all the data, i will tell you that in the early 80s, we reported for the source of legionnaire disease came from, and it came from the drinking water, despite the fact that the prevailing theory is that it came from cooling towers. The claim goes against the con can census that the cooling towers are the source of the outbreak. S for ale cooing tower outbreak, usually there are a lot of cases in a fairly short period of time, and thats what we are seeing in the new york outbreak in new york city. Microbiologieses saying cases linked to cooling towers get more attention. In terms of the total number, there are more linked to water Distribution Systems than outbreaks. With in terms of cooling towers being resourced but we hear at these more than we hear about the cases that are associated with water Distribution Systems. Once all water sources tested something that is currently not required. Add culturing a building water system that are at high risk, like hospitals and Nursing Homes in addition to the cooling towers because thats where the most vulnerable populations are. Cases of legionnaires disease more than tripled in the u. S. Between 2001 and 2012. Even if the bacteria is found, either in a water system or cooling tower the c. V. C. Says the general population is resistence, experts say only about 2 of people expose willed actually become infected. Al jazeera. Still ahead an 11yearold boy charged with manslaughter the tragic death and how the prosecutor responded anden joe stewart saying goodbye. Holmes attorney asked the jury to spare his life. Just outside detroit an 11yearold boy is facing manslaughter charges in the shooting death of a threeyearold. It is a case that is raising new questions about how our Justice System deals with children. A horrific scene as Police Responded to the shooting death of threeyearold elijah walker. His 11yearold playmate took a gun from his fathers close settings went outside and climbed into a car with the toddler and shot him in the face. On wednesday the unidentified 11yearold was charged with manslaughter. Wayne county prosecutor said in a statement, i can not remember a time where we have charged someone so young with taking a life. Very unfortunately, and very tragically, the alleged facts in this case demanded it. Be uh the boy was charged as a juvenile, though, so if convicted he will not serve the 15 year maximum sentence instead he would be hold only until the age of 19. As a controversy question. Every state allows juveniles to be tried as adults under some circumstances. Some even require the prosecution of murder in adult courts. For convicted children, and 2001 in florida 12yearold lionel tate became the youngest ever earn sentenced to life in prison without parole convicting of murdering sixyearold playmate. Tate said he has been imitating wrestling moves on the girl when she suffered a fractured skull, and internal injuries. His sentence was overturned after he spent five years in an adult prison, he is now back behind bars on unrelated charges, in another michigan kate that than yeah abraham was 11 when he killed a stranger a borrowed rifle outside detroit. His attorney claimed that he lacked the mental capacity. He became the first youth allowing children of any age to be prosecuted as adults for serious crimes. And convicted of intentional Second Degree murder. But a judge overturned that sentence in abraham was held in juvenile detention until the age of 21. B. C. , al jazeera, detroit. She is in austin texas tonight, welcome what you say that three crimes committed by kids are very rare right. They are, it is extremely a rare a child of len or 13, to take another childs life. Tell me about the rea what do you think about what he said and what should happen to this 11yearold boy. I dont know the details of this particular case, but i do know that any 11yearold boy that is involved in this sort of action needs some media recessment, to see whether he is competent. And see what treatment he needs and what his family needs. I have to say that my heart goes out to the victims family and services should immediately be extended to that family as well. Is it a mistake. In this case he is not charged as an adult, is it a mistake to try them as adults. I do believe that i believe more and nor neurosciences are telling us that children dont have the same capacity as adults. Children are not miniature adults. Their brains are not completely developed and we need to take that into account does it always depend on the Juvenile Court system. This child is in Juvenile Court, how the judge treats the child how that court treats the child. Of course it does. And it also depends on what sort of services are available in that particular Juvenile Court. I think the intention of the Juvenile Court system was always about rehabilitation, and protecting children and some courts are doing a better job of that than others. But those are things we should also take into consideration. For what kind of services are going to be available to this young man. Depending on his sentence abjoy wolf good to see you. Kathleen cane faces criminal charges prosecutors say she lecked secret grand jury information to the media, cane says she is innocent, and wont step down at the same time some legal experts are calling for more transparency in that grand jury process. Coming up next, 50 years after the Voting Rights act where the law stands today and we go back to ferguson one year later ferguson, one year later. What do we want . Justice. What do we want. Now. How the killing changed that city and america. Particularly poor people and people of color vote early because they can take the time off work. They can vote when it is convenient for them. Once again it is under attack. Are you objecting to this . How, why. Why. The daily show signed off leaving a legacy that is much more than laughs. Is plus, high stakes. Theres so much on the line, and it means everything, we are zoned in and it is just insane. With the biggest video games prize, ever. This sunday will mark one year since Michael Brown was killed. The young africanamericans death sent off weeks of sometimes violent protests. America tonight was in ferguson she has been back several times to see how this tragedy has changed that city. Looking at it now it may be hard to believe that this street was the epicenter of mas. Protests now boarded up buildings and gray 50 are reminders of what happened here the scene is so different, from one year ago. Last summer, the street was filled with thousands of people. Protesting the death of Michael Brown and an intense crack down. I remember hearing gunfire, and ducking for cover. Even wearing a mask to protect from the tear gas in the air. Tensions between police, and protestors were extremely high. State Police Captain worked around the clock trying to keep the peace in the midst of chaos. Today johnson insists he sees a change, more dialog, and more listening. Progress. I can see the Community Come together and reach out to each other and i think beare seeing families that live outside of ferguson, outside of north county, come in and share in the change and the el haing. We are seeing things move forward, in a small way but things didnt get this way overnight, and it will take time. For months mourners from all over, came to pay their respects. Building a make shim shrine to Michael Brown. I saw heavy police presence, a crowd and there was a dead body in the middle of the street for five hours. Chris monoworks here. How would you say ferguson as a whole has changed. Probably the most peaceful it has ever been. Sense the events. Last year he says his friends wouldnt visit often because police frequently patrolled his community. They would be in different parking lots lots and people drive pi, and they pull them over, you see somebody going to a car getting tows always at the end of the month. He is ready for a new beginning, might be like him are ready forking ferguson to move out of the spite light john they say compared to last year he has seen a significant reduction in the number of police that have been patrolling the complex and offering tickets and making arrests. Woe heard a lot about police and Community Relations after the Michael Brown death. What has changed. Well, a lot has changed but a lot has stayed the same. For example action last month they brought in a new interim police chief but it is another new chief they still dont have a permanent chief. Talk about recruiting more black officers but they still only have five on a force of 50 and most of the officers are white men just to put that in perspective last year they only had 3. You showed us some of the buildings that are still boarded up, has there be any reconstruction of the areas. Yes there has been some people that rebuilding. I saw the demolition, of one of the strip malls that was here that had been burned down in november, but it had taken several months until july for that thing to even start being the demolition to happen. So there has been some rebuilding but there have been some business that is have not reopened. And what is planned for the anniversary this weekend. Theres a lot going on, there are several events some are hosted by mike browns parents there are plans for marchs theres moments of silence, theres a big hiphop concert, and then theres a planned event with civil disobedience, so a lot of stuff going on. All right, thank you for keeping us up to date, you can see more of her report on america tonight at 10 00 oclock eastern time tonight one of the changes is the appointment of a black police chief and Michael Browns mother gave an exclusive interview. Gain justice for Michael Brown. I want justice for my son. I want to see some charges and conviction. Im not against anything right happening. But i am against the wrong key and nothing right being done about it. So if the chief first of all they have some things that have been brought down on them by the department of justice. I think that a lot of people want to see those things corrected. And addressed. And some companyings to start there, and we want to see we dont just want to hear what is in the plan, whats been talked about we want to see those things. Can i help him with that. Not that much. Not just i can help him with that. But in return, i want to know if he can held me with my struggle. What is your struggle. My struggle is justice for Michael Brown. Can 30 eastern time, 5 50 pacific, we will see you then. 50 years ago today august 61,965th, president Lindon Johnson signed the Voting Rights act into law it brought a long era of poll taxes literacy toasts, and grandfather clauses to an end. Today president obama celebrated the landmark legislation, but says it has been dill lewded and he is calling on lawmakers to draft a new bill. One order of business is for our congress, to pass a updated version of the et voting righting rights act. That would correct some of the problems that have arisen. Critics say those include vote irish navy i. D. Laws early restrictions and a recent Supreme Court decision. They say the act is under attack. Randall pinkston reports. This act flows from a clear and simple wrong its only purpose is to right that wrong. When president Lindon Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights act he called it one of the most monumental laws in American History he pushed the bill through congress but the political struggle buzz preceded by another battle. This confrontation known as bloody sunday, outraged the nation. On the month line was a man who organized the protest. Dallas counties voters. Reverend reese now 85 years old was the person who invited dr. Martin luther king jr. For the successful second march. Later in year, reese was at the nations capitol when president johnson seened the Voting Rights act. What did you think . What i thought that the lord was so good. For after having gone through all of the difficulties we had gone through and now we have a chance to be considered as first class siseses. For 50 years the Voting Rights act helped minorities transform the nations political landscape. Of course, barack obama wouldnt be president of the United States if it were not for the Voting Rights act. But law professor is worried because of a 2013 Supreme Court decision shelbi v holder that eliminated preclearance. The original act to get federal permission, free clearance before making changes. The Supreme Court 2013 decision is eliminated that requirement. Immediately after that happened after the Supreme Court decision, states like North Carolina, like texas like georgia other states started to enact a provisions that madid more difficult for africanamericans for latinos, for members of racial minority groups to vote. The center counts 21 states with restricted voting laws. Such as eliminated early voting or same day registration or requiring photo i. D. Es. Proponents say the laws are designed to prevent fraud and preserve the integrity of the vote. All the studies show that particularly poor people, and people of color vote early. Because they can take time off work. They can vote when it is convenient for them. Susan watson of the alabama a. C. L. U. Predicts the restrictions will reduce minority turn out. So what then is your take on this argument that there is fraud . Well i think it is a false argument, there is no fraud. The naacp and Justice Department are now challenging that states new voter restrictions an issue that reverend reese and his generation had hoped was settled half a century ago. He directed the alabama Voter Registration project back in 1962, and worked with Martin Luther king jr. He told me the law is passed to counter voter fraud are discriminator. What people dont understand is that the 1965 voters rights act was an act. Which means it is temporary. And its only able to get it passed on a temporary base that is why we were able to get it passed and it only serves the purpose of correcting a problem. So the assumption is that we only needed that act in place because we needed to correct a problem. And thats why we had to renew it and have a voted on again periodically, so the use of that legislation was simply temporary. So how far has the country come in 50 years when it comes to Voting Rights . Well, in some states we are dont well, in terms of people protecting the individuals, and their right to participate in government. And so we are doing very well in many states. But in some other states you have people in power who feel that other people should not be represented. You are saying that legal voters are being prevented from voting by laws like the ones that have been passed in North Carolina and georgia and in texas and they are doing it to try to keep black voters from the polls. Absolutely. No question about it. In 2015. In 2015. You see theres an attitude on the part of some people that they are the ones who should be in control and they should have the power so therefore they have to devise ways in which they can minimize the participation. And men ply the power of others. To participate. In government. They are entitled. And its not unrelated to the kind of horrible acts of violence we have seen like in South Carolina so what impact do you believe these restrictive voting laws in certain states have had on planning voter participation. Well, what happens is when people experience extreme violence they often these majority of the people, they take a backward step, pause they wonder whether or not its possible to be able to continue to behave in a civilized way and act with courage. When they might not success. This particular election is coming up, is going to be the single factor, to determine how our future. If you find in this election like we found in florida, a few years ago that people were denied their right to votes and their votes werent counted people become discouraged. They will say we cant win so if we elect okay, a government a president or an administration thats going to have a negative attitude towards minority people, then you are going to find people being discouraged. And people are not going to have face and confident that our country is going to be the land of liberty and justice for all. Your words on the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights act, reverend lafayette good to see you thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. It is the end of an era at Comedy Central. John stewart signing off as host of the daily show. Fans lined up outside the institute owed today. Stewart is anchored the program sense 1919, and sense then the show has attracted high ratings won numerous awards according to the Pugh Research center 12 of americans say the daily show is their main source for news. Jay thomas is an Emmy Award Winning actor the host of the jay thomas show. And he is in Santa Barbara california for us tonight good to see you, thank you for joining us. Thank you, i am in my very important library, right now. Well, it looks very important, and we are glad you are talking to us. Talk to us about jon stewart what is his legacy . Is he a news guy, a comedian, is he both. I love that he says he is a comedian, and i certainly dont want to put miamis in the same ball game with him i have a talk show where i observe what is going on, and you make sure it is funny and you get to say the things you feel and the fact that it makes news palatable like my family has the whole spectrum of everything from 18 to 45yearolds in my family and everybody is looking at what jon stewart did the day before. Even tonight we will have the debate, and john stewart dvrs, i am sorry that he is leaving, i bet he is sorry he is leaving with all this cookiness with donald trump and all. Im sure he would like another 18 months or so. Why do you think john stewart was successful in others werent . You know what i think when you focus on Something Like bill mauer focuses on something, when you have an act, and you thats what you do and you do it every night, and do it well, and David Letterman over 20 something years every night same thing johnny carson, and i think thats kind of a working mans kind of a working womans kind of thats what they do, they do it really well, and then stewart now wants to do films or more important work, and thats certainly his prerogative. When he went to work, you knew what you were going to get. Same thing with a lot of sit comes and t. V. Shows. You never saw a very special seinfeld, it was the same then every night i think john stewart he never disappointed and even after 9 11 and terrible things that happened, he would certainly pay tribute, or sadness happened, yeah, he would certainly do that, but then you got right back to the thing that he did well and focus can is an important thing in showbiz. Carson used news, in his monologue, and letterman as well but john stewart was different, what made him difference. He told the truth. It is like we laughed at it, but we also accepted it as the truth. Out of all the people in showbiz, i happen not to know him, it is odd i have met most everybody out there doing stuff and i dont know if he knows anything about me unless he knew me from around the business but when i watched him i would laugh and go yeah, thats funny, it is now maybe a liberal observation, and i am obviously a limousine liberal. But it is honest, and you like that, louis black comes out and he saying stuff he believes and we are laughing at it. So honesty and a focus on politics and the absurddy of it right and left. Thats a great combination and his interviews are terrific too he made sure you werent bored. A lot of people say he leaves a hole that he leave as void in coverage of news. Or how would you compare him to any other figure, any other commentator in American History. I am not sure he is historic, and i know you are using that, we arent talking walter chronkite, but he isnt a news reader either. They are replacing with a young so cant for the life of me figure out what thats all about. But i dont think i dont think we will watch that show ever again at my place. He will have his own audience and maybe he b big overseas also. Why not . Why wouldnt you watch the guy that takes over. You at al jazeera should know this as well as anyone. Americans like to look rat americans. Now we have some english, and irish, and australians and everything else, but quintessentially, what john stewart did was american. And he could make fun of the pope, say things about brazil or whatever, but he was an american comedian. And i dont think john stewart would be as successful in south africa, so thats something that the management of Comedy Central decided to do to try and expand their reach. I hope it worked and the guy is funny but he is not my cup of tea my kids dont even know who he is, my kids are 18 to 25. They dont know who trevor noah is. Quell, i will watch john stewart tonight and great to see you again we appreciate your perspective. It is a pleasure, thanks a lot. Still ahead high stakes world of video games. All the complexity take a 2nil. How super competitive gamers now play for big money. Now to a story about a war torn country facing a major challenge. How to overcome unmanageable odds to get children an education. John, south sudan broke away from sudan four years allege now it is emaprilled in this terrible civil war getting an education requires overcoming. Less than 10 finish primary school,en and only 35 are girls. Bewill share the story of one young woman who walks four hours just to learn, and when she wears out her shoes she has to stay home. When i cant come to school i get very upset. I cry for days for my mom to get me socks and shoes. How this personal story sheds light on the broader issues the government and schools are facing to provide a basic education, in what is a broadening crisis. In seattle competitors from around the world are gathering this week, they are there to play a video game in front of a sold out crowds from a multimillion dollars prize. Allen is in seattle with more. Evening we are outside the keyarena inside it can be deafening, i couldnt hear you talk, i might not hear myself think, this is the annual International Champion for the game called dota 2, the whole event called the international staged by seattle game maker. Before it is all over, they will handout 18 milliondollars in prize money, the biggest pot in the history of the booming business of competitive gaming. Yes, it is just a game, and no, it is not just a game. Rock star status for playered, this is has a major league field. In their sky box the team watches a first round match. The international is their best chance for a big payday. There is so much on the line, and it means everything you are zoned in and it is just insane. It is really a high. These 20 somethings live and train together playing is their full time job and they win early. They call it the g. G. And complexity take a 2nil in a very impressive series. In dota two, opposing teams use different here roar personalities and go to war on the complex field. Super bowl winners earn 97,000 this year, nba champion warriors 250,000dollar as piece the worlds series 388,000 per San Francisco giant. But the international blows them away, members of the winning team will pocket 1. 2 million each. Even losers make guaranteed money. It is big business, it has 27 players under contract, playing five different games all over the world. It is very much lice nascar we put lowell goes all over their jerseys. The lost attack. The keyarena sold out for this event in minutes. 20 Million People watched live streams. This years prized pool, is the biggest gaming pot ever. How did you react to that. Those involved in the business here, like stephen of the fighters peers interviewing me for a pod cast say most main stream advertisers make a mistake. When they bypass this mostly young, single, often bizarre costumed crowd. They dont have families and investments they dont have retirement, they just like to buy stuff. Steams from asia and europe have dominated the tournament for recognition and cash hopes to thing that. Put now theres millions of eyes on me, and i can win millions of dollars. And its i am still coming to terms that it is real. Because it is still very very surreal to me. Very real for those folks. Our condolences to our friends at complexity gaming they got bounced just yesterday, they wont go on to the finals. They have a saying on that team, you either win or you learn, and they did some of both. They won early. Still each of those walk away with about 42,000. Not what even this hoping but not a bad weeks work. Allen, thank you very much. Thats our broadcast, thank you for watching. The news continues next, with Antonio Moore row we will see you tomorrow. Setback in syria. The department of defense has been forthright about the significant challenges that the operation faced. Those trained by United States to fight i. S. I. L. Refusing to fight terror in fallujah. This is my daughter. Shes dead now. What did she do to deserve this. Civilians trapped between i. S. I. L. And the advancing iraqi army. The great egyptian dream. The

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