Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

. muslims around the world celebrate the holiday of eat, al fits are mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. but for many in afghanistan, the celebration is overshadowed by violence, poverty, and an economic crisis. thank you very much for joining us. after nearly 2 months under siege, a group of civilians has left a steal works plant in the ukrainian city of mario poll. present, romeo lensky says a baja says about 100 civilians have been freed. the un and red cross, i coordinating the safe passage operation with ukrainian and russian forces. alexia bryan has the details, crawling out of the rubble of muddy pulse as of south steel plant, and finally on their way to safety. these people have been sheltering and bunkers and tunnels underneath the complex, as it came under continuous bombardment by russian forces need. we've been waiting here for 2 moments. they tell how they were running out of suit. you will say other children always wanted to eat, you know, adults can wait for food stamps with the man. filming this video, released by ukraine's, as of battalion says, they're trying to get people out while the russians aren't shooting. the evacuation was part of what the united nations called a safe passage operation during a temporary cease fire agreed by russia and ukraine. mosquito managed to day finally, we managed to start you back, you ation of the people from as of style. after many weeks of negotiations and many different meetings, people calls countries proposals. finally, there was not a single day that we didn't try to find a solution to ensure the safe rescue of those people up to a 1000 civilians and 2000 ukrainian fighters. i believe to have ended up inside the plant surrounded by russian forces in the last ukrainian held territory in the port city. people who were evacuated, spoke of the terror they experienced and of having to live in darkness for more than 60 days. because when the shower started landing out of a style, i thought my heart would stop and i would not survive it. a ukrainian commander still in the bunker, it says there is not enough water. and the air smells of decomposing bodies. you're medusa. sure. oh, glad separate. all right, so i hope the evacuations will continue for what hope our government and a 3rd party, the un mission, the red cross will all try to evacuate all civilians, not only from the plans, but from mario colon general. i also hoped to evacuate all the injured and killed some who have accurate all soldiers who are here now. i will. some of those evacuated when to the russian held village of busy men, others headed to ukrainian territory. the city of separation matter, your pl authority, say a 100000 people will remain in what's left of the city with hundreds more below ground of the steel works. a factory that's become a symbol of ukrainian resistance. alex here brian al jazeera or some evacuees are expected to be taken to the city of zap risha al jazeera hold. abdul hamid is. there she is. joining us now live, bring us up to speed with the latest order. when are we expecting the vacuum to arrive, where you are where we're still waiting for the iraqis of the as of style steel plant that had been brought it here at some point may be to day by the u. m. and the international red cross. however, we are in this parking lot where the others i couldn't arrive, but a group of iraqis have arrived this morning on their own. actually we spoke to many of them. they come from where you pull, they come from have. so they basically organize themselves to try to get out of those areas as quick as possible, or you can still see here on their car. they have written clearly marked that there's children on board. they have here little white cloth to also or make the point that these are civilians trying to evacuate. now we asked them why, how long did it take them to really go from or you pull to here, which on an under normal circumstances would take about 3 hours. well, one lady told us that ch actually left on saturday. and from there, from are you pull, she managed to go toward a coastal town as and then from there she met up with other a vacuum ease and then they made their way through it here. now these are people who organize themselves alone with the help of volunteers, and it's been extremely difficult for the ones coming out of the as of sales. seattle factory, we know a group of them has made it out about a $120.00. those are the ones coordinated by the a you and, and did you national red cross, but at the moment they still didn't make it out of them. are you pl area? okay. now those are who are coming out of the of the seal plant harder and who are going to be heading, where you are. i imagine this has been a difficult operation to organize. once they get to zapper asia, where are they going to be sent to? well, it really depends because people also can decide where they want to go. someone want to go stay with families in other parts of ukraine in the west, mainly others are yesterday may be like the ones we spoke to here. want to just leave the country for a little bit, but it's also very complicated for them specially that you know, all the men of fighting age. they're not, they're going to be allowed to leave the as of style. oh, do go factory. are some of that we, we, we freeze you, we thing the is information, but i can't confirm it, but some of the civilians who are in they're trapped and there are families of either workers from the company or maybe even some families of some of the soldiers so they're gonna have to leave behind their loved ones, and they're gonna have to try to go somewhere. probably get a good dress because there has been 2 months under ground. and then from there, they could decide they really can decide where they want to go. the government is now putting a fund, giving up to, oh, so a certain amount of money to dizzy vacuum ease per month. but that's not going to be enough for them. so really, there's no system of putting them somewhere. but they can go to shelters if they want to harder. thank you very much for that update hunt, abdel hamid reporting their life from zapper. asia. russia meanwhile, is intensifying attack, same debt seizing more territory and eastern ukraine. that's in you frontline. the town of double pay year was targeted on saturday. 7 people were injured when a residential building was struck. pope frances has once again spoken out against the war. the head of the roman catholic church, referred specifically to the situation in mary. a whole you can sheet of us will be to let you know the money. my thoughts go immediately to the ukrainian city is marysville. the city of mary bob worsley bombarded and destroyed. even now, even from here, i renew my call to the creation of safe humanitarian corridors. the people trapped in the still work, so that city i suffer and cry when i think of the suffering of the ukrainian people . so particularly the weakest, the elderly and children. and you know, there are even terrible report to children being billed and supported. and while we are witnessing and because progression of humanity, i mean i ask you together with so many anguish people, if we are really seeking a mark, if there is the will to avoid the continuous military and verbal escalation. if we are doing everything possible to make the weapon stop, i mean, as turn to other world news now and you zealand has opened its borders to tourists for the 1st time in nearly 2 years. travelers from about 60 countries can now visit without having to isolate or quarantine, but they need to be vaccinated against corona virus and test themselves after they arrive using and impose some of the strictest lockdown measures in the world. after the pandemic started in 2020, when i joined by rebecca ingram, who is the chief executive of tourism industry, our tara, she joins us from wellington, the capital of new zealand. thank you very much for being with this rebecca. an exciting day for you. i imagine just how important milestone is today for new zealand tourism industry. it's a wonderful day to tourism in new zealand. we've been looking forward to welcoming beck visitors for many months now. and it's fantastic to be able to say the plains landing and to be able to welcome people here for holiday. again, tell us how tough the last few years have been and how long do you think it'll take for the benefit. so of these returning taurus to be felt undoubtedly now health response and museum and saved lives, but it also had a significant impact on the tourism industry here. tourism new zealand was our number one export in 2019 and employed about 225000 new zealanders and that's now down 65000 though they are 65000 museum lenders who were employed, enters them in 2019 and are now not a so this is a fantastic opportunity for us to rebuild and also provide opportunity for wouldn't zealand us to live. we're in a joy, our country. but, but how long do you expect the rebuilding to take? because it's not going to happen overnight. is it? it's right. and so we're saying good interest, 1st ski, holiday and museum and at the moment from our friends in australia and we're saying promising signs for visitors to come to us in the summer. but it will be 2 to 3 years. we think before we find our new normal for tourism an easy lunch. but what's interesting, and i've also read that rebecca, that prices have gone up in new zealand as in many other countries. i guess because of the pandemic that has increased inflation prices or rob and so new zealand may now be a very expensive destination for many people. how. how do you deal with that? yes. like many countries in the world we are experiencing in the fashion at the moment, m members of tourism industry until our a who i brit proceeds though i very much focused on offering those people who choose easy land for a holiday. a once in a lifetime experience and we can't wait to welcome people back and to give people the sort of new zealand welcome that we asked. so famous for. and of course, rebecca, there are some people who are still worried that the reopening of the these borders will, will it, with the border rather will expose news even best suit to new varian self of current virus, and potentially a great at public health risk. ah, so you know, perhaps this is temporary or are you hopeful that this is now going to be, ah, you know, the borders will stay remain open and that you measures won't come into effect to get the way a hopeful bench, how high vaccination status and the health response that we have head over the last 2 years will provide us with additional resilience as new carpet variance, naturally image the tourism industry. there is very focus at the moment on how it can offer the vary based experience to those people who are choosing to come to use apologies. we've lost our connection to rebecca ingram there, as she was with the, the tourism industry out there in new zealand, telling us about the borders. reopening today to international toys from a 60 countries. apologies for that connection. failure that and still ahead on al jazeera, thousands take to the streets of havana in cuba may day to show solidarity during the countries waste economic depression and indigenous people fighting for their land. in the philippines, we look at the dangers they face in defending their environments. ah, i think many in europe are gonna fight disappointingly clarity to end the weekend. start a new week. nothing looked sickly. active. i have to say, you've got a low bit of fluff you on just the west of scott. last where the cards i'm waiting for. i b looks generally fine, but there's a bit of a hint to curves, a clad elsewhere. that's where the action is really. so for monday then bright. if you're lucky bit, a bit of sunshine, few spots around, particularly, i think when you come further south into western austria, for example, temperature is not on on the whole about low. they are going down though, in spain and portugal here, largely because the showers are turning up. we still got maybe high twenty's dental . see a rest of spain. of the blue indicates rain. it's better in italy. still looking wet from croatia surface was greece and turkey. and the heart of that stillness spinning storm here has been whipping up the sand again in libya and in egypt. and for the sas has been very warm down the nile. we've seen low fourties in our swan, for example, well above where it should be this time of year. now that sand is going to be spreading, seth was and eastwards in terms of dropped behind on that strong wind, which is typical really of the weather in north africa recently. but the seasonal shells going a long way north by reaching right into this a hell which currently is very hot and dry. ah, natural capital is capital which nature created when nature is transformed into a commodity. big business takes a new interest. like landscapes protecting landscapes. it's a phenomenal opportunity to be able to use a business model to achieve sustainability of nature. but at what's risk, banks of course don't do that because they have at the heart, protection of nature. they do it because to see a business in pricing the planets on al jazeera. ah ah, you're watching al jazeera live from doha. reminder of our top stories about a 100 civilians have been freed from a besieged steel works in maryville. after hiding under bond for nearly 2 months. the un and red cross i coordinating the operation with ukrainian and russian forces and new zealand has opened its borders to tories for the 1st time in nearly 2 years . travelers from about 60 countries can now visit without the need to isolate or warranty, but they must be vaccinated against corona virus. now, on to other news, and the un secretary general is on a tour of states in west africa. antonia the terrorist is visiting senegal, leisure, and nigeria, his one that rushes invasion of ukraine threatened to death devastates some of the least developed african nations, is due to meet families affected by violence and instability in the sahara region. more than 2000000 people have been displaced, nicholas' hoc has more from the car. inside this bakery and downtown the car is a long queue of people trying to get a loaf of bread more q is here to at the pump. in this gas station for the visiting un secretary general antonio gutierrez, this may be the beginning of the consequences of the russia ukraine crisis, more shortages of fuel rising prices of commodities, and he's warning traders not to hoard these basic commodities. because this would have drastic effects on people here. 41000000 people are need of urgent humanitarian assistance. this is a how many of them suffering from acute malnutrition. g, please your flow. i have said several times that we need to reform with the global financial system, which is model bankrupt. it was designed by the rich for the rich puts in this emergency situation, we should use all the mechanisms available to benefit developing countries, especially in africa. and general terrorist is meeting president, like you saw was also the chair of the african union and they'll be discussing the setbacks in democracy in the region. there's been a number of who is whether it be in molly for kina possum or recently, and then guinea. they're the military leaders have just to know that they want to stay in power for another 39 months. he'll be visiting new air and jerry next but not malia home to the biggest and most expensive un operation. tensions are rising there between you and human rights investigators and the 1000000 authorities over allegations of torture, extra digital killing from mali enforces as well as russian fighters linked to the wagner's. and the reason for his visit is also to remind authorities here and also the millions of people that are suffering both from humanitarian crisis and displacement of the need for the us presence in the region. increasingly there will be more oper since here. most vince around the world are celebrating the 1st day of eden fitz, or mocking the end of the holy month of ramadan. thousands of palestinians have attended prayers at the mosque. compound tension has been high in recent weeks. all incursions by far right ultra nationalists, jewish groups, stephanie decker reports from the entrance of the alex mos compound in occupied east jerusalem. the mail prayer is about to take place were outside the entrance of the lock, somalia, compounded lions gate. and as you can see, bells and thousands of thousands of people had been arriving here throughout the morning, starting from around 4 o'clock in the morning. now making their way inside the compound to carry out their prayers. and if they don't met up net and we always prayed to god for peace and to lift the suffering of our youth and we had a lot of people killed many martyrs. sadness is killing a hot spots. it's thanks to god who gave a said to celebrates with happiness and to also pray for peace with a small misses jamini. so he'd prayers have finished and have paul sto without incident. you can now see the large crowd making their way out of the, along the most compound. they'll be heading home, spending the next 3 days celebrating ead with their families that have been tensioned here over the last couple of weeks, particularly when it comes to the access of the far right ultra nationalist, jewish groups accessing deluxe. i'm also compound and calling for the right to prayer, sometimes even actively attempting prayers on the site. this is forbidden, under the status quo, which is agreed upon between israel and jordan, which is the custodian of the site and seen qsi provocative to palestinians. interesting on the political level, jordan, israel will be meeting after he'd to discuss this exact point. you've also had how math lead are. yes, in law, add to that same deluxe is a red line and this can no longer continue, but away from politics. it's a day that's paused very peacefully tundra foul, who's making their way here to attend 8 prayers. as we said earlier, now we'll be heading home to celebrate with our families. indonesia has the world's largest muslim population and thousands of attended prayers outside jakarta is main mosque. millions also traveled to their home town to celebrate that after the government lifted a ban on people traveling home for eat, the measure had been in place to live at the spread of corona, vice, and similar scenes in baghdad where worship as pot mosque seen the rocky capital security forces on high alert to prevent attacks during the holiday period and of danny's son, poverty, acute hunger and unemployment, and making it difficult for many to celebrate eat, fair, high rat reports. it's not a holiday for afghans waiting by the roadside hoping to be given a job. 40 years of war, economic decline, severe poverty in the worst drought in decades as force many afghans on to the streets, not knowing where their next meal will be. oh wrong them has been without work for months. the bricklayers resorted to begging out of desperation. while his children tried to sell plastic bags. what are going to garden by guided garden? i used to in good money, but now there's no work. the change of governments made the situation a lot worse when we go door to door asking to help with kicked out. but sometimes i'm just looking for a piece of bread while our comfortable clinically the taliban takeover of afghanistan last august, force nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 people from their homes. you ins. refugee agency says the country is facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis. enemy go, mike, but i eat his line to the pockets of the occupiers, the u. s. and politicians for more than 20 years. and now the aid they're giving like a sack of flour or 5 killers of oil, can't cure the pain of our country. we want them to assist by providing job opportunities and economic relations. afghans are drowning in the oceans to get to europe and dying in the snowy mountains of turkey, just to find work. oh, the united nations estimates that more than half the population, 24000000 afghans are facing acute food shortages. that's a 30 percent increase from last. and one step away from famine. you know, when you meet people like i have, when i'm out across the country that have tap that tell me that they've never had to come to w f p. before for food assistance, their lives have just been devastated with the loss of jobs. you know, unable to feed their children, i've never seen a situation deteriorate as quickly as up the scale that i have witnessed over the last it to 9 month last month you launched the largest 8 appeal ever for a country of more than $5000000000.00. m u n appealed last week to the 900 states and it's freeze on us gone for an us. it agency said they don't receive international support soon enough gun histones hunger crisis will go from bad to worse. and then they'll have to choose between who gets one layer of bread or to sort of hide its al jazeera cubans have had their 1st chance in 2 years to march on international labor day. but for many workers as little to celebrate a latin america added to lucy newman reports from havana. long before daybreak cubans began walking to the plaza of the revolution. after a 2 year hiatus put on by the pandemic, cubic communist party and government spared no effort to make this annual made day march. one to remember healthcare workers live the parade in front of revolutionary leader. and i will castro, the still influential former president and his chosen successor miguel diaz canal standing side by side as a symbol of continuity. there was a familiar chance of loyalty to deceased leader fidel castro and against the u. s. government decades long economic embargo against cuba would go. so we will defend our socialism as we have for 61 years for fidel and raoul was one of the countries in the world and then still mark the international workers day like this. i make no mistake. there's very little for the average salary worker in this country to celebrate right now because this country is with no more speaker nomic, depression to in its history. intensified u. s. e. can amik sanctions, the pandemic, and a monetary reform that has sharply reduced workers purchasing power had led to soaring inflation and unleashed the largest exodus of cubans since 1980. he, fig, and this year look a line, but i saw socially that by the communist party continues to say that the state controlled sector will say the economy. and it's not true. the young people all want to leave a blast all hope by like, i'm better than other cubans are expected to take part in the may day, march and are generally brought here and their place of work. but like any mix, there are those who say they still believe in cuba system i because i am convinced that this is the country that i want to defend. that's why i'm here to support my leadership and my people and doing these hard times, this march clearly aimed to send a message to domestic and foreign opponents. the cuban government is still able to mobilize large numbers of its p. lucy and newman, al jazeera, havana in mexico, mothers and their families are marching from the state of chiapas in the south to the capital mexico city. they're calling on the government to investigate a disappearance of their loved ones. mexico has one of the highest rates of missing people in the world, including hundreds of thousands of migrants. many trying to gain access to the u. s . in search of the so called american dream. people living in the u. s. state of new mexico are evacuating as firefighters battle the nation's largest active wildfires. at least 12 are burning in the north. the biggest started in carly, cough canyon east of santa fe. official say they've become harder to contain after 2 launch fires, merge a week ago, about 42000 hector's, of mostly farm land have been birds not to the philippines, where territorial dispute that lead to violence against indigenous activists in the south has highlighted the dangers faced by environmental defenders, but he said a group was trespassing and ignored a warning shot as jemila lind again reports from book in non province. the activists want the next administration after upcoming elections to offer them greater protection. so those of you, they are from them. a noble pull indian tribe considered one of the very 1st inhabitants in the southern region of the now, but that orlando anglo and his clan have lived on this road side for many years now . they hope to take back more than a 1000 hector's of land. now privately owned that once belonged to their ancestors . they were shot at bay gun men, despite having written government permission to reclaim their land. shall either del socorro was shot together with 3 other men or both. i mean adding me now good though now the gunmen came from nowhere and started shooting at us. when i fell below i thought what sort of life to relieve or learn more of those? ellen, oh, we've been around for 5 years. who believe that to the 3rd us administration to help us? no one is here to protect us. people here don't see us as a human beings for them. we are garbage. also the monopoly. we're also attacked a 5 years ago when their leader were now to allow, was shot dead. his killing remains unresolved. the story of monopoly knew this a story that is repeated many times over, according to the international group, the global witness. the philippines is the deadliest country for land defenders across the asian continent, and men do now holds the highest number of recorded killings. when president rodrigo the 3rd to was sworn into office in 2016, he vowed to defend the plight of indigenous peoples and the environment. but at least a $160.00 environmental defenders were killed. between 20162020. a shocking increase. say many, even for a country long accustomed to violence, the tribes people killed up and spoke out against illegal logging, mining, and damn projects. climate change is also a threat extreme where there also devastates vulnerable communities. and many philippines hoped that after deterred to retire in july, the next administration will shift its focus and protect indigenous peoples considered by some here to be the last line of defense against climate breakdown, jamal alan dorgan al jazeera book hidden province. southern philippines has always more news on our website at al jazeera dot com. the very latest on all of our tom sawyer is on there. al jazeera dot com again. i'm fully battle with the headlines on al jazeera, about a 100 civilians have been freed from a be see still works in maryville after leaving nearly 2 months under ground. many of them are expected to go to the city of zappa region.

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Chiapas , Mexico , Australia , Afghanistan , United States , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Portugal , Austria , Russia , Ukraine , Wellington , New Zealand General , New Zealand , Nigeria , Egypt , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Guinea , Italy , Libya , Senegal , Spain , Jakarta , Jakarta Raya , Indonesia , Greece , Kobe , Hyogo , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Philippines , Somalia , Jordan , Iraq , Mali , Baghdad , Croatia , Southern Region , Hadarom , Saida , Diyaláz , Turkey , Maryville , Northern Territory , New Zealanders , America , Russian , Iraqis , Afghans , Cubans , Ukrainian , Russians , American , Cuban , Rebecca Ingram , Sapir Asia , Risha Al Jazeera , Mary Bob Worsley , Brian Al Jazeera , Stephanie Decker , Miguel Diaz , Lucy Newman , Antonio Gutierrez , Abdul Hamid , Fidel Castro , Abdel Hamid , Eden Fitz ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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. muslims around the world celebrate the holiday of eat, al fits are mocking the end of the fasting month of ramadan. but for many in afghanistan, the celebration is overshadowed by violence, poverty, and an economic crisis. thank you very much for joining us. after nearly 2 months under siege, a group of civilians has left a steal works plant in the ukrainian city of mario poll. present, romeo lensky says a baja says about 100 civilians have been freed. the un and red cross, i coordinating the safe passage operation with ukrainian and russian forces. alexia bryan has the details, crawling out of the rubble of muddy pulse as of south steel plant, and finally on their way to safety. these people have been sheltering and bunkers and tunnels underneath the complex, as it came under continuous bombardment by russian forces need. we've been waiting here for 2 moments. they tell how they were running out of suit. you will say other children always wanted to eat, you know, adults can wait for food stamps with the man. filming this video, released by ukraine's, as of battalion says, they're trying to get people out while the russians aren't shooting. the evacuation was part of what the united nations called a safe passage operation during a temporary cease fire agreed by russia and ukraine. mosquito managed to day finally, we managed to start you back, you ation of the people from as of style. after many weeks of negotiations and many different meetings, people calls countries proposals. finally, there was not a single day that we didn't try to find a solution to ensure the safe rescue of those people up to a 1000 civilians and 2000 ukrainian fighters. i believe to have ended up inside the plant surrounded by russian forces in the last ukrainian held territory in the port city. people who were evacuated, spoke of the terror they experienced and of having to live in darkness for more than 60 days. because when the shower started landing out of a style, i thought my heart would stop and i would not survive it. a ukrainian commander still in the bunker, it says there is not enough water. and the air smells of decomposing bodies. you're medusa. sure. oh, glad separate. all right, so i hope the evacuations will continue for what hope our government and a 3rd party, the un mission, the red cross will all try to evacuate all civilians, not only from the plans, but from mario colon general. i also hoped to evacuate all the injured and killed some who have accurate all soldiers who are here now. i will. some of those evacuated when to the russian held village of busy men, others headed to ukrainian territory. the city of separation matter, your pl authority, say a 100000 people will remain in what's left of the city with hundreds more below ground of the steel works. a factory that's become a symbol of ukrainian resistance. alex here brian al jazeera or some evacuees are expected to be taken to the city of zap risha al jazeera hold. abdul hamid is. there she is. joining us now live, bring us up to speed with the latest order. when are we expecting the vacuum to arrive, where you are where we're still waiting for the iraqis of the as of style steel plant that had been brought it here at some point may be to day by the u. m. and the international red cross. however, we are in this parking lot where the others i couldn't arrive, but a group of iraqis have arrived this morning on their own. actually we spoke to many of them. they come from where you pull, they come from have. so they basically organize themselves to try to get out of those areas as quick as possible, or you can still see here on their car. they have written clearly marked that there's children on board. they have here little white cloth to also or make the point that these are civilians trying to evacuate. now we asked them why, how long did it take them to really go from or you pull to here, which on an under normal circumstances would take about 3 hours. well, one lady told us that ch actually left on saturday. and from there, from are you pull, she managed to go toward a coastal town as and then from there she met up with other a vacuum ease and then they made their way through it here. now these are people who organize themselves alone with the help of volunteers, and it's been extremely difficult for the ones coming out of the as of sales. seattle factory, we know a group of them has made it out about a $120.00. those are the ones coordinated by the a you and, and did you national red cross, but at the moment they still didn't make it out of them. are you pl area? okay. now those are who are coming out of the of the seal plant harder and who are going to be heading, where you are. i imagine this has been a difficult operation to organize. once they get to zapper asia, where are they going to be sent to? well, it really depends because people also can decide where they want to go. someone want to go stay with families in other parts of ukraine in the west, mainly others are yesterday may be like the ones we spoke to here. want to just leave the country for a little bit, but it's also very complicated for them specially that you know, all the men of fighting age. they're not, they're going to be allowed to leave the as of style. oh, do go factory. are some of that we, we, we freeze you, we thing the is information, but i can't confirm it, but some of the civilians who are in they're trapped and there are families of either workers from the company or maybe even some families of some of the soldiers so they're gonna have to leave behind their loved ones, and they're gonna have to try to go somewhere. probably get a good dress because there has been 2 months under ground. and then from there, they could decide they really can decide where they want to go. the government is now putting a fund, giving up to, oh, so a certain amount of money to dizzy vacuum ease per month. but that's not going to be enough for them. so really, there's no system of putting them somewhere. but they can go to shelters if they want to harder. thank you very much for that update hunt, abdel hamid reporting their life from zapper. asia. russia meanwhile, is intensifying attack, same debt seizing more territory and eastern ukraine. that's in you frontline. the town of double pay year was targeted on saturday. 7 people were injured when a residential building was struck. pope frances has once again spoken out against the war. the head of the roman catholic church, referred specifically to the situation in mary. a whole you can sheet of us will be to let you know the money. my thoughts go immediately to the ukrainian city is marysville. the city of mary bob worsley bombarded and destroyed. even now, even from here, i renew my call to the creation of safe humanitarian corridors. the people trapped in the still work, so that city i suffer and cry when i think of the suffering of the ukrainian people . so particularly the weakest, the elderly and children. and you know, there are even terrible report to children being billed and supported. and while we are witnessing and because progression of humanity, i mean i ask you together with so many anguish people, if we are really seeking a mark, if there is the will to avoid the continuous military and verbal escalation. if we are doing everything possible to make the weapon stop, i mean, as turn to other world news now and you zealand has opened its borders to tourists for the 1st time in nearly 2 years. travelers from about 60 countries can now visit without having to isolate or quarantine, but they need to be vaccinated against corona virus and test themselves after they arrive using and impose some of the strictest lockdown measures in the world. after the pandemic started in 2020, when i joined by rebecca ingram, who is the chief executive of tourism industry, our tara, she joins us from wellington, the capital of new zealand. thank you very much for being with this rebecca. an exciting day for you. i imagine just how important milestone is today for new zealand tourism industry. it's a wonderful day to tourism in new zealand. we've been looking forward to welcoming beck visitors for many months now. and it's fantastic to be able to say the plains landing and to be able to welcome people here for holiday. again, tell us how tough the last few years have been and how long do you think it'll take for the benefit. so of these returning taurus to be felt undoubtedly now health response and museum and saved lives, but it also had a significant impact on the tourism industry here. tourism new zealand was our number one export in 2019 and employed about 225000 new zealanders and that's now down 65000 though they are 65000 museum lenders who were employed, enters them in 2019 and are now not a so this is a fantastic opportunity for us to rebuild and also provide opportunity for wouldn't zealand us to live. we're in a joy, our country. but, but how long do you expect the rebuilding to take? because it's not going to happen overnight. is it? it's right. and so we're saying good interest, 1st ski, holiday and museum and at the moment from our friends in australia and we're saying promising signs for visitors to come to us in the summer. but it will be 2 to 3 years. we think before we find our new normal for tourism an easy lunch. but what's interesting, and i've also read that rebecca, that prices have gone up in new zealand as in many other countries. i guess because of the pandemic that has increased inflation prices or rob and so new zealand may now be a very expensive destination for many people. how. how do you deal with that? yes. like many countries in the world we are experiencing in the fashion at the moment, m members of tourism industry until our a who i brit proceeds though i very much focused on offering those people who choose easy land for a holiday. a once in a lifetime experience and we can't wait to welcome people back and to give people the sort of new zealand welcome that we asked. so famous for. and of course, rebecca, there are some people who are still worried that the reopening of the these borders will, will it, with the border rather will expose news even best suit to new varian self of current virus, and potentially a great at public health risk. ah, so you know, perhaps this is temporary or are you hopeful that this is now going to be, ah, you know, the borders will stay remain open and that you measures won't come into effect to get the way a hopeful bench, how high vaccination status and the health response that we have head over the last 2 years will provide us with additional resilience as new carpet variance, naturally image the tourism industry. there is very focus at the moment on how it can offer the vary based experience to those people who are choosing to come to use apologies. we've lost our connection to rebecca ingram there, as she was with the, the tourism industry out there in new zealand, telling us about the borders. reopening today to international toys from a 60 countries. apologies for that connection. failure that and still ahead on al jazeera, thousands take to the streets of havana in cuba may day to show solidarity during the countries waste economic depression and indigenous people fighting for their land. in the philippines, we look at the dangers they face in defending their environments. ah, i think many in europe are gonna fight disappointingly clarity to end the weekend. start a new week. nothing looked sickly. active. i have to say, you've got a low bit of fluff you on just the west of scott. last where the cards i'm waiting for. i b looks generally fine, but there's a bit of a hint to curves, a clad elsewhere. that's where the action is really. so for monday then bright. if you're lucky bit, a bit of sunshine, few spots around, particularly, i think when you come further south into western austria, for example, temperature is not on on the whole about low. they are going down though, in spain and portugal here, largely because the showers are turning up. we still got maybe high twenty's dental . see a rest of spain. of the blue indicates rain. it's better in italy. still looking wet from croatia surface was greece and turkey. and the heart of that stillness spinning storm here has been whipping up the sand again in libya and in egypt. and for the sas has been very warm down the nile. we've seen low fourties in our swan, for example, well above where it should be this time of year. now that sand is going to be spreading, seth was and eastwards in terms of dropped behind on that strong wind, which is typical really of the weather in north africa recently. but the seasonal shells going a long way north by reaching right into this a hell which currently is very hot and dry. ah, natural capital is capital which nature created when nature is transformed into a commodity. big business takes a new interest. like landscapes protecting landscapes. it's a phenomenal opportunity to be able to use a business model to achieve sustainability of nature. but at what's risk, banks of course don't do that because they have at the heart, protection of nature. they do it because to see a business in pricing the planets on al jazeera. ah ah, you're watching al jazeera live from doha. reminder of our top stories about a 100 civilians have been freed from a besieged steel works in maryville. after hiding under bond for nearly 2 months. the un and red cross i coordinating the operation with ukrainian and russian forces and new zealand has opened its borders to tories for the 1st time in nearly 2 years . travelers from about 60 countries can now visit without the need to isolate or warranty, but they must be vaccinated against corona virus. now, on to other news, and the un secretary general is on a tour of states in west africa. antonia the terrorist is visiting senegal, leisure, and nigeria, his one that rushes invasion of ukraine threatened to death devastates some of the least developed african nations, is due to meet families affected by violence and instability in the sahara region. more than 2000000 people have been displaced, nicholas' hoc has more from the car. inside this bakery and downtown the car is a long queue of people trying to get a loaf of bread more q is here to at the pump. in this gas station for the visiting un secretary general antonio gutierrez, this may be the beginning of the consequences of the russia ukraine crisis, more shortages of fuel rising prices of commodities, and he's warning traders not to hoard these basic commodities. because this would have drastic effects on people here. 41000000 people are need of urgent humanitarian assistance. this is a how many of them suffering from acute malnutrition. g, please your flow. i have said several times that we need to reform with the global financial system, which is model bankrupt. it was designed by the rich for the rich puts in this emergency situation, we should use all the mechanisms available to benefit developing countries, especially in africa. and general terrorist is meeting president, like you saw was also the chair of the african union and they'll be discussing the setbacks in democracy in the region. there's been a number of who is whether it be in molly for kina possum or recently, and then guinea. they're the military leaders have just to know that they want to stay in power for another 39 months. he'll be visiting new air and jerry next but not malia home to the biggest and most expensive un operation. tensions are rising there between you and human rights investigators and the 1000000 authorities over allegations of torture, extra digital killing from mali enforces as well as russian fighters linked to the wagner's. and the reason for his visit is also to remind authorities here and also the millions of people that are suffering both from humanitarian crisis and displacement of the need for the us presence in the region. increasingly there will be more oper since here. most vince around the world are celebrating the 1st day of eden fitz, or mocking the end of the holy month of ramadan. thousands of palestinians have attended prayers at the mosque. compound tension has been high in recent weeks. all incursions by far right ultra nationalists, jewish groups, stephanie decker reports from the entrance of the alex mos compound in occupied east jerusalem. the mail prayer is about to take place were outside the entrance of the lock, somalia, compounded lions gate. and as you can see, bells and thousands of thousands of people had been arriving here throughout the morning, starting from around 4 o'clock in the morning. now making their way inside the compound to carry out their prayers. and if they don't met up net and we always prayed to god for peace and to lift the suffering of our youth and we had a lot of people killed many martyrs. sadness is killing a hot spots. it's thanks to god who gave a said to celebrates with happiness and to also pray for peace with a small misses jamini. so he'd prayers have finished and have paul sto without incident. you can now see the large crowd making their way out of the, along the most compound. they'll be heading home, spending the next 3 days celebrating ead with their families that have been tensioned here over the last couple of weeks, particularly when it comes to the access of the far right ultra nationalist, jewish groups accessing deluxe. i'm also compound and calling for the right to prayer, sometimes even actively attempting prayers on the site. this is forbidden, under the status quo, which is agreed upon between israel and jordan, which is the custodian of the site and seen qsi provocative to palestinians. interesting on the political level, jordan, israel will be meeting after he'd to discuss this exact point. you've also had how math lead are. yes, in law, add to that same deluxe is a red line and this can no longer continue, but away from politics. it's a day that's paused very peacefully tundra foul, who's making their way here to attend 8 prayers. as we said earlier, now we'll be heading home to celebrate with our families. indonesia has the world's largest muslim population and thousands of attended prayers outside jakarta is main mosque. millions also traveled to their home town to celebrate that after the government lifted a ban on people traveling home for eat, the measure had been in place to live at the spread of corona, vice, and similar scenes in baghdad where worship as pot mosque seen the rocky capital security forces on high alert to prevent attacks during the holiday period and of danny's son, poverty, acute hunger and unemployment, and making it difficult for many to celebrate eat, fair, high rat reports. it's not a holiday for afghans waiting by the roadside hoping to be given a job. 40 years of war, economic decline, severe poverty in the worst drought in decades as force many afghans on to the streets, not knowing where their next meal will be. oh wrong them has been without work for months. the bricklayers resorted to begging out of desperation. while his children tried to sell plastic bags. what are going to garden by guided garden? i used to in good money, but now there's no work. the change of governments made the situation a lot worse when we go door to door asking to help with kicked out. but sometimes i'm just looking for a piece of bread while our comfortable clinically the taliban takeover of afghanistan last august, force nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 people from their homes. you ins. refugee agency says the country is facing the world's worst humanitarian crisis. enemy go, mike, but i eat his line to the pockets of the occupiers, the u. s. and politicians for more than 20 years. and now the aid they're giving like a sack of flour or 5 killers of oil, can't cure the pain of our country. we want them to assist by providing job opportunities and economic relations. afghans are drowning in the oceans to get to europe and dying in the snowy mountains of turkey, just to find work. oh, the united nations estimates that more than half the population, 24000000 afghans are facing acute food shortages. that's a 30 percent increase from last. and one step away from famine. you know, when you meet people like i have, when i'm out across the country that have tap that tell me that they've never had to come to w f p. before for food assistance, their lives have just been devastated with the loss of jobs. you know, unable to feed their children, i've never seen a situation deteriorate as quickly as up the scale that i have witnessed over the last it to 9 month last month you launched the largest 8 appeal ever for a country of more than $5000000000.00. m u n appealed last week to the 900 states and it's freeze on us gone for an us. it agency said they don't receive international support soon enough gun histones hunger crisis will go from bad to worse. and then they'll have to choose between who gets one layer of bread or to sort of hide its al jazeera cubans have had their 1st chance in 2 years to march on international labor day. but for many workers as little to celebrate a latin america added to lucy newman reports from havana. long before daybreak cubans began walking to the plaza of the revolution. after a 2 year hiatus put on by the pandemic, cubic communist party and government spared no effort to make this annual made day march. one to remember healthcare workers live the parade in front of revolutionary leader. and i will castro, the still influential former president and his chosen successor miguel diaz canal standing side by side as a symbol of continuity. there was a familiar chance of loyalty to deceased leader fidel castro and against the u. s. government decades long economic embargo against cuba would go. so we will defend our socialism as we have for 61 years for fidel and raoul was one of the countries in the world and then still mark the international workers day like this. i make no mistake. there's very little for the average salary worker in this country to celebrate right now because this country is with no more speaker nomic, depression to in its history. intensified u. s. e. can amik sanctions, the pandemic, and a monetary reform that has sharply reduced workers purchasing power had led to soaring inflation and unleashed the largest exodus of cubans since 1980. he, fig, and this year look a line, but i saw socially that by the communist party continues to say that the state controlled sector will say the economy. and it's not true. the young people all want to leave a blast all hope by like, i'm better than other cubans are expected to take part in the may day, march and are generally brought here and their place of work. but like any mix, there are those who say they still believe in cuba system i because i am convinced that this is the country that i want to defend. that's why i'm here to support my leadership and my people and doing these hard times, this march clearly aimed to send a message to domestic and foreign opponents. the cuban government is still able to mobilize large numbers of its p. lucy and newman, al jazeera, havana in mexico, mothers and their families are marching from the state of chiapas in the south to the capital mexico city. they're calling on the government to investigate a disappearance of their loved ones. mexico has one of the highest rates of missing people in the world, including hundreds of thousands of migrants. many trying to gain access to the u. s . in search of the so called american dream. people living in the u. s. state of new mexico are evacuating as firefighters battle the nation's largest active wildfires. at least 12 are burning in the north. the biggest started in carly, cough canyon east of santa fe. official say they've become harder to contain after 2 launch fires, merge a week ago, about 42000 hector's, of mostly farm land have been birds not to the philippines, where territorial dispute that lead to violence against indigenous activists in the south has highlighted the dangers faced by environmental defenders, but he said a group was trespassing and ignored a warning shot as jemila lind again reports from book in non province. the activists want the next administration after upcoming elections to offer them greater protection. so those of you, they are from them. a noble pull indian tribe considered one of the very 1st inhabitants in the southern region of the now, but that orlando anglo and his clan have lived on this road side for many years now . they hope to take back more than a 1000 hector's of land. now privately owned that once belonged to their ancestors . they were shot at bay gun men, despite having written government permission to reclaim their land. shall either del socorro was shot together with 3 other men or both. i mean adding me now good though now the gunmen came from nowhere and started shooting at us. when i fell below i thought what sort of life to relieve or learn more of those? ellen, oh, we've been around for 5 years. who believe that to the 3rd us administration to help us? no one is here to protect us. people here don't see us as a human beings for them. we are garbage. also the monopoly. we're also attacked a 5 years ago when their leader were now to allow, was shot dead. his killing remains unresolved. the story of monopoly knew this a story that is repeated many times over, according to the international group, the global witness. the philippines is the deadliest country for land defenders across the asian continent, and men do now holds the highest number of recorded killings. when president rodrigo the 3rd to was sworn into office in 2016, he vowed to defend the plight of indigenous peoples and the environment. but at least a $160.00 environmental defenders were killed. between 20162020. a shocking increase. say many, even for a country long accustomed to violence, the tribes people killed up and spoke out against illegal logging, mining, and damn projects. climate change is also a threat extreme where there also devastates vulnerable communities. and many philippines hoped that after deterred to retire in july, the next administration will shift its focus and protect indigenous peoples considered by some here to be the last line of defense against climate breakdown, jamal alan dorgan al jazeera book hidden province. southern philippines has always more news on our website at al jazeera dot com. the very latest on all of our tom sawyer is on there. al jazeera dot com again. i'm fully battle with the headlines on al jazeera, about a 100 civilians have been freed from a be see still works in maryville after leaving nearly 2 months under ground. many of them are expected to go to the city of zappa region.

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Chiapas , Mexico , Australia , Afghanistan , United States , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Portugal , Austria , Russia , Ukraine , Wellington , New Zealand General , New Zealand , Nigeria , Egypt , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Guinea , Italy , Libya , Senegal , Spain , Jakarta , Jakarta Raya , Indonesia , Greece , Kobe , Hyogo , Japan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Philippines , Somalia , Jordan , Iraq , Mali , Baghdad , Croatia , Southern Region , Hadarom , Saida , Diyaláz , Turkey , Maryville , Northern Territory , New Zealanders , America , Russian , Iraqis , Afghans , Cubans , Ukrainian , Russians , American , Cuban , Rebecca Ingram , Sapir Asia , Risha Al Jazeera , Mary Bob Worsley , Brian Al Jazeera , Stephanie Decker , Miguel Diaz , Lucy Newman , Antonio Gutierrez , Abdul Hamid , Fidel Castro , Abdel Hamid , Eden Fitz ,

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