Transcripts For ALJAZ Boycott 20240703 :

ALJAZ Boycott July 3, 2024

Front has confirmed that its on positive to news. Yeah. Left the country on wednesday morning and military seize control in july in order to go out of this month. Sizes of people protested against the presence of french troops and the country. Within 42000 invested got many and refugees of flooding. Theyre going to cut a box and of crossed into armenia. Azerbaijan took control of the region last week, defeating ethics. How many and fighters in a 24 hour operation more medical teams that are arriving in the going to caught a box and thats off to an explosion of the fuel. Deaf o kills at least 68 people, the injured hundreds. It happened. Those people were coming to get petro before heading for armenia. The saudis allegation is concluding its visit to the model of the 1st summary as to have taken place. And for 2 years the im positive has been meeting the palestinian Prime Minister in law. How much time . 94. So that is the saudi arabias non resident ambassador to the occupied palestinian territories on tuesday. Also that he also met president mackwood abbas as well as other senior officials, a judge in new york as role that former us President Donald Trump has committed fraud for years. And the judges order. The cancellation of what are known as business certificates for trump. Companies in new york, the states attorney general is bringing the case against trump in his family business, but accuses them of inflating the value of their assets on that was. So if we could get better times of buying clothes and insurance from, says the buildings on fer me funds to appeal. But on just amazon is being sued by us regulations for allegedly stifling competition by inflating prices and overcharging sellers. And its platform, the federal trade Commission Says amazon, punish sellers who offer lower prices and otherwise lets those are the headlines. Boy, cost is up next on robots as and stay with us. And ill just say to or wait for the 19 agent games is of the athletes from across asia, a gathering in china supplies laid out for 481 gold medals. Special coverage and analysis from 12023. 00. On the 3 quarters long hill, the political boycotts or form of expression protected by the 1st amendment. My name is Margaret Hester and from arkansas, and im a state senator and the majority leader here in arkansas. So 1st of all im, im very open about my face and i was very open about that in my campaign. And i hope that my face affects everything that i do hope it affects the way that im speaking to you. I hope that affects the way that have treat all my colleagues. And i certainly hope effects every vote that i take majority leader set or bart has surface recognize as positive anti boycott bill because, you know, i think its just the right thing to do. Jewish people are gods chosen people and i, i feel like an obligation to do anything within my control or power to support them or protect the members of thatll says what this does. This is an act driven public and these from contracting with and investing in companies to boycott israel. Its good pro israel bill by a sen, hester. Appreciate again. The the state is not protected from the church, but the church is protected from the state. I would say if theres 35 members of the arkansas center, i would say 35 members would say that they are believers and followers of jesus christ pressing for the house. This passage of senate bill 513 repair of the machine. Mister clark would say probably have would identifies evangelicals. They understand how important it is to support israel. 69. 00 yeas 3 days is 0 present. The bill is past the the. 6 the so this is where a lot of the tomatoes are coming from. Now. Our family has been here for generations. My grandfather, he was a farmer. All my uncles for farmers, as you know were scotch irish. I mean were just white trash farmers. Id be of assistance, but that has square ricoh from the ive left college, the 1974, to started magazine, called the arkansas times the door. A bunch of 20, some things before we were the 1st people to have ever discovered arkansas were incredibly excited about the music, the history of the mythology, the beauty we wanted to discover arkansas or one to tell others about it. We want to write about it. This was a great story, the arkansas written next. What was it love, or fighter country boy was a sort of a loved letter to read next the, the times is free. So we cant be here without advertising. And the state governments, a big source of our income, the schools, the colleges, the Health Center is the hospitals. All those agencies advertise because you sign a contract with the state to provide them advertising and they provide your money. Now in order to get our money, we have to pledge not to boycott is real. I mean, when we got our 1st notice, i didnt think anyone waiting for the or can we were able to to ignore it for a long time. And finally, there was this purchasing guy with one of the colleges and he was just not going to let go. They said, im going to keep you from getting business from us until you sign this as required by the law. The, you know, when we 1st read about this law, we would, we did a story on it. So look at this, and people, most people i talk to the go. What does that have to do with the price of to you in china . I mean, you know, you have to take a, you know, its just, it has no relevance or bearing on arkansas have the right, the boy con, anyone i want to, and the state has no business getting involved in that period. So theyre busy. So we said no the chair calls here, im always you just state your name who you represent and position on the bill. My name is virginia marie. Im, im presenting myself and im against this bill happening today. A muslim group plans to issue a legal challenge to a texas law and its all about israel. It was actually the 1st bill of the 85th legislature. Governor greg, have it signed into law . I would say is israel is one of the texas largest Reading Partners to daycare or the council on American Islamic relations. Will announce a major 1st amendment legal challenge to the law. What youre really hoping to stay will do is completely repeal and review the, the antibiotic statute. Repeal anything that has to violate my a my right to freedom of speech, my right to boycott and to choose a political view of my own palestinian American Teacher in austin, texas has filed a federal lawsuit for losing her job as a speech pathologist, after refusing to sign a pro israel old, and i sent email to my sons coordinator. Im telling her, listen, i cannot sign this, this is against my principals against my Constitutional Rights and, and its also against my moral and ethical values, considering that i am a palestinian american. And i have family to actually live in occupied territories or faxed me personally as well. So, and effects me in both ways as american citizen and as of how soon american to the you and, and have a sign. We have a select 1st to select the passwords for huh. Okay. I have a lot of family members are still reside in occupied territory. I know what ive seen 1st. The injustice in the quality that goes on there. That close off me, roads on implementing is ways to drive on those roads. Basically, the idea is to make it as hard as possible for them to function and to have a livelihood anyhow, School Closures resting Young Children the and i could not, you know, stay quiet and just go on with my life. Well, i know that this law is gonna make it ok to continue this kind of oppression against the palestinians. The in recent years, about 2 dozen states, republican and democrat has passed laws or executive orders to stymie the media movement. Arizona as long sale through the legislature with broad support that could make short all in a difficult situation. His parents lived in the west bank during the seventys and ever since college, hes advocated for palestinian rights. Short all never expected. His views on the Israeli Palestinian conflict to come up in his day job. After all, he gives legal advice to inmates in arizona. The was this opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. And i was rather shocked to see this the i had promised my son ever since his bar mitzvah many years ago. His mom is jewish, so i am not, but i had promised him a trip to the middle east. And so as some 12 years later, we finally went and we had an incredible trip there. I saw a lot of things that were very disturbing that we saw in terms of civil rights, Civil Liberties discrimination. My moms parents are definitely more on the conservative side of things they would absolutely call themselves sinus. So it was interesting being exposed to that authenticate easily having all of this exposure to the injustices that are happening in israel and palestine. The, i think after that trip for him, it was really clear that he wanted to boycott any companies that were contributing to the injustices happening in the west bank. I am boycotting Hewlett Packard because they are involved in the bio metrics for the check points. Every palestinian has an id card that they must have and they delay palestinians for many, many hours at a time. And so thats part and parcel of the occupation the after my a trip to the west bank and seeing what ive seen. I was incensed enough that i said i couldnt sign this and i had to file suit i was committed to continuing on providing the services but not getting paid a substantial chunk of change for me. And but that was i was just, im willing to sign that certification and i didnt want to leave the jail in the lurch either. So i wanted to provide the service and so the decision to the state that was not one that came in lately. We definitely worried about people smearing his reputation, telling him in this and that he was very fearful that he was this. It took us by the head, the extremely proud of him and making the choice that he did the i 1st during the sale you as an intern at the city of southern california, believe that wouldve been the summer of 2009 was after my 1st year of law school it was definitely something i was seeking out since high school. I had been kind of obsessed with the sale. You to be honest. So this was at the beginning of the rack war. And i remember that there was this kind of rush to consensus that we shouldnt beta rack because saddam had weapons of mass destruction. And anybody who spoke out against it was a terrorist, sympathizer, or a communist or are fundamentally into american. And i remember that the still you campaign at that time was that the dentist, patriotic. And thats something that really resonated with me. I always like to tell people that we have the best clients in this case. I think thats absolutely true. All manner of people have been forced to sign these anti bully ca, certification forms. Many of them are reluctant to throw themselves into the middle of a major public controversy. But weve got a few brave individuals to step forward and say, hey, this is the right thing to do. What im going to do it. Thats the kind of moral courage that makes me so happy to work at these. All you have us just wanna check in briefly about the total case where we are on the briefing is gone through basically all the levels of approval and that it needs to go through and were going to get it out hopefully today. And what about the other cases, the arkansas one i think is going to be filed in the next couple days. And then the texas case, i hope will get in the next week or 2 on on many fronts. Yes. One of the things that we hope to do with these cases is when a couple of them very quickly on the states that has these kinds of laws to kind of deter others from doing the same thing. If all the courts are you now that these laws are unconstitutional, then my guess is that these bills will just die. And i think the states, they dont want the public to really be aware of whats going on. They dont want to have an open debate about it. They recognize that when people actually understand what the state was doing here, they would be absolutely horrified and appalled that legislatures would be trading away americans for some advice so easily of this problem today. Where did that idea now . You know, i cant nail down exactly where it came from, but im really so much just talking with my colleagues reading and then a chance meeting with another legislator from another state helped me really start to, to, to wrap in what was important. I was at a hotel, there was an alec meeting going on a coastal resort, protected by armed guard. This is in the state capital. Its a resort hotel where lawmakers are winding, dine as members of the American Legislative Exchange council or alec. This is a very, very Important Group across the country. Weve been more than 1300 people here. Our organization represents 25 percent of all state legislators in the country. Look closely at many conservative was passed by state legislatures and youre likely to find the hand of alex. Alex is the perfect petri dish for what ends up being a very, very destructive legislative scheme. In our country they bring together corporate leaders, evangelical leaders, and right wing legislators. They meet twice a year behind closed doors. And almost invariably, the laws they seek to pass and move out into the world, restrict the ability of people to be able to effectively operate in their democracy from stand your Ground Self Defense laws, district photo id laws, which critics say make it harder for minorities and the poor to vote. The group says its model bills are templates for as many as 200. 00 state laws passed a year. Theyre thinking about creating whats called model legislation. I like bills come complete with blanks where legislators need only fill in their state. May you start out with one idea and i met test the sizes into something that see a red click to be applicable every place in the united states. Its pretty safe to say that there wouldnt be 10 type boy bills popping up in different states around the country without out the so we have the tribunal. Obviously we have k, u t, cbs and the office. Number 250. The high you made it easy was one of my days just the wind round rock speech pathologist, but here we filed suit against lucre bill i as the and the state of texas. She says she didnt do it for as railing or palestinian values, but for American Values is our responsibility to fight, to protect and preserve free speech for children. Similar to exactly that, our Founding Fathers having revisions this law house bill 89, was nothing but a censorship long. Meant to silence texans and punish them for expressing the practical view. Text and government should not be putting the interest of a foreign country over its own people. Thank you. A speech pathologist in full real says the state is trying to silence her right to free speech. When this story, the here story started getting a lot of attention, the governor of texas simply tweeted out, texas stands with israel period. Any anti is real policy . Theres an anti texas policy the the, as far as i know, im the only Speech Services hall just as in the founding austin and then losing unimportant service thats not available. Otherwise, i feel like i am putting down my community the theres no boycott. Activism at arkansas probably this law is about the only thing people only way people know about course were just, were not boycotting any what were just saying. You have no right to tell us what our speech should be. And if we want to, if we want to boycott, we can, and oh, its none of your business its, its of, its a political act. And its that one that i choose to take. I just object to government, say we got a big a whole lot of money over here, but were not, it will give it to you. Will that well advertise with you. But heres, heres some, heres some conditions that you need to meet 1st, such as, heres the political position you need to take regarding Foreign Policy for gods sake and were in arkansas. Well, as i think alans case demonstrates, you dont have to be participating in a board kind of israel to find these anti boycott laws. Fundamentally, on american, alan, i hate to ask you this, but lets say that the paper uh action is unsuccessful in court. Do you plan on signing that pledge or what does that mean for the future of your newspaper . Should you lose . I havent gone there yet to, but that thats something that will be a very, very difficult uh, very, very difficult decision for me. So we close this wednesday, march is for about 51000 and we need to get to 65 is what we got. Hang it out there. Started the time. So 200. 00. So i wanted to go through the advertise last year. We dodge so many bullets over the last 45 years and and the newspaper businesses got tougher and tougher. The accurate clinic room for about 35. 00 people here to people whose families and mortgages the year for the state advertising. We can be on the the, when we lost the lawsuit, i was very confident i mean, any country that bases, its found the mythology around the Boston Tea Party and the boy kind of t. You would think that today you, 100 years later, we would still see boy cods as a political, a former political speech, and therefore protected by the 1st amendment. Today im going to sign an executive order that says if you boy, tide against israel, new york will boring time you, we in america must stand strong with israel through 2nd 5th. One of the highest duties of elected legislators is to defend our constitution. But here theyre just giving away our 1st amendment rights to a foreign country the the, [000 00 00;00] the challenges with the, the objective. Okay, was so dante tend to focus on success that the tough finding of the physical support that frequently is so mental. Well climbing legend, alex 100 on how to be the best and make the world that thats a place i think that theres more than enough for everybody to get around. Its more about the way of distributing what we have. Youre trying to protect the environment. It starts by helping to make sure that people have everything they need generations thoughts on. Ill just be around the, [000 00 00;00] the hello until mccrae that since then use our life from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes. At least 100 People Killed in Northern Iraq is a fire sweeps through a crowded waiting hole. The french and best of the flies home from asia after weeks

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