Attack that killed dozens of people. The village of photos has a population of around 330 people. The level of death here means that a 6th of this village was wiped out in an instant. They were attending a Memorial Service for a soldier from this village who had died and was buried somewhere else being brought home that homecoming, turned into a massacre on a massive scale. And we are here at the side of the missile. Strikes are guided, russian is gone. The missile struck at this location 51 people have been entered in a stand off with. Is there any forces in the town of hawaii, right in the occupied westbank palestinian residence confronted . Is there any forces they were holding the funeral of a 19 year old killed in confrontations with is there any forces on thursday . Report say is there any forces used to gas as the funeral procession was making its way to the cemetery. As a funeral has been held in the syrian city of homes for the victims of an attack on a military academy least 89 people were killed as a Graduation Ceremony on thursday. At least 277 people have been injured in the attack. The government has declared 3 days of National Morning. The day before the serious state tv course had russian warnings of possible attacks. There has been a tit for tat war going on between a number of militias in g. Hottest militias in italy, province, and the regime only 2 weeks ago about 20 regime soap soldiers were killed at a base in how my province across from ed live. And the regime has been attacking back off and indiscriminately. Only yesterday, the regime to credit for bombing a headquarters of but as a dean, one of these Al Qaeda Linked groups that are in italy province. So this is an ongoing battle. And drones in the hands of the opposition are changing the, the way that they can strike advertising shoulders depends. Again, it says us forces have shot down a tech is thrown in syria on chris says it belong to its National Intelligence agency. Tech a has been carrying out a military offensive against cutters forces in northeast syria. And a collision between chinese and philippines. Coast guard ships has started fears of a major computation in the south trying to see the incident on wednesday has heights intentions between facing and manila in the distributive waters. The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to radian activist. Now get some comedy. Comedy is 7, multiple jail sentences into ron, announcing to move, especially years imprisonment. She is the 19th woman to win the prize. Iran says the west has awarded and a half a day for her actions against its national security. The european leaders, musing in spain of turning the attention to the confidence migration crosses recent months have seen and often in arrivals of refugees on migrants. Us President Joe Biden has approve the construction of a new section and for the war in southern texas, the mexican president on the manual lopez open the door is unhappy about the move itself, but hes just jump on a closer to on the moon. This authorization for the construction of the will is a step backwards that does not solve the problem. It does not solve the problem. We have to address the causes is country to what President Biden has been saying. He has been a new president sofa who has not built the war, and i understand that there are strong pressures. President button is set to meet the chinese president using, paying in San Francisco next month. The to last met in november. The war and october is next as the london october, the 5th, 1973, the shortly after midnight phone rings in the home of debbie ashuelot and is really case officer handling and the chips and spies. They simply quote, the source it is the source himself, his message is simple. I need to meet the bus urgently within minutes, as far as quote to leads to wake is superior visa mir director. Israels intelligence service, most sites in just a few hours. The mirror is heading to the british capital later in one of the most sense, london safe houses. Severe meets the source, the information he has is astonishing. But what makes it all the more important is the identity of the non delivering it. Osh, a small one was one of the best spot in the history. It was the perfect it was built on the cliff and say is a fissions, but he was also for a cross. The information will escape the people who was the right hand man of president on the so one by the one towards the mirror that the following day at 1800 hours, egypt and syria would launch and attack on these roads. There was every reason to believe was this, a genuine leak from the very centre of egyptian power was the source operating under orders, giving information designed to deceive the value of the same is also what ill do to get some guys, one of them over the government cutters in the kitchen, the problem. Im a closer to the police of this. Thats the the 1400. 00. Today, 6 of up to 1973. Wholly a stay in the jewish calendar. You want me to pull the day of atonement, the egypt and syria motion all out to move against israel. The targets liberating the sign peninsula. And the goal on heights territory is occupied by israel 6. He has earlier in the 6 day war, israel is completely unprepared. Its regular army, outnumbered. Its reserve is not yet present on either front. So the question is, how did is which scored such a spectacular victory to 6 years before this, instead of war permit itself to get into this situation of disaster success. Which because of the spectacular nature of the victory israel couldnt avoid the lightning victory illusion of invulnerability. Israel seemed secure behind a protective military carson and despite intelligence warnings during september, 1973 of an upcoming arab attacks. The head of a mind, israels military intelligence, generally at least a year and was convinced there was nothing to worry about. The subjects, close relationship with the associates, guaranteed a supply of military hardware. At these relays new, he had been unable to obtain the latest generation of offensive weapons. Without them, israels military might wait egypt in the balance. But ever since the humiliation the 6th day when chip since had fun to see the countryside back. As he can see, it says as well as the man of the confused cuz he uh put a lot. Yeah. And he wasnt, if it hasnt been going up like that and then it had, it will kind of some rubble from there. Uh cuz he was on the top. Osborne and how yeah. So that, thats been the well people in the streets agitated for the most powerful constituency of egypt. Some of the 1000000 strong on the was desperate to show that it could fight when against these really enemies. They have to look at every day. Just 200 meters across the suez canal, the initial beginning because the vs of dollars it keep going to keep clear on a muscle to get some guidance and connect to suite in different ways. Sentence in a way i guess is with what you have with them. Dont have the media, this would look like this as an to escape without dated weapons. Unlocking the ability to liberate the whole of sinai and the military operation in february, 1971 less than 4 months of to take these power. So that offered a peace deal if the is really is would withdrawal from sinai is rarely Prime Minister go to made for bust the offer. Why should i believe now after this experience that any body under any circumstances can assure of something more tangible now, then we had to pay for israel, then to give up the side would have probably been an impractical thing to achieve. Unfortunately, sometimes it really does take a military defensive to change perceptions and negotiating the so who it had to be the but so that had a both idea in mind. Could you limited to bring the attention of the world superpowers back to the region and jumpstart steward . Piece initiative it was a plan developed by his chief of staff, saw just shows me in and before i didnt get this novel connect this week before to me. Okay. One of the financial homes such as what, how do i can decide to go, weve done it. It has to be so kind of a be a lot about consecutive gonzales and the session will be hesitant as to what had that always that i did for me a and i to dump, getting emmanuel, i get the water the edge of how that works. Oh yeah, thought of nothing either cause it was because he had a as he contemplated unlimited. So that found an ally, the toughest search had come to power in syria. 1972 include the time the the 2 had points to prove to his people. Dash of and this out on the right of that i said he has, he met some of the guy that was here on the defense. Well, i mean, im a so the computer at the rate of awesome. Yeah, i need to have the, i was either dis, i disconnected the my left, you also left to the judge. So the very fit and yeoman of was just an app hoffman, a full thought for. So the budget every deputy at lets see when my sort of yet has email and some olsteen. What budget ad beat me or what does a hes a jason, sweetie is im arctic at him. Will be the meta that has the in the series of meetings, direct, 1973 subjects and assets were signed. It was given the code name that did after the prospect how much 1st victorious battle against the non believers the when they met in syria in late august and our spacious date was chosen on the 6th of october, the 10th day of the month, the jewish holy date was gone, caput egypt and syria. Would you want to surprise attacks against israel . Which fuss a set, stuck in the at unintentionally. So to disguise that build up and confuse the enemy. On the 13th of september is really in syrian jets, clashed over the mediterranean. The duct fight ended with the syrians using start team across these really only one talk of to share my office could its the bill for salvador share. Let the towns but hear a loud noise. The mac. Uh but the, the come up is syrian troop concentrations and the go 9 grew to the south on the suez canal. That would clear signs of something similar allow me to the left. Let me put said again, the stupid i go there, let me pick him and found the little shopping, but most of it learning will settle for some, kill them at the middle of montana, which isnt my big im so now im well dates and send them to the mail saying were waiting on whats on the lift doors should say let me come off much less noise, but im going to simulate hole while i take the goals at the visual of obviously only 5 months. Previously, these release had responded quickly to a similar build up. They move allies, there was only to find that the egyptians had gone no further than the edge of the suez canal. This time im on, israels military intelligence was determined not to make the same costly mistake in the document that among published knew the thieves, it was the perfect scription of egypt and ami, ready to go to the bottom line was we never the less believe that there was no change in the junction estimates regarding the balance of forces which died the s and therefore the likelihood for well is low. But all that was about to change the that same night in london, i shouldve middle one, come on, often lost his son in law and said that some, some nation secretary would tell israels intelligence is that the attack would begin at 1800 hours the next day. The at o 800 hours on the 6th of october. These really cabinets mentioned emergency session. Instead of attending young people prayers to us forgiveness for the sins they had been summoned by the threats of imminent. That was an argumentative, broke up to be the issue of these, it went up to mobilize the whole results on the minister of defendants of the time. Were sure that the, his voicemail is open. Mobile Night Service hours then egypt and silly. Im a claim that the disease of the intense that that and they feel that they have to make it clear that these levels that theyre not as effective. In spite of dianes opposition, at 900 hours, the cabinet decided on a media to mobilize ation. And this really reserves the meanwhile on this whole list of holidays is really soldiers on the front lines fostered and prayed, that they come was to be interrupted with news of the upcoming who i run across the canal. Egyptian troops were given best warning, a pool at exactly the same time. They were to break that on fost. Im prepared for that so but the attacks would come earlier than these really as had been led to believe them on a flight to take a look at that and then a stall protected for the whole. It was, i show you what the the month of the month, but then a about getting there on the gosh. Most of us at any show that the general initiatives so thats why you see that ken said he saw the genius chesney can be is the that theyve got the waste basket can eat and well see you call in the solver to who youre going to be all hook into feed out. All we need is a welcome. Mean you need a mini, she made a should the logic here kind of cool cuz i got you all in an operation they had were, has many times over the past 6 years, 5 egyptian infantry divisions would storm across the suez canal. Code named duff coach. These really defense plan was based on the 16 strong points of the bottom line, 9 by just 450 men. These thoughts would be supported by bringing a 100 tanks at the sign on the division into position and the water line. Enough, it was thought to, for any objection, attempt to cross the canal. The dove coach would be treated 2 hours before the start of the battle and that would be at 6 pm. They knew that from our stuff motor one, the source code benefits here is it lead primarily to a situation where there are no tax in the positions in the junction front because the commander of the song combined is given old enough to move any time to the physicians before 4 oclock in the afternoon, it was Something Like everyone else before. It was stopped at 682002. 00. I exposed on my shelf, milan, and when i did it, it was a shop my won. The Egyptian National 0 causing montague was with the agent. And in fact, most the jewelry, the cross, the diction decision plan for united simply gets paid the to the states 1400. 00 the 220. 00 chance of egypt some efforts across the suez canal. I think the sign i said targets israels come on as fields an anti across factories to have some of the key to pull back chase. The bus has to be seen and forgot hannah and forgot hannah is that what a split . The doctor says despite the setup site and it was that will save up the more per se. Yeah, i get the front of that at the head of the head and move with no one with us. Havent got lead. Yeah, i guess see number of bits of the see addiction, ashcroft return to the field of to destroying that target for the loss of just h planes but one of the 1st casualties was significant president. So thats probably the case in the bank of the, the sam because i didnt get a shot of us around the father of this year. Go with that, or hulu will get it over the 3rd on way than because the m as as a nano o within minutes of the 1st aaron attacks, mazda of alternative barrows begins the 20 minutes of to 0 hour under cover of the continuing artillery fire. The 1st wave of the chips in Ground Troops across the canal, 4000. 00 men, and 720. 00 rocks. The push, all that, you know, ive seen a shot kind of a play, you know slot in the settled, settled, love you felt like she made the play you into where had a lot that but then it took me through all of the belongings that and i say, cuz how does they get photoshop digging . The, with the was half an hour old duff coach. These really defense plans is rushed into action tags, begin them, move towards the canal from where theyve been dug in 5 kilometers to the when the egyptian infantry go to the process, go to across the canal, they kind of knew how these bodies would respond, that they had the new heights increase, i got to take me. So these infantry, portable Missile Systems as i was telling you to the, to the 5th and they put its very effective against these riley alma and the money that i feel like what the media, the deck and my, i would settle my with the better the got the mosquito with t disagreed. So thats a lot of the most here a moment. So i for the soccer for sure. And thats part of the stuff the, the guy did the bed, but my whole life equal to that the yes of the sort of the why had last look into the with the thats the easiest have to be better. So during the 3 i was into the 45 addiction in century battalions formed of 32000 men across the canal. The fluids of the bottom left line had been taken the besieged. Most of these really tanks had been destroyed. Coach has failed. Most of the sofa youll come up below me bug is the com sending himself smith. Thank you. The question. It was more game to she is the but the light bill to him a 5 to be i mean for us to so room. But guess any fellow if long those are in the middle, is that the subsets of quick . Im a killer fish to purchase. Im in love every then after the 1st ways egyptian infantry as made the canal across sight. 35 battalions of engineers add the 3 months you will get the news about the world of the telephone. You will be able to the sensitive to the, to the city of a in looked at the, the, i give you the, has to go by the end of my skin. Thats the side of the method to ensure that i have a sofa yet that they would still have the less man this of limits and let them some of the surface of the the next phase of the engine is what was to purchase for the turns and heavy weapons by sunrise on day 2. Unequivocal success for Egypt Armed Forces the 100000 men more than a 1000 times. And over 10000 other vehicles had cost the suez canal with only minimal of egypt and army came away from the 1967 an hour. It is rarely war ashamed of itself. And in 1973, the Egyptian Army proved that it was capable of military success and military victory. That was very important to the egyptians as a fighting force because it proved to them that they themselves could succeed. The, the a showcase of this document resumes from across the network on the system youve been coming to the new international and corruption excellence award, nominates your hero. Now the i money insight in doha here told the story is on out is there. Ukraine says that a 10 year old boy has been killed and a wave of strikes that have hit the cranial city of khaki. The Regional Governor said 23. 00, all those were injured when to myself struck residential areas. As it comes a day off to russia was accused of tying out one of its west attacks on ukraine since a will began. 52 people from one village were killed in a missile strike, st as dropping as moved from the sea. Were here at the sides of that attack. The killed dozens of people. The village of photos, uh, has a population of around 330 people. The level of death here means that a 6th of this village was wiped out in an instant. They were attending a Memorial Service for a soldier from this village who had died and was buried somewhere else being brought home that home coming, turned into a massacre on a massive scale. And we are here at the side of the missile strike. Our guided rushing is thunder. Missile struck at this location. 51 people have been injured in a stand off with. Is there any forces in the town of hawaii and the old pod westbank palestinian residents confronted . Is there any forces that were holding the funerals and 19 year old killed in confrontations with is really forces on thursday. At least 277 people have been injured in the attack. The government has declared 3 days of National Morning a day before serious state tv quoted russian warnings of possible attacks. The pen skins says us forces have shot down a tuck is thrown in syria on course says it belong to its National Intelligence agency. Take years been carrying out a minute tree offensive against Kurdish Forces in northeastern syria. And the collision between chinese and philippines. Coast guard ships has state space of a major confrontation in the south trying to see the incident on wednesday. His heis intentions between beijing. Im in the left in the dispute. It forces the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the rainy an activist in august my holiday. Shes currently subbing multiple jail sentences into front mounting to more than 30 years. Youre on says the west has a wooded my comedy for actions against its national security. As it headlines the war in october, coming up next. The 1300. 00 on october 6th, 1973 young coupon siren sounded across israel. It was again patient bit of trouble publishing, but she has checked the adventures of a lot of features. Mitsy night is a show he thought as a couple a publisher and i thought for some if up to this question, the name sweetheart my velocity, let me close 50 to the people we massage time. But so i my initial mails. Ive got the bill single to mark the annual of ever thought the least shuffling luck of the pastries. Full fuss me. Huh. Like a tough dimensionally beneficial. Not the thats the total of a club. So a bottom of the so im not sure if im be sure that youre missing from the at the same time as egypt was crossing the suez canal and the Golan Heights to israels news, syria joined the frame. The Police Office knew some of the items and then and thats the method for an audit times how many of whom you got. But the syrian jets started the room with a massive aerial strike. One is really positions and the code on the minutes later, a 1000 artillery pieces open fire paving the way to the ground assaults 3 syrian, some 3 divisions. For the 40000 troops and 600 times crossed the popular lines, the sci fi line off to the 1967. To hours into the will, the syrians gained that 1st significant victory when they captured israels eye. A key is really vantage point. 2000 meters above sea level on top of mount time. And this is what does that, what, what the, what is 45. 00 on the left of the image and im going to do it, hold on one more time. And then is it, was it something ive done some of them. Yeah, its actually for us, she was still valid but of in oh yes. So what does it say the usc system, its own way of how it im so as i said as well, how about the pin . Uh, beside the serial paratroopers with joined by unit of palestinian come on those but thats what its just old and no different the issue and the the the, the issue that instead of just like the bottle. So the outpost lasted only 45 minutes. 13 is really soldiers were killed. 31, taken prisoner for then the henry model. So lets look at my own home municipal. What in a row . So you might have something in the height. Yeah. And the fact a cool jamie uh, is uh, jersey emoji with different, most like, well, let me, i need a motor on home to have need a jersey. Uh, they can have someone to a different website just from the slight facing the mazda of Syrian Ground assault was an out number is really defensive lines. Got it by 200 is really soldiers and 10 outposts and 2 um and for gates numbering on this 180 times, we stick out the means that i found the rate, the best of luck should but email me, thatd be the big events that you would think gives you, but no, i didnt know the whole team, it could more. How chicago can you give them a kind of the inventory of the whole given for him or your man out of luck, im checking on myself. And similarly, i showed it as professional him and didnt know if she liked, get him up, landing with us and bought a home for gibbon. No flash by nightfall on day one, pushing through unguarded holes. And these really line syrian tanks, which penetrates into central, going on around the keys, city of polite, the capital of the occupied heights. How about a thing of the gun . Pointing to philip. Ive set off as of how much i do to political us. I know what to think about it, thats it in the, in the front, but thats how most of it officially you. But it is the push me to mind. Hes a little bit afraid of mine is that even the been, i mean the just kind of a of the website isnt it mostly gets most syrian tanks had now advanced into southern go on forming a bulge and recapturing a large part of the Strategic Heights by midnight the syrians had made major gains, but now, strangely, the order came to stop the advance and re group for another result in the morning. Before them the road stretching down to the Jordan Valley and the hearts of israel light undefended. Just a few kilometers to the east on the edge of the golden positions which had they been taken, would have been effectually impregnable. Its clear that the syrian army did not permit junior commanders discretion and how do i sound, regardless of which senior person was in control in damascus. Nobody felt that they could decide to continue without the approval from damascus. President office and i said, was controlling the syrian army with an i n grant. No one was allowed to act outside the original time kind of a listing. Ive had no feeling can is im waiting for you in the may as far as i guess what i didnt know was something that way as i said live well and then i kind of heating the thoughts comedy. Yeah. I can, i can be thats how many a left of you know, single within hours, almost a quarter of a 1000000 is ravings. Would be moving ice. These reservists who invites and supports without them the regular forces were facing a huge our numerical superior or the, the syrians had calculated it. Would take these really reserves 24 hours to reach the goal line. In fact, the 1st time with that, by midnight at the end of day one, just 15 hours of to they had been mobilized to this 9 hour difference was to prove crucial essentially, once the syrians failed to take it in 24 hours, then at that stage you have these why hes beginning to really organize themselves, and the serial victory becomes increasing, the less likely as, as, as is where i was mobilized at 1st flights on day to syrian turn commanders can see 15 kilometers west, down to the sea of galilee and the city of type areas, but also in the sites is really times its simply shouldnt have been that some sort of see them in a box in order to is the shift and can we leave . We go to sleep. The alba show woke up emotionally. She liked the juice we went to. So thats im can i get those that you sleep real high sugar itself . I dont have a Car Commission switch or you to give me leave the yard with a deep im not very long. If it doesnt dream, doctor they come by law should been she to should be the door shortly off to do, ignoring the fact that these really is had successfully moved the nice to meet them. The syrians knew except time time consults. The main target was enough us, these really advanced come on center and the strategic cross roads that controls the goal of to capture and most of the syrians would move westwards towards the but not to ya. To bridge over the jordan river, the bridge was less than 15 kilometers away. And beyond it lay these really mainland. These relays were on the verge of disaster. So wed be told not youll leave. My name is rochelle. Buck you will need. Youll leave us a luminous tom funeral and the full its obviously the boss because ive done a lot of stuff. No, youll see it assuming that the, these really is managed to stop the syrians, that paid a heavy price and men and tanks on top of the casualties, the command of the 188. 00 and for gauge con, no, youve been sure was killed along with his deputy and Operations Officer having failed and his Main Objective to take these really solid base enough us. And hes damascus, command bunker, president assets decisions. Were looking increasingly desperate and the on the look, im gonna be the police a mazda locally for me. Well, how about i want help of in the and the ocean are you that in this . Is that a size that is a behind them . Then as you find the edge of the massage and by the device for huntington lakes, i didnt have this thats. Its gonna be one way it wasted when you left within that time. And thats how it look through the i feel i slowly, i need to have a few of the incentives that i show the fee as you entry. And how did you felt that in the profit by the sash for that level, without being help on the on days 3, in full face with a series of deadlocks assets simply repeated. The strategy that had previously failed to achieve a breakthrough in a desperate through the dice to saw the on the divisions numbering, 500 turns were brought forward to compensate for the losses of the 1st 2 days. Again, the sound very low. Most of the young people to suppress the subject to go to the village to ensure something they forgot to be in the view is good enough in thinking that the bye ask you to look at me do it. They are really got to be in northern gold and a place that became known as the valley of chairs. By the end of day full, these radius had destroyed hundreds of syrian chunks. The same fate to sell the size of the syrian on the division during which it attempts to capture the view of a couple of items in the face, the idea of what you have to cross on level. So both positively to the sigurd below. Lets limit them so you want to live with a little then the level of addict to come in and speak of green gold would both receive the metal and found on israels highest military decoration. This is really victory was not one by bravery alone or negative balance of the site. And to them that actually that, that to be, you know, that can i, when i could the jump on that side as a mentor. But youll see what would that matter . Well, well cover that, im seeing that be layouts on the side of the book. If its above that, its an idea what to the middle that that will wind up putting it up a bit. I let the lot of the other, if you have you, they have the full will depending on what they come out of the said, i know that you get that and go to the side of the but the sort of, you know what you would sort of you and never mind saying what the, what the depth of it on the morning of the 9th of october, these really zones the counter attack moving news from the Jordan Valley. They opened fire on the syrian tanks in south colon, pushing them back before the on swords. By the following morning, the syrians threats had been neutralized. 2 thirds at that time was destroyed or abundant on the battlefields. The syrians were in full retreat back where they had started before hostilities began a story and not, i dont mean that one ought to have a lot. I know youll get about. Id say you got any say that our legs are there and why that work . Defy it was the law the 1st and the and then how to go get and then take a stand up. Was done federal government, one of the sienna that the, but to say, i said you have a story interested by that. It is set the yeah. The, the, however, in sign to the south, the gyptian said use the success on day one to secure defensive bridge. Has the, with 2 field armies dug in across the canals. The 2nd to the news understood in the south. They were prepared for the inevitable is really counter attacked at the beginning of the the not by the end of day to to israels most famous generals, ariel sharon and abra home done had arrived at the suez front each with an Almond Division as of the 300. 00 tanks, they were ready to launch a carefully planned counter attack. Dunns division to the news would sweep south to expelled egypt and 2nd army from its bridge had. Then once i done had pushed the egyptians back across the canal, sharons division would move against the egyptian 3rd army to repeat the process in the south. At 900 hours on october, 8th, the attack begun. The southern me see that thanks of our brothers moving, moving into play. But the subdivision which is moving just little falls this effect. Its not the vision of that that its not in the right direction. Instead from north the south, they come for us from east to west and we see just before our eyes, its terrible. Enemy fire shells in the desert. Books of fire around any tang room for the that up and i dont the game. Yeah, i mean why it was that of and minus mugs of me, i just yeah is. So this is and then with the budget is we will do most of us, which it does show them used to go for one of the cements. I say one, it was off. Well, i dont have the money, i mean my faith on the come see me and i feel comfortable, but till the 25th of the night for the government. I mean, the bill settlement for shame and at the battle, how may i ask you . No, no. We are able look only to finish this but to continue and to give the so that you live out of me. Another beating as in the israels initial counter attack had failed. And after losing 50 of these tanks, i done orders his forces to full back to defensive positions. The i was still in terms of prestige is really time crews had been taken prisoner of war including a tank Battalion Commander left ton and kind of a software dury for the 1st time. And its 25 year history. Israel was on the defensive standing heavy casualties and unable to achieve the superiority of 1967 on land or in the in the 60, it had dominated the skies. But now these really asked force found itself facing a wall of surface to miss all about trees employing the latest soviet Sand Technology and renew my name is megan meant to say me, i, you know, its about the work, but were not the same zip through the cuban at the mission, but the, if you would say, silicon may have been able to, to, to leave with it that you need go on. It doesnt matter if it maybe opposites, a visual adult daughter, shes a image to achieve as superior warranty. These really is, hector tried to knock out egypt some more. But the missile defenses took a heavy tone of the attacking across the by day for israel had lost 48 planes, an 8th of its entire force. A little frustrating and settled the much special toyota dominion, nauseous. Itll have lots of anatomy, a muffled in another minute named. Lets edit the settled lady to know. I was flying in my upland explosive polished repeat, exploded. And i woke up in an addiction is the 1st week of the conflict ended. Israel suffered another serious blow on the 13th of october in front of the worlds media. The last of israels ball of line of fortresses surrendered to the 43rd battalion egyptian commanders. Im sure said, and then i shall loaded this lady in with them. Uh they have followed royal via the e and through the whole misleading problem. And then im and no more im left for using the last of it. So you can search even is that the test subdued . Did i do that . Look at the new, the, the us off the bus stop the i the feeling that asked me in or let and what is i would have called in both my life and no, thats not the options together. For my citizen, both of them. Im in a beep controlled for you. I better tell you what the 0 dollar 70 the sorry the bulk of but. So this one said what else i mostly do to pay. And i need the mac far haddaway. Well, where id gotten out us with a. Yeah. And i know, look, i know im always in assess the surrender of photos that finally destroyed the myth of the supposedly impregnable bar left line. These almost medieval schools, which had cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build a troop to useless as israels 1st line of defense of im not sure cuz ive been with im at the all my people we shot the screwed the question. I know the all my people we him show not, not that your normal thing, but im getting him if you need them. If you name chase firm zillow is, i mean the minutes by the looks of volume, send me enough club. Theyve shot it. Thats about as i left the ive been shot at that somebodys in the is weeks one. This october will ended the streets of cairo, filled with people, wrestling in the countrys military tribes. 6 years of defeats had been reversed within a week to try them with time to test the 50 years ago, a rule united to egypt and syria against israel in the heat of boxes are different agendas soon became a pirate. As it told me that his dream was to avenge defeat, to match the 67 harsher when so dad came to power. He told us just give me 10 centimeters of land in the east is really population. Were told that the troops were on the west bank of the service canal, talked to of a 3 part series, expose the 2nd week of the war in october on the jersey to the states. The median been coming to add the new International Anti corruption excellence award, nominates your hero. Now. The had a low, the stormy situation persist across southern parts of south america. You can see from the satellite image, an active cold from the tail end of that re intense thunder storms across moving parts of argentina into power, white and southern parts of brazil. So weve got some warnings out the heavy rain in here and that will work its way further north, over the next few days for the south of that is the one about the wind, but some pieces of rain. However, attaching into southern chile and argentina, but temperatures in santiago is what is, what is there is sitting where we expect them to be. Its father knows that were still seeing that for roche, this heat. You see those intense storm starting to edge the way towards Rio De Janeiro, but ahead of that. Lots of hot weather to be found. Weve had an october record broken in peru, but also bolivia seemed very high temperatures have a look at Rio De Janeiro the on saturday. So i tried to re, south is well above the average, more than 10 degrees, but that will get knocked down as that front moves through. And weve got more in the way of scott had showers and storms and stones and stories to across the caribbean and central america. Tropical storm city, still leading a legacy of showers across his span yoga and more in the way of west and when the weather of west and mexico, thanks to developing circulation on friday the i have the right, the boycott. Anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that gods chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. I want to continue. Do want to state level all that i cant support the the new 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people who called lowest the freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights. More about the issue, whatever im looking for. So my thing for talk to in quote on which is 0 the. Ready the cards to hold robin, youll want to be able to reduce the lock headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. A 10 year old boy is killed in a new wave of crushing strikes on new cranes key of region. The rules are held in syria as the death toll from of the tackle. The military academy now rises to 18 o 8 plus