Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ikrima Sabri 20240

Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ikrima Sabri 20240707

hiding in the building when it was hit. the final death toll only be known after the rebel is cleared. meanwhile, and marian pulled, the last of the civilians there and the besieged, as all cell plants have now been moved to safety. hundreds of people have been trapped in the facilities underground. bunkers for weeks, sheltering from the constant bombardment with little food or water ukrainian fighters who remain refusing to surrender to russian forces. we have been mailed to her personnel, the garrison of maria, the war christ performed by russia. why russia? we are witness. oh, surrender is not an option because russia is not interested in our lives are not interested to let us and other developments she. 7 nations are imposing new sanctions on russia and its leaders. a made the announcement after a video conference with ukraine's present to me as the landscape and estate when the group says that the present fusions war brings shame on russia's historic sacrifice in world war 2. it comes a day before russia celebrates its victory over nazi germany. meanwhile, america, the 1st lady joe biden, has made an unannounced trip to ukraine for mother's day. she met with her ukrainian counterpart alaina's landscape in the city of rose rod, just over the border with slovak year past spoke at a school used as a shelter for displaced ukrainians. i'm also falling political developments in the philippines. voters are heading to the poll for national elections in the coming hours. the front runner for non marcos junior is the son of a former president, ousted an uprising in 1986. but opponents overturned to macos rule of backing form of human rights. roy and economist, lenny robledo is the headlines this. now i'll be back with more news later on. talk to al jazeera is coming out next. me. ah. ah. the true son, holy land muslims, christians and jews have seen conflict almost in fits. bronze, age, inception, attacked, captured, recaptured, perceived, destroyed, and rebuilt time and again. yet the walls of this iconic place beloved by all abrahamic thanks, remained standing, enclosing invaluable heritage sites. the millions of people worldwide, from the church of the holy central go to the western wall to allow the most. i'm hurry for the injury slim the golden dome of the rock is so often thing surrounded by one of the world's most enduring struggles. israeli palestinian conflict, but why is alex the most compound so often the hotspot attention and one of the challenges of preserving this sacred side. in the next half hour, we told to cleric once in charge of jerusalem, islamic holy places a cream a submarine form, a grand must be of your islam. talked to al jazeera ah agreements every former grand must be of juice them. thank you for talking to al jazeera. if we can start with the current situation, it's 2 years now that we've seen the muslim holy month ramadan affected by extremely high tensions by violence and confrontation on the alex the most compound itself. what's your diagnosis? why is this happening again? numb's miller, her my life cobbler maggi or millennial highly. however, a sole part the matter layer. to thrash secret at that dia, poor bear. and miss o lorne fissile put in my de la, yet the job. why don't freebie lead them? i have a lot of the year labor here, mo, at the idea while head of been there, leak to vienna, lena? and now mudy dorn and new cheryl island and that they had the air he a shower or more home. it will be in a path, luna? and her, well, i will be there like a hell. yes, all fish al, rama bon here. cool. min ali phil snell, philip flynn a year when they sent me home for ken and lead f, alberta aid men thought a hit that india and no hm. you re dune and yona february dawn when i left the ham at coleman. if hell i'll come, i'll be in. he will nazareth aiden phys holiday. him are dorna and not that a phase i thought about. yes. so fella, bill m n a, then national suburb fee. i them at that idea. live there, nick? i lou, fearlessly check alarm. i knew well mac, this a huge. i kill hust. garafallo, alexi hammock. come out of a little mold law. a tell and caribbean. bought off a little a gerad, jacobo. he left the lad level a la carte b. i. d. him he definitely laza wilma marcella. phillip drama bethania create alon tanner, who's your me a washy? red in sunny can either del martin calling in a little what's may is it hillary ramadan said to me at champ, why the diligent a ha, my a z and some, it's me a chair. one more moment, isabella, kind of, but ross melville better and more better. and the shap alcohol ha, ha ha, that you have a deep ella that see a shabby economist shipped and a ferry yet daddy? yeah. while ever you're at b ela. that the same as you'd walk the hammy wester mounted as to her feet that here what my there nick fioma, joomla. a jerry jerry ma, household phil federal, the sub ha lakin warden drama. what the lord j m a is it i'm come scene elf. manella could, so when look, telephone while the seller. lemme me act that if you'll be my hus holla for sebastian lid. delilah. anna la hillis did. you're hey, borden. ok saw one was side the and you devereaux? i'm her. i neil oxer ma'am. i can level of what it deli estimate or what have you. he and when i was had physically a m. what a net loss a leon and muslim in ear. i will, and yet they careful was shot plus them now. hm. well i can the i thought that i thought she bab, in malaise. im going to take careful a bad that then the thought is shorter and that the larger one that led above that upside element magenta. rather manhattan, him what was a lot? you said they're both about the politics, about the violence, about the, the status quo, at the site that i want to pick up on. but before we get into that territory, could you 1st just tell us a bit about why alexa in sight such passion for the muslim community here in east jerusalem and, and more widely? what about its religious history? is it that makes it so significant? and i'm up the scene, checkable hus will, and fell asleep jacket. i am your day corn. the annette aliya hood me now head the n at then j martin. yahoo! dia, balmy, i bill aqua, who i thought click idle o'clock when the whole job any debate given he can weigh applewood and the luckless sheila know what i believe the hem at bill share us in wish had did the one will how and i to m b will dahlia die le barbara mal mitch is on the luxor having the central fat bub yet it had to i kid ida and the yellow thumb envelopes i won't be daddy and mostly warriors, florida. had that they went, jo, where the lot mom, we checked and while there then was stephen. yup. oh lord. alex saw him leave mostly me now. wash down the colorado mean a law in survey said my wife, when i started clara lab in medicine, i mean well i'm in hyatt through them element element and o'clock ministry in which the mean air. oh, i just thought men, i paid that a many, many i know enough. one was still in lux oxide on the stimuli alone. i did the only yachting i didn't was he had them yet in felina chattanoog. chattanooga all chain elementary, the, her medical will carry mademoiselle men. no, but we will buy the element a well, we're a no alex lot more publicly be summer. oh well about whether to lot of the list or not, but we're back to say that you love. i love who heavy hill rpd it here a little bit. i'm home. it messy. quibble ok. so we'll hit the ramble. oxide and and oh, come up. allah had that because i mean a lot come i wanted to call other katie and janet the award had the air had the i am and fin lake in by the i'm an faint bed that oh, you know, do we and now love huckaby. ursula. well, that the all yet, hello nat biz b here assa, w. dakota will head i saw it and know what they're doing. low, low and, and like the whole loam can. and will gerald z ira my dad you will hem hossa that will harass her with that keith i la and now li danella and now mom martin dorn, what are my own will axa minute yet doctor cases. so we're getting into talking about the status quo issue, then access to the mosque for and to the mosque compound. rather for, for people of different religions. what, what are your red lines? what's your understanding of what the situation should be as opposed to what it is at the moment up this tactical model, fha. and now alex saw lynne was slimming quite down. what a daughter akilah lida, edit alo, cough and there'd be a little overdone, won't aca, alicia alhashan via messiah ther, don't i la mancha visit. her he, donna lakin o'clock li, jamia and mostly me that community this, that vehicle. and now yes use. we allow you to him with them and yet is that iran say han wifi, sad, dead, sad that the loan had that had could, can accomplish about it the what about the somehow city my house on a muscular haine. i'm a bed that i think jamal i tell yahoo, d and we'll part of the fact that there's a fed by that thought, cobbler cit serrano at the could even hasanti stigma, ford odon, and didn't medical. the law for her daughter kiri, can was he had a fatty gee america. what method? yo, what kind o fill all dory that had the air when her father, allah list that equal will the alkaline that i think that the more that the t o ella horner bad. that olaja hoss i look ish, kayla, or has a look to have matt. why latino shake it. oh yeah. oh lord, that are kellerman. stephanie collected, feel happy. got you. okay. you're welcome. nancy. she levied to when it had door lock that harder satellite was the it fiorella. yeah. and i know half of a lot of chi or you other chi nan read while the car mckenna, i would say mios about city not either world and i am piano outside our city, and mayor colo and really the rod alcott will and will the hammer caught me shyly oh the weather marcella blush ma'am ma'am nor and and the whole it become honestly me hasn't i or that cry then or will they get on i am i louder than what are you what are your on like in fit to will marcia with the city has a lab 9 or half of our walk. i love the walk. ha ha. is that equal? so if we talk about the recent violence that we've seen in the past few weeks, and there's really message in israel perspective is that the temperature has been turned up by palestinian activity on the sites, people collecting stones throwing stones, and fireworks suits israelis. and as really forces, to what extent is the responsibility on, on your side of the argument and, and from you yourself, in terms of increasing the, the level of the temperature and attentions and arshella had better amazon. how dora me, adeline, he owned you, my meal from seen really visual has done away with a lot in figure. sort of a muscular larry acid, li let and muscle thought in watson and the short of are you down to luxor them. hi, lateesha willis jar. but it's bottled, i don't get it done. he jarred off and also took ish. i don't. should that lee then woman to reject the and know and listen what but in north la la and then we'll help up. and then jim artillio div. that's the him, lola. the asshole, the ham o jim black java, show me when do you samuel in there and it shabbiness his time or now mom is an on site home. the help up be been g m lack in it as it met. so it's better. i love to deaf and say to her that we and he has a job offer lotsa highly. nothing. li, let know if he my check it, the malaysian get shipped to him because it really got our live event. no one had the handle, then he will buy it to london. i legit a jelly under jot. i'm of judy. well like j as in mary lee her? well, it was thought they need to be done with that little baldor and come, i'll be at that. be a minority to her, be at the left, the land wish we had dish about here, letty will be at the in other and out i do that via we we had the him, it was said villiad. i validate my door and i should i walk along, holly and holly, and had to alex i had it done up the radio defense had the list of what, what little yamaha sandwich killer lima has on one of which killer was we he, java? one thing to pick you up on the, i mean surely you except good that they were throwing stones. both are civilians, worshippers out the western wall and also it buses. i mean, it wasn't justice where the security forces that were coming under attack. surely, nevada shut up. guess i will show a bus out. lee and the shabba boomer and we'll meet the holy locks law. they can all carriage, rabble, us, what fargo and the old st. louis saint la la la la la, la la, somebody. and then i told the willa for cassandra, it is to get had that on the trail. yeah, i'm famous about marsh m. m one and was the me a shout. i know the hovel is a shadow, walkable salon for the share. yeah. well then i was the last with the not the short law and that the larger that men door b r e a k. they're open that job. so it out, the job will offer michelle court. i don't wish everyone had their job. he java had their job. hey, java a little late. it done a been a while yet. did that alina? we're at about into an ear. huck had got a shout mark i low in casala each of our beak. they'll accept daddy he yet gustavo lee casado our was hardly a lot of us, has min dahlia. my title in here out of my time, is me a chair with shadow home, brutal also in your name and also through a special what puzzle which was to be any. i had to add them up is but all had the members google that seems like a good point to pull back a bit from the, the details of what's been happening in the last couple of weeks and talk about occupation. the fact that east jerusalem is under israeli occupation and so as well as the religious and historical significance of this site, what it, what about it's so political significance as a sort of a, an area of some freedom of some autonomy for palestinians living in east jerusalem under occupation medina. little quotes that a pop up be maquel ma calamari with medea. when nora, thim orange is 80 alyssa will manage happy here. what does that mean? a long way unless he had been mohammed allows hello in that i'd the clayton that by law i law brock min, mca elk, which woman in quotes in a survey, lola. if i can have some quotes here metro artery and what the cause in a hell is a lot. i mean her marriage can roach. eliza. matt i had it. medina. that'll come up or you love me all out of the hot bob. i really want minion. all out of the hot bob, estella, men, medina. silly men, men, he suffered all your spot, thicker room. and in method, this is selma min bathrooms settlement. was that i know that nobody yet ma shorter or letty thought there her, i mean, well, amanda allen, goods to the nationalist and i'm now i'm in a little man ethnic. i came to his he has here been the had the near mine just as her marriage. i am at a loss or not. is he a senior? and i still am there, mineral man. my sent him the amnio, who with daily emma mar. harder than yahoo! bellville acts, gander, all man i left he left my yard gander, yeoman you. nan. matthew left valued hut at a rural man. carlo la connor album, hot. bob nodded. and duck deville over then, about a year lad nodded and use i can now yo to yet. for ashna. martin, i lacquer, lima hustle, emilio who are the tickets. and we cannot s healthy aaliyah. i am, i will help up. lo, what can we knight goodness, lydia la la yama. like a mecca vickers, her the i that it. oh ha tele my just so i did a you will be island map patel unless sully really jo. paula: be not and your guide to renee let the j. i mean a robot yet? yeah. 8 out of will i live by that is asleep? yes, coffee bill. i do. so you're talking more about the, the history of, i mean it's a very bloody and contested history, but there have been periods of some accommodations for the religion, not in charge at that time of the site. do you see a returned to what you saw as an acceptable status quo before 2000 where there is access to to both jews and muslims who both venerate this very important holy site . now my cannot cobbler elephant. it can or, or there must that girl who couldn't log in. i know who i could not have their be jamie air in it. janet gasser. yeah. whole that can for my country. 8th or what? well yeah, would be math. renfield will your hood because they're already in that the battle hobbs. eddie. say hey, that never a yahoo! who will miss a call look better than us have an id, the unethical aid in san hen muslim level. how crazy ara or couldn't an or a have b, he'll like can and then at 8 am, he is who i can and then a thought what i remember that if couldn't night, if in of him when the misery, a hood, glinetta well as addict could, there not ahead be him back and then i muscular and what about the, the ownership because it is a, an open question to some extent of this site. there was the, the un vote in 1947 that made jerusalem, or a corpus cetera. separate him a sort of international zone. then there was jordanian controlled and there was 1967 the israeli occupation began. the custodianship of the site was, was given to the jordan, backed walks. so who really has sort of the right as far as you're concerned, to speak on behalf of muslims for their claim on alex. and what role does the palestinian leadership have in office? the am and foot sent me out somehow sit in. i must huddle dylan which shut the year. is the car bullshit the yen can was if her madness will in rockville slammy what ganawe early demon live in the him? he left sir la. hm my that to read on kyler nori it and he had called while they caught him. alamahood ali were an illness, william, and he dottie with the shack collette ill. hey and slammed me yellow. you would check at the latest every and oh ya, lee diety, an old car for that in mahogany? sure. i always showed dea cola. we're daily a sierra their little mostly been quite a lay and is there me year old and walk for use them. how well her so, but let hillary an unfair and fearless heart blush and suffered c editor casala healthy. he now comes was out of fear hannah carlo cala had subtler kyle and now philip c. i did, there had an offer. was huddled in bo electric, the radio will much good when shakeela and her back the sierra, the illness wetness, hobbies said, the chemist, levine, that dorothy lorna. a lay and it's lem. yellow. yet. what do i still have that little alkalis levy? a lot of other thought they'd already done. fantasy id, li, hillel, alaska, nan, n, an n that lea, my did put what the la l. like in near her, the less the lad, air, lum, your color, lum. l. could sim, got to be a, shall be, you know, without a media, had that and he had to love unless i'm in my a girl. what in can a racial america kind of like in colorado bartlett, are let as well. my did them goods of fun. my de la nan lakisha only denny gladys declared, he can buy as well and get his cynthia amy and davidson. are you in hockey, doretha? well hasa we're in a in a doubt it across. so we've been talking about some of the history and the m, the violent history of both jerusalem and the site itself. alexa, most compound which, which jews called the temple mount. there had been many times during that history when jerusalem streets of literally run with blood in a muslin blood christian blood jewish blood. and i'm coming to the end of 5 years here. there are times when you walk around and you could almost identify my imagination, you could almost feel it, the sort of the pain and the misery alongside all the beauty and the, and the fascination of the place. do you see a future where the contested nature of all this starts to com and that you know, people of all religions who feel an attachment. and a belief in, in this site is as integral to their faith will be able to have their moments there without this kind of violence and this kind of rhetoric and, and contestation all the time. i let so, but let it lead slade and dealt as embittered and alarming with the ideal me just let me and the saw it. moon, the hum. alford sent me you the menu at a bank. oh, well lemme, they looked as a moira middle. carol obama was lower. does it to somebody when they will be there? the carotid owen with diety? then that was killer. oh wow. oh, out of a cool shots it's i didn't do nothing last night when i was good. like an escalade darling. well what i what i mean he can't do. i you do her dentist not really that event, vito diamond america, sammy, vito looked on this all his life who hadn't received it though i thought what can is it though? i thought it is how many k service will the lamp you cannot get the identity. who is here? live? rocking b. yeah. chipper him. yeah. the best ranch, fia fi fi. and then the messy had been a slimy danielle with the ad my brain. and then in viet nam say that, but i know when we are last, when i get my fish was the any idea grow? can i even like it? no, i could. couldn't the low magento, mahala? i had the extended bottle. ok, so that i had the that are my losses up solid was the reason why though land of a how could they yell? we'll ok. so we small measure the offset mattress with nice. with the minimum is one measure the loss corolla. they're all over the here. let you thompson. here. letter he a lift he it to a dealer. well, i can learn no, no, no up it. and let the lie laid on agreements every former bread, musty of jerusalem. thank you very much to talk with . mm hm. and with investigative journalism, my role in this by type the in information about global experts and discussion the pandemic didn't create all of these problems. it showed us our true color voices from different corners. we don't need to sensationalize how we fail these stories. what don't do best is look at the heart of the story. programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. oh no, just dara. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than light. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify narratives, the listening pace covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera, short films of hope, and inspiration ah, personal stories of 3 young women, challenging the world around them. al jazeera select. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering reports are we brave bullets and bomb and we always include the views from all sites. ah, hello, i'm marianne. no. my z in london are main stories. now. dozens of people are fit to have been killed off to a russian bomb attack. destroyed a school in the countries in the ukraine's east gong, the governor of the honda saying that 9070 is behaving in the building when it was hit. meanwhile, in mary, a poll, the last people there who was talking to besieged as all star plans have been evacuated. fighters who remain are refusing to surrender to rush in forces or by the mom, the reports.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Malaysia , Nevada , United States , Slovak Republic , Alaska , Florida , Russia , Jordan , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Rockville , New Zealand General , New Zealand , Ukraine , Alaina , Jordan General , Germany , India , Colorado , Shap , Cumbria , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Lima , Peru , Senegal , La Mancha , Ica , Israelis , Ukrainians , New Zealander , Slovak , Malaysian , Jordanian , Russian , Israeli , Palestinian , Chi Nan , Hannah Carlo Cala , Joe Biden , Wilma Marcella , Viet Nam , Lenny Robledo , Amanda Allen , Carol Obama , Anne Polly , Ross Melville , Ali Phil Snell , Han Wifi , Cynthia Amy , Donna Lakin , Emma Mar , Dorothy Lorna , Jerry Ma , Mary Lee , Martin Dorn , Gee America , Hillary Ramadan , Mount Everest , Janet Gasser , Asa Moira , Temple Mount ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ikrima Sabri 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Talk To Al Jazeera Ikrima Sabri 20240707

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hiding in the building when it was hit. the final death toll only be known after the rebel is cleared. meanwhile, and marian pulled, the last of the civilians there and the besieged, as all cell plants have now been moved to safety. hundreds of people have been trapped in the facilities underground. bunkers for weeks, sheltering from the constant bombardment with little food or water ukrainian fighters who remain refusing to surrender to russian forces. we have been mailed to her personnel, the garrison of maria, the war christ performed by russia. why russia? we are witness. oh, surrender is not an option because russia is not interested in our lives are not interested to let us and other developments she. 7 nations are imposing new sanctions on russia and its leaders. a made the announcement after a video conference with ukraine's present to me as the landscape and estate when the group says that the present fusions war brings shame on russia's historic sacrifice in world war 2. it comes a day before russia celebrates its victory over nazi germany. meanwhile, america, the 1st lady joe biden, has made an unannounced trip to ukraine for mother's day. she met with her ukrainian counterpart alaina's landscape in the city of rose rod, just over the border with slovak year past spoke at a school used as a shelter for displaced ukrainians. i'm also falling political developments in the philippines. voters are heading to the poll for national elections in the coming hours. the front runner for non marcos junior is the son of a former president, ousted an uprising in 1986. but opponents overturned to macos rule of backing form of human rights. roy and economist, lenny robledo is the headlines this. now i'll be back with more news later on. talk to al jazeera is coming out next. me. ah. ah. the true son, holy land muslims, christians and jews have seen conflict almost in fits. bronze, age, inception, attacked, captured, recaptured, perceived, destroyed, and rebuilt time and again. yet the walls of this iconic place beloved by all abrahamic thanks, remained standing, enclosing invaluable heritage sites. the millions of people worldwide, from the church of the holy central go to the western wall to allow the most. i'm hurry for the injury slim the golden dome of the rock is so often thing surrounded by one of the world's most enduring struggles. israeli palestinian conflict, but why is alex the most compound so often the hotspot attention and one of the challenges of preserving this sacred side. in the next half hour, we told to cleric once in charge of jerusalem, islamic holy places a cream a submarine form, a grand must be of your islam. talked to al jazeera ah agreements every former grand must be of juice them. thank you for talking to al jazeera. if we can start with the current situation, it's 2 years now that we've seen the muslim holy month ramadan affected by extremely high tensions by violence and confrontation on the alex the most compound itself. what's your diagnosis? why is this happening again? numb's miller, her my life cobbler maggi or millennial highly. however, a sole part the matter layer. to thrash secret at that dia, poor bear. and miss o lorne fissile put in my de la, yet the job. why don't freebie lead them? i have a lot of the year labor here, mo, at the idea while head of been there, leak to vienna, lena? and now mudy dorn and new cheryl island and that they had the air he a shower or more home. it will be in a path, luna? and her, well, i will be there like a hell. yes, all fish al, rama bon here. cool. min ali phil snell, philip flynn a year when they sent me home for ken and lead f, alberta aid men thought a hit that india and no hm. you re dune and yona february dawn when i left the ham at coleman. if hell i'll come, i'll be in. he will nazareth aiden phys holiday. him are dorna and not that a phase i thought about. yes. so fella, bill m n a, then national suburb fee. i them at that idea. live there, nick? i lou, fearlessly check alarm. i knew well mac, this a huge. i kill hust. garafallo, alexi hammock. come out of a little mold law. a tell and caribbean. bought off a little a gerad, jacobo. he left the lad level a la carte b. i. d. him he definitely laza wilma marcella. phillip drama bethania create alon tanner, who's your me a washy? red in sunny can either del martin calling in a little what's may is it hillary ramadan said to me at champ, why the diligent a ha, my a z and some, it's me a chair. one more moment, isabella, kind of, but ross melville better and more better. and the shap alcohol ha, ha ha, that you have a deep ella that see a shabby economist shipped and a ferry yet daddy? yeah. while ever you're at b ela. that the same as you'd walk the hammy wester mounted as to her feet that here what my there nick fioma, joomla. a jerry jerry ma, household phil federal, the sub ha lakin warden drama. what the lord j m a is it i'm come scene elf. manella could, so when look, telephone while the seller. lemme me act that if you'll be my hus holla for sebastian lid. delilah. anna la hillis did. you're hey, borden. ok saw one was side the and you devereaux? i'm her. i neil oxer ma'am. i can level of what it deli estimate or what have you. he and when i was had physically a m. what a net loss a leon and muslim in ear. i will, and yet they careful was shot plus them now. hm. well i can the i thought that i thought she bab, in malaise. im going to take careful a bad that then the thought is shorter and that the larger one that led above that upside element magenta. rather manhattan, him what was a lot? you said they're both about the politics, about the violence, about the, the status quo, at the site that i want to pick up on. but before we get into that territory, could you 1st just tell us a bit about why alexa in sight such passion for the muslim community here in east jerusalem and, and more widely? what about its religious history? is it that makes it so significant? and i'm up the scene, checkable hus will, and fell asleep jacket. i am your day corn. the annette aliya hood me now head the n at then j martin. yahoo! dia, balmy, i bill aqua, who i thought click idle o'clock when the whole job any debate given he can weigh applewood and the luckless sheila know what i believe the hem at bill share us in wish had did the one will how and i to m b will dahlia die le barbara mal mitch is on the luxor having the central fat bub yet it had to i kid ida and the yellow thumb envelopes i won't be daddy and mostly warriors, florida. had that they went, jo, where the lot mom, we checked and while there then was stephen. yup. oh lord. alex saw him leave mostly me now. wash down the colorado mean a law in survey said my wife, when i started clara lab in medicine, i mean well i'm in hyatt through them element element and o'clock ministry in which the mean air. oh, i just thought men, i paid that a many, many i know enough. one was still in lux oxide on the stimuli alone. i did the only yachting i didn't was he had them yet in felina chattanoog. chattanooga all chain elementary, the, her medical will carry mademoiselle men. no, but we will buy the element a well, we're a no alex lot more publicly be summer. oh well about whether to lot of the list or not, but we're back to say that you love. i love who heavy hill rpd it here a little bit. i'm home. it messy. quibble ok. so we'll hit the ramble. oxide and and oh, come up. allah had that because i mean a lot come i wanted to call other katie and janet the award had the air had the i am and fin lake in by the i'm an faint bed that oh, you know, do we and now love huckaby. ursula. well, that the all yet, hello nat biz b here assa, w. dakota will head i saw it and know what they're doing. low, low and, and like the whole loam can. and will gerald z ira my dad you will hem hossa that will harass her with that keith i la and now li danella and now mom martin dorn, what are my own will axa minute yet doctor cases. so we're getting into talking about the status quo issue, then access to the mosque for and to the mosque compound. rather for, for people of different religions. what, what are your red lines? what's your understanding of what the situation should be as opposed to what it is at the moment up this tactical model, fha. and now alex saw lynne was slimming quite down. what a daughter akilah lida, edit alo, cough and there'd be a little overdone, won't aca, alicia alhashan via messiah ther, don't i la mancha visit. her he, donna lakin o'clock li, jamia and mostly me that community this, that vehicle. and now yes use. we allow you to him with them and yet is that iran say han wifi, sad, dead, sad that the loan had that had could, can accomplish about it the what about the somehow city my house on a muscular haine. i'm a bed that i think jamal i tell yahoo, d and we'll part of the fact that there's a fed by that thought, cobbler cit serrano at the could even hasanti stigma, ford odon, and didn't medical. the law for her daughter kiri, can was he had a fatty gee america. what method? yo, what kind o fill all dory that had the air when her father, allah list that equal will the alkaline that i think that the more that the t o ella horner bad. that olaja hoss i look ish, kayla, or has a look to have matt. why latino shake it. oh yeah. oh lord, that are kellerman. stephanie collected, feel happy. got you. okay. you're welcome. nancy. she levied to when it had door lock that harder satellite was the it fiorella. yeah. and i know half of a lot of chi or you other chi nan read while the car mckenna, i would say mios about city not either world and i am piano outside our city, and mayor colo and really the rod alcott will and will the hammer caught me shyly oh the weather marcella blush ma'am ma'am nor and and the whole it become honestly me hasn't i or that cry then or will they get on i am i louder than what are you what are your on like in fit to will marcia with the city has a lab 9 or half of our walk. i love the walk. ha ha. is that equal? so if we talk about the recent violence that we've seen in the past few weeks, and there's really message in israel perspective is that the temperature has been turned up by palestinian activity on the sites, people collecting stones throwing stones, and fireworks suits israelis. and as really forces, to what extent is the responsibility on, on your side of the argument and, and from you yourself, in terms of increasing the, the level of the temperature and attentions and arshella had better amazon. how dora me, adeline, he owned you, my meal from seen really visual has done away with a lot in figure. sort of a muscular larry acid, li let and muscle thought in watson and the short of are you down to luxor them. hi, lateesha willis jar. but it's bottled, i don't get it done. he jarred off and also took ish. i don't. should that lee then woman to reject the and know and listen what but in north la la and then we'll help up. and then jim artillio div. that's the him, lola. the asshole, the ham o jim black java, show me when do you samuel in there and it shabbiness his time or now mom is an on site home. the help up be been g m lack in it as it met. so it's better. i love to deaf and say to her that we and he has a job offer lotsa highly. nothing. li, let know if he my check it, the malaysian get shipped to him because it really got our live event. no one had the handle, then he will buy it to london. i legit a jelly under jot. i'm of judy. well like j as in mary lee her? well, it was thought they need to be done with that little baldor and come, i'll be at that. be a minority to her, be at the left, the land wish we had dish about here, letty will be at the in other and out i do that via we we had the him, it was said villiad. i validate my door and i should i walk along, holly and holly, and had to alex i had it done up the radio defense had the list of what, what little yamaha sandwich killer lima has on one of which killer was we he, java? one thing to pick you up on the, i mean surely you except good that they were throwing stones. both are civilians, worshippers out the western wall and also it buses. i mean, it wasn't justice where the security forces that were coming under attack. surely, nevada shut up. guess i will show a bus out. lee and the shabba boomer and we'll meet the holy locks law. they can all carriage, rabble, us, what fargo and the old st. louis saint la la la la la, la la, somebody. and then i told the willa for cassandra, it is to get had that on the trail. yeah, i'm famous about marsh m. m one and was the me a shout. i know the hovel is a shadow, walkable salon for the share. yeah. well then i was the last with the not the short law and that the larger that men door b r e a k. they're open that job. so it out, the job will offer michelle court. i don't wish everyone had their job. he java had their job. hey, java a little late. it done a been a while yet. did that alina? we're at about into an ear. huck had got a shout mark i low in casala each of our beak. they'll accept daddy he yet gustavo lee casado our was hardly a lot of us, has min dahlia. my title in here out of my time, is me a chair with shadow home, brutal also in your name and also through a special what puzzle which was to be any. i had to add them up is but all had the members google that seems like a good point to pull back a bit from the, the details of what's been happening in the last couple of weeks and talk about occupation. the fact that east jerusalem is under israeli occupation and so as well as the religious and historical significance of this site, what it, what about it's so political significance as a sort of a, an area of some freedom of some autonomy for palestinians living in east jerusalem under occupation medina. little quotes that a pop up be maquel ma calamari with medea. when nora, thim orange is 80 alyssa will manage happy here. what does that mean? a long way unless he had been mohammed allows hello in that i'd the clayton that by law i law brock min, mca elk, which woman in quotes in a survey, lola. if i can have some quotes here metro artery and what the cause in a hell is a lot. i mean her marriage can roach. eliza. matt i had it. medina. that'll come up or you love me all out of the hot bob. i really want minion. all out of the hot bob, estella, men, medina. silly men, men, he suffered all your spot, thicker room. and in method, this is selma min bathrooms settlement. was that i know that nobody yet ma shorter or letty thought there her, i mean, well, amanda allen, goods to the nationalist and i'm now i'm in a little man ethnic. i came to his he has here been the had the near mine just as her marriage. i am at a loss or not. is he a senior? and i still am there, mineral man. my sent him the amnio, who with daily emma mar. harder than yahoo! bellville acts, gander, all man i left he left my yard gander, yeoman you. nan. matthew left valued hut at a rural man. carlo la connor album, hot. bob nodded. and duck deville over then, about a year lad nodded and use i can now yo to yet. for ashna. martin, i lacquer, lima hustle, emilio who are the tickets. and we cannot s healthy aaliyah. i am, i will help up. lo, what can we knight goodness, lydia la la yama. like a mecca vickers, her the i that it. oh ha tele my just so i did a you will be island map patel unless sully really jo. paula: be not and your guide to renee let the j. i mean a robot yet? yeah. 8 out of will i live by that is asleep? yes, coffee bill. i do. so you're talking more about the, the history of, i mean it's a very bloody and contested history, but there have been periods of some accommodations for the religion, not in charge at that time of the site. do you see a returned to what you saw as an acceptable status quo before 2000 where there is access to to both jews and muslims who both venerate this very important holy site . now my cannot cobbler elephant. it can or, or there must that girl who couldn't log in. i know who i could not have their be jamie air in it. janet gasser. yeah. whole that can for my country. 8th or what? well yeah, would be math. renfield will your hood because they're already in that the battle hobbs. eddie. say hey, that never a yahoo! who will miss a call look better than us have an id, the unethical aid in san hen muslim level. how crazy ara or couldn't an or a have b, he'll like can and then at 8 am, he is who i can and then a thought what i remember that if couldn't night, if in of him when the misery, a hood, glinetta well as addict could, there not ahead be him back and then i muscular and what about the, the ownership because it is a, an open question to some extent of this site. there was the, the un vote in 1947 that made jerusalem, or a corpus cetera. separate him a sort of international zone. then there was jordanian controlled and there was 1967 the israeli occupation began. the custodianship of the site was, was given to the jordan, backed walks. so who really has sort of the right as far as you're concerned, to speak on behalf of muslims for their claim on alex. and what role does the palestinian leadership have in office? the am and foot sent me out somehow sit in. i must huddle dylan which shut the year. is the car bullshit the yen can was if her madness will in rockville slammy what ganawe early demon live in the him? he left sir la. hm my that to read on kyler nori it and he had called while they caught him. alamahood ali were an illness, william, and he dottie with the shack collette ill. hey and slammed me yellow. you would check at the latest every and oh ya, lee diety, an old car for that in mahogany? sure. i always showed dea cola. we're daily a sierra their little mostly been quite a lay and is there me year old and walk for use them. how well her so, but let hillary an unfair and fearless heart blush and suffered c editor casala healthy. he now comes was out of fear hannah carlo cala had subtler kyle and now philip c. i did, there had an offer. was huddled in bo electric, the radio will much good when shakeela and her back the sierra, the illness wetness, hobbies said, the chemist, levine, that dorothy lorna. a lay and it's lem. yellow. yet. what do i still have that little alkalis levy? a lot of other thought they'd already done. fantasy id, li, hillel, alaska, nan, n, an n that lea, my did put what the la l. like in near her, the less the lad, air, lum, your color, lum. l. could sim, got to be a, shall be, you know, without a media, had that and he had to love unless i'm in my a girl. what in can a racial america kind of like in colorado bartlett, are let as well. my did them goods of fun. my de la nan lakisha only denny gladys declared, he can buy as well and get his cynthia amy and davidson. are you in hockey, doretha? well hasa we're in a in a doubt it across. so we've been talking about some of the history and the m, the violent history of both jerusalem and the site itself. alexa, most compound which, which jews called the temple mount. there had been many times during that history when jerusalem streets of literally run with blood in a muslin blood christian blood jewish blood. and i'm coming to the end of 5 years here. there are times when you walk around and you could almost identify my imagination, you could almost feel it, the sort of the pain and the misery alongside all the beauty and the, and the fascination of the place. do you see a future where the contested nature of all this starts to com and that you know, people of all religions who feel an attachment. and a belief in, in this site is as integral to their faith will be able to have their moments there without this kind of violence and this kind of rhetoric and, and contestation all the time. i let so, but let it lead slade and dealt as embittered and alarming with the ideal me just let me and the saw it. moon, the hum. alford sent me you the menu at a bank. oh, well lemme, they looked as a moira middle. carol obama was lower. does it to somebody when they will be there? the carotid owen with diety? then that was killer. oh wow. oh, out of a cool shots it's i didn't do nothing last night when i was good. like an escalade darling. well what i what i mean he can't do. i you do her dentist not really that event, vito diamond america, sammy, vito looked on this all his life who hadn't received it though i thought what can is it though? i thought it is how many k service will the lamp you cannot get the identity. who is here? live? rocking b. yeah. chipper him. yeah. the best ranch, fia fi fi. and then the messy had been a slimy danielle with the ad my brain. and then in viet nam say that, but i know when we are last, when i get my fish was the any idea grow? can i even like it? no, i could. couldn't the low magento, mahala? i had the extended bottle. ok, so that i had the that are my losses up solid was the reason why though land of a how could they yell? we'll ok. so we small measure the offset mattress with nice. with the minimum is one measure the loss corolla. they're all over the here. let you thompson. here. letter he a lift he it to a dealer. well, i can learn no, no, no up it. and let the lie laid on agreements every former bread, musty of jerusalem. thank you very much to talk with . mm hm. and with investigative journalism, my role in this by type the in information about global experts and discussion the pandemic didn't create all of these problems. it showed us our true color voices from different corners. we don't need to sensationalize how we fail these stories. what don't do best is look at the heart of the story. programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. oh no, just dara. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than light. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify narratives, the listening pace covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera, short films of hope, and inspiration ah, personal stories of 3 young women, challenging the world around them. al jazeera select. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering reports are we brave bullets and bomb and we always include the views from all sites. ah, hello, i'm marianne. no. my z in london are main stories. now. dozens of people are fit to have been killed off to a russian bomb attack. destroyed a school in the countries in the ukraine's east gong, the governor of the honda saying that 9070 is behaving in the building when it was hit. meanwhile, in mary, a poll, the last people there who was talking to besieged as all star plans have been evacuated. fighters who remain are refusing to surrender to rush in forces or by the mom, the reports.

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