Transcripts For ALJAZ The People Vs Agent Orange 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The People Vs Agent Orange 20240708

apparently poised to decide that the ability to have an abortion in the united states is not a constitutional right, meaning tens of millions of american women could soon find themselves unable to get the procedure. president joe biden warned the impact could go far wider, but it basically says, all the decisions related to your private life, or whether or not you decided to see the child. and i was not on the board readings of other decision. whether the, how you raise your child, what is your school? does this mean that in florida they can decide they're going to pass the law saying that marriage is not at the supreme court tuesday politicians and protesters came out earlier, but majority of americans do not want 69 percent of people across this country across this country red states and blue states, old people and young people, what roe vs wade to maintain. and so i am the link where we need to know that this is the 1st time that i've ever attended a protest and actually made a sign for it. anger at a decision, they say, well, impact only the most vulnerable, it's gonna hurt the people that need help care the most. it's going to hurt them for. it's going to hurt women of color, black and brown women. it always has, you know, wealthy women have always had privilege. well, the women of ours had access to health care and abortions. planned parenthood, a large pro abortion rights organization says, assuming the draft decision is final, the repercussions will be huge. if the ro versus wade is overturned, or that means that already about $26.00 states across the country, for $35000000.00 women club would lose access to abortion. i. but those and the other part of the debate are rejoicing at the news and justice robert said that that was not in tick draft. so we're very happy to hear that. and we're hopefully i will stay with that draft and that will be the decision to overturn roe vs wade. court observer said this, anti abortion vote is only possible because former president donald trump, was able to nominate 3 conservative justices. 2 of those justices testified that roe v wade was settled law. now, some senators are saying they were lied to. congress could try to pass a law to make abortion legal across the country. but in this congress that is likely to be a tough cell. meaning that this will likely become the dominant issue in the upcoming mid term elections. chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts says, this is just a draft we'll find out in late june, early july. if this decision is fine, i'll have to call him al jazeera at the supreme court. over a 100 civilians evacuated from the besieged, ukrainian city of murray. paul have reject preacher. they've been trapped inside the as of steel plant for up to 2 months or a pulse mer, says hundreds, remain trapped inside the steel plant. moscow, resume shelling there soon after sunday's evacuation, saying it's attacking ukrainian fighters inside french president monroe. my cause urged rushes leader to allow more evacuations from the steel plant, doing a call to present vladimir pizza, macro also stress extreme gravity of the wall. a kremlin says putin remains open to talks with ukraine's leaders. britain's prime minister has received a standing ovation from ukrainian members of parliament. after telling them the war with russia will be one for his johnson also pledged a further $375000000.00 in military aid. a curfew, speaking of force to the intensity of job poor following fighting between hindus muslims, the unrest began on monday night during religious festivals. follow stories on a website at al jazeera dot com. what is it half now to say with us? ah ah, she will have my see me again please to commend you. if you have placed it delta dental more go a day. how they do that now for a marcia to see at with it back to fort hood, give me a call that by 0. ah, a yeah, sure v don't i get it met? no c o ne, a helicopters flying over the ridge, spraying something. and they didn't even see the kids. the kids were all fishing or just playing by the river. and the kids were all choking and gas when that night they were all really sick with diarrhea. they were having trouble breathing. we went down to the river that next day and that's when we found dead ducklings and dead crayfish, dead trout. we called the forest service and they said, oh no, it's perfectly safe. it was a mixture of $240.24 t agent orange that was banned in vietnam. and nobody realised that the same chemicals were being used here in a still going on. mm. agent orange was a tremendously destructive moment of the tremendously destructive war in its own unique way agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare in modern history. when i was still 5 years old or something, i read everything. it was still during the war and i read something about all the birds being killed, like oil spills from ships being bolona. and that's what i worried about during the war. it was all those birds come and mike helped me and i started reading letters. i'm not sure who i sent them to or wanting some what did take care of those birds, please? maybe that was the beginning of my activism. what it a we moved here and 74. the kids were just part of this landscape and only were down among the river. they knew everything that lived down there. my kids loved it. i mean they were part of it. there were beavers and otters in the river then to. yeah, of course all the fish and harrison i sprays some they which were part of that they loved it was nothing to worry about. mm ah clear cutting is one of the most insane things you could ever do. it's like strip mining a living organism which a forest is they weren't required to replant. and most of those clear cuts developed into huge brush fields. then all of a sudden they were faced with this law that says you can't clear that unless you replant within 3 years. so then they had to clear all the brush on these old clear cuts. so they could replant them. and just all coincided with the end of the use of agent orange in vietnam, lou michael newton from oregon state university was getting surplus barrels of agent orange that the air force couldn't use anymore and vietnam and was praising the use of these things and how they were going to transform forestry forever. thing they started to just blanket these huge, clear cut with a lot to hearts and drift. some we could smell it and her within a few days our garden was dead. the kids were all sick again and the dog got so sick he died. carol has been just a tireless champion for uncovering true, factual, scientifically based information and trying to get that for decision maker. oh, these people are just liberally there. woodson and i'm a member senior thinking routes you somewhere you got it, you've got to help these people. they are literally, they not, nobody's willing to help them. and i said, you've got to produce the experts that if you can produce the experts, i'll take your case on and we'll go, we'll go to battle over the whole suby long as your machine knows lcd song galandes as your if i say leisure, i'll meet no songs and come to the class. these america saunters at abilene. we have now many of the fatty cp energy sauce is selected gold plus a fossil bump in the fat. crazy. it lead tyco new a lead to left. you asked it underneath it, miss john, it did messenger in national de liesl o gladys destine the i predictor she kumasi will cover dollars is thought upper and lashed aletha dish army no sound assault. not busy. thanks, marcia. on the suit. the much of it was you have a good to learn a lot bossy. good. my member. a on please. all i did talk julie apaloosa. do all them understood america? did she live crashing into something and let the me ha ha ha she tucker. i'm hot. oh, don't go gigi hoshi dahlia april. steve i'm is it did not go back to pay. i didn't know and go back. i mean goes it, does it my my actually the whole she mean if i log in masha capital sign, why didn't i don't ohio? oh, when you did it, not her e dear o g said sylvia, not a battery will not have seen it has your all day of your america a body jim. she can't be 90, mary. gosh, buffet martin, just going knows, you know, a movie settler or marsha leavin mckee po served on his elbows on the home. don't get on our maggio, nobody to play longer. she if i say a lab as it is torn, i should not gladly be i assume there shall certainly price g clearly no vale and is actually gave me more money have a year that will miss your day dollars. your hunger with a jimmy's ahmad marashi list, so i did halter sure me. no saw some trick city come in and crazily bibi to monocle may no partial a flap or grandma sir live ashy or level or morsel savvy back. of course don't get my, my late go. maryland always song, remain in go mass and the blue book early she said mom, i still a nice shift to like be nic and many good. so go and get on the gut. oh, sure. speck of was, i really gum am. i can cancel it. should my mom kiera, centennial farm gated godaddy. mm. jesse to sold. ha ha ha ha. my desantos yoko my she cielo lo regina. this malady burgles in the saudi c m. m. c. shameed result was offered, the seller disaster did in my probably occupy sound caydan da da, dominic m a n c o. paula should have brought the bond up little downtown. she goes savegaugh, directory murphy, syllabus on seattle. ah, my does yo and on the market. oh, so don't all the piper de la papa gala melody this lisa a la melanie. i do have an appellate lanford. hello. i lost so fast. it didn't. it's a no gumps, yolanda, did i look at a particular? yes, i did my men or japan, but that's like, oh my new ne in miss young ask them feel i'm in and lose only swab that by me. yeah, to per se elect gonna sit on the shore during that good. you did as you tweet at the moment. you go, suzanne grew each for them. i set dirt upstairs, shall do i see it, and then i put it down then will you guys for some said this is want to commit to viet 60 k. to know there's also a bottle of its opposition. was blue moon up. ha ha, ha, ha, liam, hold on for samples. so see pesky is i because of a year. i see. says he has your vincy fioma selected all the devil got gold look i've been able no ah look on back of marcy a did just say she thought that maybe 5 of the places they continental debbie at the white house. the stage of history is that when a 1st meeting between president eisenhower, i'm senator kennedy's and the like. when eisenhower passed over the national security apparatus to john kennedy, how scared we had to be that communism was on the march. and we had to stop it. wherever it was, kennedy loved the idea that american ingenuity, not just big, scary bombs, but different more surgical kinds of technologies could be used to defeat these insurgencies. an agent orange or ur besides, in general, was part of that strategic view. the here at the chemical company in midland michigan revolutionary chemical killers are being produced to help us of these costly piss. one of the newest and most versatile weapons and dollars, arsenal of chemical warfare is to for dial. we'd killer to for d is a growth regulator. type of we'd kill it. the action is the logical, appearing to upset the plants, growth processes i'm causing gradually, but certain death. miss saigon? government in 900. 61 was a vociferous proponents of the use of are besides in vietnam, the government was fighting a communist insurgency in the south. that was supplied by the north. they felt that the insurgency was a major threat to their existence. with it. and october 1961 things haven't really gotten started, yet. these are tell axis. it's a message from the ambassador noting, but basically say, present d m is begging people to spray crops. and there's so much doubt it confusion washington about whether to do this or not. ah operation ranch and had multiple components to a food denial component. but the most notorious was the use of agent orange to take away the forest cover. take away the insurgents. capability to hide and conduct gorilla ambush operations but once the overall war escalated, the de felicia program just sort of followed rather mindlessly right behind it. spring millions of gallons of highly concentrated per, besides indiscriminately, over vast areas of forest. many times over is chemical warfare. it was highly destructive and it was massive. it was a weapon of mass destruction branch and was c name for the herbicide to fully asia program brought by the air. and i was sent over to vietnam and may of 1971 to do the final historical right up of the ranch and program. i had made friends with the young army lieutenant over there and he came to me one afternoon and said we have received orders from headquarter versus 1971. we are to drop the computer and erase it not downloaded and shipped to wash. john t said, he said, if you want any of that information for your report, you're going to have to come with me to night and move over to my fee headquarters rally. get you into my office and we'll print them out. and he turned on the machine and we printed out a stack like batch my report indicated that that there were some real problems developing from people exposed to asian orange i finished my report and it was immediately clashed fi secret. and the government kept it locked up or were 35 years and denied didn't even exist . it the federal government basically federalized all the chemical companies to do nothing but produce a generic and other chemicals for the war to vietnam. and they knew that the more they produce, the more money they would. so they, in order to deliver as much as they could as quickly as they could. they've violated that existing industry standards for the production of herbicides by using a process that was much shorter at higher temperatures. that was responsible for the presence of the of jackson and the ultimate chemical substances that were created. and they knew that it posed risk to individuals. they knew that opposed to risk to the land. they knew that it was contained a poison and they knew that the effects to be devastating. while i was preparing my report, i came across to documents that indicated confirmed that we authorized production of the asian ours, which is your mixture 24250524245, g with the higher concentration of di auction. as the contaminant had a contaminant in the 2 for 5 t compound, we knew dioxide is an extremely potent carcinogenic mutagenic meaning it causes chromosomes to mutate tyrado janet, affecting the fetus of a woman, very potent compound national bureau standards estimate the half life for a dioxin molecule 2000000000 years. that's why e p a regards it as equivalent to clue tony. both in its toxicity and in its longevity, how long can persist. so it doesn't go away. it goes away politically. this is the 1st time that the scientists have ever created a molecule, this toxic and, and that they know that even, you know, just one to 2 parts per trillion can cause birth defects, mutations, cancer, ah, seeing a larger number of defects than we would have expected we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 1978. i delivered an answer, phallic child, that's a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical that a small practice like ours would have to allens valley children. it made me realize that there was something going on. witness fe, witness bravery, witness breeder, witness. slavery, witness people, witness power, witness and lifetime. witness in our witness, man, witness bees, witness prejudice. witness. peace, witness. love, witness. hall, witness. the world witness. next door. witness. life, witness. arduous error. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify. narratives. nuance is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war. the listening pace delve into the news narrative and dissect them. there is not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we're somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera. how social our social media platforms, if many young youth is the isolated, anxious and depressed, currently there is a grand national experiment that is taking place upon our kids. why take companies not sufficiently regulated? they don't want people to know what's happening on their platform. and when will society catch up? 10 people that i knew in high school that may suicide, full lines, investigate toxic feed, social media and teen mental health on al jazeera. ah no child deserves me. several robin doha, reminder of all the top stories protest for and against abortion rights are being held across parts of the united states. but these live pictures from los angeles. the chief justice confirmed that the lead documents about reversing the lug bark roe vs wade abortion law. is authentic. the current legislation has stood for almost 50 years. vice president campbell iris was the potential of overturning the decision beads. the privacy of all americans is at risk. when we look at the big picture, those who attack rome have been clear. they want to a ban abortion in every state. they want to bully anyone who seeks or provides reproductive health care and they want to criminalize and punish women from making these decisions. at its core, ro recognizes the fundamental right to privacy over a 100 civilians are created from the besieged, ukrainian city of mary paul, have reached the preacher. they've been trapped inside the as of steel plant dropped 2 months, while maria poles mer says hundreds remain trapped inside the steel plant. moscow resumed shelling there after sundays evacuations saying it's attacking ukrainian fighters inside. britain's prime minister has received a standing ovation from ukrainian members of parliament after telling them that the war with russia will be won. or as johnson has pledged a feather, $375000000.00 and military aid and others are un secretary general has war that attacks this whole region of africa. i no longer a regional, but an global threat until you get harish calls for resources to help and the violence your so short leaders at the u. n. 's top priority is to see pieces, stability in the area. and okay, if he is being falls to the indian city of job bull, following fighting between hindus and muslims. internet connection serving, cut the rest be on a monday night during religious festivals. you follow those stories on the website at al jazeera dot com, but that was more use in half an hour. the people versus agent orange continues here on al jazeera oh when oh, when we started the litigation, this became a real david and goliath back because we had the u. s. the whole us attorney's office representing the federal government and the largest law firm in the state of oregon, representing i a fe which is a front group for the chemical manufacturers and for timber sprayers. the far service had been unwilling to do any kind of community health survey after the spring to see if anybody wasn't fact being harm. it was simply saying our chemicals aren't harming anybody, but it wasn't looking to see if they were harmed. and it was very stunning. you know, that they would spray an area and within a month that miscarried drape and what they call spontaneous abortion rate. when sky rotten according to the hospital datum. oh. between my husband and i and our nurse practitioner, we delivered between a 100 and a 150 children a year seeing a larger number of birth defects than we would've expected. we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 978. i delivered an anan, sevalla child. that's a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical that a small practice like ours would have to allen's valley children. it made me realize that there was something going on. and the something that i was aware of was broadcast spraying of herbicides. at that point it was mainly to for d over our water supplies because we drink surface water at the coast bmw it kids were involved in the whole herb dessy battle. they were helping right, the news letters and draw the pictures and help with signs. mm hm. there is the poster or late. daphne made, she did that when she was a battle that ah, they were right in the thick of it. we had like 5 minutes to come up with a name from this group. citizens against toxic sprays, pans. it wasn't the most imagine it worked. i guess i wasn't entail. basically cats was for him and started questioning it with, you know, filing a court action, and then it suddenly got some attention. and there was a lot of pushback from the chemical companies and the timber companies. chemicals are being used as, as a means of achieving environmental goals really ah, and the attack is not scientific. it's a purely emotional, know the public good does not understand and know we unfortunately haven't successfully communicated to the public as yet. take 245 d, for example. 2 for 5 t is about as toxic as aspirin. ah, it turn the safety factor in the use of 245, t is far greater than the safety factors use of aspirin. and as a public understand that one saturday morning when my husband was making rounds at the hospital, 2 fellows in suits showed up at my front door and said they wanted to talk about the herbs sides. and i said that was fine. my 2 children were running around at very happily playing they didn't really say where they were from i said, come on in, have a cup of coffee because i had had a number of reporters and other people show up there when then when they said, you know, at all times where your children are. i realized that i didn't i and i said it was time to in the interview because it was clearly a threat against me and my children die. and it worked. i'm dog. and then the head, dark tinted windows on both sides, suddenly showed up outside of carol. and steve's house, who were the leaders of the citizens against hearts which for a movement, for phoebe the car was parked here, but they were walking up here with all their deer. obviously thinking i wasn't home . he didn't really explain why they were here. it was when i realize the other guy was sneaking up there and it and talking to the kids, then i got kind of angry. he was asking them all about what kinds of deformed critters we had in the freezer because we did, we saved a bunch of them hoping to get them analyzed, you know, to see what was in them. but the rear door flew open as it drove away and they could see that there were large video cameras in there. the phone company itself, their employees told us that our phones were being tapped. there was an obvious attempt to try to intimidate the folks who were bringing this litigation to try to reduce herbicide ariel sprang. well, we won a temporary injunction. what the judge in the catch case, thanks to all those scientists and studies that we were able to compile ruled was that hey, you've got to include in your environmental impact statement, the effects of these chemicals in vietnam. and that was a blow to the fire service because by then there were some really documented impacts in vietnam. we strayed 20000000 gallons of that stuff over there. they're watershed, you're contaminated, their rice feels are contaminated, their wells are contaminated depending on who you wanna leave. for 5 100000 adults contaminated with it and half a 1000000 children ah ah, ah, with ah donasia oh that's for yeah. now has joined a victim doki get immediate of a demo or yes ma'am. thank you for confir swanky fuels. heck, a b with there were negative feelings toward what we were doing. the propaganda put out by the chemical companies in the timber companies. that number one, there's nothing wrong with the sprays. and number 2, these people are just the lunatic fringe. they convinced the loggers or some of them anyway, that they were going to all be out of work as if they couldn't use that or besides who else was on fire? when carol came up, the driveway house was totally inflamed. patrick said he stopped her. that she grabbed a knife off his belt and started running up the hill. then he just grabbed her and held her anna, he felt sure that carol was going to try to take her own life that night. sh sanstrom's children were, were gone. and we all crumble, we all just couldn't believe it. the fire fighters said it was ours. name. i don't and it's hard to talk about it. i just can't really they had done the absolute worst thing anybody could do to me and they couldn't do any more than we go. animals were still here. i think that's what kept me going in. you know, it was what was left of my kids was what they love to, you know? oh boy, here you go. okay. the big 130 years old. he's very intuitive. like if you're really upset about something he will come in just like leaning against you and be comforting rudy duty he. he wants to help you will come on feel better. i don't know. i rely on him. this was the garage. there was no floor here. and so we put a floor in, i just was living in this in this room, and i still am in a way it was. and in honor of my kids, i had to keep going. they fought this fight to. it wasn't just me. and i, the only thing was to keep going for their sake, little the wife in newly released court documents indicate that the companies which manufactured agent already knew as far back as the 1960 s, that one of its ingredients known as 245 t contain the toxic contaminant dioxide. ah, ah, my father said he could hold me in his hand like this. i was so small. i missing my right leg below the knee. my fingers and i'm missing my big toe and my other toes are were webbed. but yeah, my story is not very much unlike many, many children in vietnam and other american children as well. so we share the same type of birth defects. it's not a verbal that mom needs national. you know, i don't get any benefits from the government. they deny that the children of male vietnam veterans are affected. so i'm hoping with your law suit, the things will change then it'll be, it'll stick this time. ah, no. i the case it's frustrating. ah, ah, these companies have been able to avoid accountability for what they've done. i think your case is incredibly important as sort of the last opportunity that we may have to hold these, these, these companies accountable for the wrong doing that. they knew they were engaged in when they made this point to this product. the national forest here is no longer sprayed. and the reason is a series of lawsuits that began with the caps lawsuit. but i want all those other people, how well people right down the road that i have private timberland around them that's getting sprayed with they're going to keep these chemicals on the market. no matter what the only hope is for that community rights movement to keep insisting that we have the right to protect all of our communities from being poisoned. and maybe it's a pipe dream. but if these corporations have human rights according to the supreme court, while damn it, they should be subject to capital punishment just like an individual would be only delicately emma named jessica was i? yes, good. it is old yar said the poor seduce. i did miss under bell lump ice on march, the lego seeing a dumb or gaff on blue survey to try her said, my gosh, if you did a year in class, exists a gum. am the casa de la deal seen the more song. so keep the med, they have are see another poor se allowed to take on that. c easy for me was janet does your table, i'm asking for those go those. i don't me. it may not. jan garcia, don't be full northerly, a shoes giving her a smile. delgarze's lacoff or amount of buffalo allah has they don't. the rules that i feel young, but there are no sal door, a company that is swear to polo shape or, or see brought her back down to la fan demo viagra, me in their birth bur susan, see me look on bad to love you here that made you think that would have made me an unfair homesickness who was a mean? fuck the fuck of martha last off a gandhi wouldn't allow said for the city to be added. it is osha and dr. c. on less will be less. all ha, l. a little problem with the best of all the new ego i i i, [000:00:00;00] i, [000:00:00;00] i me, ah, ah, ah, me. we call ourselves the document junkies. documents accumulated over 40 years of freedom of information actions that i did, including several lawsuits to try to get documents out of the p a. p c. d law suits the agent orange law suits trying to stop the government spraying out here. then i had a bunch of stuff from dow chemical that they hoped i'd never get. i couldn't afford to store them anywhere. and that's when peter ransack of birds. a canadian journalist drummed out some funding to get them all scanned. that was how the poison paper said, well, we must have scan close to $200000.00 pages. he could upload them as they were scanned, 10 hours a day, non stop. a lot of the documents involved the fraudulent testing of chemical products. so lawyers now and bringing these lawsuits are being able to find that information and use it. i hope they'll make trouble. i mean that's the whole goal is to make them available to anybody that needs them. ah, to see documents so that you know, i don't know if it's time on this as soon as they populate. oh, you don't have to be the cinder a do the to have a good jonathan. any kinda vocab america a v i v sherry and is it he haven't, we will give you a seed of how the receipts for many, about valuable and used by the non solid after e a is it ritual is as shown to retire maturity. that's when it expires. it's even the more i just bought a bonus. ah, your boss at her may and may. danielle foster, c boca santa, is just the, the stuff it may be deemed there. let me see. no. so monday, yes ma'am. melody. tim, i may get in receipt. is he sat in the, in the hall got default. ah, yes, sankoh caesar more. detective bath, suca siegel then you will see the glasses of an electoral function met largely and immediate damica. mr. jen. she did set the week to ask who's yes, young, that meeting as 3 so bad should be done with yes. yes ma'am. good with is your boss decided i'd be glad to love electromagnetic with ah, from the al jazeera london rocha sent it to people in thoughtful conversation ard, cannot be raised by the superpower with no host and no limitations. what matter the note was to be brought. how come a thing that's radical infancy on highway and denise is not a bog, and want to sell a lot of the message studio b unscripted on al jazeera hello there. let's look to north america and we got weather warnings out once again for the southern states of the us. thanks to a rash of severe storms. it's layering up once again, and that's thanks to warmer hot, humid air that's pulling up from the gulf of mexico colliding with cooler air that's brought some heavy snow to wyoming on colorado. and when those and masses collide, well we get those rush of storms bringing as well a threat of tornadoes. now it's an improving picture for colorado temperature, picking up in denver there. as it is. for much of the southwest, we're going to see temperatures pick up in new mexico. that's not going to help the wildfire risk here. it's gonna drop, however, in san francisco as that wet and wintery weather pulls into western canada as well as the pacific north west of the us. now in contrast to this for the east coast, it's an improving picture once the storms push out sunshine. coming back in here for cities like new york and washington dc. but it is that southern area of the u. s. that is going to see the severe storms rolling across, intensifying by the time we get into thursday, we could also see damaging winds hail. and of course the possibility of flash flooding. and as we move to central america, we are going to see the heavy rain move across the bahamas in the days to come to weather ah, joined the debates. it is no he job bad. i mean, if anyone here talks about women that i had 2 horses dusted these bills seem to have been says notes because of the table we were taught to see abortion as a one way ticket street to help all of the companies. they deny any responsibility . even though they have the resources in the power to fix it, where a global audience becomes a global community, the comment section is right here. be part of today's program. this stream on al jazeera, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera ah, demonstrations in the us, after i leaked supreme court documents suggest that the law allowing abortion could be overturned. one moment. sure. murph,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ The People Vs Agent Orange 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The People Vs Agent Orange 20240708

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apparently poised to decide that the ability to have an abortion in the united states is not a constitutional right, meaning tens of millions of american women could soon find themselves unable to get the procedure. president joe biden warned the impact could go far wider, but it basically says, all the decisions related to your private life, or whether or not you decided to see the child. and i was not on the board readings of other decision. whether the, how you raise your child, what is your school? does this mean that in florida they can decide they're going to pass the law saying that marriage is not at the supreme court tuesday politicians and protesters came out earlier, but majority of americans do not want 69 percent of people across this country across this country red states and blue states, old people and young people, what roe vs wade to maintain. and so i am the link where we need to know that this is the 1st time that i've ever attended a protest and actually made a sign for it. anger at a decision, they say, well, impact only the most vulnerable, it's gonna hurt the people that need help care the most. it's going to hurt them for. it's going to hurt women of color, black and brown women. it always has, you know, wealthy women have always had privilege. well, the women of ours had access to health care and abortions. planned parenthood, a large pro abortion rights organization says, assuming the draft decision is final, the repercussions will be huge. if the ro versus wade is overturned, or that means that already about $26.00 states across the country, for $35000000.00 women club would lose access to abortion. i. but those and the other part of the debate are rejoicing at the news and justice robert said that that was not in tick draft. so we're very happy to hear that. and we're hopefully i will stay with that draft and that will be the decision to overturn roe vs wade. court observer said this, anti abortion vote is only possible because former president donald trump, was able to nominate 3 conservative justices. 2 of those justices testified that roe v wade was settled law. now, some senators are saying they were lied to. congress could try to pass a law to make abortion legal across the country. but in this congress that is likely to be a tough cell. meaning that this will likely become the dominant issue in the upcoming mid term elections. chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts says, this is just a draft we'll find out in late june, early july. if this decision is fine, i'll have to call him al jazeera at the supreme court. over a 100 civilians evacuated from the besieged, ukrainian city of murray. paul have reject preacher. they've been trapped inside the as of steel plant for up to 2 months or a pulse mer, says hundreds, remain trapped inside the steel plant. moscow, resume shelling there soon after sunday's evacuation, saying it's attacking ukrainian fighters inside french president monroe. my cause urged rushes leader to allow more evacuations from the steel plant, doing a call to present vladimir pizza, macro also stress extreme gravity of the wall. a kremlin says putin remains open to talks with ukraine's leaders. britain's prime minister has received a standing ovation from ukrainian members of parliament. after telling them the war with russia will be one for his johnson also pledged a further $375000000.00 in military aid. a curfew, speaking of force to the intensity of job poor following fighting between hindus muslims, the unrest began on monday night during religious festivals. follow stories on a website at al jazeera dot com. what is it half now to say with us? ah ah, she will have my see me again please to commend you. if you have placed it delta dental more go a day. how they do that now for a marcia to see at with it back to fort hood, give me a call that by 0. ah, a yeah, sure v don't i get it met? no c o ne, a helicopters flying over the ridge, spraying something. and they didn't even see the kids. the kids were all fishing or just playing by the river. and the kids were all choking and gas when that night they were all really sick with diarrhea. they were having trouble breathing. we went down to the river that next day and that's when we found dead ducklings and dead crayfish, dead trout. we called the forest service and they said, oh no, it's perfectly safe. it was a mixture of $240.24 t agent orange that was banned in vietnam. and nobody realised that the same chemicals were being used here in a still going on. mm. agent orange was a tremendously destructive moment of the tremendously destructive war in its own unique way agent orange was the most destructive instance of chemical warfare in modern history. when i was still 5 years old or something, i read everything. it was still during the war and i read something about all the birds being killed, like oil spills from ships being bolona. and that's what i worried about during the war. it was all those birds come and mike helped me and i started reading letters. i'm not sure who i sent them to or wanting some what did take care of those birds, please? maybe that was the beginning of my activism. what it a we moved here and 74. the kids were just part of this landscape and only were down among the river. they knew everything that lived down there. my kids loved it. i mean they were part of it. there were beavers and otters in the river then to. yeah, of course all the fish and harrison i sprays some they which were part of that they loved it was nothing to worry about. mm ah clear cutting is one of the most insane things you could ever do. it's like strip mining a living organism which a forest is they weren't required to replant. and most of those clear cuts developed into huge brush fields. then all of a sudden they were faced with this law that says you can't clear that unless you replant within 3 years. so then they had to clear all the brush on these old clear cuts. so they could replant them. and just all coincided with the end of the use of agent orange in vietnam, lou michael newton from oregon state university was getting surplus barrels of agent orange that the air force couldn't use anymore and vietnam and was praising the use of these things and how they were going to transform forestry forever. thing they started to just blanket these huge, clear cut with a lot to hearts and drift. some we could smell it and her within a few days our garden was dead. the kids were all sick again and the dog got so sick he died. carol has been just a tireless champion for uncovering true, factual, scientifically based information and trying to get that for decision maker. oh, these people are just liberally there. woodson and i'm a member senior thinking routes you somewhere you got it, you've got to help these people. they are literally, they not, nobody's willing to help them. and i said, you've got to produce the experts that if you can produce the experts, i'll take your case on and we'll go, we'll go to battle over the whole suby long as your machine knows lcd song galandes as your if i say leisure, i'll meet no songs and come to the class. these america saunters at abilene. we have now many of the fatty cp energy sauce is selected gold plus a fossil bump in the fat. crazy. it lead tyco new a lead to left. you asked it underneath it, miss john, it did messenger in national de liesl o gladys destine the i predictor she kumasi will cover dollars is thought upper and lashed aletha dish army no sound assault. not busy. thanks, marcia. on the suit. the much of it was you have a good to learn a lot bossy. good. my member. a on please. all i did talk julie apaloosa. do all them understood america? did she live crashing into something and let the me ha ha ha she tucker. i'm hot. oh, don't go gigi hoshi dahlia april. steve i'm is it did not go back to pay. i didn't know and go back. i mean goes it, does it my my actually the whole she mean if i log in masha capital sign, why didn't i don't ohio? oh, when you did it, not her e dear o g said sylvia, not a battery will not have seen it has your all day of your america a body jim. she can't be 90, mary. gosh, buffet martin, just going knows, you know, a movie settler or marsha leavin mckee po served on his elbows on the home. don't get on our maggio, nobody to play longer. she if i say a lab as it is torn, i should not gladly be i assume there shall certainly price g clearly no vale and is actually gave me more money have a year that will miss your day dollars. your hunger with a jimmy's ahmad marashi list, so i did halter sure me. no saw some trick city come in and crazily bibi to monocle may no partial a flap or grandma sir live ashy or level or morsel savvy back. of course don't get my, my late go. maryland always song, remain in go mass and the blue book early she said mom, i still a nice shift to like be nic and many good. so go and get on the gut. oh, sure. speck of was, i really gum am. i can cancel it. should my mom kiera, centennial farm gated godaddy. mm. jesse to sold. ha ha ha ha. my desantos yoko my she cielo lo regina. this malady burgles in the saudi c m. m. c. shameed result was offered, the seller disaster did in my probably occupy sound caydan da da, dominic m a n c o. paula should have brought the bond up little downtown. she goes savegaugh, directory murphy, syllabus on seattle. ah, my does yo and on the market. oh, so don't all the piper de la papa gala melody this lisa a la melanie. i do have an appellate lanford. hello. i lost so fast. it didn't. it's a no gumps, yolanda, did i look at a particular? yes, i did my men or japan, but that's like, oh my new ne in miss young ask them feel i'm in and lose only swab that by me. yeah, to per se elect gonna sit on the shore during that good. you did as you tweet at the moment. you go, suzanne grew each for them. i set dirt upstairs, shall do i see it, and then i put it down then will you guys for some said this is want to commit to viet 60 k. to know there's also a bottle of its opposition. was blue moon up. ha ha, ha, ha, liam, hold on for samples. so see pesky is i because of a year. i see. says he has your vincy fioma selected all the devil got gold look i've been able no ah look on back of marcy a did just say she thought that maybe 5 of the places they continental debbie at the white house. the stage of history is that when a 1st meeting between president eisenhower, i'm senator kennedy's and the like. when eisenhower passed over the national security apparatus to john kennedy, how scared we had to be that communism was on the march. and we had to stop it. wherever it was, kennedy loved the idea that american ingenuity, not just big, scary bombs, but different more surgical kinds of technologies could be used to defeat these insurgencies. an agent orange or ur besides, in general, was part of that strategic view. the here at the chemical company in midland michigan revolutionary chemical killers are being produced to help us of these costly piss. one of the newest and most versatile weapons and dollars, arsenal of chemical warfare is to for dial. we'd killer to for d is a growth regulator. type of we'd kill it. the action is the logical, appearing to upset the plants, growth processes i'm causing gradually, but certain death. miss saigon? government in 900. 61 was a vociferous proponents of the use of are besides in vietnam, the government was fighting a communist insurgency in the south. that was supplied by the north. they felt that the insurgency was a major threat to their existence. with it. and october 1961 things haven't really gotten started, yet. these are tell axis. it's a message from the ambassador noting, but basically say, present d m is begging people to spray crops. and there's so much doubt it confusion washington about whether to do this or not. ah operation ranch and had multiple components to a food denial component. but the most notorious was the use of agent orange to take away the forest cover. take away the insurgents. capability to hide and conduct gorilla ambush operations but once the overall war escalated, the de felicia program just sort of followed rather mindlessly right behind it. spring millions of gallons of highly concentrated per, besides indiscriminately, over vast areas of forest. many times over is chemical warfare. it was highly destructive and it was massive. it was a weapon of mass destruction branch and was c name for the herbicide to fully asia program brought by the air. and i was sent over to vietnam and may of 1971 to do the final historical right up of the ranch and program. i had made friends with the young army lieutenant over there and he came to me one afternoon and said we have received orders from headquarter versus 1971. we are to drop the computer and erase it not downloaded and shipped to wash. john t said, he said, if you want any of that information for your report, you're going to have to come with me to night and move over to my fee headquarters rally. get you into my office and we'll print them out. and he turned on the machine and we printed out a stack like batch my report indicated that that there were some real problems developing from people exposed to asian orange i finished my report and it was immediately clashed fi secret. and the government kept it locked up or were 35 years and denied didn't even exist . it the federal government basically federalized all the chemical companies to do nothing but produce a generic and other chemicals for the war to vietnam. and they knew that the more they produce, the more money they would. so they, in order to deliver as much as they could as quickly as they could. they've violated that existing industry standards for the production of herbicides by using a process that was much shorter at higher temperatures. that was responsible for the presence of the of jackson and the ultimate chemical substances that were created. and they knew that it posed risk to individuals. they knew that opposed to risk to the land. they knew that it was contained a poison and they knew that the effects to be devastating. while i was preparing my report, i came across to documents that indicated confirmed that we authorized production of the asian ours, which is your mixture 24250524245, g with the higher concentration of di auction. as the contaminant had a contaminant in the 2 for 5 t compound, we knew dioxide is an extremely potent carcinogenic mutagenic meaning it causes chromosomes to mutate tyrado janet, affecting the fetus of a woman, very potent compound national bureau standards estimate the half life for a dioxin molecule 2000000000 years. that's why e p a regards it as equivalent to clue tony. both in its toxicity and in its longevity, how long can persist. so it doesn't go away. it goes away politically. this is the 1st time that the scientists have ever created a molecule, this toxic and, and that they know that even, you know, just one to 2 parts per trillion can cause birth defects, mutations, cancer, ah, seeing a larger number of defects than we would have expected we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 1978. i delivered an answer, phallic child, that's a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical that a small practice like ours would have to allens valley children. it made me realize that there was something going on. witness fe, witness bravery, witness breeder, witness. slavery, witness people, witness power, witness and lifetime. witness in our witness, man, witness bees, witness prejudice. witness. peace, witness. love, witness. hall, witness. the world witness. next door. witness. life, witness. arduous error. mainstream coverage of big stories can sometimes deliver more heat than lights. in any water scenario, there's always a push to simplify. narratives. nuance is always called for, even in the case of an aggressive war. the listening pace delve into the news narrative and dissect them. there is not our great deal of subtlety. we're talking about the barbarism that is unfolding as though we're somehow unique. it's not unique covering the way the news is covered on al jazeera. how social our social media platforms, if many young youth is the isolated, anxious and depressed, currently there is a grand national experiment that is taking place upon our kids. why take companies not sufficiently regulated? they don't want people to know what's happening on their platform. and when will society catch up? 10 people that i knew in high school that may suicide, full lines, investigate toxic feed, social media and teen mental health on al jazeera. ah no child deserves me. several robin doha, reminder of all the top stories protest for and against abortion rights are being held across parts of the united states. but these live pictures from los angeles. the chief justice confirmed that the lead documents about reversing the lug bark roe vs wade abortion law. is authentic. the current legislation has stood for almost 50 years. vice president campbell iris was the potential of overturning the decision beads. the privacy of all americans is at risk. when we look at the big picture, those who attack rome have been clear. they want to a ban abortion in every state. they want to bully anyone who seeks or provides reproductive health care and they want to criminalize and punish women from making these decisions. at its core, ro recognizes the fundamental right to privacy over a 100 civilians are created from the besieged, ukrainian city of mary paul, have reached the preacher. they've been trapped inside the as of steel plant dropped 2 months, while maria poles mer says hundreds remain trapped inside the steel plant. moscow resumed shelling there after sundays evacuations saying it's attacking ukrainian fighters inside. britain's prime minister has received a standing ovation from ukrainian members of parliament after telling them that the war with russia will be won. or as johnson has pledged a feather, $375000000.00 and military aid and others are un secretary general has war that attacks this whole region of africa. i no longer a regional, but an global threat until you get harish calls for resources to help and the violence your so short leaders at the u. n. 's top priority is to see pieces, stability in the area. and okay, if he is being falls to the indian city of job bull, following fighting between hindus and muslims. internet connection serving, cut the rest be on a monday night during religious festivals. you follow those stories on the website at al jazeera dot com, but that was more use in half an hour. the people versus agent orange continues here on al jazeera oh when oh, when we started the litigation, this became a real david and goliath back because we had the u. s. the whole us attorney's office representing the federal government and the largest law firm in the state of oregon, representing i a fe which is a front group for the chemical manufacturers and for timber sprayers. the far service had been unwilling to do any kind of community health survey after the spring to see if anybody wasn't fact being harm. it was simply saying our chemicals aren't harming anybody, but it wasn't looking to see if they were harmed. and it was very stunning. you know, that they would spray an area and within a month that miscarried drape and what they call spontaneous abortion rate. when sky rotten according to the hospital datum. oh. between my husband and i and our nurse practitioner, we delivered between a 100 and a 150 children a year seeing a larger number of birth defects than we would've expected. we saw a number of congenital hearts and i think it was 978. i delivered an anan, sevalla child. that's a child that doesn't have basically the normal brain. in my lifetime of delivering babies, i would not expect ever to see one. and about a year later, we delivered a 2nd and then select child. those odds were just astronomical that a small practice like ours would have to allen's valley children. it made me realize that there was something going on. and the something that i was aware of was broadcast spraying of herbicides. at that point it was mainly to for d over our water supplies because we drink surface water at the coast bmw it kids were involved in the whole herb dessy battle. they were helping right, the news letters and draw the pictures and help with signs. mm hm. there is the poster or late. daphne made, she did that when she was a battle that ah, they were right in the thick of it. we had like 5 minutes to come up with a name from this group. citizens against toxic sprays, pans. it wasn't the most imagine it worked. i guess i wasn't entail. basically cats was for him and started questioning it with, you know, filing a court action, and then it suddenly got some attention. and there was a lot of pushback from the chemical companies and the timber companies. chemicals are being used as, as a means of achieving environmental goals really ah, and the attack is not scientific. it's a purely emotional, know the public good does not understand and know we unfortunately haven't successfully communicated to the public as yet. take 245 d, for example. 2 for 5 t is about as toxic as aspirin. ah, it turn the safety factor in the use of 245, t is far greater than the safety factors use of aspirin. and as a public understand that one saturday morning when my husband was making rounds at the hospital, 2 fellows in suits showed up at my front door and said they wanted to talk about the herbs sides. and i said that was fine. my 2 children were running around at very happily playing they didn't really say where they were from i said, come on in, have a cup of coffee because i had had a number of reporters and other people show up there when then when they said, you know, at all times where your children are. i realized that i didn't i and i said it was time to in the interview because it was clearly a threat against me and my children die. and it worked. i'm dog. and then the head, dark tinted windows on both sides, suddenly showed up outside of carol. and steve's house, who were the leaders of the citizens against hearts which for a movement, for phoebe the car was parked here, but they were walking up here with all their deer. obviously thinking i wasn't home . he didn't really explain why they were here. it was when i realize the other guy was sneaking up there and it and talking to the kids, then i got kind of angry. he was asking them all about what kinds of deformed critters we had in the freezer because we did, we saved a bunch of them hoping to get them analyzed, you know, to see what was in them. but the rear door flew open as it drove away and they could see that there were large video cameras in there. the phone company itself, their employees told us that our phones were being tapped. there was an obvious attempt to try to intimidate the folks who were bringing this litigation to try to reduce herbicide ariel sprang. well, we won a temporary injunction. what the judge in the catch case, thanks to all those scientists and studies that we were able to compile ruled was that hey, you've got to include in your environmental impact statement, the effects of these chemicals in vietnam. and that was a blow to the fire service because by then there were some really documented impacts in vietnam. we strayed 20000000 gallons of that stuff over there. they're watershed, you're contaminated, their rice feels are contaminated, their wells are contaminated depending on who you wanna leave. for 5 100000 adults contaminated with it and half a 1000000 children ah ah, ah, with ah donasia oh that's for yeah. now has joined a victim doki get immediate of a demo or yes ma'am. thank you for confir swanky fuels. heck, a b with there were negative feelings toward what we were doing. the propaganda put out by the chemical companies in the timber companies. that number one, there's nothing wrong with the sprays. and number 2, these people are just the lunatic fringe. they convinced the loggers or some of them anyway, that they were going to all be out of work as if they couldn't use that or besides who else was on fire? when carol came up, the driveway house was totally inflamed. patrick said he stopped her. that she grabbed a knife off his belt and started running up the hill. then he just grabbed her and held her anna, he felt sure that carol was going to try to take her own life that night. sh sanstrom's children were, were gone. and we all crumble, we all just couldn't believe it. the fire fighters said it was ours. name. i don't and it's hard to talk about it. i just can't really they had done the absolute worst thing anybody could do to me and they couldn't do any more than we go. animals were still here. i think that's what kept me going in. you know, it was what was left of my kids was what they love to, you know? oh boy, here you go. okay. the big 130 years old. he's very intuitive. like if you're really upset about something he will come in just like leaning against you and be comforting rudy duty he. he wants to help you will come on feel better. i don't know. i rely on him. this was the garage. there was no floor here. and so we put a floor in, i just was living in this in this room, and i still am in a way it was. and in honor of my kids, i had to keep going. they fought this fight to. it wasn't just me. and i, the only thing was to keep going for their sake, little the wife in newly released court documents indicate that the companies which manufactured agent already knew as far back as the 1960 s, that one of its ingredients known as 245 t contain the toxic contaminant dioxide. ah, ah, my father said he could hold me in his hand like this. i was so small. i missing my right leg below the knee. my fingers and i'm missing my big toe and my other toes are were webbed. but yeah, my story is not very much unlike many, many children in vietnam and other american children as well. so we share the same type of birth defects. it's not a verbal that mom needs national. you know, i don't get any benefits from the government. they deny that the children of male vietnam veterans are affected. so i'm hoping with your law suit, the things will change then it'll be, it'll stick this time. ah, no. i the case it's frustrating. ah, ah, these companies have been able to avoid accountability for what they've done. i think your case is incredibly important as sort of the last opportunity that we may have to hold these, these, these companies accountable for the wrong doing that. they knew they were engaged in when they made this point to this product. the national forest here is no longer sprayed. and the reason is a series of lawsuits that began with the caps lawsuit. but i want all those other people, how well people right down the road that i have private timberland around them that's getting sprayed with they're going to keep these chemicals on the market. no matter what the only hope is for that community rights movement to keep insisting that we have the right to protect all of our communities from being poisoned. and maybe it's a pipe dream. but if these corporations have human rights according to the supreme court, while damn it, they should be subject to capital punishment just like an individual would be only delicately emma named jessica was i? yes, good. it is old yar said the poor seduce. i did miss under bell lump ice on march, the lego seeing a dumb or gaff on blue survey to try her said, my gosh, if you did a year in class, exists a gum. am the casa de la deal seen the more song. so keep the med, they have are see another poor se allowed to take on that. c easy for me was janet does your table, i'm asking for those go those. i don't me. it may not. jan garcia, don't be full northerly, a shoes giving her a smile. delgarze's lacoff or amount of buffalo allah has they don't. the rules that i feel young, but there are no sal door, a company that is swear to polo shape or, or see brought her back down to la fan demo viagra, me in their birth bur susan, see me look on bad to love you here that made you think that would have made me an unfair homesickness who was a mean? fuck the fuck of martha last off a gandhi wouldn't allow said for the city to be added. it is osha and dr. c. on less will be less. all ha, l. a little problem with the best of all the new ego i i i, [000:00:00;00] i, [000:00:00;00] i me, ah, ah, ah, me. we call ourselves the document junkies. documents accumulated over 40 years of freedom of information actions that i did, including several lawsuits to try to get documents out of the p a. p c. d law suits the agent orange law suits trying to stop the government spraying out here. then i had a bunch of stuff from dow chemical that they hoped i'd never get. i couldn't afford to store them anywhere. and that's when peter ransack of birds. a canadian journalist drummed out some funding to get them all scanned. that was how the poison paper said, well, we must have scan close to $200000.00 pages. he could upload them as they were scanned, 10 hours a day, non stop. a lot of the documents involved the fraudulent testing of chemical products. so lawyers now and bringing these lawsuits are being able to find that information and use it. i hope they'll make trouble. i mean that's the whole goal is to make them available to anybody that needs them. ah, to see documents so that you know, i don't know if it's time on this as soon as they populate. oh, you don't have to be the cinder a do the to have a good jonathan. any kinda vocab america a v i v sherry and is it he haven't, we will give you a seed of how the receipts for many, about valuable and used by the non solid after e a is it ritual is as shown to retire maturity. that's when it expires. it's even the more i just bought a bonus. ah, your boss at her may and may. danielle foster, c boca santa, is just the, the stuff it may be deemed there. let me see. no. so monday, yes ma'am. melody. tim, i may get in receipt. is he sat in the, in the hall got default. ah, yes, sankoh caesar more. detective bath, suca siegel then you will see the glasses of an electoral function met largely and immediate damica. mr. jen. she did set the week to ask who's yes, young, that meeting as 3 so bad should be done with yes. yes ma'am. good with is your boss decided i'd be glad to love electromagnetic with ah, from the al jazeera london rocha sent it to people in thoughtful conversation ard, cannot be raised by the superpower with no host and no limitations. what matter the note was to be brought. how come a thing that's radical infancy on highway and denise is not a bog, and want to sell a lot of the message studio b unscripted on al jazeera hello there. let's look to north america and we got weather warnings out once again for the southern states of the us. thanks to a rash of severe storms. it's layering up once again, and that's thanks to warmer hot, humid air that's pulling up from the gulf of mexico colliding with cooler air that's brought some heavy snow to wyoming on colorado. and when those and masses collide, well we get those rush of storms bringing as well a threat of tornadoes. now it's an improving picture for colorado temperature, picking up in denver there. as it is. for much of the southwest, we're going to see temperatures pick up in new mexico. that's not going to help the wildfire risk here. it's gonna drop, however, in san francisco as that wet and wintery weather pulls into western canada as well as the pacific north west of the us. now in contrast to this for the east coast, it's an improving picture once the storms push out sunshine. coming back in here for cities like new york and washington dc. but it is that southern area of the u. s. that is going to see the severe storms rolling across, intensifying by the time we get into thursday, we could also see damaging winds hail. and of course the possibility of flash flooding. and as we move to central america, we are going to see the heavy rain move across the bahamas in the days to come to weather ah, joined the debates. it is no he job bad. i mean, if anyone here talks about women that i had 2 horses dusted these bills seem to have been says notes because of the table we were taught to see abortion as a one way ticket street to help all of the companies. they deny any responsibility . even though they have the resources in the power to fix it, where a global audience becomes a global community, the comment section is right here. be part of today's program. this stream on al jazeera, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera ah, demonstrations in the us, after i leaked supreme court documents suggest that the law allowing abortion could be overturned. one moment. sure. murph,

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