Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

rallies to protest the removal of the confederate flag. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> a mission to save some of the worlds most precious recordings. why it's a race against time. >> first to gaza, where six cars have been blown up sametains will you. two were wounded. the vehicles are believed to belong to senior officials. the obvious first question, do we know who's behind this? >> no, we've had to claim of responsibility. the one thing we've heard from officials from a spokesperson gaza ministry of interior said no one was arrested. he accused vandals of doing that. it's not the first time, groups affiliated with islamic state of iraq and the levant claimed that. at the moment, it's very unclear, complicated also. this is the biggest coordinated attack and also the first time that islamic jihad leaders cars have been targeted. this is a huge security challenge for hamas. security is also something that they hear of said that they can control and this very concerning for them. at the moment, an investigation is on going not very clear who was behind it. >> to what extent is the rise of new groups challenging the security situation and the control of hamas on gaza? >> it is a concern. it's been a concern here for a couple of years. there's also been groups here who don't agree with hamas's more reckon as i will i can't tear tone with israel when you see rockets out of gaza. israel holds hamas responsible for anything that happens here. when israel retaliates, it's always targeted at hamas. this is the biggest we've seen here and is three fold. politically there's a challenge they have to see what is happening to hamas and islamic jihad. no death it could have been bigger, but it is a very strong message. then it comes to public opinion because security is a huge issue. people are used to war. there is high unemployment. there is a siege. one thing hamas can provide is security. we spoke to one man on the street earlier. he said today it's car bombs what will tomorrow bring hospitals? having said that, life here back to normal today. you don't see in a sense that people are scared. penal have been through a thought, they've been through various wars. it is a concern mostly for hamas. how are they going to handle things here. it is a strong message to them, a strong message that these groups can do what they want whenever they want. >> the senior representative of hamas in bay reality says while size as i will has threatened to topple hamas it's too early to jump to conclusions. >> they don't have any real support in gaza. isil is very, very strike situation and--they will go against anyone fighting the occupying. it is against the whole region. they don't have a real situation in gaza. we don't want to jump to the conclusions. we have to give our people time to investigate what has happened exactly, and then we can talk about it. i can't say that they have a strong influence in gaza and we were dealing with situations on different occasions like a few years ago. we will not allow any disturbance for the security of the palestinian people and i believe it is responsibility for hamas, it is the responsibility of the ministry of the interior, security forces, i believe they have to do their work and we will support their work according to the law. >> it's five months since the ceasefire deal was signed between ukraine and pro-russian separatists in the east. that's been frequently violated under the minsk agreement. both sides said they would stop fighting february 15 and withdraw heavy weapons from the front line, creating a buffer zone of 50 kilometers. rebels continued attacking until february 18 and the ukrainians were forced to retreat. in donetsk forces are engaging in artillery and tank fire aren't the airport. 166 soldiers have been killed since mid february. there are no definitive figures for separatist casualties. civilians are being killed almost every day each side blaming the other. charles stratford and his team went to the front lines with the ukrainian military. >> the ukrainian army wouldn't let us film the tanks as they fired from positions above the bridge. one soldier told us we know it's a violation of the ceasefire agreement, but the separatists do the same. after firing a few more shells towards what the soldiers said were targets near donetsk airport, helped by the separatist, we managed to film one of five tanks as they drove off different directions. >> ukrainian army say that he is tanks were firing at separatist military vehicles several kilometers away. we heard no incoming shelling before the tanks started firing. military hardware of that kind of caliber should not be here. >> according to the minsk ceasefire signed in february, both sides should have withdrawn hardware. incoming shells could be heard landing close by. a few kilometers away, this apartment block has one side completely destroyed. an elderly woman and her grandson lived here. they were killed by a separatist attack the night before. a ukrainian soldier shows me a photo on his phone of the boy's dead body, the blood stains mark the spot where he was found. >> a soldier protects civilians. yesterday we could only observe that shells were hitting the residential building. we didn't respond because we simply didn't have an order to. >> sergei shows me his apartment. this was my sitting room, he says. he and his family were out when the attack happened. you can't report the truth said this woman and she walked away. these men told us the civilians are angry because the military used the building as a base next door. the military said it didn't respond to the separatist attack because it wasn't aimed at a military target. we spotted this tank hidden only meters away from people's homes. a few days earlier we'd been in separatist territory and heard fighters using similar heavy weapons also inside the buffer zone. both sides are breaking this ceasefire agreement. civilians continue to die. charles stratford, al jazeera eastern ukraine. >> we have breaking news out of yemen. 43 people have been killed in shelling by houthi rebels. it happened at a district in the port city of aden. yemen's exiled government declared aden liberated from houthi fighters on thursday. aren't 170 people have been wounded, though. >> 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in fight isil in ramadi. the military is trying to retain the capitol of anbar province that fell into isil hands in may. it is 100 kilometers from baghdad. >> thousands of people have fled the fighting in anbar. many are heading to baghdad. iraq has started closing a key bridge people used to use to get to the capital. we went to find out more. >> on the other side of that bridge there are a number of families. we don't know how many that are fleeing the violence from anbar province. the government is not allowing anybody to get across. we don't know why that is. we know that the bridge has been closed for a number of days now. in the past, the government has said that they are worried about isil fighters disguising themselves as displaced residents coming into baghdad. you can see that they have gas canisters and food stuff. these guys have been queuing up for most of the day waiting for permission to go across. there are a number of residents that clearly need flies like these. there are those people building up on the other side of that bridge who want to get out and are not allowed to. >> still to come, a sick economy and now a health system on life support. we visit one hospital in greece struggling to get by. >> fear in kathmandu about the danger posed by earthquake damaged buildings. australia said contradict ear's set england up for a big chase. we'll have all of that in sport. >> protestors in the u.s. state of south carolina have fought with white supremacists at a rally in support of the can flag. the controversial banner was removed last week from south carolina's state capitol. we have this report. >> this is free speech in america, a protest by the white supremacist group the ku klux klan and they are allies and angry voices raised in opposition. >> they marched on to the steps of the capitol building surrounded by police. they came to on the removal of the confederate flag. the flag was waived by the man who shot nine people dead in a church last month. some stood silently, others shouted abuse at the crowd which outknocked them by 10-1. there were fights. there were skirmishes. there are arguments and there were arrests. >> for the ku klux klan, there was about heritage and spree speech. they spent time shouting at the people who came out in force to oppose them. >> for many on the steps this was about more than removing the flag. >> she did nothing but bring our people out. look at that. they brung them out. a white revolution is the only solution. >> to those who gathered, it was the wrong message at the wrong time. >> they've been miseducated they are desperate and oppressed. it's the same oppression that's right hurting them down and making them apart. >> what i'm seeing now is pathetic. it's pathetic. we should all get along. >> the k.k.k. was once a powerful violent voice against the black population. its numbers have dropped significantly in recent years though it claims a surge in interest about the row over the flag. their message delivered but their angry voices drowned out by those who believe it's time the k.k.k. should be like the flag they carry consigned to history. >> al jazeera, south carolina. >> there have been more anti immigration demonstrations in australia with protestors on the streets of sydney on sunday. anti racism groups were also demonstrating in the city center with fights breaking out between the two sides. police say five people were arrested. it follows similar scenes in melbourne on saturday. a south korean spy involved in a phone hacking scandal has apparently committed suicide. he left a note denying he speed on civilians. we have more from seoul. >> the 46-year-old agent of the national intelligence service was found dead in his car on saturday, an apparent suicide next to him a three page will. part of that will has been released to the media on sunday in which the agent says that he can reassure the south screen public that that he was involved with was not used against civilians. he apologized for leaking data of that usage saying he was over jealous in an attempt to not being linked to other monitoring. the service does have form in this area in the past. the two spy chiefs in charge between 1999 and 2003 were both convicted after found to have overseen the monitoring of nearly 2,000 south korean civilians, very senior south koreans involved in the world of business. it was found to use on line presence to smear the liberal opponent in the presidential election. recently a retrial has been ordered of the spy chief who was convicted over that incident, as well. it revealed further information to reassure the south korean public in the coming week, lawmakers in the south korean parliament are saying that the information that was deleted by this man should be restored to check exactly how it had been used this hacking program. >> chinese state media says 20 foreigners have been deported for watching videos which promote terrorism and religious extremism. the tourists from south africa, the u.k. and india were on their way to the home of the terror group the warriors. two said they were watching a documentary about ganghis khan. >> banks in greece are reopened. they were shut down to prevent a run on the banks. people will be allowed to takes out a maximum of 420 euros per week, but transfers abroad are still restricted. >> greece's financial crisis is putting stress on its health care system. we visited an athens hospital and spoke to workers there about their challenges. >> today at athens' hospital, the doctor makes his rounds, relieved to find patients in stable condition. even though greece's crumbling health care system is on life support. >> in greece, you have 1.5 million unemployed. they need medical help. >> the doctor, a former military commando and director of the hospital is a revolutionary at heart. no matter the consequences, he's committed to doing whatever he can to help as many people as possible. >> nobody is going to tell us who's going to live and whose going to die. we're going to treat everybody regardless of the collar, religion or financial status. >> he tells me the problems faced by the hospital in greece are far worse than reads that medical budgets have been slashed, medication is hard to obtain that the bureaucracy is so thick even the nimble hands of a surgeon would have trouble slicing through it. >> we used to say that we are not following medical protocols. you know why? because they are not medical protocols, they're financial protocols. >> the sickly economy the doctor assures of me have meant more people are ailing than ever before. >> greeks are known for their smile. now, you see the depressed eyes, the frightened eyes, the sad eyes. >> things have become so difficult that even during a time of shortage and need, the doctor can't use some equipment he already has. this much needed ambulance is idle, gathering dust. leaves have collected under its tires. the doctor explains how he secured the vehicle from overseas donors without the prior approval of his superiors and hasn't been able to get license plates issued for the mobile medical unit ever since. >> now i'm going to drive it myself even without number plates. >> that fighting spirit has inspired his staff and comforted their patients. >> in greek the word for hope is exactly what the mission of the hospital is, to bring hope to the uninsured the unemployed, to people in need. taking me on a tour of the facilities, the doctor says compassion creativity and will power are the qualities that matter most to him and his staff. it's an ancient greek vow the doctors still swear by today. may i always act the hippocratic oath states so as to preserve the finest tradition of my calling there additions still respected and observed by this doctor in this hospital. >> three more opposition candidates have withdrawn from burundi's presidential election saying the vote won't be free or fair. the president is still determined to run despite violent protests over his bid for a third term. we report from northern burundi. >> daniel says the economy suffered when the president violated burundi's constitution and chose to run for a third term. he's optimistic the slump in business will end once the presidential election set oh for foods is over. >> that is why i'm going to vote. maybe the tension will end. we can have peace. >> the campaign period is winding down, but only a few opposition parties seem happy. some burundians believe this party is sympathetic to the ruling party and that's why they are allowed to campaign. their leader says that's not true. >> why is your party participating in the election on tuesday? >> we have to build build safety. we are not in safe condition because of the lack of trust between the population, different groups. >> despite calls by the international community some african leaders and opposition parties to delay the controversial election, the electoral commission said it will go ahead. >> some aren't happy. some opposition parties are boycotting the lengths saying they cannot participate in a process they feel is not free or fair. >> where the president is popular, his supporters say the state of the economy is not their main concern. >> what is important for me is the peace. the peace in this country it's one of the best -- guaranteed the security. >> in urban areas life is harder. people want peace but need jobs, too. if the president wins a third term, some aren't sure if that will be good or bad for the ailing economy. >> in a historic first taiwan's two major parties have nominated female candidates to run for president in 2016. the ruling nationalist party has picked her to run against the opposition democratic progressive party. >> a girl has been swept away by floodwaters in china. houses were inundated after heavy rain. cars were washed away like toys. the government is working to provide disaster relief. >> floods in the u.s. state of arizona destroyed buildings and swept cars away there too. major roads were closed and electricity cut off to many homes. severe thunderstorm warnings were in place before the flooding hit. >> everton will give us more on that. are things start to go dry out? >> things are improving not completely dry. we have showers in the forecast. if you look at the satellite picture, you can clearly see a messy picture down around the desert southwest of the u.s.a., still quite a crop of showers there and even a few just south of the border into mexico. they are moving out of the way. they are in the process of drying out. we have got better weather coming through. we will see some wetter weather just making its way into southern california. with this area of low pressure, that's remnants of tropical storm dolores up the west coast of mexico. that will useful rain in later this week. the heaviest rain is moving across the central plains, spilling out of colorado through kansas heading further eastward. to the north of that, we saw some rather lively weather rosily, a tornado with winds in excess of 100 kilometers per hour ripped its way across minnesota and through wisconsin causing widespread damage, 130,000 people lost power for quite some time. we have got quieter weather coming in for a time. the wetter weather is making its way toward the appalachian mountains, the brighter skies coming in behind. we are going to see showers. seeing the winds coming from the northwest and southwest it's con verballent. the air needs force to rise. we see wet weather coming in here on monday, heavier downpours a possibility with thunder. there's that useful rainfall we have down around the southwest corner as we go down to the southern parts of california. >> nepal's huge earthquake in april left tall buildings in danger of collapsed. thousands are jet to be demolished. the government is putting the responsibility on property owners. we have this report from kathmandu. >> walking around the valley, it's difficult to miss the wooden beams propping up houses. these buildings are condemned after april's earthquake made them structurally unsafe. the government said it's up to property owners to demolish them but so far not many of them have been. this businessman said he hired people to demolish the building because the landlord hasn't and it's putting people in danger. >> it's already been a month and a half but the building has not been demolished yet. my goods worth $150,000 are stuck under the wreckage. the monsoon season is here and the government is nowhere to be seen. >> the government declares the valley a crisis zone for a year. in order to speed up the demolishing of 73,000 structurally dangerous houses. some here say that the larger apartment complexes should be the priority. >> this government building is structurally sound according to the government. neighbors tell us that part of the ground has subsided and the towers didn't comply with permissions. >> leading a committee of local people, they are angry about the situation here. >> this is 15 stories tall. that one is 12. that is 11, and that 13. they did not take any planning permits. we have appealed to the government but the government penalized them 20 cents per square foot and let the building go. >> many are afraid of living here. now they want the buildings demolished or made smaller to meet the government requirement. >> there were many builders who are at large. we've given them warnings to demolish their buildings. if not, we will demolish them and charge the owners. we have instructed them to bring the instruction yours within building codes. >> officials are still limited by technology. the government says they don't have the technical know how to demolish buildings more than three stories tall. neighboring countries have been requested to help with equipment, but more than two months on, people here don't want to wait. al jazeera kathmandu. >> plenty more to come on the news hour, the united states back on the charm offensive. we'll have the latest on its push to sell the iranian nuclear deal. plus. >> he's a war hero, because he was captured. >> he's not known for his diplomatic comments, but donald trump's latest outburst has shocked even his own supporters. >> australian tennis bounces back from off court controversy. details with joe in sport. >> at least 43 people have been killed in shelling by houthi rebels in yemen's port city of aden. the exiled government declared the city liberated on thursday from houthi fighters. six cars have been blown up simultaneously in northern gaza, wounding two people. the interior ministry said several suspects have been arrested. the attacks are believed to have targeted officials from hamas and islamic jihad. >> in crane both sides are using heavy weapons in breach of a ceasefire and civilians are still being killed. >> diplomatic efforts to calm regional fears over the rain nuclear deal are far from over. the u.s. defense secretary ash carter is going to israel. he's the latest u.s. official to head there as part of a charm offensive. saudi arabia is on the list. on friday, iran's supreme leader made his first comments. he said it will not change tehran's relationship with the u.s. or the middle east. business with tehran may be about to pick up. germany is sending a trade delegation and spain has a similar trip planned. we are joined frow from vienna by an advisor from a consulting firm for companies pitching business in the middle east. there's talk about business picking up with iran, but iran's banking sector has been badly cripple would by the sanctions. how long will it be before the banking sector is able to deal with business picking up? >> iran itself has a function in banking sector, but obviously the sanctions of the past few years have sort of created a disconnect between the iranian banking system and especially the western banking system. we have to wait for the lifting of sanctions but once lifted, my assumption, the second and third tear banks western and european banks will engage very quickly, but the first tier banks will have to go through a number of practices especially the corrupt being checked. do you think foreign companies will be interested in simply selling goods rather than long term sort of investments and long term projects and commitments, given that sanctions are supposed to be able to be snapped back into place at any given time. >> well, first of all i think the interest in the iranian market is huge, this is, you just mentioned you can see that at the fact that western european delegations are in a haste to visit iran and to rein gauge and reconnect their business partners there but essentially, the threat of sanctions is something that especially the european union will have to manage with their companies. a lot of these companies that are returning to the iranian market are doing so in coordination with their actual governments. now, the instinct of companies is obviously trying to sell and trying to generate revenue but the fact is that in these past years, especially in the past decade, iran has obviously created a lot of local capacity, and iranian industry is not going to accept, you know, mass imports into the markets, so those companies who are prepared to enter into a type of partnership joint venture with the iranian companies are eager than those who simply want to export to iran because they are afraid of sanctions kicking back. iran needs long term engagement rather than a short term engagement. >> will the country be able to secure foreign business interest in vital sectors like the oil industry, the aviation sector, where is the foreign focus likely to settle? >> well, oil and gas generally is obviously the most attractive sector because of the vast oil and gas resource that is iran has, but you just mentioned aviation. there are other sectors automotive sector, generally industrial sector. i think iran is definitely a lucrative market. it's a market that has a lot of potential and a lot of capacity, but companies have to understand that it is an economy that is looking for upgrading and modernization. it's looking for new modern, efficient ways of utilizing its potential, and if companies are prepared to engage in that kind of a relationship with iranian partners then it's definitely iran as a market is definitely attractive enough for them. >> all right. thanks so much for your thoughts on that. >> let's get more now on the diplomacy. as we mentioned earlier the u.s. defense secretary is heading to israel, saudi arabia and jordan to sell the deal. tom ackermann looks at why his message of reassurance may be hard to accept. >> saudi deputy crown prince getting a tour of the u.s. aircraft carrier roosevelt patrolling off iran in the gulf. his visit was before the deal with iran, another effort to reassure the saudi's that their seven decades reliance with washington remains steadfast. ash carter stand in reap idea and attempted to reinforce that message. the saudis have reached he more than $90 billion in weapons deal with the u.s., sales that include war planes, armored vehicles missiles and bombs. some of that hardware has been deployed by the saudi's along with its gulf cooperation council partners in their involvement in yemen's war and the u.s. is providing the saudi's with intelligence and logistics in the fight against the houthi rebels, whom the saudis reward at ires rockies. >> we are supporting their operations in yemen in the way i described earlier. the objective there is to restore a political process there in which a legitimate government can be established. >> that cooperation hasn't quieted saudi anxiety over what they call iran's mischief across the region. in particular, tehran's military lifelines to bashar al assad. >> this comes back to iranian saudis strategic rivalry and the idea that the u.s. isn't pushing back hard enough on iranian influence in the gulf, in the levant elsewhere. >> as for squeal developing weapons jointly with the pentagon carter will follow up his boss's message to netanyahu last week. >> i propose fog further than any administration before in terms of providing them additional security assurances from the united states. >> assurances whose specifics for now remain unspoken, but not as yet enough to keep netanyahu from giving up his appeal to the u.s. congress to reject the deal. tom ackermann, al jazeera washington. >> the family of the suspected gunman who killed five u.s. servicemen are deeply upset by what he did. they say he was suffering from depression. the f.b.i. is reviewing a text message mohammad youssuf abdulazeez sent to a friend, which linked a reaming verse declaring war. the 24-year-old was born in kuwait. he was killed by police in tennessee on thursday. >> the republican party's fight for the white house has turned nasty. presidential hopeful donald trump said senator john mccain is not a war hero. some say the business tycoon's latest comments have gone too far. gerald tan has the story. >> donald trump is not known for holding back his opinions. now the u.s. presidential hopeful has mocked fellow republican senator john mccain. >> he easy not a war hero. >> he's a war hero, five and a half years -- >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. >> do you hear that? he's a war hero because he was captured. >> trump was attacking mccain because he lost the 2008 election to current president barack obama. many republicans have rushed to mccain's side, going on twitter to defend the former prisoner of war, who was tortured during his five and a half years in vietnam. >> mr. donald trump. >> a real estate tycoon and t.v. celebrity, trump has been making headlines in the republican race with his usual brand of blunt comments. few were spared. his opponents. >> hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. >> or mexican migrants. >> they're taking our jobs, they're taking our manufacturing, they're taking our money they're taking everything, and they're killing us on the border. >> it's the kind of speech that both excites and divides voter and this time is no different. >> less than a year into his second term, brazil's president is fighting for political survival. we have a report. she is losing report from the voters that brought her to power. >> this shanty found out rio de janeiro is home to 250 people. they were once ardent supporters of president. of brass still. >> we are angry dissatisfied and disappointed with the government. we have so much theft and all these problems, so many things. >> poison. >> he blames the government's tough austerity measures indoorsed by reduce receive in an attempt to lift brazil out of recession. in just six months, government regulated prices on basic foods have skyrocketed. onion prices have risen by more than 150%, tomatoes more than doubled. >> they're really expensive tomatoes onions. i used to buy a whole kilo. now i only buy one. >> the erosion of working class support unravels how widespread the discontent is with the president. a month ago they helped her nary win a difficult reelection. >> now rousseff's approval ratings are in single digits. support in congress has collapsed, opposition politicians are calling for the penalty's impeachments over alleged campaign finance corruption and the bribely scandal of the state run petrol company. several companies are under investigation, including her mentor, the architect of an economic strategy that elevated blah still globally. >> between 2007 and 2010, brazil became a big star nationally. now what we have is a reversion are expectations. >> for months, brazilians have protested, calling for rousseff's resignation. they say they havion hope for their future. >> all our children are without schools, without medical attention, without security, so we are stuck in this situation. >> so much so, the residents of the shanty town have renamed it to reflect how they feel. it's now called the abandoned community. al jazeera, rio de janeiro. >> north korea held its first local election since kim jong-un came to power four years ago. the poll is carefully orchestrated, only candidates selected by the communist government can run. voting is compulsory. >> former state governor pablo perez has been banned from the job for 10 years. earlier this month, two other high profile figures including a former mayor were disqualified for a year. they were expected to run in december's legislative elections. the opposition could win the vote. >> venezuela is facing one of the worst economic crisis in its history. some struggling business owners are pointing the blame at tight government controls. virginia lopez reports from caracas. >> the end of the look as we know it is something experts have predicted could happen. in this small book shop, few fear technology could end that they love most. in the economy want business of culture is at risk of disappearing from years of government controls on the flow of money. >> the government has been incredibly obtuse in economic matters. no economy can benefit from staunch controls. historically, they have only served to pervert trade. >> facing all the issues it does including a chronic shortage of paper to print books, the relative success is all that more surprising. >> to invest is venezuela is risky mainly because of these negative or hostile attitude by the government toward the private sector and that's the main reason why private production has declined in venezuela severely. that is contributing to create scarcity problem in venezuela. >> large companies and multi-nationals generally have the financial muscle that smaller companies lack to withstand a crisis. hosting lectures and staging cultural events is part of the strategy the group that conceived of to survive. theirs, they say is a business model based on resistance. >> an economic crisis affects all of the supply chain even in the cultural sector. our only means of survival, but one that has gone hand-in-hand with culture has been to reclaim spaces people abandoned. >> but not all business owners have been as savvy. the crippling effects of the economic crisis can be seen in the multitude of closed shops and the in these whose shelves lay bare. >> when book shops and publishing houses closed, a country uses that which helps to keep their memories alive. >> still to come, a champion surfer attacked by a shark. we'll have all the details in sport. also coming up: >> we meet the people trying to save the sounds of the past. >> let's catch up with sports news. >> it's breaking news. triple world champion surfer mick fanning has been attacked by a shark during competition competing in south africa. these pictures show fanning punching the shark. he and fellow australian junior wilson were assisted out of the water, the finals put on hold. his leg was bitten in half. >> championships are underway in round three on sunday with australia's going eight under for the day. johnson goes out in a few minutes time. alongside him will be danny will let andor span speith is at six under. >> england chasing 509 runs for victory against australia. they came out swinging on day four at lord's, but lost to chris rogers who retired hurt when he received a blow from the ball. chris smith made hay with david warner. australia declared on 254 for two just before lunch with a lead of 508 runs. >> england have about five sections to make. >> in australian tennis, top players are embroiled in controversial for their actions in wimbledon. the davis cup team bounced back. they trail kazakhstan. >> it's the first time since 1939 that australia has won a david cup title. they'll play britain or france in the semifinals. >> u.s.a. have reached their eighth straight gold cup semifinal, completing a 6-0 flashing of cornerback ba in the last eight. the champions kept up defense of their title with opening scoring in the first minute. adding two more goals for his first international hat trick as the united states went on to beat cuba 6-0. >>u.s.a. next plays jamaica. scoring what turned out to be the winner in the seventh minute. >> a former fifa vice president has made his first court appearance since extra dated to the united states. jeffery webb pleaded not guilty to corruption and money laundering charges. he was released on $10 million bail and is do back in court next week. he was one of seven executives arrested in switzerland in may as part of a major fraud investigation into football's world governing body. >> he is receiving support from where he served as president of concacaf. >> here, they say they know jeffery webb better than anybody. his power and influence in the football world here was almost unmashed for several reasons. number one, he is from the nearby cayman islands. beyond that, he was the president of concacaf, the regional governing body. webb's power here was unmatched. he had visited this island several times most recently in 2013, where he was checking construction work being done near the football stadium here. he was showered with praise by local officials but his influence went way beyond the caribbean all the way to the top in fifa itself, he was considered an up and coming power player within the organization. he was part of the powerful executive committee since 2012 and also served on several subcommittees, as well. perhaps ironically, he was on fifa's transparency and compliance committee ironic perhaps because it is webb himself now accused by the u.s. justice department of taking part in massive corruption and fraud. the key allegation against webb from the justice department is that he received bribery money along with others totaling more than $40 million according to the accusation, for the broadcast rights to the copa america tournament here. the football word is watching this case and the entire corruption case against fifa very closely but no more so than in this region, the caribbean, where they consider jeffery webb almost a native son. >> pell lay is back in hospital for the third time in eight months. he had prostate surgery last december. >> >> we will try to be up to the challenges our members have put upon us. we work hard and we'll sweat in our shirts the way our star players have done. barca will continue trademark style with revenues and values, keeping us the biggest club on the planet. >> that's all the sport for now. >> thanks so much. >> a library of some of the world's rarest sounds is in danger of being sigh lends you could say. the british library is a treasure trove of extinct bird calls, the voices are famous writers and the sounds of world history. it all needs to be digitally preserved now. >> deep in the basement of the british library a team is at work carefully sifting through hundreds of thousands of rare recordings. some sounds are so rare, this is the only place left they can still be heard. >> like the voice of one of the most important writers in the english language, james joyce. >> it seems to me that i have been-- >> this, the playwright george bernard shaw. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the vast collection's being carefully converted and stored on huge servers for future generations. among them test recordings for now famous movies and loft accents. >> some of the records are in a fragile state. the library's battling to raise $60 million to fully digitize the collection, but they don't have long. >> i think we have about 15 years in which to digitize before the equipment and maintenance becomes unfeasible. we need to double our efforts at this point. >> the recordings are stored in a range of formats cassette tapes, records reel to reel and whacks cylinders. it's a race against time to preserve this important and vital collection, firstly before the recordings deteriorate further and secondly before some of the means of playing these recordings disappear forever. >> one precious sound the library safely managed to preserve is that of a hawaiian bird. it's far from easy listening. >> this is the last male singing for a female who died the year before. >> the british library may not have the power to save rare species from extinction, but they're working tirelessly to keep endangered sounds alive. >> stay with us here on al jazeera. we've got another full bulletin of news coming up and of course there's >> she will in yemen's port city of aden kills over 40 people. you're watching al jazeera. also ahead on the show: >> a challenge to hamas in gars, officials have their cars blown up in a series of coordinated attacks. >> we take you to ukraine's front line where both sides are violating a ceasefire and civilians are paying with their lives. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the mission to save some of the word's most precious recordings. why

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20240622

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rallies to protest the removal of the confederate flag. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> a mission to save some of the worlds most precious recordings. why it's a race against time. >> first to gaza, where six cars have been blown up sametains will you. two were wounded. the vehicles are believed to belong to senior officials. the obvious first question, do we know who's behind this? >> no, we've had to claim of responsibility. the one thing we've heard from officials from a spokesperson gaza ministry of interior said no one was arrested. he accused vandals of doing that. it's not the first time, groups affiliated with islamic state of iraq and the levant claimed that. at the moment, it's very unclear, complicated also. this is the biggest coordinated attack and also the first time that islamic jihad leaders cars have been targeted. this is a huge security challenge for hamas. security is also something that they hear of said that they can control and this very concerning for them. at the moment, an investigation is on going not very clear who was behind it. >> to what extent is the rise of new groups challenging the security situation and the control of hamas on gaza? >> it is a concern. it's been a concern here for a couple of years. there's also been groups here who don't agree with hamas's more reckon as i will i can't tear tone with israel when you see rockets out of gaza. israel holds hamas responsible for anything that happens here. when israel retaliates, it's always targeted at hamas. this is the biggest we've seen here and is three fold. politically there's a challenge they have to see what is happening to hamas and islamic jihad. no death it could have been bigger, but it is a very strong message. then it comes to public opinion because security is a huge issue. people are used to war. there is high unemployment. there is a siege. one thing hamas can provide is security. we spoke to one man on the street earlier. he said today it's car bombs what will tomorrow bring hospitals? having said that, life here back to normal today. you don't see in a sense that people are scared. penal have been through a thought, they've been through various wars. it is a concern mostly for hamas. how are they going to handle things here. it is a strong message to them, a strong message that these groups can do what they want whenever they want. >> the senior representative of hamas in bay reality says while size as i will has threatened to topple hamas it's too early to jump to conclusions. >> they don't have any real support in gaza. isil is very, very strike situation and--they will go against anyone fighting the occupying. it is against the whole region. they don't have a real situation in gaza. we don't want to jump to the conclusions. we have to give our people time to investigate what has happened exactly, and then we can talk about it. i can't say that they have a strong influence in gaza and we were dealing with situations on different occasions like a few years ago. we will not allow any disturbance for the security of the palestinian people and i believe it is responsibility for hamas, it is the responsibility of the ministry of the interior, security forces, i believe they have to do their work and we will support their work according to the law. >> it's five months since the ceasefire deal was signed between ukraine and pro-russian separatists in the east. that's been frequently violated under the minsk agreement. both sides said they would stop fighting february 15 and withdraw heavy weapons from the front line, creating a buffer zone of 50 kilometers. rebels continued attacking until february 18 and the ukrainians were forced to retreat. in donetsk forces are engaging in artillery and tank fire aren't the airport. 166 soldiers have been killed since mid february. there are no definitive figures for separatist casualties. civilians are being killed almost every day each side blaming the other. charles stratford and his team went to the front lines with the ukrainian military. >> the ukrainian army wouldn't let us film the tanks as they fired from positions above the bridge. one soldier told us we know it's a violation of the ceasefire agreement, but the separatists do the same. after firing a few more shells towards what the soldiers said were targets near donetsk airport, helped by the separatist, we managed to film one of five tanks as they drove off different directions. >> ukrainian army say that he is tanks were firing at separatist military vehicles several kilometers away. we heard no incoming shelling before the tanks started firing. military hardware of that kind of caliber should not be here. >> according to the minsk ceasefire signed in february, both sides should have withdrawn hardware. incoming shells could be heard landing close by. a few kilometers away, this apartment block has one side completely destroyed. an elderly woman and her grandson lived here. they were killed by a separatist attack the night before. a ukrainian soldier shows me a photo on his phone of the boy's dead body, the blood stains mark the spot where he was found. >> a soldier protects civilians. yesterday we could only observe that shells were hitting the residential building. we didn't respond because we simply didn't have an order to. >> sergei shows me his apartment. this was my sitting room, he says. he and his family were out when the attack happened. you can't report the truth said this woman and she walked away. these men told us the civilians are angry because the military used the building as a base next door. the military said it didn't respond to the separatist attack because it wasn't aimed at a military target. we spotted this tank hidden only meters away from people's homes. a few days earlier we'd been in separatist territory and heard fighters using similar heavy weapons also inside the buffer zone. both sides are breaking this ceasefire agreement. civilians continue to die. charles stratford, al jazeera eastern ukraine. >> we have breaking news out of yemen. 43 people have been killed in shelling by houthi rebels. it happened at a district in the port city of aden. yemen's exiled government declared aden liberated from houthi fighters on thursday. aren't 170 people have been wounded, though. >> 11 iraqi soldiers have been killed in fight isil in ramadi. the military is trying to retain the capitol of anbar province that fell into isil hands in may. it is 100 kilometers from baghdad. >> thousands of people have fled the fighting in anbar. many are heading to baghdad. iraq has started closing a key bridge people used to use to get to the capital. we went to find out more. >> on the other side of that bridge there are a number of families. we don't know how many that are fleeing the violence from anbar province. the government is not allowing anybody to get across. we don't know why that is. we know that the bridge has been closed for a number of days now. in the past, the government has said that they are worried about isil fighters disguising themselves as displaced residents coming into baghdad. you can see that they have gas canisters and food stuff. these guys have been queuing up for most of the day waiting for permission to go across. there are a number of residents that clearly need flies like these. there are those people building up on the other side of that bridge who want to get out and are not allowed to. >> still to come, a sick economy and now a health system on life support. we visit one hospital in greece struggling to get by. >> fear in kathmandu about the danger posed by earthquake damaged buildings. australia said contradict ear's set england up for a big chase. we'll have all of that in sport. >> protestors in the u.s. state of south carolina have fought with white supremacists at a rally in support of the can flag. the controversial banner was removed last week from south carolina's state capitol. we have this report. >> this is free speech in america, a protest by the white supremacist group the ku klux klan and they are allies and angry voices raised in opposition. >> they marched on to the steps of the capitol building surrounded by police. they came to on the removal of the confederate flag. the flag was waived by the man who shot nine people dead in a church last month. some stood silently, others shouted abuse at the crowd which outknocked them by 10-1. there were fights. there were skirmishes. there are arguments and there were arrests. >> for the ku klux klan, there was about heritage and spree speech. they spent time shouting at the people who came out in force to oppose them. >> for many on the steps this was about more than removing the flag. >> she did nothing but bring our people out. look at that. they brung them out. a white revolution is the only solution. >> to those who gathered, it was the wrong message at the wrong time. >> they've been miseducated they are desperate and oppressed. it's the same oppression that's right hurting them down and making them apart. >> what i'm seeing now is pathetic. it's pathetic. we should all get along. >> the k.k.k. was once a powerful violent voice against the black population. its numbers have dropped significantly in recent years though it claims a surge in interest about the row over the flag. their message delivered but their angry voices drowned out by those who believe it's time the k.k.k. should be like the flag they carry consigned to history. >> al jazeera, south carolina. >> there have been more anti immigration demonstrations in australia with protestors on the streets of sydney on sunday. anti racism groups were also demonstrating in the city center with fights breaking out between the two sides. police say five people were arrested. it follows similar scenes in melbourne on saturday. a south korean spy involved in a phone hacking scandal has apparently committed suicide. he left a note denying he speed on civilians. we have more from seoul. >> the 46-year-old agent of the national intelligence service was found dead in his car on saturday, an apparent suicide next to him a three page will. part of that will has been released to the media on sunday in which the agent says that he can reassure the south screen public that that he was involved with was not used against civilians. he apologized for leaking data of that usage saying he was over jealous in an attempt to not being linked to other monitoring. the service does have form in this area in the past. the two spy chiefs in charge between 1999 and 2003 were both convicted after found to have overseen the monitoring of nearly 2,000 south korean civilians, very senior south koreans involved in the world of business. it was found to use on line presence to smear the liberal opponent in the presidential election. recently a retrial has been ordered of the spy chief who was convicted over that incident, as well. it revealed further information to reassure the south korean public in the coming week, lawmakers in the south korean parliament are saying that the information that was deleted by this man should be restored to check exactly how it had been used this hacking program. >> chinese state media says 20 foreigners have been deported for watching videos which promote terrorism and religious extremism. the tourists from south africa, the u.k. and india were on their way to the home of the terror group the warriors. two said they were watching a documentary about ganghis khan. >> banks in greece are reopened. they were shut down to prevent a run on the banks. people will be allowed to takes out a maximum of 420 euros per week, but transfers abroad are still restricted. >> greece's financial crisis is putting stress on its health care system. we visited an athens hospital and spoke to workers there about their challenges. >> today at athens' hospital, the doctor makes his rounds, relieved to find patients in stable condition. even though greece's crumbling health care system is on life support. >> in greece, you have 1.5 million unemployed. they need medical help. >> the doctor, a former military commando and director of the hospital is a revolutionary at heart. no matter the consequences, he's committed to doing whatever he can to help as many people as possible. >> nobody is going to tell us who's going to live and whose going to die. we're going to treat everybody regardless of the collar, religion or financial status. >> he tells me the problems faced by the hospital in greece are far worse than reads that medical budgets have been slashed, medication is hard to obtain that the bureaucracy is so thick even the nimble hands of a surgeon would have trouble slicing through it. >> we used to say that we are not following medical protocols. you know why? because they are not medical protocols, they're financial protocols. >> the sickly economy the doctor assures of me have meant more people are ailing than ever before. >> greeks are known for their smile. now, you see the depressed eyes, the frightened eyes, the sad eyes. >> things have become so difficult that even during a time of shortage and need, the doctor can't use some equipment he already has. this much needed ambulance is idle, gathering dust. leaves have collected under its tires. the doctor explains how he secured the vehicle from overseas donors without the prior approval of his superiors and hasn't been able to get license plates issued for the mobile medical unit ever since. >> now i'm going to drive it myself even without number plates. >> that fighting spirit has inspired his staff and comforted their patients. >> in greek the word for hope is exactly what the mission of the hospital is, to bring hope to the uninsured the unemployed, to people in need. taking me on a tour of the facilities, the doctor says compassion creativity and will power are the qualities that matter most to him and his staff. it's an ancient greek vow the doctors still swear by today. may i always act the hippocratic oath states so as to preserve the finest tradition of my calling there additions still respected and observed by this doctor in this hospital. >> three more opposition candidates have withdrawn from burundi's presidential election saying the vote won't be free or fair. the president is still determined to run despite violent protests over his bid for a third term. we report from northern burundi. >> daniel says the economy suffered when the president violated burundi's constitution and chose to run for a third term. he's optimistic the slump in business will end once the presidential election set oh for foods is over. >> that is why i'm going to vote. maybe the tension will end. we can have peace. >> the campaign period is winding down, but only a few opposition parties seem happy. some burundians believe this party is sympathetic to the ruling party and that's why they are allowed to campaign. their leader says that's not true. >> why is your party participating in the election on tuesday? >> we have to build build safety. we are not in safe condition because of the lack of trust between the population, different groups. >> despite calls by the international community some african leaders and opposition parties to delay the controversial election, the electoral commission said it will go ahead. >> some aren't happy. some opposition parties are boycotting the lengths saying they cannot participate in a process they feel is not free or fair. >> where the president is popular, his supporters say the state of the economy is not their main concern. >> what is important for me is the peace. the peace in this country it's one of the best -- guaranteed the security. >> in urban areas life is harder. people want peace but need jobs, too. if the president wins a third term, some aren't sure if that will be good or bad for the ailing economy. >> in a historic first taiwan's two major parties have nominated female candidates to run for president in 2016. the ruling nationalist party has picked her to run against the opposition democratic progressive party. >> a girl has been swept away by floodwaters in china. houses were inundated after heavy rain. cars were washed away like toys. the government is working to provide disaster relief. >> floods in the u.s. state of arizona destroyed buildings and swept cars away there too. major roads were closed and electricity cut off to many homes. severe thunderstorm warnings were in place before the flooding hit. >> everton will give us more on that. are things start to go dry out? >> things are improving not completely dry. we have showers in the forecast. if you look at the satellite picture, you can clearly see a messy picture down around the desert southwest of the u.s.a., still quite a crop of showers there and even a few just south of the border into mexico. they are moving out of the way. they are in the process of drying out. we have got better weather coming through. we will see some wetter weather just making its way into southern california. with this area of low pressure, that's remnants of tropical storm dolores up the west coast of mexico. that will useful rain in later this week. the heaviest rain is moving across the central plains, spilling out of colorado through kansas heading further eastward. to the north of that, we saw some rather lively weather rosily, a tornado with winds in excess of 100 kilometers per hour ripped its way across minnesota and through wisconsin causing widespread damage, 130,000 people lost power for quite some time. we have got quieter weather coming in for a time. the wetter weather is making its way toward the appalachian mountains, the brighter skies coming in behind. we are going to see showers. seeing the winds coming from the northwest and southwest it's con verballent. the air needs force to rise. we see wet weather coming in here on monday, heavier downpours a possibility with thunder. there's that useful rainfall we have down around the southwest corner as we go down to the southern parts of california. >> nepal's huge earthquake in april left tall buildings in danger of collapsed. thousands are jet to be demolished. the government is putting the responsibility on property owners. we have this report from kathmandu. >> walking around the valley, it's difficult to miss the wooden beams propping up houses. these buildings are condemned after april's earthquake made them structurally unsafe. the government said it's up to property owners to demolish them but so far not many of them have been. this businessman said he hired people to demolish the building because the landlord hasn't and it's putting people in danger. >> it's already been a month and a half but the building has not been demolished yet. my goods worth $150,000 are stuck under the wreckage. the monsoon season is here and the government is nowhere to be seen. >> the government declares the valley a crisis zone for a year. in order to speed up the demolishing of 73,000 structurally dangerous houses. some here say that the larger apartment complexes should be the priority. >> this government building is structurally sound according to the government. neighbors tell us that part of the ground has subsided and the towers didn't comply with permissions. >> leading a committee of local people, they are angry about the situation here. >> this is 15 stories tall. that one is 12. that is 11, and that 13. they did not take any planning permits. we have appealed to the government but the government penalized them 20 cents per square foot and let the building go. >> many are afraid of living here. now they want the buildings demolished or made smaller to meet the government requirement. >> there were many builders who are at large. we've given them warnings to demolish their buildings. if not, we will demolish them and charge the owners. we have instructed them to bring the instruction yours within building codes. >> officials are still limited by technology. the government says they don't have the technical know how to demolish buildings more than three stories tall. neighboring countries have been requested to help with equipment, but more than two months on, people here don't want to wait. al jazeera kathmandu. >> plenty more to come on the news hour, the united states back on the charm offensive. we'll have the latest on its push to sell the iranian nuclear deal. plus. >> he's a war hero, because he was captured. >> he's not known for his diplomatic comments, but donald trump's latest outburst has shocked even his own supporters. >> australian tennis bounces back from off court controversy. details with joe in sport. >> at least 43 people have been killed in shelling by houthi rebels in yemen's port city of aden. the exiled government declared the city liberated on thursday from houthi fighters. six cars have been blown up simultaneously in northern gaza, wounding two people. the interior ministry said several suspects have been arrested. the attacks are believed to have targeted officials from hamas and islamic jihad. >> in crane both sides are using heavy weapons in breach of a ceasefire and civilians are still being killed. >> diplomatic efforts to calm regional fears over the rain nuclear deal are far from over. the u.s. defense secretary ash carter is going to israel. he's the latest u.s. official to head there as part of a charm offensive. saudi arabia is on the list. on friday, iran's supreme leader made his first comments. he said it will not change tehran's relationship with the u.s. or the middle east. business with tehran may be about to pick up. germany is sending a trade delegation and spain has a similar trip planned. we are joined frow from vienna by an advisor from a consulting firm for companies pitching business in the middle east. there's talk about business picking up with iran, but iran's banking sector has been badly cripple would by the sanctions. how long will it be before the banking sector is able to deal with business picking up? >> iran itself has a function in banking sector, but obviously the sanctions of the past few years have sort of created a disconnect between the iranian banking system and especially the western banking system. we have to wait for the lifting of sanctions but once lifted, my assumption, the second and third tear banks western and european banks will engage very quickly, but the first tier banks will have to go through a number of practices especially the corrupt being checked. do you think foreign companies will be interested in simply selling goods rather than long term sort of investments and long term projects and commitments, given that sanctions are supposed to be able to be snapped back into place at any given time. >> well, first of all i think the interest in the iranian market is huge, this is, you just mentioned you can see that at the fact that western european delegations are in a haste to visit iran and to rein gauge and reconnect their business partners there but essentially, the threat of sanctions is something that especially the european union will have to manage with their companies. a lot of these companies that are returning to the iranian market are doing so in coordination with their actual governments. now, the instinct of companies is obviously trying to sell and trying to generate revenue but the fact is that in these past years, especially in the past decade, iran has obviously created a lot of local capacity, and iranian industry is not going to accept, you know, mass imports into the markets, so those companies who are prepared to enter into a type of partnership joint venture with the iranian companies are eager than those who simply want to export to iran because they are afraid of sanctions kicking back. iran needs long term engagement rather than a short term engagement. >> will the country be able to secure foreign business interest in vital sectors like the oil industry, the aviation sector, where is the foreign focus likely to settle? >> well, oil and gas generally is obviously the most attractive sector because of the vast oil and gas resource that is iran has, but you just mentioned aviation. there are other sectors automotive sector, generally industrial sector. i think iran is definitely a lucrative market. it's a market that has a lot of potential and a lot of capacity, but companies have to understand that it is an economy that is looking for upgrading and modernization. it's looking for new modern, efficient ways of utilizing its potential, and if companies are prepared to engage in that kind of a relationship with iranian partners then it's definitely iran as a market is definitely attractive enough for them. >> all right. thanks so much for your thoughts on that. >> let's get more now on the diplomacy. as we mentioned earlier the u.s. defense secretary is heading to israel, saudi arabia and jordan to sell the deal. tom ackermann looks at why his message of reassurance may be hard to accept. >> saudi deputy crown prince getting a tour of the u.s. aircraft carrier roosevelt patrolling off iran in the gulf. his visit was before the deal with iran, another effort to reassure the saudi's that their seven decades reliance with washington remains steadfast. ash carter stand in reap idea and attempted to reinforce that message. the saudis have reached he more than $90 billion in weapons deal with the u.s., sales that include war planes, armored vehicles missiles and bombs. some of that hardware has been deployed by the saudi's along with its gulf cooperation council partners in their involvement in yemen's war and the u.s. is providing the saudi's with intelligence and logistics in the fight against the houthi rebels, whom the saudis reward at ires rockies. >> we are supporting their operations in yemen in the way i described earlier. the objective there is to restore a political process there in which a legitimate government can be established. >> that cooperation hasn't quieted saudi anxiety over what they call iran's mischief across the region. in particular, tehran's military lifelines to bashar al assad. >> this comes back to iranian saudis strategic rivalry and the idea that the u.s. isn't pushing back hard enough on iranian influence in the gulf, in the levant elsewhere. >> as for squeal developing weapons jointly with the pentagon carter will follow up his boss's message to netanyahu last week. >> i propose fog further than any administration before in terms of providing them additional security assurances from the united states. >> assurances whose specifics for now remain unspoken, but not as yet enough to keep netanyahu from giving up his appeal to the u.s. congress to reject the deal. tom ackermann, al jazeera washington. >> the family of the suspected gunman who killed five u.s. servicemen are deeply upset by what he did. they say he was suffering from depression. the f.b.i. is reviewing a text message mohammad youssuf abdulazeez sent to a friend, which linked a reaming verse declaring war. the 24-year-old was born in kuwait. he was killed by police in tennessee on thursday. >> the republican party's fight for the white house has turned nasty. presidential hopeful donald trump said senator john mccain is not a war hero. some say the business tycoon's latest comments have gone too far. gerald tan has the story. >> donald trump is not known for holding back his opinions. now the u.s. presidential hopeful has mocked fellow republican senator john mccain. >> he easy not a war hero. >> he's a war hero, five and a half years -- >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. >> do you hear that? he's a war hero because he was captured. >> trump was attacking mccain because he lost the 2008 election to current president barack obama. many republicans have rushed to mccain's side, going on twitter to defend the former prisoner of war, who was tortured during his five and a half years in vietnam. >> mr. donald trump. >> a real estate tycoon and t.v. celebrity, trump has been making headlines in the republican race with his usual brand of blunt comments. few were spared. his opponents. >> hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. >> or mexican migrants. >> they're taking our jobs, they're taking our manufacturing, they're taking our money they're taking everything, and they're killing us on the border. >> it's the kind of speech that both excites and divides voter and this time is no different. >> less than a year into his second term, brazil's president is fighting for political survival. we have a report. she is losing report from the voters that brought her to power. >> this shanty found out rio de janeiro is home to 250 people. they were once ardent supporters of president. of brass still. >> we are angry dissatisfied and disappointed with the government. we have so much theft and all these problems, so many things. >> poison. >> he blames the government's tough austerity measures indoorsed by reduce receive in an attempt to lift brazil out of recession. in just six months, government regulated prices on basic foods have skyrocketed. onion prices have risen by more than 150%, tomatoes more than doubled. >> they're really expensive tomatoes onions. i used to buy a whole kilo. now i only buy one. >> the erosion of working class support unravels how widespread the discontent is with the president. a month ago they helped her nary win a difficult reelection. >> now rousseff's approval ratings are in single digits. support in congress has collapsed, opposition politicians are calling for the penalty's impeachments over alleged campaign finance corruption and the bribely scandal of the state run petrol company. several companies are under investigation, including her mentor, the architect of an economic strategy that elevated blah still globally. >> between 2007 and 2010, brazil became a big star nationally. now what we have is a reversion are expectations. >> for months, brazilians have protested, calling for rousseff's resignation. they say they havion hope for their future. >> all our children are without schools, without medical attention, without security, so we are stuck in this situation. >> so much so, the residents of the shanty town have renamed it to reflect how they feel. it's now called the abandoned community. al jazeera, rio de janeiro. >> north korea held its first local election since kim jong-un came to power four years ago. the poll is carefully orchestrated, only candidates selected by the communist government can run. voting is compulsory. >> former state governor pablo perez has been banned from the job for 10 years. earlier this month, two other high profile figures including a former mayor were disqualified for a year. they were expected to run in december's legislative elections. the opposition could win the vote. >> venezuela is facing one of the worst economic crisis in its history. some struggling business owners are pointing the blame at tight government controls. virginia lopez reports from caracas. >> the end of the look as we know it is something experts have predicted could happen. in this small book shop, few fear technology could end that they love most. in the economy want business of culture is at risk of disappearing from years of government controls on the flow of money. >> the government has been incredibly obtuse in economic matters. no economy can benefit from staunch controls. historically, they have only served to pervert trade. >> facing all the issues it does including a chronic shortage of paper to print books, the relative success is all that more surprising. >> to invest is venezuela is risky mainly because of these negative or hostile attitude by the government toward the private sector and that's the main reason why private production has declined in venezuela severely. that is contributing to create scarcity problem in venezuela. >> large companies and multi-nationals generally have the financial muscle that smaller companies lack to withstand a crisis. hosting lectures and staging cultural events is part of the strategy the group that conceived of to survive. theirs, they say is a business model based on resistance. >> an economic crisis affects all of the supply chain even in the cultural sector. our only means of survival, but one that has gone hand-in-hand with culture has been to reclaim spaces people abandoned. >> but not all business owners have been as savvy. the crippling effects of the economic crisis can be seen in the multitude of closed shops and the in these whose shelves lay bare. >> when book shops and publishing houses closed, a country uses that which helps to keep their memories alive. >> still to come, a champion surfer attacked by a shark. we'll have all the details in sport. also coming up: >> we meet the people trying to save the sounds of the past. >> let's catch up with sports news. >> it's breaking news. triple world champion surfer mick fanning has been attacked by a shark during competition competing in south africa. these pictures show fanning punching the shark. he and fellow australian junior wilson were assisted out of the water, the finals put on hold. his leg was bitten in half. >> championships are underway in round three on sunday with australia's going eight under for the day. johnson goes out in a few minutes time. alongside him will be danny will let andor span speith is at six under. >> england chasing 509 runs for victory against australia. they came out swinging on day four at lord's, but lost to chris rogers who retired hurt when he received a blow from the ball. chris smith made hay with david warner. australia declared on 254 for two just before lunch with a lead of 508 runs. >> england have about five sections to make. >> in australian tennis, top players are embroiled in controversial for their actions in wimbledon. the davis cup team bounced back. they trail kazakhstan. >> it's the first time since 1939 that australia has won a david cup title. they'll play britain or france in the semifinals. >> u.s.a. have reached their eighth straight gold cup semifinal, completing a 6-0 flashing of cornerback ba in the last eight. the champions kept up defense of their title with opening scoring in the first minute. adding two more goals for his first international hat trick as the united states went on to beat cuba 6-0. >>u.s.a. next plays jamaica. scoring what turned out to be the winner in the seventh minute. >> a former fifa vice president has made his first court appearance since extra dated to the united states. jeffery webb pleaded not guilty to corruption and money laundering charges. he was released on $10 million bail and is do back in court next week. he was one of seven executives arrested in switzerland in may as part of a major fraud investigation into football's world governing body. >> he is receiving support from where he served as president of concacaf. >> here, they say they know jeffery webb better than anybody. his power and influence in the football world here was almost unmashed for several reasons. number one, he is from the nearby cayman islands. beyond that, he was the president of concacaf, the regional governing body. webb's power here was unmatched. he had visited this island several times most recently in 2013, where he was checking construction work being done near the football stadium here. he was showered with praise by local officials but his influence went way beyond the caribbean all the way to the top in fifa itself, he was considered an up and coming power player within the organization. he was part of the powerful executive committee since 2012 and also served on several subcommittees, as well. perhaps ironically, he was on fifa's transparency and compliance committee ironic perhaps because it is webb himself now accused by the u.s. justice department of taking part in massive corruption and fraud. the key allegation against webb from the justice department is that he received bribery money along with others totaling more than $40 million according to the accusation, for the broadcast rights to the copa america tournament here. the football word is watching this case and the entire corruption case against fifa very closely but no more so than in this region, the caribbean, where they consider jeffery webb almost a native son. >> pell lay is back in hospital for the third time in eight months. he had prostate surgery last december. >> >> we will try to be up to the challenges our members have put upon us. we work hard and we'll sweat in our shirts the way our star players have done. barca will continue trademark style with revenues and values, keeping us the biggest club on the planet. >> that's all the sport for now. >> thanks so much. >> a library of some of the world's rarest sounds is in danger of being sigh lends you could say. the british library is a treasure trove of extinct bird calls, the voices are famous writers and the sounds of world history. it all needs to be digitally preserved now. >> deep in the basement of the british library a team is at work carefully sifting through hundreds of thousands of rare recordings. some sounds are so rare, this is the only place left they can still be heard. >> like the voice of one of the most important writers in the english language, james joyce. >> it seems to me that i have been-- >> this, the playwright george bernard shaw. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the vast collection's being carefully converted and stored on huge servers for future generations. among them test recordings for now famous movies and loft accents. >> some of the records are in a fragile state. the library's battling to raise $60 million to fully digitize the collection, but they don't have long. >> i think we have about 15 years in which to digitize before the equipment and maintenance becomes unfeasible. we need to double our efforts at this point. >> the recordings are stored in a range of formats cassette tapes, records reel to reel and whacks cylinders. it's a race against time to preserve this important and vital collection, firstly before the recordings deteriorate further and secondly before some of the means of playing these recordings disappear forever. >> one precious sound the library safely managed to preserve is that of a hawaiian bird. it's far from easy listening. >> this is the last male singing for a female who died the year before. >> the british library may not have the power to save rare species from extinction, but they're working tirelessly to keep endangered sounds alive. >> stay with us here on al jazeera. we've got another full bulletin of news coming up and of course there's >> she will in yemen's port city of aden kills over 40 people. you're watching al jazeera. also ahead on the show: >> a challenge to hamas in gars, officials have their cars blown up in a series of coordinated attacks. >> we take you to ukraine's front line where both sides are violating a ceasefire and civilians are paying with their lives. >> i am asked to give you a specimen of spoken english. >> the mission to save some of the word's most precious recordings. why

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