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Linked to china. And 3 European Sciences thought awarded the physics of nobel prize. The Nobel Committee says theyve given new tools for exploring the world electrons inside the armenia has adopted the statutes of the International Criminal court. I mean, is parliament ratified the room . Statutes on choose day. That brings the country under the jurisdiction of the court in the hague. The plan had been strongly opposed by russia. Armenia is full, not ally, but ties have become strange since as a by john took control of the cadillac region as well. We all going to be speaking to you. Yes. One of i was standing by for us and must go for russias reaction. Lets 1st go to bed. Its smith, whos life for us in get around the capital of media. But it took us through what exactly is happening . Why has on media made this move now . I mean theyre actually signed up to the i c c back in 1998, but its taken until now for parliament to rectify the rome statute making all media amend bernice. Perhaps no coincidence. This happens, as most goes influence in this part of the world is waiting, particularly in all mania where it seems that russia didnt really come to the defensive ethnic on meetings. And nicole and ive kind of back when i was about john long stop lightning strikes on september 19th to take control of that piece of tired treat. I mean, it was looking to make small friends elsewhere in the us. And in your now that i saw, i mean, it says, even if not, i mean food thing comes. So i mean that he will not be arrested. I mean, it considers the food thing as diplomatic immunity. I mean, it says that hes more about as a by john. And if i mean he wants to bring cases against us by john in the i c. C. No, to be over. The 2020 was, is all media that it needs to have signed up. And rectified the icpc in the room, such as wasting, covering house, thousands of people have now less kind of back to return back to our media. What do we know about thinking . I mean, you the molly, but i mean, i can talk about whats happened to the rest of the asked me. Medians is estimate, theres only about between 50 and a 1000 anywhere between that number less. A nicole and im kind of back according to the un. Uh, most of them moving a 100000 on out here, you know, many of the governments providing with them with a small monthly allowance for the next 6 Months Research into open bank accounts. Those are the last in the goal, no kind of backing car box. I thought to be perhaps some of the leadership of what was that . So be glad states they have been talking to the as ours is not know whether theyll be allowed to leave or whether they faced a rest because a lot really ask us about john from minutes as cold. The Political Leadership isnt going to come back in a military jumped too much space prosecution, so those could be negotiations ongoing. But the rest of the ethnic, i mean to now hear that with relatives and they have to stop rebuilding that la. Okay, thank you for that, but its smith that for us, and yet about, lets go to you the shop of another whos live in moscow. You you, how do you think russia is going to react to this . Move by our media to adult the statutes of the International Criminal court. So basically, russias officials are very much against on the news. Rectification of the room statute weve had from the Russian Foreign ministry. The to the move is unacceptable. It will have negative consequences for bilateral relations and the opinion was regenerated by credit. The spokesman to meet your best called most could explain that in the car and conditions when the i see, see how they should arrest warrants for the top leadership of russia. The, i mean in palm as were off to refrain from making that decision, but also apart from the find thats the ratification would mean that on media have to arrest blood to me page and have head on. I mean is so, so, and have him and hand him over to the International Criminal court which issued in days of the war and for pretends arrest and uh, back in march. So apart from that in september, when from minnesota pressure, now it explains the decision to join the to ross, to find the, to ross. Hi, i wrote a room statute uh that opinion um, in his opinion of the collective secures it treats the organizational and the a median russian relationship were not sufficient enough to show the countrys security. Something that most k was no police for him as whole. So, i mean, his intention was considered on friendly and also september or september the 8th. The armenian, im boss. So that was summons to the foreign ministry. And despite the funds that the russian states media portray on media as a country which was quickly turning from russia to the west and to the us in particular and cool, a medium Prime Minister george services hadnt tried the breakup between the 2 countries is highly unlikely just find the fonts that congregate the relations have the 2 rates are due to the conflicts and that may be some serious political disagreements and accusations from both sides. But its impossible to cancel the and the blink of an eye, you know, the sense result ties. Its true economic relationship, mutual support and friendship. You hear ship of a lot of of that for us. And most guys on q, well as a by john has again urged ethnic on medians to return to cadillac often sees the territory well within a 100000 people have fled the region. Now as the by john says they will be integrated as equal citizens. And also by john the has called according to the medium population to come back, we are ready to embrace medium population. Yes, some portion of the population are still in the front and the tone and all the towns again has taken. Subbing into over those or by john has the issue to pay. I mean your confirmation to come to reintegrate today. Ill to put you on the society in one ways, because solution and legislation of the republic of mazda by john any 3 people have been killed in a shooting attack in thailands capital, several others have also been injured. Were just looking at some live footage that when a gunman opened fight in a move in bangkok, the Prime Minister says Police Arrested the suspected gunman and his social media post police said the suspect was just 14 years old. Lets go to tony chang has live for us in bind cop tourney. Bring this up to date with what you know. As we understand that theres about a full 20 pm design quote. Time itself is the shooting was in the power gone shopping center, one of the largest and most luxurious shopping malls, in the bank of the mall within, evacuated police sense. And they conducted a search. We understand that a suspect has now been detained and the rest of the police say he is a 14 year old boy who is using a pistol, a sign pumps, emergency services, has been sent you all to 0, that there were 3 se talented and for injuries that they know about so far. Uh, we understand the mold is still closed, the police is sweeping, true. Prime minister has instructed a sign on the lease to attend the scene of the crime himself to provide the report. But we understand that the area was now once again open to the public. So it just seems to be the police to come to the the media tresses now of okay, tony many thanks. Tony chang of correspond to the in bang coke about the shooting attack in a move in by and coke with 3 people have been killed to tech here now around 90 people have been arrested in a security crackdown following and form attack on sunday. The operation was carried out in multiple provinces across the country and comes 2 days off to suicide from a destination and explosive. Outside the interior ministry in the capital, p, k. K is reported to have claimed responsibility, a s go to all correspondence to them for children who live in a stumble. So it took us through this operations to them what it is, what, what are they trying to achieve here . The authorities well the pro ration is a very white scale of ration a house in several cities since the morning to most sam you see its not only about the getting people who are linked with the p k. K. The also to the sound workers group, but also the Security Forces are arresting. A people who are on license, strong carriers carry it was a rifle holders alone barrels a weapon holders. What them smugglers, an open suppliers from the its a very serious pull. The heroes, an interior ministry, is informing the public about the, about every step of the operation. Of course, we see the circus. Government is showing your muscles to the arm were doing it because the group, when they claim responsibility on sunday evening and there were some states and they said we could have targeted the parliament on this 1st day of its the 1st session after the summer break. When it is hundreds of lawmakers are inside, but we didnt want to cause any collateral damage. We preferred a quiet time to give a message to the circus government to stop its uh, fights its operation is against the arm group inside and outside circuit of course. Right after that circus the fast ministry, lowest and so for asians, i guess the group in Northern Iraq focus intelligence killed one of the uh, p k. K high profile members in Northern Syria with drones. They announced that and now were seeing the series of operations apparent, the turkish government is trying to give a message to the group and to the world that we are not stress. And by you, we have the ability to capitalize your ability and depth ability to fight against the government. Then target civilians. This is the situation and apparently a they the series of operations will continue as also a local election is coming up in march. 2024th. So this is very important for the circus government and security of forces to finalize the operations and policies, uh, collections from adults, and inside. Thank you for that. Send them clearly that 1st live in is simple. Police in india has a rated the homes of several jealous move. In fact, the locations in around new delhi, the journalist, all associated with the news website news click. My case has been filed against the outlet on the m t, tara new. It comes onto the New York Times alleged in august. The news click receive funding from a businessman link to china and promotion probation, talking points. John the say police have confiscated the laptops and phones. The media watchdog reporters without buddhist place. India at 160. 00 fast place and its press Freedom Rankings this year. Calling gonzales as a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of india and found that if the human rights law network, he says this is another example of how the m t terrell is being misused by the government. Very little of what the Central Government does under this n p deadra role has anything to do with data submittal. Weve had so so many cases a persons got this or 30 journalist mimics. But since we were just speaking of the gates government taken under and detect the laws or, and the indian supreme cortez said, and the dead or those do not apply on this, it involves that did respect an invalid scheduled to start to over through the state guns and bombs, and so on. None of these, this have anything to do with that or is it all that theyve done is that this is what the government deals. And this is what the government states. And this is why the government uses that d. Dedrick knows, but then they deal out spoken. Judges list they field outspoken news channels and a few of the to being told in the country at the time read about both and huff the press has been taken over by corporate houses, many news channels, many newspapers. So no independent voices, fuels, news click is one in the foreground, full front off. This is better for speaking the newest, fearlessly the still ahead on al jazeera, the w h. I proves a cheaper and more effective malaria vaccine. The in depth analysis of the days headlines, 1000000 euros to help to nancy address migration. Is it going to ease the micro crisis to make it less informed opinions . We need more investors and more people that make the decision to embrace whom and frank assessments this balance between the toe and sons. Reassurance is particularly important for the 5 missing destruction inside stored on out to 0 expo 2023. The world. The fascination make sure to join us and lets discover a better world expo, 2023. The money, the rules biggest junction could be just finding Climate Change and transforming pacific on an economy. And the 2nd of to the special reports. 101 east investigates. Whats at stake . Oh no, just the the, the the welcome back and watching out is there a mind at the top stories this a media has adult to the statutes of the International Criminal course, but it says it wont observe and arrest warrants for russian president Vladimir Putin on suspicion of russia has opposed to me in tech here around 90 people interested in a security crack down. Following up on the tack on sunday, comes 2 days off to suicide for my destination on explosive, outside the interior ministry and on cross police in india have rated the homes of john less than more than 30 locations in and around new tele, associated with the website news click the case has been filed against the news outlets on the an empty tara deal. Is there any Police Schools in the launch groups of ultra nationalist jews into the o accent, most complex, unoccupied, East Jerusalem . The jordanian walk of or as lubbock trust that control is a compound has criticized the presence of the police that prohibits in some muslims from entering the area on sunday and monday set as tool the court yards of the most to mock season of jewish holidays. Rob reynolds has moved smoky Party Sources and the ultra nationalists and other non muslims are allowed in, in groups. Fairly small groups of about 20. 00 to 40. 00 people at a time. And during the 1st warning period, when people were allowed to enter, just over 500 non muslims entered the area. Now there are, of course, some elements in the ultra nationalist community that desire to rebuild the jewish temple on that particular piece of real estate, which is sacred to muslims as well as jews. They want to build the 3rd temple, which they believe would fulfill various biblical prophecies. The 1st temple was destroyed long ago and the 2nd temple was destroyed by the romans in the year 17 this he is nobel prize in physics has been awarded to 3 for this to go see me funding crowds and, and when to receive the prize. So they work in using lasers to study electrons. Lets go to a corresponding pul received. Was that in still come for us . Cool. Notice and the taurus li, dangerous to try and predict whos going to win the nobel prize. But do any of the 3, these 3 were they expected . Were they on anyones radar . Tell us, tell us more as well. Yeah, id say its a real mind fail trying to predict tell you whos going to going to win the prize as you say. I dont think these 3 you were expecting to win it. We spoke on the telephone to on the we after the prize was announced about an hour after shed heard about that, shed been interrupted and had teaching at the university of london southern suite. And i in order to be told to go on that side of the prize. And she said she now she was really overwhelmed. She hoped to get on without teaching afterwards. But she said she was particularly pleased because shes not in need of woman to receive a note about prize in physics. And she kicks off the, the whole process of the work that these. And thats where youve been recognized for it deals on its about creating flashes of light the last just an october, 2nd, lots of billions of a 1000000000 of a 2nd. This allows us to examine molecules at a x incredibly tiny level, incredibly tiny span of time. Im one of the applications full that could be to look at blood samples and for example, at catch cancer. Its an incredibly early stage by spite to a member of the Nobel Committee earlier. And i said that, you know, as with all scientific research, the potential applications for this a credibly wide and we dont even know what it could be used for really in the future yet. Okay. Poor use that for us live in the okay, well we can speak now, so profess, even olson who is child of the Nobel Committee in physics, she joins us now live from stockton sto. Okay, and thank you so much for your time. What do you think makes these 3 . Well, the win is of this, he has nobel prize or physics. And so the reason why they go surprised its because they made a groundbreaking pioneering book. So the 1st thing i did was to discover the possibility of all creating after the 2nd offices. And then they all looked at the methods definitely use that for you to, to do basic research and also classifications by creating house trains bottles. So just a big, big, long differential and, and briefly i guess what is more important to the average layman is how this specific discovery can be applied in everyday life and benefit the average person fine. And then today, there are no really big institutions for multiple. Yep. This is probably gonna be able to do the things the search and would be controlled and most of them oh to use them. But the see the potential due to being took out of the seats and also to know that people are just starting to do my to the, to the 1st in this vehicle in a comfortable way. Great. You belongs in law to square. You can create a new book, so that is in a way to define new materials for properties until now only for women have been granted the nobel prize in physics and wheeler. Busy obviously make that title a take that title to 5 thats compared to over 200 men who have received it. You of course are women yourself. I mean, what do you say to those who believe that the nobel prize is just not diverse enough as well . So what i do, so some of you guys think that since 19 o, as you said, yeah, out fine. Weve been that received the never comes to 6. But think about it, 3 of them go to you. Since 2018, that means within the last 5 years, youre actually going to see you bring me all those 5 people to 6. And the reason of this is for the agencies. But we are just as long as you are in the 2nd, which helps to, to turn over on the number of really 2 piece and be performing institutions for future. Okay, thank you so much for your time professor eva olson. Check off the Nobel Committee in physics. Thank you. The World Health Organization has improved a 2nd malaria vaccine for children. It is cheaper and more effective than the previously recommended shots. Mosquito for one disease claims half a 1000000 lives every yeah. Dr. Margaret harris is a spokesperson for the w h o in geneva. She says this back seen as a major and funds and for child health and a great example of science and action. This one should be able to be produced in much greater quantities. So we can really roll out the back st vaccination, especially in the areas of really high and moderate transmission and say, tens of thousands of young lives. Its children who mostly die from an area of the countries a big for a little back saying. And now we can argue that we can beat that to month. It would come on line until next year. But we are certainly looking at a game changer and in terms of saving young lives, there are other things we know that was in that choosing treated business thats getting rid of the mosquito is and we have to do all those things as well. Its not simply about just relying on a vaccine spark. As dawn has received its 1st shipment of russian gas on the deal strong between the 2 countries earlier this year, the government hopes it will help ease in Energy Shortage is oil and gas prices are rising around the world, but expects a warning. It may be too little too late. Small high to reports from is from about is the, its another dog dave or more to bike dex. Youd drive up, but fuel fuel prices and focused on the highest theyve been and more than 7 did. And people are struggling to cool, but hed barely makes a 100. 00 a month. He said more than half go, dont read any struggle to fill this day. Even though his bike and the family, the only source of income for dollars, but im angry, i feel is very expensive and its hard to survive. Even the passengers arent had pinged actual costs and businesses shrinking every day, making it more difficult to support my family. Motorbike decade, the cheapest mode of transport and city, and even den north, everyone can afford the fac, focused on, depends on oil and gas from abroad to meet its energy needs like face, where the economic slum, and decline in Foreign Exchange with of its looking to rush you up for cheap, but supplied by the experts. One that may not be enough to to go the crisis. The country has already received, exports shipments of Russian Energy at a lower rate than the International Market price. But theyre relatively small volumes. Mean buckets on that, not being able to reap the benefits. If we are able to negotiate better, if we are able to get major quantities of in board from russia, then theres a benefit. Otherwise, if the impact would be very, very little, and they put it to the cost on the to pretty much the cost may be higher. Russian oil and gas shipments are banned from european markets. A measured and border with its water in ukraine. Its the rich, the government seems prepared to take this by default and got into the shortage and limitation of the sport and refined read another page and you didnt load on the governments impose more taxes on these, increasing the prices of fuel and other commodities day by day, which is built more misery, saw lice it talk to suffice in the coming situation. But your son is go to the board in january. Im going to be looking for the new government or gave off an economic deduct uh, and bought the country back on the road to recovery all the data. Its not my bud. Okay, before we go, i just wanna recap that breaking news stories. I brought you. Busy little area, 3 people have been killed in a shooting attack in thailands capital. Lets take a look at some live pictures. We know the several others. What was so injured when a gunman opened far in a more in bangkok, according to our correspondent, hes wise paid to the idea of the bill is now reopened. So the police seem to have the situation under control. The Prime Minister has said the Police Arrested the suspected gunman and his social media post police said the suspect is 14 years old. Crowds of people was seen running from the mall when the shots were fired. It is one of the capitals top shopping destinations, usually popular with tourist, and that goes to like okay, youre up to date. Thats it for me, molly, inside lots more and our website houses, era dot com to check it out. Whether is next and inside story looks at the implications of the slow backend election results. Say with us yet on out to sarah the the holloway half hour type food making its way towards the taiwan quite a year, locally known as jenny. We have wins of around a 195 kilometers per ad about at its maximum intensity. It may just not jump to around 200 kilometers per hour. Wins. Gusting place to 250. 00 as we go through the next, the arrow to it will run its way towards the fall south of taiwan making land full central. The store making land for on wednesday evening by the head of a lot of heavy rain damaging wins. Catastrophic flooding is certainly a possibility. So this is certainly want to keep an eye on over the coming days. It will, grassy facing very right, whether its a southern pos or china, just making his way to was home comp for the weekend. And all of that generate dry cream financially generally try cause dry weather into a good pots. All such a tablet showers, the because northern parts of the country show us the monsoon race. They are starting to retreat quite nicely. But you can see the normal position of the monsoon trough, as weve propose this is to summarize that as well ahead of where it actually is. So were little lights on the disposal of these rays, but small heavy rain coming into the eastern parts of india and all states particularly asylum hob pushing up a correspond with us. But towards the west is looking losey 5 have sunny the alternation instruments connected with one of the worlds worst humanitarian crises. We dont accept any getting migrant joining with the military to impose that deadly political agend. Yep. To filter our nation. What is happening to the retention . Thats one of the biggest stains of the country as well as in not really. This is important to me in an unholy alliance or analogies here. And if we take all of the you know, so and funding the war in ukraine has one for voc, he is general election robert feet. So hes calculus sma if the pot hed gone 23 percent and the right to phone the next governments. So was behind these results and ukraines neva. This is inside story the

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