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President calls for an immediate cease fire in gaza. Also a had a to declare was a state of emergency after a jail break by for thousands gang members and after refusing to return to their hospitals. Junior doctors in south korea are now threatens with having their medical licenses result the is really forces are continuing their relentless bombardment, a for alpha in Southern Gaza. Ugly 17 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes there in the past 24 hours. Central gaza is also being targeted with is really a tax, killing 13 people in the receipt of the refugee come hands of a how much has more of the with the bands rescues and roughly scrambled to find somebody but splitting another. Its really strange that tech on homes integrated, but i just want people who left several people dent in the east of the city. Another its really striking. Several other palestinians is right. Designated rough as a safe zone. But telephony and cell phone, anything but safety there, hold on. I do hope you want to have a good demo. Shame on them to stop this blog, stuff it while i just blood. Why, why the exterminating us . If you want to annoy like to ask, why didnt they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly say every day, foaming, foaming, combing. There is no safe place on it. Despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continued to head to the city from other parts of gods that if you want to reach, you have to die in the pursuit of getting food. We said no to this and decided to head to the south effects to in central gulf cse. This is the of the month of yet another strike on the same rock come. At least 12 People Killed on such a wound. And a ceased but talks drug on the people on hudson continued to body dead, didnt have them have the us Vice President. I was called for an immediate cease fire in gaza using some of the strongest language from washington since the start of israels were on the strip. Cala harris says, palestinians and gods are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe. She says a cease fire is essential to secure the flow of much needed age and the release of captives and given as the immense scale of suffering in gaza. There must be an immediate cease fire or at least the next which is what is currently on the table. This will get the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in this would allow us to build something more in during harris the set to meet the former is really defense minister and current member of the work cabinet. Many gallons in washington later on monday, guns will also meet with other senior american officials, including the secretary of states. And discussions are expected to focus on a ceasefire agreement is really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly instructed Embassy Staff in washington, not to help in facilitating guns. This trip will go like to have the central joining us or occupied east jerusalem. So is that clear . What guns is trying to achieve with this trip . The full source in many dances office has spoken times to 0 and said that there are quite a few things on the agenda. For many gans, when he meets with american officials on the top of that list is preserving the legitimacy for israels Ground Invasion into gaza. So despite every thing that is going on, despite more than 30000 palestinians that have been killed, these really is trying to maintain a public image that what theyre doing is just incorrect. Additionally, there was one line about perhaps an agreement when it comes to the situation on his roles, northern border with lebanon. So perhaps some sort of agreement on how to stop that conflict. Additionally, another thing on the list there was the promoting of continue was a toward israel, which been against as office said was vital to israels National Security. So the former defense minister, current member of israels war cabinet and meeting with american officials to try and continuously revive for american support when it comes to israels war on guns. And the meetings, as they continue more information will come out from against his visits with these american officials. And as were saying, guns is in dc without Benjamin Netanyahu is blessing, so to speak. So is this assigned, but hes struggling with growing divisions in his work cabinet. Well, reports within is really media indicated that nothing yahoo was quoted fuming at the thought of many against meeting with the american official. So im going so far as to say that nothing now who himself had told ganz quote there was only one Prime Minister for the state of israel. However many hands his office did release a statement saying that on friday the former defense minister did brief minutes and yahoo on his travels, who he was meeting with and how long he would be gone for. But there have been divisions within israels war cabinet within his roles, governance for the last 5 months, really since this war began and you had many gaps in his party, National Unity enter into this emergency government with these really Prime Minister. But there have been a lot of disagreements and remember these really public seals this way too. A lot of consistent polling has shown that if elections were held today, these really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not would not be in that position, but rather it would be many gaps who would have more votes for the premiership. But again, this has also had a lot of different opinions on how the war should be prosecuted on what kind of policy that in yahoo is enabling when it comes to. So coming to pressure from the far right, members of his government, like the ultra nationalist, the finance minister, and the National Security minister, and members of kansas own party like guy the eyes and coat who was also a member of the war cabinet, has spoken out consistently against these really Prime Minister and said that those who think a total victory can be achieved in this war are not exactly meeting quite truthful. So the divisions within the war cabinet continue has been against the is now in the United States meeting with american officials. All right, thank your homes, us on homes for forwarding from occupied east jerusalem. Now any new garza, as far as deal with israel will likely include the release of hundreds of palestinians from is really jails. And the previous ceasefire in november, 240 men and women were released back to their families and they occupied westbank. Bernard smith reports from rama law on how one Young Palestinian woman is adapting to life back home. Its been 3 months since no hunter was released from an his rated prison. But she says she still doesnt feel free. And the seat up, we are a prisoner or is it released as part of we need to force the whole lives are and they told us we are under surveillance things having gone back to normal. I havent left home since i was released have to have checkpoints solutions. Im afraid i would get picked up on the middle of the one was convicted of using scissors to try to stop shop was at a market in west jerusalem in 2015 a 14 year old cousin hatfield was with both girls were shocked by pressing sold, you had to lose killed one of your hands, the stops up to her release. Was that cousins, greg . Hey, elizabeth, im understanding. After being away for 8 years, there are new challenges to face because there have been so many changes. Id like to pick up my education need a normal life and to tackle these challenges ahead on some of the ones that 8 years of a 10 year sentence, a family havent been allowed to see her since october 7th. So fucked me with somebody and thought id run that has been a 180 degree shift in the family. So you should go down and we were on a, we were not allowed to contact me from. Now we see a remarkable transformation and shes both of the different. Despite chips in prison, she came up as an educated culture on successful passive. The durham was one of 240 pounds as the means freed in november in exchange for a 110 captives released by how much in gaza. 10 of those palestinians have since been re a rest advise rarely for bernard smith, ill just say era ramallah in the occupied west bank. Alright, joining me now and said, oh my gosh, what . Hes a professor of security and military studies at the institute for graduate studies. Welcome back to alta 0. Im out of. So how mouse has been asking for high profile palestinian prisoners to be released from is really jails as part of any agreements. But israel will be very reluctant to do so, right to it will be reluctant to do anything which make portray from us as having any sort of x rays. Where will the concessions come from . So its very difficult to tell her the moment i think. So what will happen is the increased pressures from this way, the side, and how much is very wary that this is not the end of the story in any way. So if you looked at what, so the guns is doing in the us the, the moment you had, the report is rather not get the, the weapons that it needed. And to they need to present the more i munitions for a 155 millimeters. I mentioned specifically they need to munitions where they have the motors and they need or defense, munitions and the they, they did not get enough infantry even weapons including the 20004. 00 for us will try fords for, for the infantry. So theyre requiring all types of munition from, from a Close Air Support to the artillery to, to infantry. Which tells me that then that, that negotiations about the, the single foster. This is just a, its going to be a, a, or the exchange is going to be a temporary negotiations with a, with a very short lived choose. And then after thats another round of escalation because of the is where you steps in the us at the moment and probably the rhetoric as well. So. So what youre saying is, um, guidance is one of his priorities right now in the states is to get these weapons from the us is to get more admitted to the support the minute the h. It from the us to continue that for on garza and the its, and we may see it so. So the, the, the, the, theres a bit of a dismissal that the off was not, nothing will happen in rough and so on. But i think we, we may, we may be very, very careful when we talk about that because the, the, these steps are not this step. Some of these really size. Im not saying that this war is going to end at this stage, right . Almost done by for just a moment because were going to show a tweet that was posted by robert for there it is. What hes saying is that ive seen israel humiliated previous us administrations, but aside from murder as 1967 is really are strike against the u. S. Navy ship liberty. Now forcing usa to do air drops of h a. Gaza as if usa is no better than egypt and jordan as israels worst humiliation of the usa that ive ever seen. Hes obviously here referring to the air drops that we saw happen over his eyes. Uh, just a few days ago, which a lot of people described as a, you know, simply a p or a media stand on behalf of the United States. And whats your reaction to what robert ford has to say . So a few things. The 1st is referring to historical precedents, dates of june, 1967, and stuck on the us as liberty which it was, but by some accounts it killed more accurately, not by some accounts, have killed more, say those. Then the attack on us as cool by, ill kind of and then do a israel apologized and said that thats a mistake and paid some, a few 1000000. 00 in the patients. Uh, but menu would say that it was not really a mistake, but they wanted to blind the us from whats going on in on the Golden Heights because they would expanding there. And so hes good. So that was a bit of a, a strike, a humiliation of the support at that at this point. But at the same time now the, the drops, they were done as it drops. They, they were not done as a, as convoys or thousands of, of trucks coming from the egyptian borders or even from these really borders. They came as air drops. Um, which tells you the limited capability of the us when it comes to supplying aid to goes up with, with this lady permission. But at the same time, the, the amount of weapons supplied that included the dumb and smart bombs and kit to make the dumb bombs smart. To vary a significant amount of a air to ground munitions. A significant amounts of the apache helicopters, laser guided munitions of 30 mill the so just to over 30000 gallons of the 13 men, munitions for the apache to cope this for what we call Close Air Support. So a significant arsenal given to is a lot of the same time. An exchange of a dropped means do the better thing. And so how do we explain this one . I tell you, i think the United States has complete the leverage over israel. I mean, all they have to do is tell israel to open up a board or something. No, it doesnt. What is that . What does it say . No, no, it said it wasnt the same. It was never that simple with his or elizabeth. So again, because of a robot 430506767 the, the, the Johnson Administration told is what it is do not attack. If you attacked the egypt and syria, you are on your own. Were not going to support you. Were not going to give you any support if you defended, well come to help you. And it was a big debate within israel between the school and one side, the Prime Minister and the the that that time the yeah. And the claim that will be on the that we should do wait for the defend or we should be at a tech be mtv. And in the end, uh, they ignore the us, they attacked and they were successful and it gave them a lot of confidence up to that, that the you can ignore the allies and you can win. And after that they will deal with them if occasions of the ignoring you are all nice. Okay, thank you so much. Oh, my gosh. So thank it still has an alta 0. Will tell you why. Russel has called in germanys, in bassett, or in moscow for questioning the frank assessments. Heres essentially the length of democratic process. The current government knows not being picked up, but when the elections say they want to buy time using fix political debate. Ok, some of them are struggling. Thats give them some cash. But lets look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we dont live in a post colonial award. We live in a new colonial one and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera. Think that this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4. Is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge. And the huge responsibility we keep politicians, that Decision Makers in check. So the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that theres more that unites us. Then divide the, [000 00 00;00] the here as a reminder of the top stories on how to 0 this hour is real, has continues to, to target densely Populated Areas and Southern Gaza where hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians are taking shelter. At least 17 people were killed and dropped off as 2 phones where target is the us, Vice President Campbell Harris the set to meet the former is really the defense minister and current member of the war cabinet been against of washington. Later on monday, harris has called for an immediate cease fire in gauze on i hate these governments has declared a state of emergency a nighttime curfew following a search in gang violence, as well as the storming of the countries to biggest prisons, Prime Minister or yo, henry has been visiting kenya, trying to firm up an International Police force to help patrol the streets. Stephanie decker reports the deadline in the streets. The result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. In the bible, i took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. But as long as youre just swap, people have been dying. So sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. I woke up when i heard shooting. I saw the cell gate open. Many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. Police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns of stepped up there were tots, including on the international airport. The powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. And they say they want Prime Minister of you had only to stand down. Thank you very much. All he left for can you last week to finalize a deal for an International Force to help restore order in a t. It would be part of the Un Task Force thats something that appears to have pumped at the latest violence. Its partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a noun as barbecue has been sanctioned by the un and the us. Its many linked to the official trip that the Prime Minister took to kenya as the torrent gang leader barbecue claimed that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of prize to fight against the government and topple it in response to that that deal that the apartment is for assign, with the canyon government, gang vine and is, and then security has played katy for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. Say, no elections have been held since 2016. The state of emergency has been declared until wednesday, when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. Rush us for a ministry has called in the german and boss that are in moscow. And that soft or Russian Media published a recording set to be of German Army Officers discussing supplying weapons to ukraine on the potential attack and crimea. So im gonna can, is following developments from berlin. It was embarrassment for all sorts of eminent german officials and ministers in the 1st place. The ambassador called in by the russian government to account for what was said in this conversation, to explain. But in venice, thoughts the ambassadors role to do that, but then here in germany, well, the generals who were involved in the conversation, well they go to have to account for how they were talking about such sensitive messes and also talking about potential allies and real allies and they so about the pricing, so notes in on you current in ukrainian soil and that sort of thing. Then theres the embarrassment level, the difficulty for or off shots in so far as his position is stated, position visa v. This ms saw system and what the generals appeared to have been saying saying they cannot understand why he is opposed to it. Oh is that this level of difficulty that mr. Schultz finds himself in . Well, he has spoken in the course of the past few hours about this taurus me saw system. Im just quote, what do i have in front of me . He is close to the thing you cannot deliver a Weapon System that has a very wide reach and then not think about how control over the system can take place. If you want to have control and its only possible, have german soldiers are involved. The size of the question for me, but lots of this, the lots of conditionality, the points that was made in the conversation that was overheard was the, perhaps german control might not necessarily be required in order for ukraine to use them. And particularly, maybe those soldiers might not need to be on ukrainian. So tuesday, well see the start of chinas biggest political gathering of the year. The National Peoples congress outlines the countrys vision for the year as the worlds 2nd largest economy, struggles with stalled growth on the demo demographic crisis. Katrina, you reports from beijing at this job market, on the outskirts of the change, the advocates joso for attention from recuzs. Most advertised positions of the salaries of about 700. 00 a month, lower the average wage and in the capital. But many here cant afford to be picky. Including recent graduate young who call it just came back to china from studying abroad. And the salary offered by most companies here is much lower than i expected. When the 25 year old was growing up, china was riding high on decades of double digit growth. But since the end of the carbon 19 pandemic, its economy has stagnated, and walk opportunities for those whose age are difficult to come by. And new rising unemployment is just one of the challenges the Government Faces as it can beads. But this is National Peoples commerce. People have a lot of questions about where the economys going and whether the central leadership has a plan to respond to this more negative reality been expected to covered. And so far, we havent really seen a lot in the way of your new policy approaches or, or new Structural Reforms from the leadership. Chinese leaders say they are determined to shift away from chinas old growth model of relying on risky debt. Much of it in the once booming property sector, but efforts to prevent a real estate bubble by reading its huge debt, has crippled the industry, dealing a blow to consume and business confidence, as well as cutting into household welfare at o, adding more pressure to families who are having fewer babies than ever before. The president season thing has spent the last decade consolidation power and there are no visible signs of leadership is under threats. However, the leader is attending. This is National Peoples congress all under pressure to stable potential unrest. Im convinced the public, the chinese economy is not in decline. Officials have refused to roll out, need to economic stimulus. Instead, doubling down in close for so called High Quality Development included in how to bestow intelligence and create technology. 2 this will take time. Bunch paintings. Message is the short term suffering will be with the long term gains. Its a message 1400000000 people will need to be convinced of, including those huge desperate to find work. Katrina, you all to 0 staging. Soft Careers Health ministries threatening to suspend the medical licenses of 7000 Junior Doctors who went on strike 2 weeks ago. Many doctors have already ignored a back to work order. The trainees are protesting against government plans to increase the number of admissions at medical school. They say the governments plan to solve a dr. Shortage for harm patients care. Eunice cam has more from the capital, so we are entering the 3rd week of those dr. As walk out and already there are reports of Hospital Personnel maintaining operations nearing breaking point in the absence of these Junior Doctors who have played important roles in the operations of ice. The use of e r as an cancer awards including at this hospital. So National University hospital for the account for some 40 percent of the overall hospital, a dr. Population. There also concerns over how many of the new intern and resident doctors that were supposed to on board this month will do so or join the boy card instead. Now as to the medical license inspections we did hear of, im the vice minister of health saying that administrative procedures have begun on this monday. But we are expecting it to be a protracted process, given that they have some 7000. 00 cases to deal with a likely start with a small group questioning individual doctors as to what their situations are. And that alone is expected to take a couple weeks. Now since walking off the job at the do, your doctors have largely avoided the limelight and kept their silence. And critics say that they are able to exude this confidence of essentially ignoring the back to work orders because of the successes that the Korean Medical Association was able to procure in previous public fights with the government since the year 2000 concessions. And that is why the government now is saying that that will not be the case this time. You know skim, alda 0. So to the us now are, and occasionally it has won the republican primary in washington dc. Its her only victory so far over former president donald trump. Shes already the big favorites when the parties nominations, again front against president joe biden. In novembers election. Haley is the 1st woman to win any Republican Party primary, a powerful winter storm in days of icey. Buzzards have dumped around 3 meters of snow on northern california. Snow drifts have closed around a 160 kilometers of roads. Another half meter of snow is expected to fall in the coming days. A volcano has erupt in the galapagos islands. There is no immediate danger to a terrorist because the island is uninhabited. Its one of more than a 100 Pacific Ocean islands, which are a wild life century off the coast of ecuador. The weather is next then inside story examines the effectiveness of the us air dropping aid in 2000 thanks for watching. Bye bye. For now the, the, the big thunderstorms or they have to be in the heat wave produce flooding quite often. And theyve done that in the final. Its a large container on the boulder with powered wine in colorado and cut in texas. You can see from those pictures and that could be more of the same will like to through product y, or se in brazil, but still option teen is a risk sauces that no longer heat twice territory. So i have to say the other side of the and these have been santiago so that he 3 is pretty hot for santiago to the know so rather really heavy cheryls are, its not looking quite as bad. You might remember a few days ago flooding reported on the border between bolivia. Im brazil that could be repeated, but its nothing obvious to say that it will be, but the shadow is fairly widespread, mostly light chairs. And also all this and is really the gulf of mexico, florida, the northern bahamas, where heavy rain will be, the trade winds are blowing steadily, not unlikely. She has the most part, still seems quite hot to me in panama city. And the dry, i have to say the us is a different story here. Weve had just one day, a real world stretching up to was almost the Northern Plains states in contrast to whats been real cold over the 19th, further west. And as you know, theyve been blizzards here to the fact this, the blizzard warning at full pos are kind of for an seo, nevada. And thats, that will keep folding here though with the wins that are reduced of the coveted, beyond well taken without hesitation for them died from power defines how well we live here. We make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people when the people in power investigate explosion is and questions the use them to be use of our around the globe on out to the air. The u. S. Begins and dropping food into casa, as palestinians that faced of ation the agency. So its an ineffective ways of deliver much needed assistance. So kindly, alas to make a big difference for the so many desperate to each. This is inside story, the

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