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To be on several of the most difficult issues. But the u. S. Secretary of state says a deal on curbing Irans Nuclear programme has never been closer. Thousands in ecuador welcomes pope francis as he returns to his home continent for the first time in two years. I have all the sport including willens World Cup Final kicks off in vancouver, as the United States take on japan in a rematch of the 2011 final. Greeks vote no by a large margin to reject an e. U. Bailout deal. Its a triumph for the greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who campaigned for the no vote. He says hell work to find Common Ground with greeces international partners. How the lenders will respond is unclear, the coming days will be crucial. A eurozone summit on greece is set to take place on tuesday. The e. C. B. Is also set to meet. Greek banks cant open on tuesday as scheduled, because they wont have access to the emergency lending. Jonah hull has more. Athey cheered the result. Reporter outside parliament they cheered the result. Greece said no to International Creditors in a sensational act of defiance. We are greek, we feel proud. Its making us feel hopeful. Weve been very scared for the past week. Reporter even as they celebrated the result all will wonder are what happens next. Translation considering last weeks difficult circumstance you made a brave choice. However, im aware the mandate here is not a mandate to break with europe but a mandate to strengthen our position to seek a viable solution. Reporter the Prime Minister got the result he hoped for, vindicating his position in europe, and cements his power at home. Already the former Prime Minister and Opposition Leader samar as resigned in defeat. The promise of a good deal for grease is something that cant be karntd. We are not sure about anything now. We had a plan about, yes. No, we dont have anything. It may be better or worse. Well find out. Reporter in greece, these continue to be worrying times. Amid the jubilation here, its reported that negotiators bags are packed for an immediate return to brussels. Greece need a deal, and one quick, to allow the banks to reopen before they go bust. The trick will be keeping the promise of the referendum, not to accept a deal they dont like. Who knows what the mood will be among the creditors. In brussels berlin frankfurt and washington the vote was framed as an inout referendum on the euro. Will greece be shut out . The majority here refused to give in to that fear. Im very happy and proud. Reporter what do you think greece has achieved . Independence. We shall not be slaves, well be free people. And we deserve that. Reporter a part of europe . No. Reporter a part of the eurozone . No. Why . Reporter after five years of spending cuts tax hikes, job losses, pain and humiliation, those that voted no roared back, enough. Most do want to remain at the heart of europe and the euro, but dont want to feel as if they are being punished any more well soon after the results of the referendum came out, greeces conservative Opposition Leader samar as resigned. The new Democracy Party campaigned for a yes vote in the referendum. The former Prime Minister said his party needs a new start under a new leader okay lets cross to Barnaby Phillips standing by for us in athens. Everyone is talking about athens being free democracy ruling the day. Democracy is not going to pay the bills, is it . No it isnt. And after the euphoria of tonight, greeks are going to wake up tomorrow and they and their government will confront a difficult situation. Greeces banks on life support now for the best part of a week capital draining away. Reliant on the European Central bank to keep going. The economy, which has been in a bad condition for many years now has deteriorated at an accelerated rate. Economic activity is limping along. Tax collection pretty much collapsed in all the uncertainty, and there is enormous bad blood and an extreme lack of trust between this greek government and the European Partners its creditors. The lack of trust has been building up over the past five months over the past six days or so you had posters on the streets of athens put up by the no camp by the government, with a picture of the german finance minister saying this man has been sucking your blood, you had the greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras talking about blackmail and humiliation. It means it will be difficult to come to an agreement. I will bring in my guest to see if he agrees with some of my analysis. Wolf, a political analysis. Would you agree with what i say, now the euphoria goes away. Right. We have a real problem on our hand. We are short of time here in addition to what you outlined. The banks, by tuesday, will be without money, atms will run empty, and will not move until the summit on tuesday is over. It will move in the right direction of Alexis Tsipras, it could move in the other direction. As of today theres more uncertainty that we had over the last couple of months. Alexis tsipras has a point that his position however much the european leaders didnt want to do business with him, his domestic positioning is reinforced. Hes a power at home and they cant close the door on his face when he tries to meet with him. Theyll never close the door thats not what you do. But theyll listen to him. If he goes with a list of proposals. The problem now as you say, hes stronger than before but the economy is weaker. From a european side there could be a request for more concession. More taxes. Whereas here he has to play more. Theres a collision of some sort, and we are running short of time. That could depend on the mandate. Its not clear what every greek votes for. They are conviewing the question in different ways. It may be that they were telling Alexis Tsipras, keep us in the euro thats what we want. Get us a deal under the best possible terms, and he could read that in different ways. He can certainly read it in different ways. Clearly he doesnt have a mandate to take the country out of the euro hes calling to a 30 cap. That selling this to the europeans, voters parliaments. They have voters parliament. It will be difficult. We are basically set for a collision, and its unclear which will give in first. The banks will remain closed. Atm will run empty and the situation deteriorating. He has a point about debt relief it is unsustainable, some needs to be forgiven. There is a point there. The question that comes in exchange for conditionality, nothing for free. Thats the way the eurozone works. Debt relief has been on the table for some time. Government after government fail the conditionalties, the implementation was weak. Its not going to get it because he got 61 of the votes. He has to put something on the table. Its unclear what they can put on the table. Thank you for your analysis. Thats it from athens. 2 oclock in the morning. Crowds have drifted away. Greeks will wake up monday to a fascinating, but uncertain new reality. Its been a long day for you, barnaby. Thank you for that. Well the president of the European Parliament martin sure, says that the no vote is creating a difficult situation. But that the will of the greek people must be reported. The humanitarian programme for greece should be discussed within days. Ordinary citizens pensioners, sick people or children in the kindergarten should not pay a price for the dramatic situation in which the country and the government brought the country, no. Therefore, humanitarian programme is needed and i hope the greek government makes in the next coming hours meaningful proposal allowing that it is meaningful and possible to renegotiate. If not we are entering a dramatic time. Well Jacky Rowland in brussels is looking at the next stages following the no vote. The big question now is what a no vote means. The greek Prime Minister said that a no vote would strengthen his hands in negotiations with the europeans. E. U. Officials said that a no vote would mean no more negotiations and possibly the end of greece as a member of a eurozone, and even foreseeably as a member of the European Union itself. There are various scenarios for what could happen. The worse scenarios would be for banks and lenders to suspend all support for greece. We would see the greek banks coming insolvent, a return to the drachma, which would be immediately devalued several times over. Hyperinflation, and the poorest members of society are the ones that suffered the most. Another scenario which is hinted at at some european officials, including members of parliament, martin schulz, in fact, that there could be more e. U. Money for greece in the event of a no vote, in the shape of loans and keeping public services, and Services Like hospitals and transport going. Ultimately, lenders, including the i. M. F. May have to look at the question of how sustainable the greek debt is. Is it realistic to imagine that greece can ever pay off the debt and the interest accruing on it. There are those that argue there may have to be a form of debt relief. Obviously the words Debt Forgiveness or writing off debt is something that many in europe, partucularly Northern Europe are not happy about. Stephen king joins me from london. What are your thought on this seasonings results. Im impressed by the scale. Almost all polls predicted a hung result. This is a no vote. It strepingens the hands of sirz rsh, and start negotiating, all the way it strengthens the hands of syriza. All the way through the troika has not netted. Now theres a prospect for the drooecks greeks do go back and play hard ball saying you have to consider debt reconstruction and lift conditions on austerity. Mr Alexis Tsipras can go to the cred fors and say i have the power of the people behind me do they care . They have not cared for a while. They thought they could break the syriza government. They have been trying to run a putz an expression. Thats the team to break syriza, drive them out of power and lead a coup by an unelected group of officials. That failed. The troika is no longer in a position to thing they can destroy the party they negotiated with they have to live with them. From an economics point of view here what is the next step that greece should be accepting as reality. They got the no vote. They sent the message to europe. In reality, tuesday is looming fast. What needs to happen next . They have to put forward what they stood for, a stimulus programme. A large part of it needs to be written off. The i. M. F. Has this week admitted that debt restructuring is necessary. A large part of the debt is because of failure of the troika programme, which is supposed to cause g. D. P. To fall by not even 10 . It fell by 25 . A large part of the debt ratio is g. D. P. Collapsed beneath the level of debt that greece reduced over the last few years. Theres a large reason for debt release and a stimulus programme, because austerity failed, and its time they broke the connection between the euro and austerity. Quickly, looking at debt relief, and something we heard a lot about and has been discussed, is that germany should be looking at itself it was helped with debt relief coming out of world war ii. Should they not be more understanding of greekss position . Yes they should. Not just in terms of sympathetic understanding, but an imperial one. The german miracle was kick started by writing off the debts they had at the time. Remember again, that the collapse of germany, and the rise of nazism is because after the First World War the allies insisted on punitive debt terms and germany getting to relief leading to the world war ii. We are not going to get the third world war out of this. The failure of the harsh debt terms imposed on germany to the successive Debt Forgiveness and restructuring after the second shows that the germans should for the sake of the economy of europe and the globe in general, they should agree to Debt Reduction now. Okay its been a pleasure thank you very much. Youre welcome. Before we move on lets we cap on the results of the referendum so far. And just taking a look at the screen there, 98 just over 89 of the vote has been counted. Nos have been leading from the offset. 61. 3 . And the nos below 40 at 38. 7. Lots more to come on Al Jazeera Newshour including we report from the yemeni city of tiaz where children are the latest casualties as fighting between rebels and progovernment groups rages on. Also opponents of burundis president fears for their lives, days ahead of a president ial election. And in formula 1, the World Champion Lewis Hamilton wins again at the british grand prix and is on home soil. Sanaa will tell us later in the sport why he didnt quite have it all his own way. Negotiators trying to iron out a nuclear deal with iran are continuing their talks in vienna days before the selfimposed tuesday deadline. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry says that they are close to an agreement, but have to make very hard choices in the days to come. Our diplomatic editor james bays reports now from vienna. Time is running out. That is the clear message from the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry, who spoke to reporters after two sessions of negotiations with his iranian opposite number. We are not yet where we need to be on self of the most difficult issues, and the truth is while i completely agree with foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif, that we have never been closer, at this point this negotiation could go either way. If hard choices get med in the next couple of days, and made quickly, we could get an agreement this week. If they are not made, we will not. Reporter Foreign Ministers have been arriving in vienna, and are expected to stay until 7 july, the new deadline. What happens if they dont reach a deal by then . Reporter do you have a plan b . No. The rule is, i guess i said it on other occasions, if you work on plan a, you stick to plan a. That deadline stays, the 7th. Reporter im told we got to the stage where all the sticking points can be laid out on one sheet of paper for the foreign minister, some are technical, all requiring political decisions, and without the decisions there can be no dole deal. Theres been fierce fighting in iraqs largest province of anbar, most is under the control of i. S. I. L. Fighters. Suicide bombers tried to attack a dam. The government says it managed to foil the attack. Elsewhere in anbar 22 soldiers were killed in two bombings in alshaya, northwest of fallujah. In another City Government air strikes killed 23, injuring 40 others. Mortars destroyed a number of homes, forcing families to flee. Jarar has more from baghdad. Reporter fighting has continued near fallujah and ramadi, appearing a pattern of iraqi air strikes, including banned barrel bombs, killing civilians. Now, as iraq tries to dislodge i. S. I. L. From cities it is controlling, they are launching artillery and air strikes against the cities, but the problem is they appear to be in populated areas. One was in ramadi, near a football pitch where young men gathered after midnight during ramadan. They were playing football and other games. The Iraqi Government says they were aiming at i. S. I. L. Fighters. Local forces that there were members of i. S. I. L. In the area, but most of the young men were, in fact, civilians. Mark kimmitt was the assistant secretary for political and military affairs under the former u. S. President george w. Bush and joins me live from washington d. C. Thank you for joining us. How are the iraqi army doing against i. S. I. L. . I think they are doing better than they had been in a past couple of months when they were fleeing from certain cities to include ramadi. The fact they were standing and fighting, the iraqi army and Police Forces indicates that the i. S. I. L. Forces are not gaining more ground than they had gained up to this point. What are your thoughts on the u. S. Stepping up. They avoided putting troops direct action troops on the ground. Is it time to do that. I. S. I. L. Are pushing on. They are not necessarily pushing on. They have hit a point close to baghdad. That has people concerned to include not only the Iraqi Security forces, but i dont think that at this point its time for the United States to do anything more than to add advisors into the battalions and grenades. The notion of putting brigades on the ground i dont think its necessary or politically feasible at this point. Why not though . Why not. The u. S. Have been helping with training. Why do you think its not feasible for them to be more hands on. Well, what i said is i think that the United States could be more hands on by putting joint controllers in the iraqi units, advisors in the iraqi units, but i dont believe theres military necessity to put the battalions or brigades on the town. But they are doing a genuinely acceptable jobs plus the backlash from the United States and other nations would be unnecessarily severe. Third, it would be a great political victory, propaganda victory for i. S. I. L. Because they could turn the fight na one that is no longer terrorist against the iraqis but as terrorist against the United States of america, the coalition nations. Thats not helpful at this point. A delicate balance to achieve there. Thank you mark kimmitt. Saudiled air strikes hit houthi positions across yes answer as the u. N. Envoy arrived in sanaa to try to broker a ceasefire. The humanitarian situation continues to worsen. Reporter in the ongoing 3month air campaign this is a daily seen in tiaz. Air strikes targetting the palace hitting the building where houthis and fighters loyal to the president are stationed. Air strikes targeted the president ial palace in sanaa. Houthi and proali Abdullah Saleh fighters were killed by local resistant forces fighting the yemeni president , for him, Abdrabbu Mansour hadi. They say they launched attacks in the city and control an air base. One saudi arabia soldiers was killed when his base was attacked with artillery and rocket fire. The u. N. Has been bidding for a post. Until the end of the holy month in ramadan. The u. N. Asked for a ceasefire, to allow delivery of humanitarian aid. I have been pushing hard to find a solution to the crisis. Today i came to find a quick solution for the sake of the yemeni people we are looking for a peaceful solution. The u. N. Labled the war in yemen a level three crisis. The situation means children have been missing out on activities, theyve been out of schools, and many have been killed or injured. Nonetheless they keep smiling, hoping for a future without war. The u. S. Led Coalition Said it hit i. S. I. L. Strong holds in syria and what has been described as a large deliberate engagement. This i. S. I. L. Video is set to sow the casualties caused by the attacks, targetting rafah. 15 i. S. I. L. Fighters and six civilians were reportedly killed. A coalition spokes naun said the strikes blocked i. S. I. L. Supply routes. Syrian commrs asks and their lebanese ally hezbollah say they stormed the city taking control of the west of the city. The government has been dropping barrel bombs, 45km northwest of damascus. The offensive beginning on saturday in a bid to cut the supply route for the al nusra front fighters linked to al qaeda turkey deployed extra troops and military to the border town in the southeast province. Its the latest security measure against the spillover of conflict in syria there has been intensifying between Syrian Rebels and the Islamic State of iraq and levant. Theyve been battling for control of the northern part of the city of aleppo two blasts hit the central nigeria city of jos, one targetting a restaurant and another a muslim cleric who are speaking out against boko haram. Police say its not clear if there were any casualties. Hours earlier in yobe state five were killed by a suicide bomber and targeted a church east African Leaders are meeting in tanzania to discuss the crisis in burundi. President Pierre Nkurunziza whose plans to run for a third term sparked violence plans to stay away and will campaign instead. A report from bujumbura, where opponents of the president fear for their lives. Reporter these men say their friend called out to them please help me, they are killing me. From a distance they watched him stabbed, shot, set on fire by attackers they dont know. The witnesses are terrified of being recognised and killed if seen telling journalists what happened. Their 28yearold friend was an opposition activist. A lot of people are scared. After my friend was killed, many have to be careful. How can they stay when people are killed. The International Community wants the president to delay the president ial election on july the 15th. He continues to campaign, his party denies targetting opposition members. The president s Spokesman Says the election has to go ahead. We cannot go beyond what is provided by the constitution, because we might have the president elect come 26 august, on 26 august. Reporter the number of People Killed on both sides is rising. Sometimes opposition activists are targeted. Other times its progovernment supporters. African leaders are meeting again in tanzania, to find a way out of the crisis. Some Opposition Leaders want a Transitional Government formed, until conditions are right on the ground for a free and fair election. They dont want the president to be part of it, something the ruling party will never accept. Others say one man is to blame. The president must not come again. They can give another candidate. Its not only one man to take country. Reporter people are watching their back. Voting in the president ial election may go smoothly. Its what happens afterwards that is terrifying many. Later we look at monuments that made it to the list of World Heritage sites. And in the sport, find out which Football Team managed to concede 68 goals in two games. Weve got the final agreement within our sites. Many who think that the United States should not be sitting down with iran at all. There is possibilities of a conflict all around the region. Wildfires lit by arsonists. This sounds like it happened in a flash. Millions in damages. And the tragic human cost. Hes not here anymore. Find out how experts are fighting back. Welcome back you are watching al jazeera, our top stories this hour. Greece voted against the bailout deal offered by international lenders. With around 96 of votes count. Results show over 61 voting no. 38. 67 yes, and thats with 99 of the vote counted u. S. Secretary of state john kerry says a deal on kerbing Irans Nuclear programme is in the balance. Negotiators in vienna have until tuesday to strike an agreement. Washington and tehran say sticking points remain on several issues. The u. N. Envoy to yemen is in sanaa trying to broker a ceasefire to allow deliveries of humanitarian aid. Sunday saudiled air strikes target houthi position including the president ial palace. Okay. Back to our top story, and the greek referendum. Theres a lot at stake, not just for greece but its neighbours and creditors. Who owns all of greeces debt. That is 340 billion euros. Well it owes germany 68. 2 billion euros, france 43. 8 billion euros, and italy 38. 4 billion euros. Spain comes in at 25 billion euros. The i. M. F. 21. 4 billion, and the e. C. B. The European Central bank coming in at 18. 1 billion euros. 52. 6 billion euros are owed to a group of other countries, including the u. S. And the u. K. Well, the European Central bank is also mulling its official response to the greek referendum result. Dominique kane is in frankfurt with more. The german chancellor Lee Merklinger will hold a meeting with Francis Hollande in paris to discuss the greek crisis. Their reaction to the referendum result will determine policy in the coming days insofar as bailout and negotiations are concerned. Its worth recalling that the German Government said flatly no negotiations before a referendum result. The french appeared to suggest there could be some negotiation, clearly now, with the referendum result that is ancient shiftry. The question will be what will the European Central bank do about the as a result. The greek government seems to suck that the referendum ruls is a mandate for a further negotiation to strengthen their hand. Its worth remembering their owed 3,500 by the greek government that must we repaid. As things expand, theres no suggestion that that will happen. A great deal of uncertainty, and well hear from the European Central bank tomorrow. Theres a suggestion therell be a teleconference involving the bankers, and that may give us clarity about how this situation will unfold. Dominik kane there. Nick robbins, an associate head tore from the the Huffington Post joins us from new york. How is this going down in america . Its viewed in different ways. The people that reject austerity and the policies of various groups such as the e. C. B. And german creditors and germany view it as a no to the poll assist of austerity that have been very damaging for greece over the past five years and put a lot of hurt. Theres the opposite side which is people that view this as a potential disaster because its very likely or possibly likely its tough to tell with greece that greece will exit the eurozone, which would be damaging for the eurozone, and damaging for greece and something that most grooects dont want. Greeks dont want. There isnt really a loser or a winner in all this. They both need each other. Unfortunately in these crises often times the loser is the greek person who has to deal with the tough times, and has seen unemployment sky rocketing and struggling through the time. I mean you could say that Alexis Tsipras is a winner in this and the people of greece who unanimously or not unanimously, but by a decisive margin decided to stay no won the day. As much as theres a party, there could be a hang over storm. You are saying that Alexis Tsipras may be the winner. Samar as they did not have the best of relationship with the finance minister in europe. He said no more to continued austerity is what the greek people said. Do you think its fair on the greek people no matter what outcome they had, theyll face a degree of austerity, or perhaps hardship. I mean thats certainly true. Theres no doubt that in the coming days that therell be tough times for the average greek person. I mean theres a larger conversation about the long term know. And by rejecting austerity policies, that this may have a benefit in the long firm tore them. Because these policies have been damaging over the last five years or so. Okay. Well leave it there. Thank you very much. Thats nick robins from the the Huffington Post. Pope francis arrived in ecuador for the first south american visit. Things got off to a windy start. They do on his visits as he landed. Thousands lined the streets as his motorcade passed through the capital. The weeklong trip will take him to bolivia and paraguay. The pontiff wants to draw attention to the plight of the poor on his home continent. Lucia newman is live in quooeto. A lot of excitement for the popes visit and seriousness as well. Absolutely. The pope thanked god for being back in latin america. The three countries hes coming to are among the poorest in south america, which is in line with him giving credence to those on the periphery of wealth and power. Ecuador, bolivia and paraguay have indigenous populations, he wants to acknowledge them and the people of the three countries are fatal to the catholic church. At a time when millions of catholics defected. Left amid widespread scandals involving sex in corruption within the catholic church. Reporter it looks innocent enough but everyone nose inside the church in santiago perverse things happened. And are told in a film based on a chillian paedophile priest where a priest abused scores of boys and young men. The shocking film has been the Top Box Office hit in chile. A once staunchly catholic country. Where these days pew are more empty than full. The church needs to recover credibility, people are left with an image of what happened inside a church. We cant demy it. Reporter that is something pope francis is trying to rejectify, by announcing a no tolerance to abuse but for one of the victims, the punishment is an insult. Theres no one in prison. Its for them like a spa. They have nuns that surf them but pope francis has been widely praised. Especially for his social zoneda, and his openminded attitude towards sexuality, but not samesex marriage. Many want him to go further. Others within the Church Hierarchy beliefs hes going too far. Remember the vatican as an organization is med evil dating back 34 centuries. He wants to change that to the extent that christians say yes, hes right. Opposition will diminish its a tug of war between defending dogma and pressures to be in step with modern times. Quooetos stunning Colonial Center and centurys old churches are a testament to decisions to conquer soles in the new world. 500 years after missionaries crossed the Atlantic Pope Francis is coming to his home continent to win him back with reformist vision. One of the themes that pope francis is going to make going to repeat over and over again during the trip is that of reckon sill yeaing and not just reconciliation between the people and the church, but amongst themselves, that is pertinent here. Which has seen weeks and weeks of confrontations between the government and its opponents. In fact, they have weighed in several times calling on the government and the opposition to put aside differences, at least while the pope is here. It didnt seem to work in fact as the pope mobile went by. A car, a limousine went by. Many thought it was the president. Clearly theres a lot of tension, and well have to see in the coming days if the pope wants to weigh in on that. Thank you very much for that now, the most famous bridge in scotland is one of the latest sites to be given World Heritage status. U. N. E. S. C. O. Honoured the bridge carrying millions of rail passengers for 125 years erica wood is looking at other landmarks. The sites in southwest china, Green Mountains dotted with old fortresses and palaces. More than 500 years olds they have been recognised as culturally significant by the u. N. Assist heritage body. A region in south korea has been given u. N. E. S. C. O. Status. Old city walls and administrative buildings from an early kingdom. They established ties with china, japan and east asia across the sea. The kingdom enjoyed a glamorous, superior culture and can be shared with the world and be recognised internationally. Singapores botanical guardsens were given u. N. E. S. C. O. Status. Its a special place. Reporter in europe the vineyards champagne and burgundy were recognised as important site, producing famous and drinkable exports from france. Achieving u. N. E. S. C. O. World heritage status is not just global recognition, its supposed to give better protection to important landmarks. Recently the worlds ability to do that has been questioned. I. S. I. L. Fighters seized palm and syria, starting a campaign of destruction. Blowing up monuments more than 2,000 years old. Around 50 other u. N. E. S. C. O. Sites are designated as endangered. Among them three in yemen, including an old city bombed by a saudiled coalition. And the home of the rare mountain guerilla its listed as endangered because of poaching and environmental pressures. Getting recognised by the u. N. Body body usually brings tourism. U. N. E. S. C. O. Argues by honouring the greatest monuments helps to create peace and understanding. Now, its the muslim holy month of ramadi which for many means fasting during the day and enjoying a special meal with family and friends in the evening. For 700,000 syrians, ref gees in jordan, there was little to enjoy many are struggling to find food to break their fast. We have this report from ayman. Reporter most families have feasts during the muslim holy month of ramadi. Ramadan. This man worried what hell feed his family when they break their fast. When they arrived in jordan a year ago, they were taken to a camp. They couldnt stand living in the unforgiving desert and escaped. They life in a poor neighbourhood and dont receive assistance from u. N. Agencies. I run away from the camp. Theres no electricity, we had to walk for ages to get water. The shop is far away. Im an old man, i couldnt walk to the shop without breaking down on the bay. No u. N. Assistance means fro education for his daughters or health care. Jamal is diabetics. His wife with speech and hearing impairment has been forced to find work as a housemaid. I work so we can afford Drinking Water and buy our girls their needs. If my daughters get sick how can i buy them medicine, i have to work. I wish we stayed in syria and died there. This life is too difficult. Reporter life in exile forced many families to forget dreams and aspirations and worry about things like getting food to eat. During Ramadan Generous neighbours drop off a meal. On the days they dont, families have to manage on their own, and that means eating what is available. This is what they have in their kitchen. They never oat meet unless its from their neighbours. The family says its moments like these that make them feel theres some good in the world. With every passing year the demand of syrians in exile are more basic. All we ask the world to look after Syrian Refugees help them. We need money to eat and drink, thats all. Jamal never expected syria to bam so ruined and doesnt expect it to go back to the way it was. For now they are living a temporary life not knowing how much worse it will get. Still ahead will it be the United States or japan crowned champions, we have the latest from the womens world cup fine in vancouver in a moment. Because i was African American i was trying to fit in. Misty coplelands journey wasnt easy. Dancing gave me the opportunity to grow into the person. I dont think i could be without it. Now, this trailblazer is opening the door for others. I wanna give back to ballet what its done for me. Welcome back, its time for the sport, here is sanaa. Plenty in store. Well start with the latest on the womens world cup. We are in vancouver, its an amazing first half performance by the United States. The captain carley lloyd scored a hattrick, the third goal from the halfway line. Lauren hollow day got the other goal. Eukey ogin. Got one back. 41 at half time. The tournament is a record breaking for hosts canada. More than 54,000 saw the National Team lose to england in the quarter time a record for any National Team sport. Over all attendance is expected to top 1. 3 million, a record for the tournament, and will make it the most attended f. I. F. A. Event history outside the mens world cup. And its making big inroads in the market football in a bid to crack the United States tv ratings. They are averaging a million plus a game. Thats more than 40 up on the last womens world cup. World champion Lewis Hamilton won the british grand prix for the third time. Hes teammate nico rosberg was second. Sitting on poll Lewis Hamilton lost his lead. Phillipa massa going in front. When Lewis Hamilton tried to regain the lead a misjudgment allowed the other to pass him. The World Champion Lewis Hamilton returned to the front. Despite the english rain he hold on to win. Sebastien vettel was third and Lewis Hamilton extends his lead over nico rosberg to 17 points. Firstly, thank you everywhere for coming out today and making my weekend. I was gunning the whole way and wanted to do it for you guys so, we did it. Im so thankful for the support, and i couldnt have done it without you guys i could see you every lap i saw you in the corner of my eye and felt you purring me along. German Andre Greipel won the second stage. Tour de france the 166km stage taking place along the dutch coastline in pouring rain. Andre greipel won it in a sprint finish from some quality riders including seguin kavened dish and the Yellow Jersey has changed riders. More sport on the website. Check out aljazeera. Com sport and the latest from the womens world final. Animals are wiped out at an alarming rate and its thought half the worlds remaining species will be extinction in 400 years, many live in australia, which is launching an initiative to save them. Andrew thomas has the details. Reporter australia has one of the most diverse selection of animals on earth. 7 of the worlds species live her, most of those only life in australia. Giving the nation a special responsibility to stop the wipe out under way. 20 of its surviving mammals are threatened with extinction. 12 of birds, and australia is typical. At present rates, says an expert half the world species will be extinct in 400 years time. For those species to devolve and come back will take 2 million years. In 2 million years, 10,000 times as many people as have lived will live. Theyll miss out on half of the diversity of the planet because our generation and those around us chose to wipe out half the species on the planet. At a nature reserve near canberra, a charity called bush heritage australia is restoring former farm land to its earlier state before settlers arrived. A few decades ago the valley would have been forested and full of animals like coalas, that australia is famous for, that now is rare. Not only did colonialists chop down industries, they brought invasive plants and aggressive animals. Cats were brought over as rat catchers and pets. Theres thought to be more than 15 million feral cats running wild eating native animals, competing for their food. In many areas australia original animals are the losers. The striped legless lizard is one. 99 of its habitat is gone. It looks similar to a snake, but with a friendlier personality, it has ears and a long tail that it will drop. Its more related to skinks and geckos. It may look like a mistake. Its an adaptation. It lost its legs through time. The reserve may be big, but australia is vast. The World Wildlife fund estimates a shortfall of habitat in australia, equivalent to an area bigger than france. Stay with us here on al jazeera, we have another full bulletin of news ahead. L this is al jazeera america, im del walters in new york with a look at the top stories, just say no. Greek voters going to the polls and overwhelmingly rejecting the terms of the international bailout. We are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues marathon talks continue on Irans Nuclear programme. The u. S. Signals its ready to walk away if

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