Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20240622 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20240622

stealing state secrets and of keeping mistresses. a pioneering new medical technique. 3d printers are making replicas of body parts. find out why. but we start this newshour in burundi where vote something underway in a presidential election which has seen much unrest. the incumbent is running for a third term in. critics say he is violating the constitution. many are boycotting the vote. the african union, the eu says they won't recognize the results. this election has been marred by violence. hours before the polls opened one person was killed in overnight shooting in the capitol. >> there is no security in burundi. gunfire reigns the night. we are not sure what is happening here. >> we have two correspondents there on the ground. we've got hara matusa and catherine soi is just across the border in hwanda where thousands have been fleeing. we will go to catherine in a moment but first, let's go to haru. behind you we can see evidence of a great deal of unrest. so people are going to the polls with a sense of fear and intimidation. >> exactly. on this street in the neighborhood, a very volatile neighborhood one man was killed. the body was only removed a few minutes ago by the red cross. this is the scene. these are people who say they are not going to vote. they have barricaded or blocked some of the roads with these blocks. they have lit some tires. there are a lot more people further back down the road. they are going up and down marching up and down. the police are here, keeping a safe distance wondering how to contain this crowd. soldiers are not too far away. it is very very tense. in terms of the polling stashingsz we have driven around the capitol. the linesstations we have driven around the capitol. the lines. a lot of people saying they are boycotting the election. a lot longer lines in the countryside where the president is very popular. here in the capitol, particularly in neighborhood that has seen a lot of violence in the past few months people are concerned what could happen. gunfire overnight,plosions when the sun goes down, some are worried about the repercussions and possible violence emerging later on in the evening. >> the mistaken opposition parties are boycotting the entire process. is there any doubt that the incumbent president will win? >> no. no. to be honest no. people expect him to win. they expect the results to be released fairly soon and they are saying those who aren't voting, they are saying they won't recognize these results. the opposition parties have boycotted, telling people not go and vote. interesting enough there is a traditional counsel that's trying to be set up. people in exile. former speaker ofpal parlor. opposition leaders are trying to set up a parallel government. they are saying they will be on stand by when he is removed. i don't know how good that threat s we know some of the solids, the generals who staged a coup that failed in may, they are saying they will come back and remove him by force if he wins this election if he stays in power. lots of people very tense about which way this country is going in a few days' time. >> harrah matasu life for us in the capitol there. thank you very much indeed for now. now we can go to catherine soi, our correspondent in the mahama refugee camp in eastern rwanda. tell us the type of people then, who are feeling so scared that they are leaving the country and crossing the border and going in to rwanda. ? >> absolutely, martin. let me put this in context. this camp is very far away from the border with burundi. it's about five hours away. the reason why they were brought this far is because of security reasons. they cannot be too close to the border. there are 30,500 refugees, 70,000 people in all have crossed in to rwanda since april when this started. this camp was set up specifically for the needs of burundians. we have not been seeing as many people coming in to the country as was witnessed in the early days of april or may, june. and that's because according to aid workers we have talked to according to some refugees we have talked to as well is that there are a lot of checkpoints inside of burundi that perhaps people are being prevented crossing over. a lot of the people that we talked to say that the reason why they fled burundi in the first place is because of intimidation. they feelar the local police there. they say they fear the ruling party youth wing members who have been accused of intimidating and killing people. that's why the people we talked to, what they say they are escaping from. that's something else the united nations center for refugees told us what is unprecedented and surprising is that a lot of people are actually now refugees. 34,000 people who have crossed in to rwanda are in cities like the capitol, the politicians, people society groups human rights activists, university students and lecturers as well. a lot of people wherever they are, whether it's in this camp whether it's in transit camps or the capitol are watching very closely what's going on burundi and the elections. they all obviously want to go home, but they are telling us that whether this election is -- comes to pass and even this election, whoever is elected, they still do not feel their safety is guaranteed, particularly because it's such a polarizing election martin. >> the sad thing is catherine, is that it looks very much as though this is something that is not going to go away. this is another humanitarian crisis on the african continent. are the agencies that deal with refugees are they getting their plan in to gear? and what about the rwandan authorities, themselves? i mean, are they making a plan and making provisions for these people? >> reporter: absolutely. this is, yes, another crisis. i must tell you there were 75,000 refugees from the democratic republic of congo who are in rwand a: some of them for more than -- for two decades. now that in addition to this new refugees 70,000 from burundi is putting quite a strain on non-governmental agencies and aid agencies and on the government as well. the border remains often for ref uming ease. the government says it's not going to close the border. it's open for the ref uming ease from burundi. they set aside this particular piece, that's going to accommodate 60,000 people, looking into other areas as well. you must also realize rwanda is a small country. they have limited space. that's always a concern. the aid agencies they are trying what they can to make sure that the people here have the basic humanities sewer, sanitation. they are trying to put up structures. there is an understanding the people coming here will be here for a long time. they are also telling us the united nations high commission for refugees also told me that they are also prepared for an emergency influx. >> that's something they are not hoping for. it's something they have to plan for, as well. they are also planning for that. there is a clear understanding these people are not going back any time soon. it's always a stainuous situation being away from your country, no matter the circumstances you are in no matter what services are provided to you. these people want to go back home. there is a lotof fear. like you say, another crisis to the many complex african crises. >> catherine soi live from mahama camp in rwanda. thank you very much, indeed, for now. so we have our correspondents covering the situation as the burundians go to the polls and covering the fallout here at al jazeera. now to turkey which is increasing security along its border with syria after a deadly blast in the kurdish town of suruge. it's not known what's caused the explosion that's killed 31 people and wounded nearly 100 others. the government says it suspects that it was an isil suicide attack but no one so far as claimed responsibility. meanwhile there have been anti-government protests in istanbul. they are saying ankara isn't doing enough to stop the armed group. >> we can go to the town close to the syrian border where the attack took place. our correspondent, mohammed jamjoom is there for us. so, a this town of mostly kurdish people ab sorbs the loss of 31 people, tell us about the mood. >> there is a lot of anxiety and a growing sense of anger. what you see behind me is the do you recallal center where the attack took plates yesterday. a short while ago, there was -- -- -- there were several speakers from the hdp party, the pro-kurdish political party here in turkey. they were expressing a lot of rage toward the turkish government. they are saying the kurds aren't being protected enough by the government. one of the speakers was getting quite a reaction from the crowd when he was say that it seems as though the turkish government is punishing more kurds here and kurdish fighters that go and fight in syria than they are isil. so that's to give you a sense of the mood here it's really we are seeing people that are concerned. they are frustrated by this. they are worried that they are going to be -- that there are going to be more of these kinds of attacks in the days and possibly weeks to come. there is confusion about why this happened. but really predominantly, people are mad that this happened and right now where we are, a lot of people are directing that toward the turkish government. >> there are a lot of suspicions about who would have carried out an atrocity such as this but it seems the overriding suspicion is blinking this to an isil suicide bomber and a female at that. >> reporter: that's right. whatevered several times in the past day since this happened they believe isil is behind this. that's one of the reasons why security has been increased around this village. we have also heard the prime minister say they believe that this was a female suicide bomber although that has yet to be confirmed. what's interesting is that we have not yet seen a claim of responsibility for this attack. we have not seen isil or any other group and say, yes, we carried this out. so we are monitoring to see if there is any kind of claim or responsibility we can report here in the hours to come. right now, we are waiting for some funeral proceed sessions to start. in the hours ahead we are told at least two of the people that were killed in the blast yesterday will be buried here in suruge we are expecting their bodies will be marched from the state hospital to one of the grave yards. there is some concern that that could cause tension amongst the crowd, that maybe there would be protests. we have seen checkpoints that have been put up here by the pro-kurdish party because they want to make sure that the situation remains under control. martin. >> mohammed jamjoom, thank you very much. a video which purports to show the aftermath of a syrian government airstrike has been uploaded to the internet. at least 26 people were killed in the attack. the town is close to alleppo, controlled by isil. it's not clear whether the victims were civilians or fighters. a group linked to isil is claiming responsibility for an attack on a mosque in yemen's capitol. it happened in an area close to a houthi leaders' home. several people were killed in that incident. in sanaa, six were killed in a shooting at a checkpoint and 5 occurs are dead after a car bomb exploded in a police station. >> an international aid group says 100 people have been killed by houthi shelling in aden. doctors without borders say many civilians are included, including women and children. there are reports that the first u.n. aid ship in four months has managed to doc in aden and a team from the united arab em rat did is in the city to reopen the airport. they are saying it should be operational in 24 hours. local fighters loyal to the government in exile seized the airport from the houthis last week. five people have been killed during -led airstrikes on fallujah in iraq. to the east, locals in diyala province are reeling from the after effects. it killed 115 people and injured more than 100 others. imran khan meets those who say they have been left to fend for themselves. >> reporter: there isis is where the bottom went off. the islamic state in iraq in the levant claimed responsibility. dozens have been out on the streets since the attack protesting what happened. >> no one cares what happened here. our government hasn't even visited here even president obama has send condolences. no one cares. jury. >> their anger isn't likely to go away any time soon. the they blame the sunni muss let me see. an allegation that's denied but they he fear revenge attacks. >> reporter: people have lost all faith in the government to defend them. they say the only people that can protect them from attacks like these are the shia malitias. they say they are the only ones that have the power to be able to take revenge. that's what they want revenge against the people who personlated that attack. >> reporter: the local mayor is a man under pressure. as a representative of the government anger is directed towards him. he is lying low and increased his own security fearful of the mobs outside. >> we need more of everything to protect ourselves, more bomb detecting equipment, more cameras and police and soldiers who know the area and can protect united states against isil. >> members of several large shia militia groups have visited the town. one of them have warned they will get revenge for this attack. for isil, it's a big propaganda victory which demonstrates they can attack at will. >> has residents scared and angry. imran khan diyala province. >> if you were in the u.s. might have restored closer diplomatic ties but they are polls apart on the use of this controversial prison on cuban land. a former president's top aide is the latest of in our china's crackdown on corruption. and in sport, find out just how close jordan spieth was to making history at the open championship. >> the foreign minister says the restored economic ties will work if the blockade with cuba is lifted. they re-opened embassies on monday. the u.s. cut off ties with cuba in 1961, two years after the communist revolution led by fidel castro. last december, the two countries agreed to reestablish relations after long talks which were encouraged by pope francis. despite the deal an embargo banning most u.s. companies from doing business in cuba is still in force and travel restrictions imposed by both countries will also remain in place. a report now from washington. >> reporter: the u.s. broke off relations with havana 54 years ago. the cuban foreign minister was clear, as far as they have come this sometimes secret negotiations, they still have further to travel. >> only the lifting of the economic commercial and financial blockade which has caused so much harm and suffering to our people. the return of the occupied area in guantanamo and respect for cuba's sovereignty will lend meaning to the historic event we are witnessing today. >> the vast majority of those who gathered outside the embassy are demanding even closer cooperation and ties between the u.s. and cuba notbly the lifting of the economic embargo. >> that's not considered likely for the moment. >> you may continue to see push fwrak engross if anyone thinks that the sanctions are going away, that the so-called embargo is going to go away they have not been paying attention. >> reporter: it was notable congressional opponents were unable derail diplomatic normalization when they had a chance and growing pressure from u.s. business interests may eventually blunt opposition to lifting the embargo on capitol hill. after talks with the cuban foreign minister at the state department the u.s. secretary of state said he would travelers travel to havana. he broke into spanish. >> translator: the united states welcome did this new beginning in its relationship with the people and government of cuba. we are determined to live as good neighbors on the basis of mutual respect and we want all of our citizenship in the united states and cuba to look forward to the future with hope. >> reporter: those who have long studied this fraught relationship were reaching for superlatives. >> this is an historic moment because there has been a defendant war between cuba and the united states for 56 years. and in effect cuba won without giving up anything really. the -- and people who long said that if i had he will castro didn't want relations, they were wrong. he wanted this kind of relations, this recognized legitimacy of the cuban revolution. >> reporter: in fact, monday was the day the u.s. ended its international diplomatic isolation on cuba. al jazeera, washington. >> there is also skepticism in havana as well. here is what fidel, the former leader fidel castro had to say. he said, i don't trust the policy of the united states but that doesn't mean i reject a peaceful solution to the conflict. our latin america editor lucia newman is in havana. >> reporter: it may look exactly the same but this is no longer a u.s. intersection under the care and protection of the swiss embassy. >> flag is now gone and the building you see behind me that was constructed in 1953 is now once again the u.s. embassy it was always meant to be. the american flag is not flying here at least not yet. >> will have to wait until u.s. secretary of state yon kerry comes to oversee an official ceremony but there are changes from the tiny american flags of the embassy staff were carrying to the number of tourists and even americans carrying their passports and flags to mark this day. >> it's a historic event, hoping this brings about changes. >> cubans who went inside said the requisites had not changed. dorg this woman o this day, the staff was more friendly than before when they denied her a vetoesa. clearly, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations has a much bigger impact here than in the united states. generations of cubans preparing themselves for a possible u.s. invasion. now, u.s. consular staff will be able to travel around the communist island freely. of course, both countries is a long way to go to really normalize ties. it has been an exciting day. many are probably remembering fidel castro's prophetic words when he was asked when he thought the u.s. and cuba would restore dprom attic ties and he said when the world has a latin american pope and athe u.s. a black president. he probably didn't believe it but that day has come. >> another sticking point between cuba and the united states, of course, is the status of guantanamo bay, currently a u.s. naval based on cuban soil. ross cylinder jordan has this report. >> guantguantanamo, a place that has become a center for human rights abuses. they have held up to 780 detainees, prisoners of the so-called global war on terror. but guantguantanamo is also the u.s.'s only permanent overseas base in the americas. sailors and marines stationed here respond to natural disasters and go after drug dealers and human trafficers. havana wants the land back. the obama administration opposes the idea. >> no anticipation and no plan with respect to the guantguantanamo naval station in cuba. >> the u.s. has troops deployed all around the world, but there is only one country where u.s. forces are permanently deployed against the wishes of the host government, cuba. the americans have controlled the deep water bay and square files on southeastern end since 1903, a gain from the spanish-american war. the u.s. started paying rent. kufrnth, about $4,000 a year. but in the 1960s, fidel castro stopped cashing the checks and called on the americans to leave. in most respects guantanamo looks like any other military base, sand colored, cinder block buildings, a department store, a recreation program and other amenities for the troops and their families. on the far southeastern side of the island stand at least prisons which now hold the men captured in the years after the september 11th attacks. the u.s. needs to resolve the long-term stat under the circumstances of these prisoners before anything can happen to the bates. analysts say the u.s. needs to look at the long-term trajectory of its relationship with havana and with the region. >> there are a lot of hurdles to getting this done. but i think it should be considered. i think that the united states has a historical debt it owes cuba on this front. it's clearly the terms of the initial agreement were unfair unbalanced and in a different time in history. and i think it will factor in to the normalization process. it's just not a front-burner issue. it's a back-burner issue. >> reporter: normalization will take time. it's fair to assume the u.s. will try to find a way to hold on to guantanamo but in what form and with what facilities may come down to what the cubans will ultimately accept. ross cylinder jordan al jazeera, washington. a top aide to the former chinese president has been arrested and expelled from the communist party. he is to face trial accused of accepting huge bribes as well as keeping mistresses and stealing party secrets. his arrest is part of a campaign launched by hu's successor. he said he worked to restore public confidence in the ruling party. scott heidler has more from beijing. >> reporter: he was tep center of power, the top aid for former president hu jin tao. the charges read like a soap opera, trading power for sex to trading core secrets of the party. i guess it's fair to say the there was a high speed crash, ferrari driven by his son. his son was killed. he was with two women in the vehicle. one later died with the injuries. that was the beginning of the downfall. it's the pattern we have seen with high-ranking officials going through corruption. first they are sidelined in their political career. the trial slowly starts to get their case against these individuals and what happens is what we saw today. >> that's that he is kicked out of the party and these charges are formerly brought up against him. what's going to be interesting over the coming months to see how high profile this case will because this falls right in to the current president's campaign against corruption. this is something that he said right from the beginning when he became president, he wants to make that a top priority for his presidency. it will be very interesting to see how quickly they can get these charges together and how high profile this trial will be over the coming months . >> all right. it's time for the weather. we are staying in china, aren't we everton? >> we are indeed martin. throwing it down in southern china, a monsoon. let's take a look at the satellite picture. see this long line of cloudsrowds clouds that's been rolling in the past few days, some massive down pours. hong kong saw 99 millimeters of rain 24 hours. the average is around 380 milliliters of main. about a quarter. actually not too far away. that's what we saw, 371 millimeters of rain coming down there. gwon dong. it is a case to spot the difference. wednesday more heavy rain across the southeast of china. further big pours into hong kong pushing into taiwan. we just had around 400 millimeters in hinan in 24 hours previous day. that's the same sort of area clouded rain pushing its way in across a similar every time i spot the difference more more big down pours across a similar area. we have seen flooding with mudslides. we have typhoon halola. a pleasant name but a nasty storm pushing its way further north. >> will bring wet and windy weather into southern japan by the end of the weekend, martin. >> thank you very much indeed. we have a lot more to come on this al jazeera newshour, including reporting from bolivia where thousands of mineers have taken their dispute with the government to la paz. liberia does charges the last of its ebola patients. we talk to children who have lost their parents. formula one remembers jule bianchi. ♪ dest detonating a bomb three 2 people were killed in the explosion. voting is underway in burundi's controversial election. one person was killed before the polls opened. the president is running for a third term which critics say violates the constitution. the opposition are boycotting thely. a top aide arrested as part of a corruption lack down. lin gee wah, accused of stealing party secrets. another look at burundi. one of our main stories today. let's look at why the election is controversial and the kind of political turmoil being created there as a consequence. it started april 25th when the president announced that he wanted to run forb a third time. thousands demonstrated in the capitol leading to months of protests and violence. in may, burundi's constitutional court cleared him, that it was okay. they said it was okay for a third term in. the frost then grew bigger and an army officer attempted a coup. >> event failed n june, election officials delayed the presidential ballot until today. dozens of people have been killed in the unrest. the u.n. says 158,000 people have sot refuge in neighboring countries. those who have remained and voted say they are hoping for peace. >> when i come to vote i request my safety and that the country should be stable and all should be protected in their safety and their safety should be guaranteed. >> joining us live from paris is the project director for central africa they international crisis group. he joins us, as i say, from the french capitol. we heard there some of the voters are hoping that by voting in this presidential election that they will achieve peace and unity for burnedi. >> lacks highly unlikely. would you agree? >> yes. i definitely agree with that because i think this election showed that burundi is already on the path of -- on the path of violence. the fact that the relations are organized today is the result of the failure of civil international mediation attempts by the -- the last one by the east african community when they nominated the president of ugand uganda to go to burnedi and secure thely. he went last week but was up able to secure the postponement of those elections. therefore, the fact that the president is sure to be re-elected today after today's vote will send a signal to the opposition that basically, there is nothing left to negotiate and cage can only come by force in burundi at this stage. >> now obviously, whenever there is a violence landscape, if you like when elections are being held there, there are lots of worries, lots of concerns but particularly when it comes to burundi, of course which is not long out of its civil war, which, of course was along sectarian lines how fearful are you that burundi is heading that way again? >> well all of the ingredients of conflict are now in place. as i said, the international mediation initiative failed. there are more than 16,000 burundians who fled their country. and there are some very notable defenses that show that basically the president is not only challenged by the opposition but he is also contested internally from within his party, and what is more worrying is that the beginning of july there was a clash between the army and an armed group at the border between burundi and rwanda and according to military sources, about 30 people, 30 rebels were killed. my feeling that this kind of clashes is going to happen again in the coming weeks after the elections because the feeling, the general feeling in opposition circles is that basically, there is nothing left to negotiate after the rely of the president and therefore, in opposition circles, there is a lot of -- there are a lot of rumors an a lot of mood and the feeling is that the opponents are organizing themselves both in the country and outside the country. so those elections are pretty good news for burundi. they also are pretty bad news for burnedi. sorry. produced on the east african community who failed to mediate and, also pretty bad news for the african union who proposed to the burundian government to send human rights money but the burundian government so far has rejected this idea and has delayed and is dragging its feet basically to accept the african union opposition sdmrfrp okay. thank you very much indeed. we are going to be monitoring the situation in burnedi very closely here on al jazeera. but thank you very much. now, to another part of africa let's go to the western part because the u.n. is warning that the ebola outbreak there has not yet run its course. more than 11,000 people died since the outbreak began in late 2013. now, the virus which spreads in west africa last year has created around 5,000 or fa cup did in liberia loop. a report now on one family which has lost more than 10 of its members. like many teenagers, even when kromer is doing her chores she is inseparable from her mobile phone. she is grounding kasava going to a immediately for her large extended family which lives in this one house. later as she prepares to go out, her older sister does her hair. but ask her about her parents and she breaks down. her mom and dad, along with at least eight other adults in the compound died from ebola last year. the sisters haven't just lost their guardians. the community has lost some of its main bread winners. now, food comes from charities and neighbors. >> there is no food so we are still hungry. >> this swint of thoughse days. chatter and laughter fills the kitchen before the family immediately. but behind it is grief. most of the people who died were brothers brothers. living in such a close-dmooint is what made the tragedy worse, making it easier for them to pass the virus to one anotherknit is what made the tragedy worse, making it easier for them to pass the virus to one another with more than 20 children to feed, their aunt is finding it hard to cope. >> the ebola, everything. thank god for president surley whos helped us fix our leaking roof. we need help. we have the youngest or fan here while people are talking about how he is the youngest survivor he is here with no aid. in fact, the children are many here. >> matu says she sdproolt desperately needs regular means meals to be provided and wants to send as many children as she can to school. for now, they are getting by as best as they can on the support of an extended family circle. al jazeera. scan the iranian foreign minister is back home defending last year's nuclear deal. mohammed jarif told parliament iran will closely monitor the implementation of the accord and the option of reversing the deal is open. the u.s. is saying for its part that military force could be used if iran breaks the agreement. it has been unanimously endorsed by the security council as our diplomatic editor james bays reports from new york. >> this was the moment the iran deal was ratified. the vote will make it binding international law. it starts the clock on the program for the speed limitation of the deal known as the joint comprehensive plan of action. sanctions will be lifted once the nuclear agency the iaea confirms that iran has scaled back its nuclear program. >> ninety days from today, when our respective capitols and legislatures have had a chance too carefully review the deal's provisions, the commitments in the j. c.poa should take effect. sanctions relief will begin only when iran verifybly completes the steps necessary to bring its nuclear program in light with the deal. >> iran's ambassador to the u.n. made it clear the deal could have positive repercussions way beyond his country's nuclear program. >> we earnestly hope it helps turn the page in our region enabling countries to close the ranks and fight against violent extremism and to move toward more cooperation to the grave threats that the region and the world face. >> reporter: israel's ambassador to the u.n. was not invited to speak in the security council. he made sure he briefed reporters the moment the meeting ended. ? >> today, you have award grated prize to the most dangerous country in the world. >> reporter: there has been angry reaction to the vote on capitol hill. the u.s. congress has sixty days to review the deal with iran. u.s. diplomats had hoped the discipline security council vote would take plates after the end of that review period but in the tough negotiations in vienna the timing of the vote, itself was one of the concessions that needed to be made. james bays al jazeera at the united nations the israelis don't like the deal either. the prime minister has urged congress to reject the deal after meeting the u.s. defense secretary, ashton carter. he is in the middle east to reassure regional alleys about the land mark agreement. israel fears the deal won't prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons and will strengthen groups hostile to it. carter is next do you to travel to jordan and sawed eye arabia. n the north koreanas have been reacting saying that it has no interest in a similar agreement with the west. arguing north korea is already a nuclear weapon state and therefore can't be compared with iran. it's subjected to wide-ranging international sanctions very similar to those imposed on tehran. staging three tests in the past nine years. the chief executive of toshiba is stepping down over a $1.2 billion accounting scandal and so are seven other executives after an independent report found the giant's japanese company had been systematically inflating its prophets for years. it's another blow to corporate japan's image after a fraud scandal involving camera and medical equipment maker olympus. striking mineers from bolivia's southern region have returned to the streets of la paz, their country's main city. they are demanding the president fulfill promises of creating jobs. a report from la paz. >> reporter: two weeks on and protesters are pressing their demands. on monday, they set up dynamite close to the presidential palace. how are you going to forget the process you made -- promises you made? they want the government to build hospitals, roads, and international airports and to preserve the emblem attic silver mine active since 545, among other demands. >> translator: we support. some are mineers because there is no work but the mine. we want industry. morales says 98% of the issues have been resolved. he says there is a plan to invest 700 million more. critics say that's helping industry but not the people 58% go. it's a lot of money. the development continues to be as it was 500 years ago. >>. >> reporter: two-thirds of the people continue to live in poverty and infrastructure projects have been delayed. several thousand people have come to la paz, among them mineers, teachers and businessmen. they say they will stay here indefinitely until they speak with the president face to face. >> reporter: but the interior minister says morales won't meet protesters. to impose conditions to camouflage camouflage, the doors are open for talks but with state ministers ministers. >> reporter: with access roads blocked, the city is isolated and paralyzed. protesters say the city is running out of food medicine money and petrol. people have been demanding changes for more than five years. they don't want to wait any longer. al jazeera la paz, bolivia. >> we have already duplicated everything from guns to shoes, and now .3d printers are making replicas of body parties. australian medics are pioneering the technique they think can change the way doctors are trained. andrew thomas splaunz. explains. >> a replica body parts. sdiepz are based upon ct scans of people which are colored within a computer create a file to send to a 3d printer. it builds a block of powder in thousands of sweeps. with sweech there is solidify solidifying colors. as the block is lowered a 10th of a millimeter for each sweep a detailed limb forms within. >> we had a head. we printed a face and a head and the muscles around the face and neck. it was rising out of the powder. it was very eerie but very amazing. >> the bio come patibility for implanting in people is many decades away but accurate replicates of parts can be ufts for training doctors. traditionally, doctors learn from books, crude molded parts or from cadavars. >> it's great having the cadavars there to have that 3d or prax tick cal aspect of what you are learning. i suppose you could argue it will a little less than what we would want. >> they are lawyer and expensive. in some do you recalls, they are taboo. ? >> there are some cultures and religions that frown upon the diessection or interference with a dead body. i would like to thank the parts of the world where there are issues of teaching medical students with cadavers this could fill a niche. >> the accuracy of these models is what makes them special. molded models can't get close. the in time tas fully dissectible. >> there hasn't been a defendant complete body printed. there isn't yet a machine big enough to do it. this is actually a mix of body parts based upon scans of different people a modern model frankenstein. >> so this isn't the start of being able to print something that could be given life for science teaching it is a big footstep forward. al jazeera, melbourne. andy is here so that means it's sports. >> jordan spieth is schmitzing out on his third golfing major of the year is tough to accept. the 21-year-old american came within a shot of making it into a play-off at the open championship. instead, though it was zac johnson who took his chance to win his first open title. stewart silvers reports. >> reporter: a delayed final day at saint andrews. bad weather meant this was only the second monday finish in 125 years. history beckoning in more ways than one. paul don hoping to be the first amateur winner since 1930 but he couldn't keep up his stunning run of form slumping to 6 over par, 78. what about jordan spieth? the american prodigy had won the first two majors of the season and only one man has ever won the first three [applause.] spieth started the day one strop stroke off of the lead but despite some impressitch putting, that was exactly where he was going down 18. this birdy putt to make a play-off. so, the gland slam over but still, what a year spieth is having. what would he give for this zac johnson birdy putt also on 18. enough for the american to finish in a 3-way tied for the lead with oostheizen and mark leachman. johnson birdied the first two holes of the four-hole play-off. despite the third, it left oostheizen to sink this putt. so zac johnson at 39 years old open champion 2015. >> i feel honored to be a part of the history of this game and, you know to don my name on that trophy especially with the names before me is humbling and surreal are the two words that come to my mind. >> reporter: a second major championship win for zac johnson after the 2007 u.s. masters, another triumph for one of the unsung champions of world golf. stewart silvers, al jazeera. triple world champion nick fanning said he may be months after he gets back in the water with a close encounter with a shark. the 34-year-old competing in the final of the jay bay open when great white had the the back of his board. catching that incident on camera and speaking on his return to australia. he said it was a miracle he escaped without a scratch. >> i turned around. i was on my back. i was waiting for it. i had my fist cocked and ready to see what was going to go and to walk away from, you know a shark attack with not a scratch on you it's like -- it's a miracle really. yeah. i don't know. thanks for not eating me. >> the head of european football is ing as the favorite to become the next fifa president. the current head of the world game sepp blatter confirmed his name wouldn't be on the ballot paper. patini hasn't said if he will be standing. he has been pleased to hear a lot of words of support from some of the world's leading tulle decision makers. >> has not gone unnoticed. so he will have to make a decision regarding what his next steps are. he is not ready to make that decision now but he has been impressed that many people could see him as a success. >> louie van hull says off spend season spending, in the united states united spent more than $100 million on new players. >> the premier league is a different league. it's the highest pressure on the ball and therithim of the game is very different. therefore you have to wait and see. >> test cricket after a 6-month break. a bit of trouble all out for 248. south africa haven't lost a series away from home for nine years now the support of formula one paid respects to a funeral service in the french driver's home of nice. one big name from the world of f 10 attendance. he died from injuries sustained at the japanese grand '. his number to be retired in his memory. the 25-year-old first driver to die in an f 1 race since 1994. more sport for me throughout the day. >> that's it. thank you very much. one of the internal questions facing humankind is if there is anyone out there in the universe. a russian billionaire is paying some of the world's leading scientists to find the answer. nadine barber reports. dmrfrn it's now estimated there are tens of thousands in our galaxy alone. is anyone alive or aware? >> that's the question that humans have been asking for thousands of years. now scientists including professor stephen hawking launched a $100 million funneled. they hope in the next 10 years we can get answers but there are no guarantees. >> come with us. >> we now know there are so many worlds and where molecules are so common, it seems quite likely that life is out there. but until it is known. >> the project called break through and listen is funded by a scientist in his previous career. the idea is to use existing to benology like the greenbank observatory in the united states far more efficiently. operators have agreed to give thousands of hours of telescope time every year. >> the several will be 50 times more sensitive than previous attempts and cover 10 times more sky. scientists will be able to listen in on planets orbitting the 1 million stars closest to earths and the 100 million galaxies nearest to our own. >> they are offering a million dollars in prooinzs for digital messages that best represent earth but they won't be people withed into space just yet partly hope that could trigger it. >> this could be some years ahead. if so, they will be vastly more valuable. >> i don't go along with those people like stephen hawkings who thinks it will be dangerous because if there are aliens out there, they probably have been watching us for years, even millions of years. they know we are here. >> there were sell brakes all around this month when a nasa space craft sent back pictures showing mountains of ice on pluto. if it shows life that would be out of this world. there is a lot more to come here at al jazeera. i will have a full news bulletin with the very latest as burundi votes in the presidential election. ♪ new pictures of the suicide bomb attack that killed more than 30 people in a turkish border town. the victims were on their way to syria to give humanitarian aid. hello. i am martin dennits in doha. this is the world news from al jazeera. also to come on the program, burundians vote in a presidential election condemned by the opposition and marred by violence. a top aide

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20240622

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stealing state secrets and of keeping mistresses. a pioneering new medical technique. 3d printers are making replicas of body parts. find out why. but we start this newshour in burundi where vote something underway in a presidential election which has seen much unrest. the incumbent is running for a third term in. critics say he is violating the constitution. many are boycotting the vote. the african union, the eu says they won't recognize the results. this election has been marred by violence. hours before the polls opened one person was killed in overnight shooting in the capitol. >> there is no security in burundi. gunfire reigns the night. we are not sure what is happening here. >> we have two correspondents there on the ground. we've got hara matusa and catherine soi is just across the border in hwanda where thousands have been fleeing. we will go to catherine in a moment but first, let's go to haru. behind you we can see evidence of a great deal of unrest. so people are going to the polls with a sense of fear and intimidation. >> exactly. on this street in the neighborhood, a very volatile neighborhood one man was killed. the body was only removed a few minutes ago by the red cross. this is the scene. these are people who say they are not going to vote. they have barricaded or blocked some of the roads with these blocks. they have lit some tires. there are a lot more people further back down the road. they are going up and down marching up and down. the police are here, keeping a safe distance wondering how to contain this crowd. soldiers are not too far away. it is very very tense. in terms of the polling stashingsz we have driven around the capitol. the linesstations we have driven around the capitol. the lines. a lot of people saying they are boycotting the election. a lot longer lines in the countryside where the president is very popular. here in the capitol, particularly in neighborhood that has seen a lot of violence in the past few months people are concerned what could happen. gunfire overnight,plosions when the sun goes down, some are worried about the repercussions and possible violence emerging later on in the evening. >> the mistaken opposition parties are boycotting the entire process. is there any doubt that the incumbent president will win? >> no. no. to be honest no. people expect him to win. they expect the results to be released fairly soon and they are saying those who aren't voting, they are saying they won't recognize these results. the opposition parties have boycotted, telling people not go and vote. interesting enough there is a traditional counsel that's trying to be set up. people in exile. former speaker ofpal parlor. opposition leaders are trying to set up a parallel government. they are saying they will be on stand by when he is removed. i don't know how good that threat s we know some of the solids, the generals who staged a coup that failed in may, they are saying they will come back and remove him by force if he wins this election if he stays in power. lots of people very tense about which way this country is going in a few days' time. >> harrah matasu life for us in the capitol there. thank you very much indeed for now. now we can go to catherine soi, our correspondent in the mahama refugee camp in eastern rwanda. tell us the type of people then, who are feeling so scared that they are leaving the country and crossing the border and going in to rwanda. ? >> absolutely, martin. let me put this in context. this camp is very far away from the border with burundi. it's about five hours away. the reason why they were brought this far is because of security reasons. they cannot be too close to the border. there are 30,500 refugees, 70,000 people in all have crossed in to rwanda since april when this started. this camp was set up specifically for the needs of burundians. we have not been seeing as many people coming in to the country as was witnessed in the early days of april or may, june. and that's because according to aid workers we have talked to according to some refugees we have talked to as well is that there are a lot of checkpoints inside of burundi that perhaps people are being prevented crossing over. a lot of the people that we talked to say that the reason why they fled burundi in the first place is because of intimidation. they feelar the local police there. they say they fear the ruling party youth wing members who have been accused of intimidating and killing people. that's why the people we talked to, what they say they are escaping from. that's something else the united nations center for refugees told us what is unprecedented and surprising is that a lot of people are actually now refugees. 34,000 people who have crossed in to rwanda are in cities like the capitol, the politicians, people society groups human rights activists, university students and lecturers as well. a lot of people wherever they are, whether it's in this camp whether it's in transit camps or the capitol are watching very closely what's going on burundi and the elections. they all obviously want to go home, but they are telling us that whether this election is -- comes to pass and even this election, whoever is elected, they still do not feel their safety is guaranteed, particularly because it's such a polarizing election martin. >> the sad thing is catherine, is that it looks very much as though this is something that is not going to go away. this is another humanitarian crisis on the african continent. are the agencies that deal with refugees are they getting their plan in to gear? and what about the rwandan authorities, themselves? i mean, are they making a plan and making provisions for these people? >> reporter: absolutely. this is, yes, another crisis. i must tell you there were 75,000 refugees from the democratic republic of congo who are in rwand a: some of them for more than -- for two decades. now that in addition to this new refugees 70,000 from burundi is putting quite a strain on non-governmental agencies and aid agencies and on the government as well. the border remains often for ref uming ease. the government says it's not going to close the border. it's open for the ref uming ease from burundi. they set aside this particular piece, that's going to accommodate 60,000 people, looking into other areas as well. you must also realize rwanda is a small country. they have limited space. that's always a concern. the aid agencies they are trying what they can to make sure that the people here have the basic humanities sewer, sanitation. they are trying to put up structures. there is an understanding the people coming here will be here for a long time. they are also telling us the united nations high commission for refugees also told me that they are also prepared for an emergency influx. >> that's something they are not hoping for. it's something they have to plan for, as well. they are also planning for that. there is a clear understanding these people are not going back any time soon. it's always a stainuous situation being away from your country, no matter the circumstances you are in no matter what services are provided to you. these people want to go back home. there is a lotof fear. like you say, another crisis to the many complex african crises. >> catherine soi live from mahama camp in rwanda. thank you very much, indeed, for now. so we have our correspondents covering the situation as the burundians go to the polls and covering the fallout here at al jazeera. now to turkey which is increasing security along its border with syria after a deadly blast in the kurdish town of suruge. it's not known what's caused the explosion that's killed 31 people and wounded nearly 100 others. the government says it suspects that it was an isil suicide attack but no one so far as claimed responsibility. meanwhile there have been anti-government protests in istanbul. they are saying ankara isn't doing enough to stop the armed group. >> we can go to the town close to the syrian border where the attack took place. our correspondent, mohammed jamjoom is there for us. so, a this town of mostly kurdish people ab sorbs the loss of 31 people, tell us about the mood. >> there is a lot of anxiety and a growing sense of anger. what you see behind me is the do you recallal center where the attack took plates yesterday. a short while ago, there was -- -- -- there were several speakers from the hdp party, the pro-kurdish political party here in turkey. they were expressing a lot of rage toward the turkish government. they are saying the kurds aren't being protected enough by the government. one of the speakers was getting quite a reaction from the crowd when he was say that it seems as though the turkish government is punishing more kurds here and kurdish fighters that go and fight in syria than they are isil. so that's to give you a sense of the mood here it's really we are seeing people that are concerned. they are frustrated by this. they are worried that they are going to be -- that there are going to be more of these kinds of attacks in the days and possibly weeks to come. there is confusion about why this happened. but really predominantly, people are mad that this happened and right now where we are, a lot of people are directing that toward the turkish government. >> there are a lot of suspicions about who would have carried out an atrocity such as this but it seems the overriding suspicion is blinking this to an isil suicide bomber and a female at that. >> reporter: that's right. whatevered several times in the past day since this happened they believe isil is behind this. that's one of the reasons why security has been increased around this village. we have also heard the prime minister say they believe that this was a female suicide bomber although that has yet to be confirmed. what's interesting is that we have not yet seen a claim of responsibility for this attack. we have not seen isil or any other group and say, yes, we carried this out. so we are monitoring to see if there is any kind of claim or responsibility we can report here in the hours to come. right now, we are waiting for some funeral proceed sessions to start. in the hours ahead we are told at least two of the people that were killed in the blast yesterday will be buried here in suruge we are expecting their bodies will be marched from the state hospital to one of the grave yards. there is some concern that that could cause tension amongst the crowd, that maybe there would be protests. we have seen checkpoints that have been put up here by the pro-kurdish party because they want to make sure that the situation remains under control. martin. >> mohammed jamjoom, thank you very much. a video which purports to show the aftermath of a syrian government airstrike has been uploaded to the internet. at least 26 people were killed in the attack. the town is close to alleppo, controlled by isil. it's not clear whether the victims were civilians or fighters. a group linked to isil is claiming responsibility for an attack on a mosque in yemen's capitol. it happened in an area close to a houthi leaders' home. several people were killed in that incident. in sanaa, six were killed in a shooting at a checkpoint and 5 occurs are dead after a car bomb exploded in a police station. >> an international aid group says 100 people have been killed by houthi shelling in aden. doctors without borders say many civilians are included, including women and children. there are reports that the first u.n. aid ship in four months has managed to doc in aden and a team from the united arab em rat did is in the city to reopen the airport. they are saying it should be operational in 24 hours. local fighters loyal to the government in exile seized the airport from the houthis last week. five people have been killed during -led airstrikes on fallujah in iraq. to the east, locals in diyala province are reeling from the after effects. it killed 115 people and injured more than 100 others. imran khan meets those who say they have been left to fend for themselves. >> reporter: there isis is where the bottom went off. the islamic state in iraq in the levant claimed responsibility. dozens have been out on the streets since the attack protesting what happened. >> no one cares what happened here. our government hasn't even visited here even president obama has send condolences. no one cares. jury. >> their anger isn't likely to go away any time soon. the they blame the sunni muss let me see. an allegation that's denied but they he fear revenge attacks. >> reporter: people have lost all faith in the government to defend them. they say the only people that can protect them from attacks like these are the shia malitias. they say they are the only ones that have the power to be able to take revenge. that's what they want revenge against the people who personlated that attack. >> reporter: the local mayor is a man under pressure. as a representative of the government anger is directed towards him. he is lying low and increased his own security fearful of the mobs outside. >> we need more of everything to protect ourselves, more bomb detecting equipment, more cameras and police and soldiers who know the area and can protect united states against isil. >> members of several large shia militia groups have visited the town. one of them have warned they will get revenge for this attack. for isil, it's a big propaganda victory which demonstrates they can attack at will. >> has residents scared and angry. imran khan diyala province. >> if you were in the u.s. might have restored closer diplomatic ties but they are polls apart on the use of this controversial prison on cuban land. a former president's top aide is the latest of in our china's crackdown on corruption. and in sport, find out just how close jordan spieth was to making history at the open championship. >> the foreign minister says the restored economic ties will work if the blockade with cuba is lifted. they re-opened embassies on monday. the u.s. cut off ties with cuba in 1961, two years after the communist revolution led by fidel castro. last december, the two countries agreed to reestablish relations after long talks which were encouraged by pope francis. despite the deal an embargo banning most u.s. companies from doing business in cuba is still in force and travel restrictions imposed by both countries will also remain in place. a report now from washington. >> reporter: the u.s. broke off relations with havana 54 years ago. the cuban foreign minister was clear, as far as they have come this sometimes secret negotiations, they still have further to travel. >> only the lifting of the economic commercial and financial blockade which has caused so much harm and suffering to our people. the return of the occupied area in guantanamo and respect for cuba's sovereignty will lend meaning to the historic event we are witnessing today. >> the vast majority of those who gathered outside the embassy are demanding even closer cooperation and ties between the u.s. and cuba notbly the lifting of the economic embargo. >> that's not considered likely for the moment. >> you may continue to see push fwrak engross if anyone thinks that the sanctions are going away, that the so-called embargo is going to go away they have not been paying attention. >> reporter: it was notable congressional opponents were unable derail diplomatic normalization when they had a chance and growing pressure from u.s. business interests may eventually blunt opposition to lifting the embargo on capitol hill. after talks with the cuban foreign minister at the state department the u.s. secretary of state said he would travelers travel to havana. he broke into spanish. >> translator: the united states welcome did this new beginning in its relationship with the people and government of cuba. we are determined to live as good neighbors on the basis of mutual respect and we want all of our citizenship in the united states and cuba to look forward to the future with hope. >> reporter: those who have long studied this fraught relationship were reaching for superlatives. >> this is an historic moment because there has been a defendant war between cuba and the united states for 56 years. and in effect cuba won without giving up anything really. the -- and people who long said that if i had he will castro didn't want relations, they were wrong. he wanted this kind of relations, this recognized legitimacy of the cuban revolution. >> reporter: in fact, monday was the day the u.s. ended its international diplomatic isolation on cuba. al jazeera, washington. >> there is also skepticism in havana as well. here is what fidel, the former leader fidel castro had to say. he said, i don't trust the policy of the united states but that doesn't mean i reject a peaceful solution to the conflict. our latin america editor lucia newman is in havana. >> reporter: it may look exactly the same but this is no longer a u.s. intersection under the care and protection of the swiss embassy. >> flag is now gone and the building you see behind me that was constructed in 1953 is now once again the u.s. embassy it was always meant to be. the american flag is not flying here at least not yet. >> will have to wait until u.s. secretary of state yon kerry comes to oversee an official ceremony but there are changes from the tiny american flags of the embassy staff were carrying to the number of tourists and even americans carrying their passports and flags to mark this day. >> it's a historic event, hoping this brings about changes. >> cubans who went inside said the requisites had not changed. dorg this woman o this day, the staff was more friendly than before when they denied her a vetoesa. clearly, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations has a much bigger impact here than in the united states. generations of cubans preparing themselves for a possible u.s. invasion. now, u.s. consular staff will be able to travel around the communist island freely. of course, both countries is a long way to go to really normalize ties. it has been an exciting day. many are probably remembering fidel castro's prophetic words when he was asked when he thought the u.s. and cuba would restore dprom attic ties and he said when the world has a latin american pope and athe u.s. a black president. he probably didn't believe it but that day has come. >> another sticking point between cuba and the united states, of course, is the status of guantanamo bay, currently a u.s. naval based on cuban soil. ross cylinder jordan has this report. >> guantguantanamo, a place that has become a center for human rights abuses. they have held up to 780 detainees, prisoners of the so-called global war on terror. but guantguantanamo is also the u.s.'s only permanent overseas base in the americas. sailors and marines stationed here respond to natural disasters and go after drug dealers and human trafficers. havana wants the land back. the obama administration opposes the idea. >> no anticipation and no plan with respect to the guantguantanamo naval station in cuba. >> the u.s. has troops deployed all around the world, but there is only one country where u.s. forces are permanently deployed against the wishes of the host government, cuba. the americans have controlled the deep water bay and square files on southeastern end since 1903, a gain from the spanish-american war. the u.s. started paying rent. kufrnth, about $4,000 a year. but in the 1960s, fidel castro stopped cashing the checks and called on the americans to leave. in most respects guantanamo looks like any other military base, sand colored, cinder block buildings, a department store, a recreation program and other amenities for the troops and their families. on the far southeastern side of the island stand at least prisons which now hold the men captured in the years after the september 11th attacks. the u.s. needs to resolve the long-term stat under the circumstances of these prisoners before anything can happen to the bates. analysts say the u.s. needs to look at the long-term trajectory of its relationship with havana and with the region. >> there are a lot of hurdles to getting this done. but i think it should be considered. i think that the united states has a historical debt it owes cuba on this front. it's clearly the terms of the initial agreement were unfair unbalanced and in a different time in history. and i think it will factor in to the normalization process. it's just not a front-burner issue. it's a back-burner issue. >> reporter: normalization will take time. it's fair to assume the u.s. will try to find a way to hold on to guantanamo but in what form and with what facilities may come down to what the cubans will ultimately accept. ross cylinder jordan al jazeera, washington. a top aide to the former chinese president has been arrested and expelled from the communist party. he is to face trial accused of accepting huge bribes as well as keeping mistresses and stealing party secrets. his arrest is part of a campaign launched by hu's successor. he said he worked to restore public confidence in the ruling party. scott heidler has more from beijing. >> reporter: he was tep center of power, the top aid for former president hu jin tao. the charges read like a soap opera, trading power for sex to trading core secrets of the party. i guess it's fair to say the there was a high speed crash, ferrari driven by his son. his son was killed. he was with two women in the vehicle. one later died with the injuries. that was the beginning of the downfall. it's the pattern we have seen with high-ranking officials going through corruption. first they are sidelined in their political career. the trial slowly starts to get their case against these individuals and what happens is what we saw today. >> that's that he is kicked out of the party and these charges are formerly brought up against him. what's going to be interesting over the coming months to see how high profile this case will because this falls right in to the current president's campaign against corruption. this is something that he said right from the beginning when he became president, he wants to make that a top priority for his presidency. it will be very interesting to see how quickly they can get these charges together and how high profile this trial will be over the coming months . >> all right. it's time for the weather. we are staying in china, aren't we everton? >> we are indeed martin. throwing it down in southern china, a monsoon. let's take a look at the satellite picture. see this long line of cloudsrowds clouds that's been rolling in the past few days, some massive down pours. hong kong saw 99 millimeters of rain 24 hours. the average is around 380 milliliters of main. about a quarter. actually not too far away. that's what we saw, 371 millimeters of rain coming down there. gwon dong. it is a case to spot the difference. wednesday more heavy rain across the southeast of china. further big pours into hong kong pushing into taiwan. we just had around 400 millimeters in hinan in 24 hours previous day. that's the same sort of area clouded rain pushing its way in across a similar every time i spot the difference more more big down pours across a similar area. we have seen flooding with mudslides. we have typhoon halola. a pleasant name but a nasty storm pushing its way further north. >> will bring wet and windy weather into southern japan by the end of the weekend, martin. >> thank you very much indeed. we have a lot more to come on this al jazeera newshour, including reporting from bolivia where thousands of mineers have taken their dispute with the government to la paz. liberia does charges the last of its ebola patients. we talk to children who have lost their parents. formula one remembers jule bianchi. ♪ dest detonating a bomb three 2 people were killed in the explosion. voting is underway in burundi's controversial election. one person was killed before the polls opened. the president is running for a third term which critics say violates the constitution. the opposition are boycotting thely. a top aide arrested as part of a corruption lack down. lin gee wah, accused of stealing party secrets. another look at burundi. one of our main stories today. let's look at why the election is controversial and the kind of political turmoil being created there as a consequence. it started april 25th when the president announced that he wanted to run forb a third time. thousands demonstrated in the capitol leading to months of protests and violence. in may, burundi's constitutional court cleared him, that it was okay. they said it was okay for a third term in. the frost then grew bigger and an army officer attempted a coup. >> event failed n june, election officials delayed the presidential ballot until today. dozens of people have been killed in the unrest. the u.n. says 158,000 people have sot refuge in neighboring countries. those who have remained and voted say they are hoping for peace. >> when i come to vote i request my safety and that the country should be stable and all should be protected in their safety and their safety should be guaranteed. >> joining us live from paris is the project director for central africa they international crisis group. he joins us, as i say, from the french capitol. we heard there some of the voters are hoping that by voting in this presidential election that they will achieve peace and unity for burnedi. >> lacks highly unlikely. would you agree? >> yes. i definitely agree with that because i think this election showed that burundi is already on the path of -- on the path of violence. the fact that the relations are organized today is the result of the failure of civil international mediation attempts by the -- the last one by the east african community when they nominated the president of ugand uganda to go to burnedi and secure thely. he went last week but was up able to secure the postponement of those elections. therefore, the fact that the president is sure to be re-elected today after today's vote will send a signal to the opposition that basically, there is nothing left to negotiate and cage can only come by force in burundi at this stage. >> now obviously, whenever there is a violence landscape, if you like when elections are being held there, there are lots of worries, lots of concerns but particularly when it comes to burundi, of course which is not long out of its civil war, which, of course was along sectarian lines how fearful are you that burundi is heading that way again? >> well all of the ingredients of conflict are now in place. as i said, the international mediation initiative failed. there are more than 16,000 burundians who fled their country. and there are some very notable defenses that show that basically the president is not only challenged by the opposition but he is also contested internally from within his party, and what is more worrying is that the beginning of july there was a clash between the army and an armed group at the border between burundi and rwanda and according to military sources, about 30 people, 30 rebels were killed. my feeling that this kind of clashes is going to happen again in the coming weeks after the elections because the feeling, the general feeling in opposition circles is that basically, there is nothing left to negotiate after the rely of the president and therefore, in opposition circles, there is a lot of -- there are a lot of rumors an a lot of mood and the feeling is that the opponents are organizing themselves both in the country and outside the country. so those elections are pretty good news for burundi. they also are pretty bad news for burnedi. sorry. produced on the east african community who failed to mediate and, also pretty bad news for the african union who proposed to the burundian government to send human rights money but the burundian government so far has rejected this idea and has delayed and is dragging its feet basically to accept the african union opposition sdmrfrp okay. thank you very much indeed. we are going to be monitoring the situation in burnedi very closely here on al jazeera. but thank you very much. now, to another part of africa let's go to the western part because the u.n. is warning that the ebola outbreak there has not yet run its course. more than 11,000 people died since the outbreak began in late 2013. now, the virus which spreads in west africa last year has created around 5,000 or fa cup did in liberia loop. a report now on one family which has lost more than 10 of its members. like many teenagers, even when kromer is doing her chores she is inseparable from her mobile phone. she is grounding kasava going to a immediately for her large extended family which lives in this one house. later as she prepares to go out, her older sister does her hair. but ask her about her parents and she breaks down. her mom and dad, along with at least eight other adults in the compound died from ebola last year. the sisters haven't just lost their guardians. the community has lost some of its main bread winners. now, food comes from charities and neighbors. >> there is no food so we are still hungry. >> this swint of thoughse days. chatter and laughter fills the kitchen before the family immediately. but behind it is grief. most of the people who died were brothers brothers. living in such a close-dmooint is what made the tragedy worse, making it easier for them to pass the virus to one anotherknit is what made the tragedy worse, making it easier for them to pass the virus to one another with more than 20 children to feed, their aunt is finding it hard to cope. >> the ebola, everything. thank god for president surley whos helped us fix our leaking roof. we need help. we have the youngest or fan here while people are talking about how he is the youngest survivor he is here with no aid. in fact, the children are many here. >> matu says she sdproolt desperately needs regular means meals to be provided and wants to send as many children as she can to school. for now, they are getting by as best as they can on the support of an extended family circle. al jazeera. scan the iranian foreign minister is back home defending last year's nuclear deal. mohammed jarif told parliament iran will closely monitor the implementation of the accord and the option of reversing the deal is open. the u.s. is saying for its part that military force could be used if iran breaks the agreement. it has been unanimously endorsed by the security council as our diplomatic editor james bays reports from new york. >> this was the moment the iran deal was ratified. the vote will make it binding international law. it starts the clock on the program for the speed limitation of the deal known as the joint comprehensive plan of action. sanctions will be lifted once the nuclear agency the iaea confirms that iran has scaled back its nuclear program. >> ninety days from today, when our respective capitols and legislatures have had a chance too carefully review the deal's provisions, the commitments in the j. c.poa should take effect. sanctions relief will begin only when iran verifybly completes the steps necessary to bring its nuclear program in light with the deal. >> iran's ambassador to the u.n. made it clear the deal could have positive repercussions way beyond his country's nuclear program. >> we earnestly hope it helps turn the page in our region enabling countries to close the ranks and fight against violent extremism and to move toward more cooperation to the grave threats that the region and the world face. >> reporter: israel's ambassador to the u.n. was not invited to speak in the security council. he made sure he briefed reporters the moment the meeting ended. ? >> today, you have award grated prize to the most dangerous country in the world. >> reporter: there has been angry reaction to the vote on capitol hill. the u.s. congress has sixty days to review the deal with iran. u.s. diplomats had hoped the discipline security council vote would take plates after the end of that review period but in the tough negotiations in vienna the timing of the vote, itself was one of the concessions that needed to be made. james bays al jazeera at the united nations the israelis don't like the deal either. the prime minister has urged congress to reject the deal after meeting the u.s. defense secretary, ashton carter. he is in the middle east to reassure regional alleys about the land mark agreement. israel fears the deal won't prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons and will strengthen groups hostile to it. carter is next do you to travel to jordan and sawed eye arabia. n the north koreanas have been reacting saying that it has no interest in a similar agreement with the west. arguing north korea is already a nuclear weapon state and therefore can't be compared with iran. it's subjected to wide-ranging international sanctions very similar to those imposed on tehran. staging three tests in the past nine years. the chief executive of toshiba is stepping down over a $1.2 billion accounting scandal and so are seven other executives after an independent report found the giant's japanese company had been systematically inflating its prophets for years. it's another blow to corporate japan's image after a fraud scandal involving camera and medical equipment maker olympus. striking mineers from bolivia's southern region have returned to the streets of la paz, their country's main city. they are demanding the president fulfill promises of creating jobs. a report from la paz. >> reporter: two weeks on and protesters are pressing their demands. on monday, they set up dynamite close to the presidential palace. how are you going to forget the process you made -- promises you made? they want the government to build hospitals, roads, and international airports and to preserve the emblem attic silver mine active since 545, among other demands. >> translator: we support. some are mineers because there is no work but the mine. we want industry. morales says 98% of the issues have been resolved. he says there is a plan to invest 700 million more. critics say that's helping industry but not the people 58% go. it's a lot of money. the development continues to be as it was 500 years ago. >>. >> reporter: two-thirds of the people continue to live in poverty and infrastructure projects have been delayed. several thousand people have come to la paz, among them mineers, teachers and businessmen. they say they will stay here indefinitely until they speak with the president face to face. >> reporter: but the interior minister says morales won't meet protesters. to impose conditions to camouflage camouflage, the doors are open for talks but with state ministers ministers. >> reporter: with access roads blocked, the city is isolated and paralyzed. protesters say the city is running out of food medicine money and petrol. people have been demanding changes for more than five years. they don't want to wait any longer. al jazeera la paz, bolivia. >> we have already duplicated everything from guns to shoes, and now .3d printers are making replicas of body parties. australian medics are pioneering the technique they think can change the way doctors are trained. andrew thomas splaunz. explains. >> a replica body parts. sdiepz are based upon ct scans of people which are colored within a computer create a file to send to a 3d printer. it builds a block of powder in thousands of sweeps. with sweech there is solidify solidifying colors. as the block is lowered a 10th of a millimeter for each sweep a detailed limb forms within. >> we had a head. we printed a face and a head and the muscles around the face and neck. it was rising out of the powder. it was very eerie but very amazing. >> the bio come patibility for implanting in people is many decades away but accurate replicates of parts can be ufts for training doctors. traditionally, doctors learn from books, crude molded parts or from cadavars. >> it's great having the cadavars there to have that 3d or prax tick cal aspect of what you are learning. i suppose you could argue it will a little less than what we would want. >> they are lawyer and expensive. in some do you recalls, they are taboo. ? >> there are some cultures and religions that frown upon the diessection or interference with a dead body. i would like to thank the parts of the world where there are issues of teaching medical students with cadavers this could fill a niche. >> the accuracy of these models is what makes them special. molded models can't get close. the in time tas fully dissectible. >> there hasn't been a defendant complete body printed. there isn't yet a machine big enough to do it. this is actually a mix of body parts based upon scans of different people a modern model frankenstein. >> so this isn't the start of being able to print something that could be given life for science teaching it is a big footstep forward. al jazeera, melbourne. andy is here so that means it's sports. >> jordan spieth is schmitzing out on his third golfing major of the year is tough to accept. the 21-year-old american came within a shot of making it into a play-off at the open championship. instead, though it was zac johnson who took his chance to win his first open title. stewart silvers reports. >> reporter: a delayed final day at saint andrews. bad weather meant this was only the second monday finish in 125 years. history beckoning in more ways than one. paul don hoping to be the first amateur winner since 1930 but he couldn't keep up his stunning run of form slumping to 6 over par, 78. what about jordan spieth? the american prodigy had won the first two majors of the season and only one man has ever won the first three [applause.] spieth started the day one strop stroke off of the lead but despite some impressitch putting, that was exactly where he was going down 18. this birdy putt to make a play-off. so, the gland slam over but still, what a year spieth is having. what would he give for this zac johnson birdy putt also on 18. enough for the american to finish in a 3-way tied for the lead with oostheizen and mark leachman. johnson birdied the first two holes of the four-hole play-off. despite the third, it left oostheizen to sink this putt. so zac johnson at 39 years old open champion 2015. >> i feel honored to be a part of the history of this game and, you know to don my name on that trophy especially with the names before me is humbling and surreal are the two words that come to my mind. >> reporter: a second major championship win for zac johnson after the 2007 u.s. masters, another triumph for one of the unsung champions of world golf. stewart silvers, al jazeera. triple world champion nick fanning said he may be months after he gets back in the water with a close encounter with a shark. the 34-year-old competing in the final of the jay bay open when great white had the the back of his board. catching that incident on camera and speaking on his return to australia. he said it was a miracle he escaped without a scratch. >> i turned around. i was on my back. i was waiting for it. i had my fist cocked and ready to see what was going to go and to walk away from, you know a shark attack with not a scratch on you it's like -- it's a miracle really. yeah. i don't know. thanks for not eating me. >> the head of european football is ing as the favorite to become the next fifa president. the current head of the world game sepp blatter confirmed his name wouldn't be on the ballot paper. patini hasn't said if he will be standing. he has been pleased to hear a lot of words of support from some of the world's leading tulle decision makers. >> has not gone unnoticed. so he will have to make a decision regarding what his next steps are. he is not ready to make that decision now but he has been impressed that many people could see him as a success. >> louie van hull says off spend season spending, in the united states united spent more than $100 million on new players. >> the premier league is a different league. it's the highest pressure on the ball and therithim of the game is very different. therefore you have to wait and see. >> test cricket after a 6-month break. a bit of trouble all out for 248. south africa haven't lost a series away from home for nine years now the support of formula one paid respects to a funeral service in the french driver's home of nice. one big name from the world of f 10 attendance. he died from injuries sustained at the japanese grand '. his number to be retired in his memory. the 25-year-old first driver to die in an f 1 race since 1994. more sport for me throughout the day. >> that's it. thank you very much. one of the internal questions facing humankind is if there is anyone out there in the universe. a russian billionaire is paying some of the world's leading scientists to find the answer. nadine barber reports. dmrfrn it's now estimated there are tens of thousands in our galaxy alone. is anyone alive or aware? >> that's the question that humans have been asking for thousands of years. now scientists including professor stephen hawking launched a $100 million funneled. they hope in the next 10 years we can get answers but there are no guarantees. >> come with us. >> we now know there are so many worlds and where molecules are so common, it seems quite likely that life is out there. but until it is known. >> the project called break through and listen is funded by a scientist in his previous career. the idea is to use existing to benology like the greenbank observatory in the united states far more efficiently. operators have agreed to give thousands of hours of telescope time every year. >> the several will be 50 times more sensitive than previous attempts and cover 10 times more sky. scientists will be able to listen in on planets orbitting the 1 million stars closest to earths and the 100 million galaxies nearest to our own. >> they are offering a million dollars in prooinzs for digital messages that best represent earth but they won't be people withed into space just yet partly hope that could trigger it. >> this could be some years ahead. if so, they will be vastly more valuable. >> i don't go along with those people like stephen hawkings who thinks it will be dangerous because if there are aliens out there, they probably have been watching us for years, even millions of years. they know we are here. >> there were sell brakes all around this month when a nasa space craft sent back pictures showing mountains of ice on pluto. if it shows life that would be out of this world. there is a lot more to come here at al jazeera. i will have a full news bulletin with the very latest as burundi votes in the presidential election. ♪ new pictures of the suicide bomb attack that killed more than 30 people in a turkish border town. the victims were on their way to syria to give humanitarian aid. hello. i am martin dennits in doha. this is the world news from al jazeera. also to come on the program, burundians vote in a presidential election condemned by the opposition and marred by violence. a top aide

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