Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 20240708

that's after they refuse to pay it stated gas company in rubles. both countries say they've made alternative arrangements and nasha magazine if a 1000000000 of show them just interested or gas, georges, or 76 per cent full. this is a high level of fillings are much higher than in most european countries. therefore, also in this transitional period, before the baltic gas pipeline is launched, we will be able to draw on our resources as part as well as obtaining gas from all other possible directions. busy as well as our gastro mano, and you've been a wish jasmine, i mean, which can receive even larger amounts of liquefied data. so we will try to rise to the occasion in this difficult time for research. you know, we've been a series of explosions in the russian city of belgrade, near the border with ukraine. the regional governor says the blasts happened to the ammunition depot the been no reports of casualties. the un secretary general is heading to poland on his way to ukraine's capital. on tuesday, he met russia's president vladimir putin in moscow, put in, agreed, in principle, to allow the un to help evacuate civilians in the proceed. city of murray executed naga and thrun darma lingam, who had mental disabilities, had been on death row for 13 years off to be in court smuggling heroine. the u. s. secretary of state, as warned that iran could be in a position to develop a nuclear weapon in weeks. that's down from previous assessments for about a year. antony blinkin says, a return to the 2015 nuclear deal is the best way to reduce any threat that is where the air strikes and syria of killed 4 soldiers. a syrian defense ministry says at least 3 others were injured in damascus. and those are the headlines that he's continues here on out to 0 after the stream. coming up next. since fidel castro proclaimed a communist state nearly 6 decades ago, cuba has held fast to with the gl ideology. in a series of special reports, we explore how the pandemic, ethan on with hi, anthony. ok to down the street. we are going to focus on the use of cross in the last few years. john, give you one is a new delhi is the latest out of them was wanting is the last well principle of neutrality on the side of your parties. because instead of punishing the open treatise equally, we have see in the states are having selective approach towards the thought of it. let's have a listen to our to our guests who are joining us. they will have their own tax offer, karita victrum. so good to have here on the screen offer. welcome to the screen, please introduce yourself. i'm kind of top cushion and i'm e, communist feminist activist. i'm a fully brutal member. i'm vick. hm, welcome to the strings. please introduce yourself to the audience. tell them who you are and what day. thank you very much. i'm dr. becoming for my indian police service officer, director general of police hooked up with dish at currently chancellor annoyed that introductory university guiding the s d scholar, sticking glasses of enlightenment, criminal jurisprudence and other allied subjects. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. gas. say you have met our panel. if you on you chief, i know you, she was very boss. and the muslims in the mosque reported that this is what happened to them. is this typical as have a look? let's have a listen. go to what i mean. a glee. oh yeah. bob niggley. yesterday the rally came out. 3 times was not a rally, but a threatened away. i will call it a procession of violence. although i ask about this, because you are based in new delhi, that procession. a was in new delhi, that violence happened quite recently. are we seeing an increase in attacks on muslims? is this unusual? this is unusual, but at the same time, very usual i would say, but let me just talk about this budget more grim times. and that may be the most serious challenge to indian democracy and indian secure secularism that we are facing. so at this baton is very clear, this gentleman what he's trying to say here is that what happens is that the hindu festivals, which used to be earlier an occasion for the community is different religious communities to come together and celebrate. now, there they are, and icing those various festivals. we saw it 1st in montevideo fitness, which is a central state and in india that they are a group of people they were, you know, passing by muslim localities. and that is deliberate. let me tell you, this is not some innocent religious processions that are going on. they make sure that they go there to provoke them. the song that they are playing on outright, li, insulting to muslims in general, muslim women in particular in 2nd. this is not enough. there are young hindu boys, one dancing to the tunes of songs where they are outright li, abusing muslims. so, but the debate for a minimum reaction from the muslim community when that is a minimum reaction, like say if a couple of people are going storms or something, then the police comes in arrest those people, dozers and boom, dollars demolition, the houses and shops of muslims so if you, if, if they are trying to convey here that this is some kind of a community widens, i would say in driving india right now for the muslim minority as somebody who has deep experience in the police force in our to pedestrian director general of the police force that, how are you seeing this? i'm going to say it's an optic in violence, but you can tell me how you see it. what's going on? and what kind of attacks are you seeing? goes off the position. rob is one of the most be schools of festivals in the country and to have this kind of make i'm and why this is absolutely unacceptable. now it will the job of the police to regulate the position if there's no proceedings of such a position is, should not have been allowed. and of course, no weapons, nor in cindy and nor provocative slogans. then when you will, before the mosque, it to the job of the police to ensure that the procession moves of a fos at if dead is that nas, that terrible. if the rooftops have petro mom's weapons and big, but it is unacceptable. i would say that i am very disappointed at the in efficiency of the look, adding jogging 40 and they have added to bread of a governmental rights. it is not one and the pattern and the basic foundation appears to be the seem. it seems that they're working on article that block or to lisky and i had expected a lot more from the law enforcement agencies. i so i and yet we have to go apples. i agree, but becomes in jesus meant all the legality of the profession, but i would not be able to use the good inefficiency because i think that what you seeing here is a pattern on part of the seat missionary. the police in particular, to act with by it, which is lucky we'll get to the floor from the p t i before we came on before your panel came on. she also pointed to that, that you were having the police and this is not the 1st time this is happening. so you have seen other instances in ditch in 2020, for instance, during a donor come to india, it was touching and not into these right hand man. i'm a child with the home minister for the deli police overwhelming. he did muslims, and not just under the laws that he bought it. i just had them under so even bought the anti terran laws and under which it please in the constitution, make india into a hinder nation. they're saying that was fighting for this. they're going to do violence for this, and yet they are never booked on the never touched by the police under the section which says you're trying to over to the state. that both section one was dissolved form was all for those was speaking to intellectuals and activists. was speaking in support of minorities and this is a backlog. and the other thing that can you haven't talked about enough here is what should be just the fact that the steed missionary is bringing in all over the country. the bog with the, the, to basically the g. c, b machine. and since you're based in london department, remember that this is primarily a british company b when you were in washington dc. my accent is based in london though, but please continue. i'm going to show a full dose just a moment so you can explain what we're seeing if that capital would you mind if i do this right now, because i know you understand the context and it's really important to see this. let me just play this because what was happening here was that some lutheran families had their homes or dos because why cavities are this is one of the, one of the places where this is happening. but essentially, the cds here is that these arms and families had shops which were encroaching on public property, public land, or in other places these, that was the property was them, homes are encroaching on public land, but that's a fig leaf. because a b a, b to be, lee does the does of the party. didn't that? why did the ruling party have made public announcement, seeing where ever they're not rap right mongers? they're the bulldozers and basically right. monga kennedy is our bungler, the she will hear god, these are all of it. speech being used by the ruling party to signal that there was limbs not only are encroaching on public land, but that they do not belong in india, that they are responsible for the violence of which they are the victims. so essentially what are kind of brain where was limbs have been victimized? muslims are being turned into, the accused and in a completely illegal be their property is there wars are being damaged. k i r g s m a m l k capital. let me move on a little bit because i would in also i want to talk to you and i want to give them some space to dinner break. so i hear from you, but also i guess their perspective of, of what is going on, how bad it is in india regarding india's muslim minority. but what is going to be done about it? i have the critique, deep critique. let's push forward. this is back here. so men back here belongs to an organization known as the indian muslim women's movement. part of her purpose in life is to try and get citizenship for muslim women in india. and she goes straight to what she fills is an art sir. to this dire situation in india right now, not the politicians have a listen. have a look. be under my feet. might be consider society and you know, by and large, peacefully. so it's up to us the ordinary indians to defeat the politics of hate and really just wondering is ation the ordinary women and men in those muslims christian seeks. we need to speak out against this kind of religious division and bigotry. we need to make those in government. we need to stand up as fellow indians. we need to stand up for humanity. we need to stand up for peace and justice in our society. we need to stand up, receive the soul of our country and sale the civilization. that is india. the off i see you nodding the com. i also saw you nodding the indians. ordinary indians need to take control is not possible offer you stop the cream you continue. i think i only partially agree with one's ikea is saying that she's saying all of us need to stand up. i would say the victims of this anti alliance. they do not have the power, they are so busy saving themselves, saving this can saving their lives and their livelihoods that they do not really haven't. they're not potty to whatever is happening. i think it is entirely on the shoulders of the hindu majority. in fact, i recently did a program, but i said that it is a 911 moment for in dallas hindus where everything is good, hindu should get up and stand up and get counted and say, you cannot do this in my name. you cannot do this under the name of my religion on the protects of saving me, my community and my religion. so it is that i would say it is that significant moment. but besides that, what, what, what was that he was saying is that how we can come out of this, i would say, i don't really see. i mean, there's only tunnel. i do not see a light at the end of the tone of the saying, as you do it inside the tunnel, you don't see how it would have dealt with it. just let me, let me go to let them go to victrum though victrum when, when, as i can says, it's the indian people, indian people can. so this challenge your thoughts about how to into get out of this incredibly tense situation. it isn't right now with it's minorities. i would say that i salute of own words of wisdom that she has just said. and i would say that every indian yesterday to wake up in the sports that i have seen days, which are much worse. but today, there is hope, even in the present conflicts, preserving that this allegation and compton allegations, the supreme court, the highest horton, if he seized off the matter as if that in the misdemeanor or any one crossing the lane, just a short devil to be consequences for the police force for the people and for everybody, but yes, as, as far as like your mom has mentioned that every indian has to take a stand and have a no nonsense approach that india is for all indians. india belongs to everyone. the constitutional authority and the caustic, hadn't the confederacy grammar and underneath the m as in mary ality. oh right. yes . because the constitution was a deity. we wouldn't even be having this conversation cavity glad and that's exactly the problem. see a victim just mentioned the supreme court and indian india courts. the problem is that the, a degree of bias basically goes to the course as well. for instance, one of the most islam of phobic are steve exercises that dusty and pleasantries and d, as in india, was the national register of citizens exercise that took place in us um, where basically every citizen was forced to provide documentation to prove they were citizens or else they were declared up, you know, suspect that their citizenship was declared suspect. and the whole campaign are specifically targeted early, linguistic and. ready religious minority scheme, um, so the been goalies in this of muslims was, are of been widely speaking origin where are suspicious as suspected of being bundle, ebay, she and so on. now the problem is that the supreme court itself oversaw that entire exercise which resulted in enormous human rights violations on a scale of on a massive scale. and that is an ongoing irking for which the supreme court's answer is to basically shrug and see it. or, well, you know that the not, the supreme court itself has allowed looking. you have refugees in india. what smallest most most are you know, it is. there's a few 1000 of them in india of these up a steep las community a fleeing myanmar. 1 blared the irving and all right, carol, african, can i ideally not allow trig, casper, tennyson jeremy to sophia is yet they have been targeted and you put it it finally nothing that your cousin office also lies. not saying like to move out latan i, if we have is out of the whole i for another carrier to can hear me. i'll tie for mo, an officer. she does not see light at the end of the tunnel. she does not see how to address this dire situation right now. the india is in. are you? are you saying the same? let me move on. i'm going to bring him, they cram again. they come, i want you to listen to a hindu priest who was arrested earlier this month. he's from utter protection. you know that area very well cuz he was director general police that he was arrested for hate speech, hateful behavior. and this is what happened when he came out. this is what he had to say. i listen, have a look and then help me. if the leadership, if your leaders, if your holy man am, are prejudiced, what do you do about that? he miss vicki pug. luckily on panama kelly, would you had our deal done? i bought it from a deal down got or had a home ledger laboratory. i don't normally do leave the yard for you and i call you didn't i pill got there. i'm not gonna touch miguel yet. i are done . what's happening, my lawyer guy. not primarily a guy are done with it. could you be kind of in a proud to be better know better than with the young boy, but saddam would have been a year if you just i don't was up on it be my thought up i to go on my opening my login or trulia. look on my, nobody my login. i totally got odd prism i got on the bottom of the year when i got that i got that. i got a day for my daughter miguel you spoke with on ben niggley at the yahoo dot com. i would say that this degree of violence in that don't and did not of the person. i would have my own reservations but that his man is holy or unholy. number one, he said, i'd prefer to go to jail any number of times, i'm prepared to take any number of assaults than the police for him is not the pulpit. the place for him is politics. he will be better suited to going to politics. he is certainly not wholly bad. and then dying, lease and circumstance were decided hope at walker to is what he had said. and in case i think the police need to run the extra mile and ensure that that is not but a walker should irrespective of who is, are doing what even if he happens to be a so called holy man, the place for him is behind body. and his challenge that he's prepared to go a multiple times beyond the bus, but let the police not disappoint him if he gives the opportunity. all right, so often in this conversation, when we're talking about violence against minorities in india, certainly most recent years, a lot of the responsibility has been laid at a faint of the voting party, the b j. p. and we'll just bring in sat tank gosh, who explains what gay fil is feeling these attacks? and maybe the answer is in politics. if it's not with indian people as have a listen, let's have a look by lindsay, the lose lose. india is increasing for may lead to it is faster who leave resign more than the others? is the body of them with the hockey. it's ideologically loss, food spade, in dog. and i addition the rest your friends about some or he honestly believes that in the us will become a humiliation for these the other will she induce visibly across india. secondly, the opposition political parties of albany, the muslims, because they feel that if they become wrong, slim, then the he moved surely to go down what this vision was. slim supp being discriminated for what deeds for their prisons and even for what the real them was . friends that be killed and they are how's out of been demolished in the broad daylight coverage. i'm just gonna say sir, as a closing saw, i redid invite the b j p to be part of that discussion. and they decided that they didn't want to be. it's a difficult conversation for them to have do you on standers as a member of not one of the main parties, but a political party in india. where does that responsibility live for the situation we've been talking about today? is it with the b, j. p. can cavity, hear us? we're having connection issues there and we move that question along to author. oh well definitely it does lie with them. but my primary question would be that the does the ruling party be believe in and in constitution any more or not? because the way they are losing the houses of people, the way they are behaving does a very park is on way. even police is the way they are behaving good. it all feel like as if the whole, you know, idea off stablish, the rule of law would be on the government of india on the ruling party. but the, my primary question here would be, do they believe in indian constitution, an art or they are the ones who are breaking the law in broad daylight every political and legal exploit in this country said these, bulldozers and the way police is reacting, you know, at the pretext off of the government is illegal completely legal. the supreme court of india had to intervene in the national capital and stopped the bulldozers from raising the houses was since so be out at a stage where the ruling party, the government is not in protecting anymore. so i am not said he often because even even a small part of the government does not say that they believe in democracy often constitution any more, i feel bad where i live, my hopes, where i hear despair offer cavities. vikram, thank you for taking part in this conversation on youtube. some thoughts here. some of our clients feel that this is the beginning of a potential genocide in india, how serious they are. fueling this and the facile says hate politics is on the rise, and party empower is playing this card very dangerously. this conversation is not over yet, but for today, for this broadcast. it is thanks for watching. i see next time. ah, african stories from african perspectives on the marine biologist business, when short documentaries from african tillman. i'm going to do from south africa, ethiopia. and nigeria. we been to go over some stuff in this class who she saw this as my, and my role africa direct on al jazeera, investigative journalism. my role in this, i tried the in information about global experts and discussion. the pandemic didn't create all of these problems. it showed us our true colors, voices from different corners. we don't mean to sensationalize how we fail these stories. what journalists do best is look at the heart of the story. programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. oh no, just there were temperatures reach minus 35 degrees celsius and mountain roads become barely possible. one small, many bus serves as a lifeline for community facing environmental and cultural change. ah, out, is there a well joined the regulars on board? the people around the world, this has been going on for a number of what you're gonna be the christopher, who report story quoted. but i think respect that we try to when your global audience and why it's important, how that could impact their life at the high.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United Kingdom , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Iran , Washington , United States , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Cuba , Florida , South Africa , Belgrade , Serbia General , , London , City Of , Ethiopia , Ukraine , Nigeria , Compton , Somerset , Montevideo , Uruguay , Dallas , Texas , Nasha , 92 , Poland , British , Syrian , Russian , Monga Kennedy , Vladimir Putin , Indian Muslim , John Henderson , Ming Chang , Buta Walker ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ The Stream 20240708

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that's after they refuse to pay it stated gas company in rubles. both countries say they've made alternative arrangements and nasha magazine if a 1000000000 of show them just interested or gas, georges, or 76 per cent full. this is a high level of fillings are much higher than in most european countries. therefore, also in this transitional period, before the baltic gas pipeline is launched, we will be able to draw on our resources as part as well as obtaining gas from all other possible directions. busy as well as our gastro mano, and you've been a wish jasmine, i mean, which can receive even larger amounts of liquefied data. so we will try to rise to the occasion in this difficult time for research. you know, we've been a series of explosions in the russian city of belgrade, near the border with ukraine. the regional governor says the blasts happened to the ammunition depot the been no reports of casualties. the un secretary general is heading to poland on his way to ukraine's capital. on tuesday, he met russia's president vladimir putin in moscow, put in, agreed, in principle, to allow the un to help evacuate civilians in the proceed. city of murray executed naga and thrun darma lingam, who had mental disabilities, had been on death row for 13 years off to be in court smuggling heroine. the u. s. secretary of state, as warned that iran could be in a position to develop a nuclear weapon in weeks. that's down from previous assessments for about a year. antony blinkin says, a return to the 2015 nuclear deal is the best way to reduce any threat that is where the air strikes and syria of killed 4 soldiers. a syrian defense ministry says at least 3 others were injured in damascus. and those are the headlines that he's continues here on out to 0 after the stream. coming up next. since fidel castro proclaimed a communist state nearly 6 decades ago, cuba has held fast to with the gl ideology. in a series of special reports, we explore how the pandemic, ethan on with hi, anthony. ok to down the street. we are going to focus on the use of cross in the last few years. john, give you one is a new delhi is the latest out of them was wanting is the last well principle of neutrality on the side of your parties. because instead of punishing the open treatise equally, we have see in the states are having selective approach towards the thought of it. let's have a listen to our to our guests who are joining us. they will have their own tax offer, karita victrum. so good to have here on the screen offer. welcome to the screen, please introduce yourself. i'm kind of top cushion and i'm e, communist feminist activist. i'm a fully brutal member. i'm vick. hm, welcome to the strings. please introduce yourself to the audience. tell them who you are and what day. thank you very much. i'm dr. becoming for my indian police service officer, director general of police hooked up with dish at currently chancellor annoyed that introductory university guiding the s d scholar, sticking glasses of enlightenment, criminal jurisprudence and other allied subjects. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. gas. say you have met our panel. if you on you chief, i know you, she was very boss. and the muslims in the mosque reported that this is what happened to them. is this typical as have a look? let's have a listen. go to what i mean. a glee. oh yeah. bob niggley. yesterday the rally came out. 3 times was not a rally, but a threatened away. i will call it a procession of violence. although i ask about this, because you are based in new delhi, that procession. a was in new delhi, that violence happened quite recently. are we seeing an increase in attacks on muslims? is this unusual? this is unusual, but at the same time, very usual i would say, but let me just talk about this budget more grim times. and that may be the most serious challenge to indian democracy and indian secure secularism that we are facing. so at this baton is very clear, this gentleman what he's trying to say here is that what happens is that the hindu festivals, which used to be earlier an occasion for the community is different religious communities to come together and celebrate. now, there they are, and icing those various festivals. we saw it 1st in montevideo fitness, which is a central state and in india that they are a group of people they were, you know, passing by muslim localities. and that is deliberate. let me tell you, this is not some innocent religious processions that are going on. they make sure that they go there to provoke them. the song that they are playing on outright, li, insulting to muslims in general, muslim women in particular in 2nd. this is not enough. there are young hindu boys, one dancing to the tunes of songs where they are outright li, abusing muslims. so, but the debate for a minimum reaction from the muslim community when that is a minimum reaction, like say if a couple of people are going storms or something, then the police comes in arrest those people, dozers and boom, dollars demolition, the houses and shops of muslims so if you, if, if they are trying to convey here that this is some kind of a community widens, i would say in driving india right now for the muslim minority as somebody who has deep experience in the police force in our to pedestrian director general of the police force that, how are you seeing this? i'm going to say it's an optic in violence, but you can tell me how you see it. what's going on? and what kind of attacks are you seeing? goes off the position. rob is one of the most be schools of festivals in the country and to have this kind of make i'm and why this is absolutely unacceptable. now it will the job of the police to regulate the position if there's no proceedings of such a position is, should not have been allowed. and of course, no weapons, nor in cindy and nor provocative slogans. then when you will, before the mosque, it to the job of the police to ensure that the procession moves of a fos at if dead is that nas, that terrible. if the rooftops have petro mom's weapons and big, but it is unacceptable. i would say that i am very disappointed at the in efficiency of the look, adding jogging 40 and they have added to bread of a governmental rights. it is not one and the pattern and the basic foundation appears to be the seem. it seems that they're working on article that block or to lisky and i had expected a lot more from the law enforcement agencies. i so i and yet we have to go apples. i agree, but becomes in jesus meant all the legality of the profession, but i would not be able to use the good inefficiency because i think that what you seeing here is a pattern on part of the seat missionary. the police in particular, to act with by it, which is lucky we'll get to the floor from the p t i before we came on before your panel came on. she also pointed to that, that you were having the police and this is not the 1st time this is happening. so you have seen other instances in ditch in 2020, for instance, during a donor come to india, it was touching and not into these right hand man. i'm a child with the home minister for the deli police overwhelming. he did muslims, and not just under the laws that he bought it. i just had them under so even bought the anti terran laws and under which it please in the constitution, make india into a hinder nation. they're saying that was fighting for this. they're going to do violence for this, and yet they are never booked on the never touched by the police under the section which says you're trying to over to the state. that both section one was dissolved form was all for those was speaking to intellectuals and activists. was speaking in support of minorities and this is a backlog. and the other thing that can you haven't talked about enough here is what should be just the fact that the steed missionary is bringing in all over the country. the bog with the, the, to basically the g. c, b machine. and since you're based in london department, remember that this is primarily a british company b when you were in washington dc. my accent is based in london though, but please continue. i'm going to show a full dose just a moment so you can explain what we're seeing if that capital would you mind if i do this right now, because i know you understand the context and it's really important to see this. let me just play this because what was happening here was that some lutheran families had their homes or dos because why cavities are this is one of the, one of the places where this is happening. but essentially, the cds here is that these arms and families had shops which were encroaching on public property, public land, or in other places these, that was the property was them, homes are encroaching on public land, but that's a fig leaf. because a b a, b to be, lee does the does of the party. didn't that? why did the ruling party have made public announcement, seeing where ever they're not rap right mongers? they're the bulldozers and basically right. monga kennedy is our bungler, the she will hear god, these are all of it. speech being used by the ruling party to signal that there was limbs not only are encroaching on public land, but that they do not belong in india, that they are responsible for the violence of which they are the victims. so essentially what are kind of brain where was limbs have been victimized? muslims are being turned into, the accused and in a completely illegal be their property is there wars are being damaged. k i r g s m a m l k capital. let me move on a little bit because i would in also i want to talk to you and i want to give them some space to dinner break. so i hear from you, but also i guess their perspective of, of what is going on, how bad it is in india regarding india's muslim minority. but what is going to be done about it? i have the critique, deep critique. let's push forward. this is back here. so men back here belongs to an organization known as the indian muslim women's movement. part of her purpose in life is to try and get citizenship for muslim women in india. and she goes straight to what she fills is an art sir. to this dire situation in india right now, not the politicians have a listen. have a look. be under my feet. might be consider society and you know, by and large, peacefully. so it's up to us the ordinary indians to defeat the politics of hate and really just wondering is ation the ordinary women and men in those muslims christian seeks. we need to speak out against this kind of religious division and bigotry. we need to make those in government. we need to stand up as fellow indians. we need to stand up for humanity. we need to stand up for peace and justice in our society. we need to stand up, receive the soul of our country and sale the civilization. that is india. the off i see you nodding the com. i also saw you nodding the indians. ordinary indians need to take control is not possible offer you stop the cream you continue. i think i only partially agree with one's ikea is saying that she's saying all of us need to stand up. i would say the victims of this anti alliance. they do not have the power, they are so busy saving themselves, saving this can saving their lives and their livelihoods that they do not really haven't. they're not potty to whatever is happening. i think it is entirely on the shoulders of the hindu majority. in fact, i recently did a program, but i said that it is a 911 moment for in dallas hindus where everything is good, hindu should get up and stand up and get counted and say, you cannot do this in my name. you cannot do this under the name of my religion on the protects of saving me, my community and my religion. so it is that i would say it is that significant moment. but besides that, what, what, what was that he was saying is that how we can come out of this, i would say, i don't really see. i mean, there's only tunnel. i do not see a light at the end of the tone of the saying, as you do it inside the tunnel, you don't see how it would have dealt with it. just let me, let me go to let them go to victrum though victrum when, when, as i can says, it's the indian people, indian people can. so this challenge your thoughts about how to into get out of this incredibly tense situation. it isn't right now with it's minorities. i would say that i salute of own words of wisdom that she has just said. and i would say that every indian yesterday to wake up in the sports that i have seen days, which are much worse. but today, there is hope, even in the present conflicts, preserving that this allegation and compton allegations, the supreme court, the highest horton, if he seized off the matter as if that in the misdemeanor or any one crossing the lane, just a short devil to be consequences for the police force for the people and for everybody, but yes, as, as far as like your mom has mentioned that every indian has to take a stand and have a no nonsense approach that india is for all indians. india belongs to everyone. the constitutional authority and the caustic, hadn't the confederacy grammar and underneath the m as in mary ality. oh right. yes . because the constitution was a deity. we wouldn't even be having this conversation cavity glad and that's exactly the problem. see a victim just mentioned the supreme court and indian india courts. the problem is that the, a degree of bias basically goes to the course as well. for instance, one of the most islam of phobic are steve exercises that dusty and pleasantries and d, as in india, was the national register of citizens exercise that took place in us um, where basically every citizen was forced to provide documentation to prove they were citizens or else they were declared up, you know, suspect that their citizenship was declared suspect. and the whole campaign are specifically targeted early, linguistic and. ready religious minority scheme, um, so the been goalies in this of muslims was, are of been widely speaking origin where are suspicious as suspected of being bundle, ebay, she and so on. now the problem is that the supreme court itself oversaw that entire exercise which resulted in enormous human rights violations on a scale of on a massive scale. and that is an ongoing irking for which the supreme court's answer is to basically shrug and see it. or, well, you know that the not, the supreme court itself has allowed looking. you have refugees in india. what smallest most most are you know, it is. there's a few 1000 of them in india of these up a steep las community a fleeing myanmar. 1 blared the irving and all right, carol, african, can i ideally not allow trig, casper, tennyson jeremy to sophia is yet they have been targeted and you put it it finally nothing that your cousin office also lies. not saying like to move out latan i, if we have is out of the whole i for another carrier to can hear me. i'll tie for mo, an officer. she does not see light at the end of the tunnel. she does not see how to address this dire situation right now. the india is in. are you? are you saying the same? let me move on. i'm going to bring him, they cram again. they come, i want you to listen to a hindu priest who was arrested earlier this month. he's from utter protection. you know that area very well cuz he was director general police that he was arrested for hate speech, hateful behavior. and this is what happened when he came out. this is what he had to say. i listen, have a look and then help me. if the leadership, if your leaders, if your holy man am, are prejudiced, what do you do about that? he miss vicki pug. luckily on panama kelly, would you had our deal done? i bought it from a deal down got or had a home ledger laboratory. i don't normally do leave the yard for you and i call you didn't i pill got there. i'm not gonna touch miguel yet. i are done . what's happening, my lawyer guy. not primarily a guy are done with it. could you be kind of in a proud to be better know better than with the young boy, but saddam would have been a year if you just i don't was up on it be my thought up i to go on my opening my login or trulia. look on my, nobody my login. i totally got odd prism i got on the bottom of the year when i got that i got that. i got a day for my daughter miguel you spoke with on ben niggley at the yahoo dot com. i would say that this degree of violence in that don't and did not of the person. i would have my own reservations but that his man is holy or unholy. number one, he said, i'd prefer to go to jail any number of times, i'm prepared to take any number of assaults than the police for him is not the pulpit. the place for him is politics. he will be better suited to going to politics. he is certainly not wholly bad. and then dying, lease and circumstance were decided hope at walker to is what he had said. and in case i think the police need to run the extra mile and ensure that that is not but a walker should irrespective of who is, are doing what even if he happens to be a so called holy man, the place for him is behind body. and his challenge that he's prepared to go a multiple times beyond the bus, but let the police not disappoint him if he gives the opportunity. all right, so often in this conversation, when we're talking about violence against minorities in india, certainly most recent years, a lot of the responsibility has been laid at a faint of the voting party, the b j. p. and we'll just bring in sat tank gosh, who explains what gay fil is feeling these attacks? and maybe the answer is in politics. if it's not with indian people as have a listen, let's have a look by lindsay, the lose lose. india is increasing for may lead to it is faster who leave resign more than the others? is the body of them with the hockey. it's ideologically loss, food spade, in dog. and i addition the rest your friends about some or he honestly believes that in the us will become a humiliation for these the other will she induce visibly across india. secondly, the opposition political parties of albany, the muslims, because they feel that if they become wrong, slim, then the he moved surely to go down what this vision was. slim supp being discriminated for what deeds for their prisons and even for what the real them was . friends that be killed and they are how's out of been demolished in the broad daylight coverage. i'm just gonna say sir, as a closing saw, i redid invite the b j p to be part of that discussion. and they decided that they didn't want to be. it's a difficult conversation for them to have do you on standers as a member of not one of the main parties, but a political party in india. where does that responsibility live for the situation we've been talking about today? is it with the b, j. p. can cavity, hear us? we're having connection issues there and we move that question along to author. oh well definitely it does lie with them. but my primary question would be that the does the ruling party be believe in and in constitution any more or not? because the way they are losing the houses of people, the way they are behaving does a very park is on way. even police is the way they are behaving good. it all feel like as if the whole, you know, idea off stablish, the rule of law would be on the government of india on the ruling party. but the, my primary question here would be, do they believe in indian constitution, an art or they are the ones who are breaking the law in broad daylight every political and legal exploit in this country said these, bulldozers and the way police is reacting, you know, at the pretext off of the government is illegal completely legal. the supreme court of india had to intervene in the national capital and stopped the bulldozers from raising the houses was since so be out at a stage where the ruling party, the government is not in protecting anymore. so i am not said he often because even even a small part of the government does not say that they believe in democracy often constitution any more, i feel bad where i live, my hopes, where i hear despair offer cavities. vikram, thank you for taking part in this conversation on youtube. some thoughts here. some of our clients feel that this is the beginning of a potential genocide in india, how serious they are. fueling this and the facile says hate politics is on the rise, and party empower is playing this card very dangerously. this conversation is not over yet, but for today, for this broadcast. it is thanks for watching. i see next time. ah, african stories from african perspectives on the marine biologist business, when short documentaries from african tillman. i'm going to do from south africa, ethiopia. and nigeria. we been to go over some stuff in this class who she saw this as my, and my role africa direct on al jazeera, investigative journalism. my role in this, i tried the in information about global experts and discussion. the pandemic didn't create all of these problems. it showed us our true colors, voices from different corners. we don't mean to sensationalize how we fail these stories. what journalists do best is look at the heart of the story. programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. oh no, just there were temperatures reach minus 35 degrees celsius and mountain roads become barely possible. one small, many bus serves as a lifeline for community facing environmental and cultural change. ah, out, is there a well joined the regulars on board? the people around the world, this has been going on for a number of what you're gonna be the christopher, who report story quoted. but i think respect that we try to when your global audience and why it's important, how that could impact their life at the high.

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