Europes worst mass killing since world war two, 20 years after the attack. And defying the Supreme Court. Clerks refusing to issue marriage licenses to game couples in kentucky. Get an ultimatum from the states governor. Good evening i am antonio mora this is al jazerra america. We begin a historic day in South Carolina. For the first time in decades the confederate battle flag is no longer flying on the ground of the state capital in columbia. The flag, long controversial. Become an even bigger hot button issue after last months massacre at at the emanuel am even church in what reel stop nine black parishioners were apparently killed in the rochely motivate ahead tack. What are people telling you about the flack coming down . Reporter well, i was in the crowd today antonio when that flag came down, it was decades in the making, moments that it took for the state troop troopers to take it down, you heard this collects tiff cheer going up. But also at the same time, i was seeing people wrapped in confederate flags but it remained peaceful. I talked to some young men and i said was it too fast for you . Somebody said i would like to saver the moment. But in day and aim of social media somebody said i videotaped it i can saver it all i want forever. Everybody was filming it and cheering, they brought their kids out today. It was almost like a picnic kind of atmosphere, security was tight. But many people say this there be a moment a day in history that they will treasure. The con federal flag came down swiftly with the jubilant crowd cheering. And small pockets of protest all coming out to witness the end of an era. That flag for me is just a punch in the face. Its saying its hold be up the confederacy. As a young black man thats educated, you know, it was just a sigh of relief. Reporter evening the the debates your honor the hot sun stayed relatively cool. I am happy to see it go down and happy to see the peoples burdens on their mind free. We have to understand that we are just beginning. I think they should have left it up there. It wasnt bothering anybody in that sense. It was bothering a lot of people. What were bothered by is the hate that you symbolize with it. Reporter it took the massacre of nine blacks at a church in charleston to reignite the debate over removing the flag from the state house ground. But while South Carolina has taken it down, many recognize that the symbol of the con confederacy still flies elsewhere. They can have their flag up in their yard or in on their truck, or somewhere on their house property. But nowhere near the state house. It will be in the museum. Thats where it ought to be. Charleston mayor joseph riley said after the tragedy of the Church ShootingSouth Carolina has now become a symbol of love and community, but a lot of work still needs to be done. It was a feeling of great happiness for the citizens of South Carolina. This was important for earn. People of every background and ethnicity because it was a unifying thing. The flag was divisive it, had been appropriated as a symbol of hate by many people and its no longer in front of our public building. Reporter by the end of the afternoon, the flagpole came down too. The last visual reminder of what had become a symbol of racism, pain and divisiveness to so many. Antonio, that flag came down, that flagpole came down, and then this evening it was a peaceful evening here at the state house. A lot of couples, a lot of elderly Companies Walking by standing on that empty ground now and taking pictures of nothing left just happy people strolling around here very peaceful but security does remain tight antonio. Thank you courtney. Troubling questions being raised about the gun turd by the man charged with the church massacre, the head of the fbi says he should never have been allowed to buy the weapon. Please be seated. Does the defendant have a criminal history 1234678 the answer to that question is yes. Dylan roof was arrest ed in columbia South Carolina in march. He was at this mall when some wormers complained that he was behaving suspiciously, police found him with a narcotic for which he did not have a precipitation. He was charged with trespassing and drug possession, on friday, fbi director james comey said that incidents should have prevented dylan roof from buying the handgun that he allegedly used to kill nine people at the church in South Carolina last month. Mr. Roof, you are charged with nine count of murder. Comey says when roof went to buy the gun a mandatory fbi background check failed to uncover the pending felony. His admission to possessing Illegal Drugs alone would have disqualified him from owning a handgun. The wrong arresting agency was listed in the record which also contributes today the failure. Fbi director comey blamed the mistake on a paperwork error. He told reporters this case rips all of our hearts out but the thought that an error on our part is connected to a gun this person used to slaughter these people is very painful to us, comey said he ordered a review of the procedures and that his agents will meet with the families of victim to his explain what went wrong in the deaths of their loved ones. Paul, al jazerra, new york. The city of albuquerque has agreed to a 5 million settlement with the family of a man shot to death by police. Police body cameras captured james bodys final boyds final moments in march of 2013. He was a home think schizophrenic off his medications and was armed with knives but his family has always maintained he was trying to surrender to police, last month two officers involved in the shooting were charged with Second Degree murder. A divided Ohio Appeals Court says only prosecutors can charge Police Officers involved in the shooting of tamir rice. The 12yearold boy was shot dead while playing with a pellet gun in a Cleveland Park last november. Local activists tried to use a little known law to get a judge to issue arrest warrants in the case. Prosecutors have not filed charges saying a grand jury will make that decision. The sheriff in San Francisco is trying to deflect blame in a recent murder involving an undocumented immigrant. Juan sanchez had been deported five times when he allegedly killed a woman last week. Not long best murder he had been released from the San Francisco county jail. Immigration officials said they september a note asking the Sheriffs Office to turn him over so he could be deported again but the sheriff says a note is not enough. Ice immigration customs and enforcement did not provide the San FranciscoSheriffs Department with a warrant or a judicial order to hold him for proceedings. Sanchez is now being held on 5 million bail. He says he found a gun on the pier and it accidentally went off Officials Say the gun had been stole then june there a Law Enforcement agency. Catherine or chew let lett uhhuhs resign as of head of the Personnel Management office. The moves comes after a pair the sib air tacks exposed the percentage information of nearly 22 million people. The resignation marks a swift turn around by or chew let 5678 a day after saying she wouldnt resign the white house announced that Catherine Archuleta was stepping down effective immediately. They recognize is, recognizes, as the white house does that the challenges facing the office of Personnel Management require a manager with a specialized of skills and experiences. Reporter the move follows disclosure that another cyber breach of her agencys database was far more swing than the first one revealed in available. In testimony to Congress Last moth archuleta blamed Outdated Technology for the other inability to protect the information. We discovered these intrusions because of our increased efforts in the last 18 months for improve souper cube never at o. P. March. Not despite them. Reporter besides Social Security numbers the compromised bait date a include current and former Government Employees officers to questions about drug use financial problems. And contact with foreigners, on wednesday fbi director james comey told the Senate Intelligent Committee it can be more wide suppress its not just my identity afternooned i have siblings, five kids all that have in america tonight in there and so numbers quickly grow for i cant understand the number of federal employees which is millions over the last 20 years. Reporter jay johnson says he couldnt identify the cyber attackers, national en till intelligent director James Clapper has called the leader suspect chinese. There is no indication yet the information has been misused. Two federal labor unions have announced they are suing the government saying the o. P. M. Violated their Constitutional Rights by failing to upgrade Cyber Security safeguards. They are also demanding the government pay for their lifetime credit and Identity Theft protection. Tom ackerman, al jazerra washington. Greece tonight turned another corner in an effort to avoid defaulting on its debt. The countrys parliament voted overwhelm big to approve a new austerity plan that would inflict more pain on greek buys hiking taxes and cutting pensions. Now european leaders and creditors must approve the plan before they release more bailout money. Greece has already missed one debt payment and its banks have been close today two weeks. The Iran Nuclear Talks will continue through the week end negotiators in vienna agreed to extend the interim deal until monday. Both sides say they have made progress in two weeks of talks but that the process is moving so slowly the sides remain divided over ain arms embargo over iran that western powers want to keep in place john kerry said there is a limit to american patients but also said the use and its five negotiating parents will not be rushed. Samesexer sex marriage is the law of the land but some people are defying the Supreme Court also ruling of a few county clerks in louisiana and texas have refuse today issue marriage license because of religious objections. In kentucky the governor has issued a stern ultimatum. Give out the licenses or give up your job. Getting ready to go in to the courthouse and applying for a marriage license. Reporter they have been together for more than 17 years entered the courthouse knowing they would meet resistence in their bid to get a marriage license. That resistence came from rowand county clerk kim davis. Who has refused to issue marriage licenses to all couples. Her stance was prompted by the u. S. Supreme courts recent land mark decision that allows samesex couples to marry nationwide. But despite that ruling, and honored by kentuckys governor steve bashier to issue the licenses, davis and her staff stood firm. The whole incident was captured by cell phone. Okay, we do not. [ inaudible ] you can go to our surrounding counties your business has been taken care of. Reporter even after being ignored and watching others cut them in line the couple finally made it to the counter and confronted another employee. You can go to any other county and get your marriage license, wore not doing it this time. We own property here, we pay taxes here and pay taxes here. Thats her choice. We are our right. Its not her right. According to this ruling and governor bashier she does not have the right to refuse us our license. Reporter moore finally got to fave davis who asked that she not be filmed the couple left empty handed. The incident came just a few days after the aclu sued davis on behalf of two day couples and two straight couples. Davis is among a handful of clerks in kentucky refusing to issue marriage licenses siting religious beliefs. Casey county clerk casey davis has also refuse today issue marriage licenses that lefthand him in hot water with the governor who summoned him to his offers on thursday. Governor bashiers message to davis. To issue marriage license or resign. That was the words. Reporter and your response to him was . I cant quit my family. Reporter davis remains did he points. Natures law will supersede any law that man puts on a piece of paper. Thats why i have taken the stand that i have taken. I dont believe that this lifestyle agrees with may fewersnatureslaw. 20 years passed since the deadliest massacre in europe since world war ii while the killings at srebrenica are still a source of controversy. The doctor who made millions giving painful treatments to patients who didnt need them breaks down in court when he learned his sentence. The defense for colorado theater shooter james holmes rested its case today. Jury could begin deliberation says early next week after closing argument, lawyers defendsing holmes say he was legally insane at the time of the massacre they conceded he killed 12 and punned are wounded specific. But a argued he suffers from schizophrenia and was not in control of his actions if the jury agrees holmes would avoid the death penalty. A michigan cancer doctor went in court today when he was sentenced to 45 years in prison dr. Faried fa fata pleaded guilty he gave cancer treatments to patients who were not sick so he could collect millions in insurance money and as lisa stark reports many of victims are still struggling with the affects of fatas scheme. Reporter that abandoned building in michigan was once part ive cancer empire. It was like an a december zellblyan assemblyline. Reporter won by dr. Reid fata. He was the best, the best in town. Patients put their lives in his hands. There were times when he called my his miracle patient. Reporter but dr. Fata was not performing miracles. He was committing fraud. And harming hundreds, possibly thousands of those who believed in him. So what he was doing was he wasnt looking at his patients as people, he was looking at his patients as profit centers. Reporter Chuck Charter was referred to dr. Fata for followup chemotherapy after an operation for pancreatic cancer. I initially went in to it figuring it was a precaution preventive, that it would probably be i thought at the time shortterm. Reporter what did it turn out to be . It turned out to be five years. Reporter it turns out according to cancer specialists, the correct treatment for chucks condition was not five years of chemo their at chemotherapy, it was six months. Chuck and other patients were impressed by dr. Fatas credentials, named a top doc in a local magazine. He did his initial training in lebanon. And a fellowship at new yorks prestigious Slone Kettering cancer center. Dr. Fata built michigans largest private cancer practice. Tightly controlling patient care and building at seven clinics. A diagnostic center, and a pharmacy. Despite years of fraud, of billing for chemotherapy far in section cesc of the usual oncologist neither Insurance Companies or medical officials raised a red flag it took a whistle blower from one of dr. Fatas clinics to go to the fbi then alarm bells went off. The tip came in on a friday in august of 2013, the fbi scrambled. On monday agents interviewed eight clinic employees. On Tuesday Morning they arrested dr. Fata. Impressive speed for a government take down. But how did dr. Fata slip by until then . What did he do to be able to get away with this for so long . He was really the king of his practice. And i think he may have even called himself the king or his practice his kingdom he was. He ruled with an iron fist kept close control over everything and didnt let anyone else see what he was doing. Reporter the government estimate dr. Fata fleeced Medicare PrivateInsurance Companies and patients of 10s of millions of dollars. There is no way of calculating the human toll. Chuck carter lives with kid any and bladder problems. Severe numbness in his hands, feet, and legs. He is now on permanent disability. I was betrayed. Its hard. You know, i dirks trusted him. I trusted him with my life. Reporter eye life now forever altered. Tomorrow 20 years since the srebrenica massacre. The country will also bury more than 100 newly identified victims killed by Serbian Forces in 1995. The war in bosnia pitted christian serbs against muslim and catholics, an estimated 8,000 muslims mostly men and boys were killed in srebrenica. Joining us is laura silver, she worked as a correspondent in the balance kinsbalkinsshe is the offer of the death of yugoslavia, thanks for coming in to talk to us. As you look back at what happened in srebrenica, one of the things that jumps out is just incredible failure of the United Nation to his prevents this horror. They had declared that area a safe zone, peace keepers were there, maybe not enough. But still it was a horrible failure to the part of the United Nations have those problems been addressed . Well, it was a terrible failure. The failure on the part of the United Nation says it was a failure on the part of the west no not spending enough troops to protect these zones and when they were formed we knew actually journalists and observers knew that they were doomed if you look at it now, 20 years on, there really hasnt been reconciliation. We havent really made complete progress. And how do you get to reconciliation when there is a u. N. Security Council Resolution this week that russia vetoes, four of the other 1