Transcripts For ALJAZ Studio B Unscripted Ai Weiwei Anish

Transcripts For ALJAZ Studio B Unscripted Ai Weiwei Anish Kapoor P1 20240707

john kirby could not confirm the strike on the sheep no ship, nor would he say whether the action was the result of us intelligence. we provide them what we believe to be relevant and timely information about russian units that call them to adjust and executed their self defense to the best of their ability. the kind of intelligence that we provide them, it's legitimate, it's lawful and it's limited. and i would also add, and this is not an important point. we are not the only sole source of intelligence and information to the ukrainians. they get intelligence from other nations as well . we don't get heads up about their day to day operations, nor, nor do we expect to mean that they're, they're at act to fight so long as president has declared a state of emergency for a 2nd time in 5 years as his government faces escalating protests. but he sees tear gas and moist calendar despite students attempting to storm a parliament. you are says north korea could be preparing to conduct a new test as early as this month. estimates pyongyang, we'll use the pony re nuclear site. both gray as recently stepped up weapons tests and resumed intercontinental ballistic missile launches. for the 1st time since 2017 and at least 18 people have died in an explosion at a 5 star hotel that was being renovated in havana. president miguel diaz canals as the explosion of the hotel saratoga was not caused by bomb. and that a gas leak is the most likely cause. and counting so far to northern orleans election shows that the nationalist partition fane is ahead. rejection showed, it would be the biggest party leaving behind the democratic unionist party. okay, those, the headlights nice continues here now does thereafter studio be unscripted frank assessments? what are the political risks of banning russian oil? a gas for western leaders will sanctions on russian energy exports us a recipe for such informed opinions. france is not abandoning to fight against jedi, still resumed media debt going to be attaching from nisha and from chad critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera ah part is being used to make cos satisfaction of the brochure, our, our society for the rich and the powerful. we come from a time generation when what mattered in alt was to be radical. today, what the hell does radical me. ah. ah. ah, my name is i why, why? i'm mom artist. on them activist. i'm reminder. i'm documentary maker, but 1st i'm human being ah ah, i'm a niece kapoor. i'm in office and i live and work in the u. k. we couldn't be more different way and i, in our approach to what we do. i'm much more interested in the esoteric, the po, attic, or whatever else, all difficult stuff. chinese authors i way way to attain at managing edward on sunday is be no official comment from china's government's asking my releases become are like international moment. probably the biggest or either to try and her rescue or artist people in culture need to have a political voice. my art isn't overtly political in any obvious way. i hope it is in all sorts of underhand ways. at 2015, i sounded journey into making documentary, so by refugees, you're syria. it is under my weary and i decided together to make a walk across london. and we walked in sympathy as if we were in refugee status ourselves. i narrow sanker artist as a some specialist by the railroad, the ha, clear rationale, piano emotions. so this many shows can be discussed. we identify in this question of how a culture can bring change that gives us that kind of brotherhood ah and ish. yes, my dear friend, and we're happy to seal and do you always have this the ability to use the your media language to on to have this a shocking quality to, to provide the kind of condition which is quite a is for audience. tell me what is behind is work. i feel that i truly, truly have nothing to say, but nothing to say as an artist, meaning i don't have some message to give the world. but i deeply believe that my intelligence, if it's anyway, it's not here, it's here and it guides me through my daily practice. i go into the studio every day and continue a process in the last the years i've been drawn to. i'm prime or sacrifice meaning death in its origin. it has to do with some richer list stick. original practice that i feel i've been working with for the last 40 years since i became an artist. and of course certain things are consistent. but color read the idea that the 2 dimensional world in the 3 dimensional world are mixed with each other. so all these things come into play and that is our voyage of discovery, isn't it? what i know? who cares what i know? i say for to knowledge we live, i suspect in a post knowledge era. anything i want, i can get her on here 3 seconds. so what do i need to know? my job as an artist is to d, educate myself, and find a way to something that i haven't the faintest idea what it is. and i think that's a game we play with ourselves. i know you play the same game. my case a little different is, i know you mentioned a studio, you're working in the studio, but i, i actually, i don't have a studio room. my studio is in airport hotel rooms or a feel studio like this. and also i don't have this kind of consistency as you will have, you know, your work at a certain materials color sandra language, which are clearly identify who your are for the, my identity. tiered apart, you know, i grew up in china and spend time united states went back to china in a decades and did the so many different professions. finally, i still can be called us artist. sometimes they call me activists. but it doesn't matter. you know, it's, as you said, we have it of dealing with daily matter. and for me, a moment this is a past and is the future in or the present. the situation is average and we have with your permission re way, i'll talk about how we 1st came to know each other. and i, so i was in korea. and i saw that you had made a kind of comic in a way, dobbs performance to gunman style. and as an act of protest are being under continued house arrest in beijing. and i saw this and i felt deeply moved by ah, the idea that a comrade we had never met, we have ever met, but that a comrade could be incarcerated in this way. so i came back to london and i decided to do an gangnam style, dance performance. all sorts of people in london came to my studio, the greater a young choreographer, a crum khan choreographed us, and we did a gunman style for i way, way. i think i saw really brave, very married punching well because we are not doing just for a child, but her rather to catch lanta spirit tall moment. art cannot be easily erased or by, by the superpower. exactly. so it points to various things. one is that visual culture or let's say poetic culture, not just visual real. well, it's theater. whatever else matters that it matters to government. weirdly, governments are afraid of what if you like poets think and how they put it in the world. the poetic act has such power to drive hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people to certain kind of conclusions about the state of being that we occupy. i feel this is the most important thing of all i'm and as a and what it brings to the for, for us to discuss perhaps, is this question of whether art itself is political or can be political. and what is its role in the politics of or time? let's discuss the highway. i think this is a very good topic. yes. very often we use the words political. yeah. that only implied to a certain says and the people were the missed and dissent, northern, misleading you, nor saw him my understanding the intellect of any human being if being expressed is, has political in there. but it doesn't matter as abstract or just as sound or it just music or, or even salad can be very political. soul may want to see any form or choose him by a rational mind to decide a life behaving or expression is political to me. so i had the eyes, that's why i cannot, i easily accept sums. it is not political because really means society, a new choice of being not political is as political choice. so in that sense, i had thank her language itself is never new and true. it's always or has its own content easier unless you don't describe it. but if it's come from a human intellects, it has the message. i suppose, i feel since i said i have nothing to say. then, then that's very political message. i understand. i understand cause the you have the freedom of speech, i understand and there you are, lee, me, a democratic world garage is really an a, you're important to figure out, you know, you're represent so much help for young or young art has and also serve people who love to you so they may miss and stand the lion that. but i understand your statement is like a very weight he philosopher in the, in the orient. when all it's naughty as well, i don't know so, but, but let me, let me just try and develop this a little bit to think about it in this way. that art can have direct language to say i'm making a comment about this or that, or the other subject. the other way, of course, is that the political plays a role in what is not said or what is half said. so ought, has poetic and philosophical questions, but doesn't directly address political questions. it doesn't mean it's less political. it just means that it goes about it. if you like to try to catch, you know, as you go to like this, rather than like miss that 2 different ways of doing it, of goals. that's very indian by the way. you and who are here. but those are very much depends on the nose is still there quite right. very good. ha. so i think this is a kind of key factor about how we reach what in it could be dangerous. and yet it terrified me. dangerous is leah is old pulse. we can be very dangerous yet has anchor. why you see the art has political. a can be very misleading and dangerous, and you'll see most so called the political arg doesn't work because a new message has to be carried out by that right language and our language. it, it record is the artists of a to. so that's why i say the nose is to be reached this way, but he has bugged with larry. fascinating. you reach on north our way. yeah. you need load obs, dad. so why can we call ourselves artists? it took me a few years to be able to say, i'm an artist because what i do is where a kind of cloak of responsibility. nobody gave me that responsibility, but it's one i think. and i think it's that serious. so we can do this incredible thing, but it is a burden we carry and we're burden of like an idiot. you know, an artist is the arc and typical fool is old. but identity about our self identity, or holders and cabal, ourself or us, think about others. you know? because when see me, we're think about ourselves. we think about our relations to people who are different or to we really belong to the mass. if you are your artist, i, you know, privileged or a, you're be more responsible in terms of for free it's version, you know what, you are really extended the concept of what it is free them under free expression. i think of those issues. no art has a cow avoided. of course you can fixed your one point on the one direction, but we're leaving you so much. i'm problematic. earn time is over away look where it may be. that is something we should discuss a little bit. the art world, all right, world is completely captured by the capitalist machine. we are not makers of luxury goods, but the art market, the art world treats us as if we are makers of luxury goods in a picasso said something wonderful, which i think about a lot painting is not decoration for your living room painting is war. yeah. no, i think that are his salary. yeah. and i think that is key. so we come from a time a generation when what mattered in art was to be radical today. what the hell does radical meat? it's really difficult. um we live in a post information post modernist, post elbows everything age. um when the idea of the new, the radical that which is outside of the market system is impossible for us to even imagine. it is a terrifying state. i say, i'm how can a thing that's radical be for sale? one of the problems that we suffer in the art world for the turner prize, you know, this price that's given in the u. k. now, there are 5 groups of collective artists. what that proposes is that art is a social medium which can bring social change and renewal that perhaps is one way out of this capitalist take over. well, that's all big topic. yes, it's not only relate to article relate tool everything, today's corporate culture and those whole political situations. you can, i'm features and they all being pushed by the class of capitalism or state capital iraq, the new capital wreck. they all know the world has new structures, you know, and they're so powerful. they basically designed the r, lifelong or behaving, or knowledge i to cation. and of course, in general, art art is being used us back creative idea to make up satisfaction over the brochure. our society and as always being, serve us for the rich and powerful soul. i think it's odd. depends on individual art, has it's not about wanting to sell or lowball. does the message correct about the, you know, you're always con crating your message. i think it's time for question in answers. there's a lot to say way, way about what's just been raised. but let's, let's hear this wonderful young person. hi everyone. my name is paul from south africa, where we question really as to do with the sort of person implications and anxiety is there sort of challenges of artists, especially in conflict in situations or under mccarty, context such as china, how do you balance that? you know, why didn't you do that way, but also being afraid as a person. i thank you. i think the best balance is loose and balance. if you believe what else you're thinking, what is a medium for about a life, then you protect the value. and of course, it is very often is the loosened balance because the, the reality and the rationality was stop you because you did this was a fact common sense yourself, your relatives and your friend and your, your relation to the society. so i think if you sink too much, then you cannot really act. i think lee, as especially why you're young, you should act in some kind of ridiculous away rather than to, to try and or perform some kind of alagood. it's a beautiful question. really important if i may, i'm from india and i see that what's happening in india now is horrific. as you say, in many, many parts of the world, of course, freedom of expression is not tolerated. our greatest fear has to be self censorship. it is the not i say there's both in where, where it is free and where it is not free self. censorship says close down that part of your self that might risk taking part in something that somebody else will find controversial. ensure pond are the very important says you have to believe you're better than them. yeah. you may not. when you know, you may become a problem, but the ideology still would come to we have to believe in certain sense as human being. so that was when my name is isabella, you where is picking capitalism and, and i would like to ask you, who would you say profits or benefits from your works? well, you see the all world. if i could stop, there is not a straightforward place. the world is the most an unregulated monetary exchange for him. there is best place to launder money. you could imagine frankly, but i think what we have to remember alongside that is that while artists make objects, the real purpose of objects is mythological, isn't physical. and what the market doesn't fully get is this meant that you can't buy mythological propositions, but money is itself mythological. imagine just for a 2nd. a picasso on the wall, come back to picasso, with 5xw1c5xw to whatever number you want. part of it's mythology when i look at it is, oh my god, it's 150000000. 0 my god, it's definitely a great painting, but it's also this miss a logical kind of value in monetary cultural tubs. so art is always playing this double game, and i think who has benefits, therefore, is monetary on one level, but one hopes that its mythological repercussions go out there in all sorts of different ways. and i'm sorry, i'm wrong, china. i have some question to question to ask you that way. actually. the 1st phase 2 using so called a but amec will effect to assess audi. oh, so the politics in china, you know, ferris way and the 2nd question to you. so how do you think your generational facilities will respond to korean moment in china, in the years to come? how it would affect china? i think a would build the government much stronger and they have this house card or hills or everybody have to have it. so that tells the guy and where you are, who your associate base and worry about to your, your grocery and you know, which, which car you are we transported to, you go from one place one to pon be so those made the garment stronger, some kind of excuse, and that will be copied by the, the world, every nation, almost. so the coin could totally changed our understanding about the individual rife on the government rides and how should they behave? and this is a very philosopher for gold question. actually need to discuss it in a long time. second above the, our to young guard who seen china. i think the problem is not of the art his art has ever were as a new individual trying to express themselves. but the problem is the ceiling is so low, you cannot stand up, just make q you want, you really want to act. you have the curl or to, you know, everybody understand this so that a crate very strangely image of or chinese artist. because nobody can jump, nobody can fly, it says can have to grow. and so is the, there's a lot of berlin, hardest vis, grades scale. and, you know, and very daddy had devoted himself to art, loves art. but you're in the wrong wrong location or you're in the right location, then you have to defend your right. bizarre may sacrifice your life. so i cannot even give advice like this. mean way that brings a very interesting, very important question about being an exile. being x l as isn't you know this many writers or many people has been in i, val, it's not that started from one generation as incur accel. history is the long us the, the human flow is, you know, 11 web or heather refugees. it could be exiles from a new place, you know, and any place which is not safe. but then the once you're exiled, you're pulled out for me or ground on the why do you care under your language, your sensitivity, all last your become are transparent number and life has no meaning anymore. so that is that is true challenge for an individual. the me who as artist, by nature, the person who on last thing may choose to be lost. we have taken all the dog parts of our environment and turned into a nice little place in which everything is good. but actually it's the death oh aah. may own which is era frontline reporting in depth analysis. we bring you the latest from the ukraine war and unfolding humanitarian crisis. documentaries but inspire whitney springs world issues into focus through compelling human stories. the philippines votes in one of asia, biggest election over 35 years since the country emerged from his father's dictatorship could frontrunner ferdinand mouth was junior. take the tops ball al jazeera investigative program, full blind for tons, with a special theories on abuse in the boy scouts of america. lebanon goes to the polls, but will political change help the country find its way out of its crippling economic crisis may on al jazeera, ah rice, against time to rescue civilians trapped in a steel plants and marty paul, the lost hold out of ukrainian soldiers in the city ah, hello money. hi, this is alex, is there a life or so coming up, the u. s. believes that north korea is preparing to conduct a nuclear test as early as this month. the death toll in the havana hotel explosion rises.

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Transcripts For ALJAZ Studio B Unscripted Ai Weiwei Anish Kapoor P1 20240707 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ Studio B Unscripted Ai Weiwei Anish Kapoor P1 20240707

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john kirby could not confirm the strike on the sheep no ship, nor would he say whether the action was the result of us intelligence. we provide them what we believe to be relevant and timely information about russian units that call them to adjust and executed their self defense to the best of their ability. the kind of intelligence that we provide them, it's legitimate, it's lawful and it's limited. and i would also add, and this is not an important point. we are not the only sole source of intelligence and information to the ukrainians. they get intelligence from other nations as well . we don't get heads up about their day to day operations, nor, nor do we expect to mean that they're, they're at act to fight so long as president has declared a state of emergency for a 2nd time in 5 years as his government faces escalating protests. but he sees tear gas and moist calendar despite students attempting to storm a parliament. you are says north korea could be preparing to conduct a new test as early as this month. estimates pyongyang, we'll use the pony re nuclear site. both gray as recently stepped up weapons tests and resumed intercontinental ballistic missile launches. for the 1st time since 2017 and at least 18 people have died in an explosion at a 5 star hotel that was being renovated in havana. president miguel diaz canals as the explosion of the hotel saratoga was not caused by bomb. and that a gas leak is the most likely cause. and counting so far to northern orleans election shows that the nationalist partition fane is ahead. rejection showed, it would be the biggest party leaving behind the democratic unionist party. okay, those, the headlights nice continues here now does thereafter studio be unscripted frank assessments? what are the political risks of banning russian oil? a gas for western leaders will sanctions on russian energy exports us a recipe for such informed opinions. france is not abandoning to fight against jedi, still resumed media debt going to be attaching from nisha and from chad critical debate. could china actually help in russia's invasion of ukraine in depth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on al jazeera ah part is being used to make cos satisfaction of the brochure, our, our society for the rich and the powerful. we come from a time generation when what mattered in alt was to be radical. today, what the hell does radical me. ah. ah. ah, my name is i why, why? i'm mom artist. on them activist. i'm reminder. i'm documentary maker, but 1st i'm human being ah ah, i'm a niece kapoor. i'm in office and i live and work in the u. k. we couldn't be more different way and i, in our approach to what we do. i'm much more interested in the esoteric, the po, attic, or whatever else, all difficult stuff. chinese authors i way way to attain at managing edward on sunday is be no official comment from china's government's asking my releases become are like international moment. probably the biggest or either to try and her rescue or artist people in culture need to have a political voice. my art isn't overtly political in any obvious way. i hope it is in all sorts of underhand ways. at 2015, i sounded journey into making documentary, so by refugees, you're syria. it is under my weary and i decided together to make a walk across london. and we walked in sympathy as if we were in refugee status ourselves. i narrow sanker artist as a some specialist by the railroad, the ha, clear rationale, piano emotions. so this many shows can be discussed. we identify in this question of how a culture can bring change that gives us that kind of brotherhood ah and ish. yes, my dear friend, and we're happy to seal and do you always have this the ability to use the your media language to on to have this a shocking quality to, to provide the kind of condition which is quite a is for audience. tell me what is behind is work. i feel that i truly, truly have nothing to say, but nothing to say as an artist, meaning i don't have some message to give the world. but i deeply believe that my intelligence, if it's anyway, it's not here, it's here and it guides me through my daily practice. i go into the studio every day and continue a process in the last the years i've been drawn to. i'm prime or sacrifice meaning death in its origin. it has to do with some richer list stick. original practice that i feel i've been working with for the last 40 years since i became an artist. and of course certain things are consistent. but color read the idea that the 2 dimensional world in the 3 dimensional world are mixed with each other. so all these things come into play and that is our voyage of discovery, isn't it? what i know? who cares what i know? i say for to knowledge we live, i suspect in a post knowledge era. anything i want, i can get her on here 3 seconds. so what do i need to know? my job as an artist is to d, educate myself, and find a way to something that i haven't the faintest idea what it is. and i think that's a game we play with ourselves. i know you play the same game. my case a little different is, i know you mentioned a studio, you're working in the studio, but i, i actually, i don't have a studio room. my studio is in airport hotel rooms or a feel studio like this. and also i don't have this kind of consistency as you will have, you know, your work at a certain materials color sandra language, which are clearly identify who your are for the, my identity. tiered apart, you know, i grew up in china and spend time united states went back to china in a decades and did the so many different professions. finally, i still can be called us artist. sometimes they call me activists. but it doesn't matter. you know, it's, as you said, we have it of dealing with daily matter. and for me, a moment this is a past and is the future in or the present. the situation is average and we have with your permission re way, i'll talk about how we 1st came to know each other. and i, so i was in korea. and i saw that you had made a kind of comic in a way, dobbs performance to gunman style. and as an act of protest are being under continued house arrest in beijing. and i saw this and i felt deeply moved by ah, the idea that a comrade we had never met, we have ever met, but that a comrade could be incarcerated in this way. so i came back to london and i decided to do an gangnam style, dance performance. all sorts of people in london came to my studio, the greater a young choreographer, a crum khan choreographed us, and we did a gunman style for i way, way. i think i saw really brave, very married punching well because we are not doing just for a child, but her rather to catch lanta spirit tall moment. art cannot be easily erased or by, by the superpower. exactly. so it points to various things. one is that visual culture or let's say poetic culture, not just visual real. well, it's theater. whatever else matters that it matters to government. weirdly, governments are afraid of what if you like poets think and how they put it in the world. the poetic act has such power to drive hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people to certain kind of conclusions about the state of being that we occupy. i feel this is the most important thing of all i'm and as a and what it brings to the for, for us to discuss perhaps, is this question of whether art itself is political or can be political. and what is its role in the politics of or time? let's discuss the highway. i think this is a very good topic. yes. very often we use the words political. yeah. that only implied to a certain says and the people were the missed and dissent, northern, misleading you, nor saw him my understanding the intellect of any human being if being expressed is, has political in there. but it doesn't matter as abstract or just as sound or it just music or, or even salad can be very political. soul may want to see any form or choose him by a rational mind to decide a life behaving or expression is political to me. so i had the eyes, that's why i cannot, i easily accept sums. it is not political because really means society, a new choice of being not political is as political choice. so in that sense, i had thank her language itself is never new and true. it's always or has its own content easier unless you don't describe it. but if it's come from a human intellects, it has the message. i suppose, i feel since i said i have nothing to say. then, then that's very political message. i understand. i understand cause the you have the freedom of speech, i understand and there you are, lee, me, a democratic world garage is really an a, you're important to figure out, you know, you're represent so much help for young or young art has and also serve people who love to you so they may miss and stand the lion that. but i understand your statement is like a very weight he philosopher in the, in the orient. when all it's naughty as well, i don't know so, but, but let me, let me just try and develop this a little bit to think about it in this way. that art can have direct language to say i'm making a comment about this or that, or the other subject. the other way, of course, is that the political plays a role in what is not said or what is half said. so ought, has poetic and philosophical questions, but doesn't directly address political questions. it doesn't mean it's less political. it just means that it goes about it. if you like to try to catch, you know, as you go to like this, rather than like miss that 2 different ways of doing it, of goals. that's very indian by the way. you and who are here. but those are very much depends on the nose is still there quite right. very good. ha. so i think this is a kind of key factor about how we reach what in it could be dangerous. and yet it terrified me. dangerous is leah is old pulse. we can be very dangerous yet has anchor. why you see the art has political. a can be very misleading and dangerous, and you'll see most so called the political arg doesn't work because a new message has to be carried out by that right language and our language. it, it record is the artists of a to. so that's why i say the nose is to be reached this way, but he has bugged with larry. fascinating. you reach on north our way. yeah. you need load obs, dad. so why can we call ourselves artists? it took me a few years to be able to say, i'm an artist because what i do is where a kind of cloak of responsibility. nobody gave me that responsibility, but it's one i think. and i think it's that serious. so we can do this incredible thing, but it is a burden we carry and we're burden of like an idiot. you know, an artist is the arc and typical fool is old. but identity about our self identity, or holders and cabal, ourself or us, think about others. you know? because when see me, we're think about ourselves. we think about our relations to people who are different or to we really belong to the mass. if you are your artist, i, you know, privileged or a, you're be more responsible in terms of for free it's version, you know what, you are really extended the concept of what it is free them under free expression. i think of those issues. no art has a cow avoided. of course you can fixed your one point on the one direction, but we're leaving you so much. i'm problematic. earn time is over away look where it may be. that is something we should discuss a little bit. the art world, all right, world is completely captured by the capitalist machine. we are not makers of luxury goods, but the art market, the art world treats us as if we are makers of luxury goods in a picasso said something wonderful, which i think about a lot painting is not decoration for your living room painting is war. yeah. no, i think that are his salary. yeah. and i think that is key. so we come from a time a generation when what mattered in art was to be radical today. what the hell does radical meat? it's really difficult. um we live in a post information post modernist, post elbows everything age. um when the idea of the new, the radical that which is outside of the market system is impossible for us to even imagine. it is a terrifying state. i say, i'm how can a thing that's radical be for sale? one of the problems that we suffer in the art world for the turner prize, you know, this price that's given in the u. k. now, there are 5 groups of collective artists. what that proposes is that art is a social medium which can bring social change and renewal that perhaps is one way out of this capitalist take over. well, that's all big topic. yes, it's not only relate to article relate tool everything, today's corporate culture and those whole political situations. you can, i'm features and they all being pushed by the class of capitalism or state capital iraq, the new capital wreck. they all know the world has new structures, you know, and they're so powerful. they basically designed the r, lifelong or behaving, or knowledge i to cation. and of course, in general, art art is being used us back creative idea to make up satisfaction over the brochure. our society and as always being, serve us for the rich and powerful soul. i think it's odd. depends on individual art, has it's not about wanting to sell or lowball. does the message correct about the, you know, you're always con crating your message. i think it's time for question in answers. there's a lot to say way, way about what's just been raised. but let's, let's hear this wonderful young person. hi everyone. my name is paul from south africa, where we question really as to do with the sort of person implications and anxiety is there sort of challenges of artists, especially in conflict in situations or under mccarty, context such as china, how do you balance that? you know, why didn't you do that way, but also being afraid as a person. i thank you. i think the best balance is loose and balance. if you believe what else you're thinking, what is a medium for about a life, then you protect the value. and of course, it is very often is the loosened balance because the, the reality and the rationality was stop you because you did this was a fact common sense yourself, your relatives and your friend and your, your relation to the society. so i think if you sink too much, then you cannot really act. i think lee, as especially why you're young, you should act in some kind of ridiculous away rather than to, to try and or perform some kind of alagood. it's a beautiful question. really important if i may, i'm from india and i see that what's happening in india now is horrific. as you say, in many, many parts of the world, of course, freedom of expression is not tolerated. our greatest fear has to be self censorship. it is the not i say there's both in where, where it is free and where it is not free self. censorship says close down that part of your self that might risk taking part in something that somebody else will find controversial. ensure pond are the very important says you have to believe you're better than them. yeah. you may not. when you know, you may become a problem, but the ideology still would come to we have to believe in certain sense as human being. so that was when my name is isabella, you where is picking capitalism and, and i would like to ask you, who would you say profits or benefits from your works? well, you see the all world. if i could stop, there is not a straightforward place. the world is the most an unregulated monetary exchange for him. there is best place to launder money. you could imagine frankly, but i think what we have to remember alongside that is that while artists make objects, the real purpose of objects is mythological, isn't physical. and what the market doesn't fully get is this meant that you can't buy mythological propositions, but money is itself mythological. imagine just for a 2nd. a picasso on the wall, come back to picasso, with 5xw1c5xw to whatever number you want. part of it's mythology when i look at it is, oh my god, it's 150000000. 0 my god, it's definitely a great painting, but it's also this miss a logical kind of value in monetary cultural tubs. so art is always playing this double game, and i think who has benefits, therefore, is monetary on one level, but one hopes that its mythological repercussions go out there in all sorts of different ways. and i'm sorry, i'm wrong, china. i have some question to question to ask you that way. actually. the 1st phase 2 using so called a but amec will effect to assess audi. oh, so the politics in china, you know, ferris way and the 2nd question to you. so how do you think your generational facilities will respond to korean moment in china, in the years to come? how it would affect china? i think a would build the government much stronger and they have this house card or hills or everybody have to have it. so that tells the guy and where you are, who your associate base and worry about to your, your grocery and you know, which, which car you are we transported to, you go from one place one to pon be so those made the garment stronger, some kind of excuse, and that will be copied by the, the world, every nation, almost. so the coin could totally changed our understanding about the individual rife on the government rides and how should they behave? and this is a very philosopher for gold question. actually need to discuss it in a long time. second above the, our to young guard who seen china. i think the problem is not of the art his art has ever were as a new individual trying to express themselves. but the problem is the ceiling is so low, you cannot stand up, just make q you want, you really want to act. you have the curl or to, you know, everybody understand this so that a crate very strangely image of or chinese artist. because nobody can jump, nobody can fly, it says can have to grow. and so is the, there's a lot of berlin, hardest vis, grades scale. and, you know, and very daddy had devoted himself to art, loves art. but you're in the wrong wrong location or you're in the right location, then you have to defend your right. bizarre may sacrifice your life. so i cannot even give advice like this. mean way that brings a very interesting, very important question about being an exile. being x l as isn't you know this many writers or many people has been in i, val, it's not that started from one generation as incur accel. history is the long us the, the human flow is, you know, 11 web or heather refugees. it could be exiles from a new place, you know, and any place which is not safe. but then the once you're exiled, you're pulled out for me or ground on the why do you care under your language, your sensitivity, all last your become are transparent number and life has no meaning anymore. so that is that is true challenge for an individual. the me who as artist, by nature, the person who on last thing may choose to be lost. we have taken all the dog parts of our environment and turned into a nice little place in which everything is good. but actually it's the death oh aah. may own which is era frontline reporting in depth analysis. we bring you the latest from the ukraine war and unfolding humanitarian crisis. documentaries but inspire whitney springs world issues into focus through compelling human stories. the philippines votes in one of asia, biggest election over 35 years since the country emerged from his father's dictatorship could frontrunner ferdinand mouth was junior. take the tops ball al jazeera investigative program, full blind for tons, with a special theories on abuse in the boy scouts of america. lebanon goes to the polls, but will political change help the country find its way out of its crippling economic crisis may on al jazeera, ah rice, against time to rescue civilians trapped in a steel plants and marty paul, the lost hold out of ukrainian soldiers in the city ah, hello money. hi, this is alex, is there a life or so coming up, the u. s. believes that north korea is preparing to conduct a nuclear test as early as this month. the death toll in the havana hotel explosion rises.

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