Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

a result of drought. trys refuse to accept the new terms. bulgaria says that it's made alternative arrangements and poland says that it's energy supplies a secure. and nasa magazine is, you know, if you're interested or gas storage is or 76 percent full, this is a high level fillings are much higher than in most european countries. and therefore, also in this transitional period for the baltic gas pipeline is launched, we will be able to draw on our resources as well as obtaining gas from all other possible time through research, we ending a reliance on russian gases, no easy task. the european union got more than 40 percent of its supplies from russia before the war. about a 3rd of that passes through ukraine. germany is the biggest single consumer, but it was as a result of the war. it's promised to gradually phase out russian imports from russia by pipelines and runs through bella roost for check. she will, sky is editor in chief of visit grad inside of her political magazine. he explains why poland will manage without russian gas for poland. this doesn't mean much of course, there is uncertainty about the gas prices, but poland has invested over decades now in gas diversification. it can acquire gas through l n g ports. it is completing its baltic pipe together with denmark to provide, provide gas supplies from the nordic c. there is there also interconnect or between the countries around poland on the borders with poland and under neighboring countries, allowing for balancing the gas. so in terms of supplies, these are secured, the gas prices, of course they will, there will be inflicted. this is expected to have higher gas prices for bulgaria. it's much more difficult situation because bulgaria is dependency on one source is much higher. it's close 90 percent, and for bulgaria, a mean it will mean that they will desperately look for reverse flows from the rest of europe. part of the european solidarity to provide gas supplies to this country on, on the edge. this is going to hurt. definitely russia because there will be no payment . this is a continuous policy of now payment intervals. russia will not require funds from the gas supplies. but is this also a warning charge? the rest of euro, specifically to germany, the oil through special port delivery, you know, and, and, and, and the pipes that will deliver it back to some lands in germany, said the ammunition depot, but there been no reports of casualties. earlier this month, russia accused ukraine of attacking a fuel deco in belgrade a hospital in the ukrainian city of crime, a toss kiss, stretched to breaking point, due to a staffing shortage. most of the health workers left the city when russia began its invasion. only a handful of staff remained to help the wounded, comatose has been targeted by russia several times at least 53 people were killed. one missiles hit its train station earlier this month. and it was a venue from the hulu. so was in sworn as you go out. the hospital is in a very difficult situation. we don't have enough staff, it affects the professional support we can provide here. however, the people who have stayed understand that if we leave, there will be nobody to provide medical support and a huge number of people will simply die without this support. the un secretary general antonio garage is on his way to poland, which is hosting the largest number of ukrainian refugees. on tuesday, he met russian president vladimir putin in moscow, where he pushed for a cease fire. russia as agreed in principle to allow the you entered red cross to help evacuate civilians who are trapped in a steel plant in murray upon from moscow. his torso jibari, the world's most senior diplomat, is in moscow on a mission. un secretary general antonio terrace says he has come to the russian capital as a messenger, a piece, his audience, the most controversial world leader at the moment. russian president vladimir putin who received the secretary general with high praise for his organisation. russia, as one of the founding countries of the united nations and a permanent member of the security council has always supported this universal organization. and we believe that it is not just universal but unique in its kind. there is no such organization in the international community, and we strongly support the principles on which it is based and we intend to do so in the future. good, harris seemingly not missing any words about how the united nations seize russia, so called the special military operation in ukraine repeating, i, i understand these grievances, but from our perspective, the grievances must be solved according to the different instruments that the un charter has at its disposal, and the one thing that we firmly believe is that the violation of the territorial integrity of the country is completely out of order in relation to the charter. earlier in the day. but harris kicked off his trip with a meeting at the russian foreign ministry and a working lunch with survey love robin boucher, the 2 officials discussed for nearly 2 hours their situation in ukraine. they emerged from what was described as a frank conversation. it is clear that there are due to different positions on what is happening in ukraine, according to the russian federation. what is taking place is a special new 30 open ocean with your objectives. that's what a lot according to the un in line with the resolutions fast by the general assembly . russia's invasion of ukraine is a violation of his very thought integrity and against the chart that of united nations in the russian foreign minister once again defended his country's decision, was shoshone will show issue, conceal this was happening as a result of the actions of the us and its allies and unipolar world, because as for our geopolitical sphere, it was done in the interest of containing russia and to that. and for many years green has been used as a springboard to strain our country english. one of the main initiatives put forward by the secretary general involved entering the humanitarian crisis in the passage port city of mario paul. the city is now under russian control. according to the defense ministry, but thousands of civilians are unable to leave it. something vladimir putin dismissed as mis information, cuz harris has proposed setting up a contact working group made up of russian, ukrainian, an un members to ensure that all residents wishing to leave can do so. and to allow aid into the area. after a 2 hour meeting with the russian president, the un says latter mere pollutant has agreed in principle to the involvement of the agency along with the international committee of the red cross to overseas. the evacuation of civilians from the as of solstio plants and mary opal, the un secretary general seemingly managed to achieve what many world leaders have failed to do so far. as he travels ukraine, he will be looking for officials there to approve this plan as well. all the while the newly 1000 civilians continue to wait to get out of the underground tunnels, in one of europe's largest steel plants. door such a bari, al jazeera moscow. a quoted man, law has sentenced instantly to own some suit sheet of 5 years in jail. should she was found guilty of accepting $600000.00 and $7.00 gold bars in bribes. the 76 year old trial was closed to the media was so she is facing 10 other corruption chargers the could see her sentence to more than 100 years in prison. she's already been jail for 2 years for intent to swim, to incite and to more for breaching cobra 19 rules possessing, unlicensed walkie talkies and sharing secret information. she's charged with influencing the election commission and faces 11 corruption cases, each carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. phil robertson is deputy director at human rights watches asia division. he says the john tup has used false charges to imprison sushi on songs of cheese life as a free woman as effectively over. ah, it's quite clear that the military junta there is going to do everything they can to keep her behind bars. she's 76 years old now. she's at 11 years in prison and there's going to be more coming with other criminal charges and other court trials coming later this year. i think that they're trying to our locker away for life that they do not want to see her or her political party ever surfacing again. and this is part of their effort to destroy our popular democracy in human rights in myanmar. these are kangaroo courts. they are waiting for the instructions from the military who don, how to rule there. there's no iota of independence. the woman who won the november 2020 election a landslide ah, is now a prisoner in her own country. this is another argument for sanctions against the military and military companies are to really increase the pressure on myanmar . increasingly, myanmar has sort of fallen out of the headlines with other things going on in the world. it's time for a rededication of effort by the international community to pressure them jamara honda, to restore democracy and to respect human rights of a lazy man with intellectual disabilities, found guilty of drug trafficking. and singapore has been executed, naga and from donna lingam had been on death through for more than a decade. after being caught importing 44 grams of heroine, governments, groups, and celebrities. cool for his execution to be stopped. a final legal challenge filed by his mother failed to be choose executive coordinator at the anti death penalty. asia next network, he says the death penalty is targeting mules a not the head drug traffickers. i think singable goldman, this will us itself. this execution is more than a very big support in singapore itself, which is traditionally a piece where people favor the death penalty. the you will claim the same in their parliament, hands over amused the state. the thing up or in people want to definitely the belief, it is the fact that the parents and the government defendant and then we look in the grins case, we've got to ask the question with the goldman introduce the death of people dropping feds and this was in the seventy's piece, it was not to say, you know, they believe that this will look at the tourist with a response to the traffic. you'll hear intrusive point australia or other countries and that has more work. it has been 3040 years now drug trafficking is you something happens in singapore. and what they're doing now is the punishing news news. i know some who benefits from the treat. someone who's exploited by the drugs in the good to, to, to, you know, run their business. and when you look at the boy kit thing, we want to catch the big fish. we won the big fish. we do not intend to execute the drug use. why exploit but what is like in good, how do they justify that? they need to be able to then not speak to the west, say yeah, we believe in death and i'll be the works and then it works to get rid of the big fish. where is the big fish wears them if that it thing that you know, this is going to work to stop drug trafficking in the country? how do i go and just found it? because right now, from my perspective one, they just proof of the depth and i'll be targets the week, the one or both the poor and he doesn't solve the problem. still to come here on al jazeera. i'm john henry in illinois, one of many states where the new s is targeting espionage from china. tell you more, coming up on the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to the catholic book. your travel package today. hello there. it's a mixed picture weatherwise across europe at the moment we have got areas of on and why whether but we're also see some wet and windy conditions hold on in the south. across the balkans and for the iberian peninsula, with some heavy rain on the way for spain. now farther north of if it is cooler up in scandinavia, but dryer as well. we are seeing a bit of a wintry mix blown to northern areas of norway. but down in the south, it's pretty dry and the wild fire risk remains. it's a similar story for finland now to the west of this for the north, west, britain and island. we are seeing some very fine and dry weather, lots of warmth coming through him. we will see temperatures pick up in places like london and paris by the and the turkey, a smattering of rain here and there, but lots of warmth, the temperature in athens at 26 degrees. now those conditions extend across much of the mediterranean debate. there is no, he job bad. and if anyone here talks about women that i had 2 horses, does it these the museum of them says no topic is off the table. we were taught to see abortion at a one way ticket street to help all the companies. they deny any responsibility, even though they have the resources and the power to fix it. we're a global audience, becomes a global community. the comment section is right here. be part of today's program. this stream on al jazeera, ah hello again. this is al jazeera. let's remind you of the main news. the solid washer says that it's turned off the supply of natural gas to poland and bulgaria. that's after they refuse to pay a state of the gas company and roubles. both countries say they've made alternative arrangements. a quoted me on laws sentenced, ousted leader on some su, cheat of 5 years in jail search. he was found guilty of accepting $600000.00 and $7.00 gold bars in bribes. the 76 year old trial was close to the media and a blazing man with intellectual disabilities, guilty of drug traffic in the game and sing, a pool has been executed. naga and threaten donna lingam had been on death row for more than a decade of to be in court, trying to bring 40 full grams of heroin into the country. the u. s. secretary of state, as will pursue a nuclear weapon, particularly the facade material for such weapon. ah, and that agreement was working by all objective accounts. we've tested the other proposition, which was pulling out of the agreement, trying to exert more pressure. and we've also seen the result and the result has been that that nuclear program, which had pushed back the breakout time to a year in terms of being able to produce hassan, mature for a weapon that's down to a matter of weeks haul from out there. as my cat up in washington, while the setting in which the secretary of state chose to make this information public was in a senate committee hearing. the secretary of state essentially defending the bite and administration's policy to re engage with iran to attempt to put back into place that joint comprehensive plan of action which was established in 2015. and then abolished by then pressed this increased pace with which iran appears to be improving its nuclear weapons program. at the same time, she said this was a consequence of the previous administration. and this is why when president biden came to power, one of his 1st actions was to draw up a plan in an attempt to reengage iran. and to re establish that joint comprehensive plan of action, the secretary of state making clear that it would be better to engage iran, limited plan that was abolished and putting it in public like this is a way in which the biden administration as a whole can attempt to gone a domestic support for a policy that is unpopular among many with in congress for syrian soldiers have been killed in an israeli. a strike serious defense ministry of africa are experiencing some of the worst effects of climate change. 2019 brought extreme rain and flooding followed by swarms of locusts. now the region is experienced, forcing people to leave their homes in search of food and water. in kenya, around 3 and a half 1000000 people are suffering because of the drought or zeros hot metasource week and hungry. there isn't enough food because of the dr. his mother con gauge nothing to eat and can't produce enough milk for him. they lost, i never seen in 40 years in kenya, more than 3 and a half 1000000 people need immediate help. agencies say nearly 800000 of them are children. the animals to a dying, as it gets hotter and dryer. people out here attempt to move around a lot, looking for food and water for themselves late at night. cases of malnutrition, arising at this local health center, health workers are struggling to cope. they say when some of the children get here, they are severely malnourished. my tuition i've been here for so long. my said if i can say it is her pony. my question, but it wasn't because of the drought. for the last 2 years, we have not received her info. grace gibbet, his many children are going to school hungry. she says this drought is the worst she has ever seen. some of them, they're just dying. and we have nothing to just feed them. and i me more all day because we're just depend on what little water is left in streams and rivers may soon run out. desperate families stressed the little that's left and can only hope the rains soon fall again. and harris with us live now from colacho in northern kenya. how to give us a sense of just how wide scale this problem is or masika county where we are. it's really big and you will drive for hours and hours the road is not taught to get to some of the most remote areas. and when you get to places, you can go from house to house and you see women and parents and children who say we're hungry, we haven't eaten properly in days. sometimes even weeks when we got here, this old man came to me as a herder. and he said he just come from nearest town and he'd manage to beg some of the locals in the town for these, these are pellets which are given by the king and government to communities, but these are enough to go around. so he didn't have any for his animals, the few that are left and he went in big some frames for them. so he bought the small amount. what they'll do is they will crush them with a little bit of water and then feed the few animals they have left. and this is your typical village here in massa, but you got your family stating where the people will tell you they are struggling . they are starving bay are hungry. the family, for example, had dozens of camels, and they say only a few live. most of them died because of this drought. the area is dry, it's deslot, jasmine range in a very, very long time. you can see some of these enclosures, that's why they used to keep many of the animals, but the animals die because the heat. and that means there's no move for the children. that's why a lot of people or the children lease or severely mon nourished when you asked them . okay. it's been a while a few years with some of you. have you gotten enough help? they'll tell you that. no, not really. and we've been here for a few days, and i honestly thought because of how did with the plate the situation as i thought i'd see a lot more aid workers and government officials on the ground. we have not managed to see that we bumped into a fairly small group that a just arrived and they come with some rations for the children now because these areas are remote, these aid workers have to reach these places sometimes with no road. so they send word out a few days advance saying we're going to be in this place, this meet of this river, or the stream, or this lake. and we'll give you what we have new, tell us what you need. now these are people who will manage be reached by word of mouth because the food network system sometimes doesn't work out yes or what about or those other people who are still stuck away? are they into more areas? areas we couldn't even access because the roads were bad where there was no road at all is not just in kenya is in the horn of africa, cynthia and somalia, millions across the region are really struggling a suffering in need help. and if you have any that, now, how to 0, how to matessa reporting live from colacho in northern kenya. how many thanks. indeed, a prominent opposition figure and politician and sudan has been released from prison, former cabinet minister holiday. my use of was freed on bail on tuesday. he was one of several politicians arrested in february form on the software takeover by the military leaders who shared power with the civilian coalition. yourself as a member of the sidelined group, the forces of freedom and change. the world's wealthiest university plans to spend $100000000.00 making up for its links to slavery. harvard in the us says the money will go to research towards research. it plans to find and support, descendants of enslaved people who worked on the ivy league campus, have at least a report on how it benefited from slavery. it found that it had at least 70 black and native american captives at the school. in the 16 and 17 hundreds, the u. s. math professor who grew up in china has become the latest person caught up in an empty spying campaign. the program originally called the china initiative began during donald trump's presidency. joe biden has broadened the focus to include other countries, but critics say it still discriminates john henry report. so chicago ming chang, shao is caught in the web of a massive u. s. program targeting spies for china, but he's not on trial for spying. the justice department, his charge, the southern illinois university mathematics professor with financial fraud and tax evasion for allegedly failing to disclose grants from chinese universities when he applied for a grant from the us national science foundation. or critics a, that's the problem with the china initiative. if authorities can't prove spying, they'll look for something. anything else? i feel it's completely xena phobic. it's racist. corbin, yes. a friend who set up a go fun me page says the trump, you're a spy. catching program aimed at preventing china from stealing intellectual property is not catching spies. they're going about it in a completely wrong way. i mean, they are clearly targeting, for the most part, asian americans. and, you know, we've seen this in past instances in history and it's happening now. when the biden administration inherited the china initiative id decided that wasn't the right approach. it replaced that with a broader plan called the strategy for countering nation state threats. targeting espionage from china, russia. busy iran and north korea since then there have been trials across the us with at vast a mixed record of convictions. the case of gang chin, a massachusetts institute of technology professor accused of lying about his ties to china was dismissed without trial. university of kansas professor fang franklin towel was convicted in april of fraud and making false statements. but the judge is declined to set a sentencing date and is considering defense claims that there are major problems with the prosecution's case, f b, i. officials point to the case of harvard university chemist charles libor convicted of lying to federal agencies about his tie to a chinese talent recruitment program. failing to disclose a chinese bank account and tax evasion. they say there's good reason to focus on china. there is no country, no country that presents a broader, more severe threat to our innovation, our ideas on our economic security than china does. joyce jour with chinese student living in chicago says the focus on china makes the u. s. and increasingly hostile environment. there's a huge rise of anti asia and violence and discrimination as many smaller incidents as well. and i do think that this, these trials are originated from the, the miller social political factors, the case of ming chang, shao marx, the latest test of whether the anti spying program will survive public scrutiny. john henderson, al jazeera chicago. eros aerospace company space acts has lost its 7th crude mission to orbit. falcon 9 rocket blasted off from the space at the kennedy space center in florida, 3 nasa astronaut. so heading to the instructional space station along with an italian from the european space agency on a 6 month mission planning to conduct some $200.00 experiments.

Related Keywords

Australia , Iberian Peninsula , Spain General , Spain , United States , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , China , Syria , Russia , Belgrade , Serbia General , , In Court , Nord Pas De Calais , Ukraine , Sudan , Massachusetts , Nowa , Dolnoslaskie , Poland , Finland , Chicago , Illinois , Norway , Moscow , Moskva , Iran , Washington , Florida , Somalia , Germany , Athens , Attikír , Greece , Kenya , Southern Illinois University , Harvard University , Israel , Singapore , Bulgaria , North Korea , Kansas , Turkey , Americans , Chinese , Russian , Britain , Ukrainian , Russian Federation , Syrian , Israeli , American , Robin Boucher , John Henderson , Shao Marx , Joe Biden , John Henry , Vladimir Putin , Mario Paul , Phil Robertson , Ming Chang , Asa Frank ,

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Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708 :

Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240708

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a result of drought. trys refuse to accept the new terms. bulgaria says that it's made alternative arrangements and poland says that it's energy supplies a secure. and nasa magazine is, you know, if you're interested or gas storage is or 76 percent full, this is a high level fillings are much higher than in most european countries. and therefore, also in this transitional period for the baltic gas pipeline is launched, we will be able to draw on our resources as well as obtaining gas from all other possible time through research, we ending a reliance on russian gases, no easy task. the european union got more than 40 percent of its supplies from russia before the war. about a 3rd of that passes through ukraine. germany is the biggest single consumer, but it was as a result of the war. it's promised to gradually phase out russian imports from russia by pipelines and runs through bella roost for check. she will, sky is editor in chief of visit grad inside of her political magazine. he explains why poland will manage without russian gas for poland. this doesn't mean much of course, there is uncertainty about the gas prices, but poland has invested over decades now in gas diversification. it can acquire gas through l n g ports. it is completing its baltic pipe together with denmark to provide, provide gas supplies from the nordic c. there is there also interconnect or between the countries around poland on the borders with poland and under neighboring countries, allowing for balancing the gas. so in terms of supplies, these are secured, the gas prices, of course they will, there will be inflicted. this is expected to have higher gas prices for bulgaria. it's much more difficult situation because bulgaria is dependency on one source is much higher. it's close 90 percent, and for bulgaria, a mean it will mean that they will desperately look for reverse flows from the rest of europe. part of the european solidarity to provide gas supplies to this country on, on the edge. this is going to hurt. definitely russia because there will be no payment . this is a continuous policy of now payment intervals. russia will not require funds from the gas supplies. but is this also a warning charge? the rest of euro, specifically to germany, the oil through special port delivery, you know, and, and, and, and the pipes that will deliver it back to some lands in germany, said the ammunition depot, but there been no reports of casualties. earlier this month, russia accused ukraine of attacking a fuel deco in belgrade a hospital in the ukrainian city of crime, a toss kiss, stretched to breaking point, due to a staffing shortage. most of the health workers left the city when russia began its invasion. only a handful of staff remained to help the wounded, comatose has been targeted by russia several times at least 53 people were killed. one missiles hit its train station earlier this month. and it was a venue from the hulu. so was in sworn as you go out. the hospital is in a very difficult situation. we don't have enough staff, it affects the professional support we can provide here. however, the people who have stayed understand that if we leave, there will be nobody to provide medical support and a huge number of people will simply die without this support. the un secretary general antonio garage is on his way to poland, which is hosting the largest number of ukrainian refugees. on tuesday, he met russian president vladimir putin in moscow, where he pushed for a cease fire. russia as agreed in principle to allow the you entered red cross to help evacuate civilians who are trapped in a steel plant in murray upon from moscow. his torso jibari, the world's most senior diplomat, is in moscow on a mission. un secretary general antonio terrace says he has come to the russian capital as a messenger, a piece, his audience, the most controversial world leader at the moment. russian president vladimir putin who received the secretary general with high praise for his organisation. russia, as one of the founding countries of the united nations and a permanent member of the security council has always supported this universal organization. and we believe that it is not just universal but unique in its kind. there is no such organization in the international community, and we strongly support the principles on which it is based and we intend to do so in the future. good, harris seemingly not missing any words about how the united nations seize russia, so called the special military operation in ukraine repeating, i, i understand these grievances, but from our perspective, the grievances must be solved according to the different instruments that the un charter has at its disposal, and the one thing that we firmly believe is that the violation of the territorial integrity of the country is completely out of order in relation to the charter. earlier in the day. but harris kicked off his trip with a meeting at the russian foreign ministry and a working lunch with survey love robin boucher, the 2 officials discussed for nearly 2 hours their situation in ukraine. they emerged from what was described as a frank conversation. it is clear that there are due to different positions on what is happening in ukraine, according to the russian federation. what is taking place is a special new 30 open ocean with your objectives. that's what a lot according to the un in line with the resolutions fast by the general assembly . russia's invasion of ukraine is a violation of his very thought integrity and against the chart that of united nations in the russian foreign minister once again defended his country's decision, was shoshone will show issue, conceal this was happening as a result of the actions of the us and its allies and unipolar world, because as for our geopolitical sphere, it was done in the interest of containing russia and to that. and for many years green has been used as a springboard to strain our country english. one of the main initiatives put forward by the secretary general involved entering the humanitarian crisis in the passage port city of mario paul. the city is now under russian control. according to the defense ministry, but thousands of civilians are unable to leave it. something vladimir putin dismissed as mis information, cuz harris has proposed setting up a contact working group made up of russian, ukrainian, an un members to ensure that all residents wishing to leave can do so. and to allow aid into the area. after a 2 hour meeting with the russian president, the un says latter mere pollutant has agreed in principle to the involvement of the agency along with the international committee of the red cross to overseas. the evacuation of civilians from the as of solstio plants and mary opal, the un secretary general seemingly managed to achieve what many world leaders have failed to do so far. as he travels ukraine, he will be looking for officials there to approve this plan as well. all the while the newly 1000 civilians continue to wait to get out of the underground tunnels, in one of europe's largest steel plants. door such a bari, al jazeera moscow. a quoted man, law has sentenced instantly to own some suit sheet of 5 years in jail. should she was found guilty of accepting $600000.00 and $7.00 gold bars in bribes. the 76 year old trial was closed to the media was so she is facing 10 other corruption chargers the could see her sentence to more than 100 years in prison. she's already been jail for 2 years for intent to swim, to incite and to more for breaching cobra 19 rules possessing, unlicensed walkie talkies and sharing secret information. she's charged with influencing the election commission and faces 11 corruption cases, each carrying a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. phil robertson is deputy director at human rights watches asia division. he says the john tup has used false charges to imprison sushi on songs of cheese life as a free woman as effectively over. ah, it's quite clear that the military junta there is going to do everything they can to keep her behind bars. she's 76 years old now. she's at 11 years in prison and there's going to be more coming with other criminal charges and other court trials coming later this year. i think that they're trying to our locker away for life that they do not want to see her or her political party ever surfacing again. and this is part of their effort to destroy our popular democracy in human rights in myanmar. these are kangaroo courts. they are waiting for the instructions from the military who don, how to rule there. there's no iota of independence. the woman who won the november 2020 election a landslide ah, is now a prisoner in her own country. this is another argument for sanctions against the military and military companies are to really increase the pressure on myanmar . increasingly, myanmar has sort of fallen out of the headlines with other things going on in the world. it's time for a rededication of effort by the international community to pressure them jamara honda, to restore democracy and to respect human rights of a lazy man with intellectual disabilities, found guilty of drug trafficking. and singapore has been executed, naga and from donna lingam had been on death through for more than a decade. after being caught importing 44 grams of heroine, governments, groups, and celebrities. cool for his execution to be stopped. a final legal challenge filed by his mother failed to be choose executive coordinator at the anti death penalty. asia next network, he says the death penalty is targeting mules a not the head drug traffickers. i think singable goldman, this will us itself. this execution is more than a very big support in singapore itself, which is traditionally a piece where people favor the death penalty. the you will claim the same in their parliament, hands over amused the state. the thing up or in people want to definitely the belief, it is the fact that the parents and the government defendant and then we look in the grins case, we've got to ask the question with the goldman introduce the death of people dropping feds and this was in the seventy's piece, it was not to say, you know, they believe that this will look at the tourist with a response to the traffic. you'll hear intrusive point australia or other countries and that has more work. it has been 3040 years now drug trafficking is you something happens in singapore. and what they're doing now is the punishing news news. i know some who benefits from the treat. someone who's exploited by the drugs in the good to, to, to, you know, run their business. and when you look at the boy kit thing, we want to catch the big fish. we won the big fish. we do not intend to execute the drug use. why exploit but what is like in good, how do they justify that? they need to be able to then not speak to the west, say yeah, we believe in death and i'll be the works and then it works to get rid of the big fish. where is the big fish wears them if that it thing that you know, this is going to work to stop drug trafficking in the country? how do i go and just found it? because right now, from my perspective one, they just proof of the depth and i'll be targets the week, the one or both the poor and he doesn't solve the problem. still to come here on al jazeera. i'm john henry in illinois, one of many states where the new s is targeting espionage from china. tell you more, coming up on the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to the catholic book. your travel package today. hello there. it's a mixed picture weatherwise across europe at the moment we have got areas of on and why whether but we're also see some wet and windy conditions hold on in the south. across the balkans and for the iberian peninsula, with some heavy rain on the way for spain. now farther north of if it is cooler up in scandinavia, but dryer as well. we are seeing a bit of a wintry mix blown to northern areas of norway. but down in the south, it's pretty dry and the wild fire risk remains. it's a similar story for finland now to the west of this for the north, west, britain and island. we are seeing some very fine and dry weather, lots of warmth coming through him. we will see temperatures pick up in places like london and paris by the and the turkey, a smattering of rain here and there, but lots of warmth, the temperature in athens at 26 degrees. now those conditions extend across much of the mediterranean debate. there is no, he job bad. and if anyone here talks about women that i had 2 horses, does it these the museum of them says no topic is off the table. we were taught to see abortion at a one way ticket street to help all the companies. they deny any responsibility, even though they have the resources and the power to fix it. we're a global audience, becomes a global community. the comment section is right here. be part of today's program. this stream on al jazeera, ah hello again. this is al jazeera. let's remind you of the main news. the solid washer says that it's turned off the supply of natural gas to poland and bulgaria. that's after they refuse to pay a state of the gas company and roubles. both countries say they've made alternative arrangements. a quoted me on laws sentenced, ousted leader on some su, cheat of 5 years in jail search. he was found guilty of accepting $600000.00 and $7.00 gold bars in bribes. the 76 year old trial was close to the media and a blazing man with intellectual disabilities, guilty of drug traffic in the game and sing, a pool has been executed. naga and threaten donna lingam had been on death row for more than a decade of to be in court, trying to bring 40 full grams of heroin into the country. the u. s. secretary of state, as will pursue a nuclear weapon, particularly the facade material for such weapon. ah, and that agreement was working by all objective accounts. we've tested the other proposition, which was pulling out of the agreement, trying to exert more pressure. and we've also seen the result and the result has been that that nuclear program, which had pushed back the breakout time to a year in terms of being able to produce hassan, mature for a weapon that's down to a matter of weeks haul from out there. as my cat up in washington, while the setting in which the secretary of state chose to make this information public was in a senate committee hearing. the secretary of state essentially defending the bite and administration's policy to re engage with iran to attempt to put back into place that joint comprehensive plan of action which was established in 2015. and then abolished by then pressed this increased pace with which iran appears to be improving its nuclear weapons program. at the same time, she said this was a consequence of the previous administration. and this is why when president biden came to power, one of his 1st actions was to draw up a plan in an attempt to reengage iran. and to re establish that joint comprehensive plan of action, the secretary of state making clear that it would be better to engage iran, limited plan that was abolished and putting it in public like this is a way in which the biden administration as a whole can attempt to gone a domestic support for a policy that is unpopular among many with in congress for syrian soldiers have been killed in an israeli. a strike serious defense ministry of africa are experiencing some of the worst effects of climate change. 2019 brought extreme rain and flooding followed by swarms of locusts. now the region is experienced, forcing people to leave their homes in search of food and water. in kenya, around 3 and a half 1000000 people are suffering because of the drought or zeros hot metasource week and hungry. there isn't enough food because of the dr. his mother con gauge nothing to eat and can't produce enough milk for him. they lost, i never seen in 40 years in kenya, more than 3 and a half 1000000 people need immediate help. agencies say nearly 800000 of them are children. the animals to a dying, as it gets hotter and dryer. people out here attempt to move around a lot, looking for food and water for themselves late at night. cases of malnutrition, arising at this local health center, health workers are struggling to cope. they say when some of the children get here, they are severely malnourished. my tuition i've been here for so long. my said if i can say it is her pony. my question, but it wasn't because of the drought. for the last 2 years, we have not received her info. grace gibbet, his many children are going to school hungry. she says this drought is the worst she has ever seen. some of them, they're just dying. and we have nothing to just feed them. and i me more all day because we're just depend on what little water is left in streams and rivers may soon run out. desperate families stressed the little that's left and can only hope the rains soon fall again. and harris with us live now from colacho in northern kenya. how to give us a sense of just how wide scale this problem is or masika county where we are. it's really big and you will drive for hours and hours the road is not taught to get to some of the most remote areas. and when you get to places, you can go from house to house and you see women and parents and children who say we're hungry, we haven't eaten properly in days. sometimes even weeks when we got here, this old man came to me as a herder. and he said he just come from nearest town and he'd manage to beg some of the locals in the town for these, these are pellets which are given by the king and government to communities, but these are enough to go around. so he didn't have any for his animals, the few that are left and he went in big some frames for them. so he bought the small amount. what they'll do is they will crush them with a little bit of water and then feed the few animals they have left. and this is your typical village here in massa, but you got your family stating where the people will tell you they are struggling . they are starving bay are hungry. the family, for example, had dozens of camels, and they say only a few live. most of them died because of this drought. the area is dry, it's deslot, jasmine range in a very, very long time. you can see some of these enclosures, that's why they used to keep many of the animals, but the animals die because the heat. and that means there's no move for the children. that's why a lot of people or the children lease or severely mon nourished when you asked them . okay. it's been a while a few years with some of you. have you gotten enough help? they'll tell you that. no, not really. and we've been here for a few days, and i honestly thought because of how did with the plate the situation as i thought i'd see a lot more aid workers and government officials on the ground. we have not managed to see that we bumped into a fairly small group that a just arrived and they come with some rations for the children now because these areas are remote, these aid workers have to reach these places sometimes with no road. so they send word out a few days advance saying we're going to be in this place, this meet of this river, or the stream, or this lake. and we'll give you what we have new, tell us what you need. now these are people who will manage be reached by word of mouth because the food network system sometimes doesn't work out yes or what about or those other people who are still stuck away? are they into more areas? areas we couldn't even access because the roads were bad where there was no road at all is not just in kenya is in the horn of africa, cynthia and somalia, millions across the region are really struggling a suffering in need help. and if you have any that, now, how to 0, how to matessa reporting live from colacho in northern kenya. how many thanks. indeed, a prominent opposition figure and politician and sudan has been released from prison, former cabinet minister holiday. my use of was freed on bail on tuesday. he was one of several politicians arrested in february form on the software takeover by the military leaders who shared power with the civilian coalition. yourself as a member of the sidelined group, the forces of freedom and change. the world's wealthiest university plans to spend $100000000.00 making up for its links to slavery. harvard in the us says the money will go to research towards research. it plans to find and support, descendants of enslaved people who worked on the ivy league campus, have at least a report on how it benefited from slavery. it found that it had at least 70 black and native american captives at the school. in the 16 and 17 hundreds, the u. s. math professor who grew up in china has become the latest person caught up in an empty spying campaign. the program originally called the china initiative began during donald trump's presidency. joe biden has broadened the focus to include other countries, but critics say it still discriminates john henry report. so chicago ming chang, shao is caught in the web of a massive u. s. program targeting spies for china, but he's not on trial for spying. the justice department, his charge, the southern illinois university mathematics professor with financial fraud and tax evasion for allegedly failing to disclose grants from chinese universities when he applied for a grant from the us national science foundation. or critics a, that's the problem with the china initiative. if authorities can't prove spying, they'll look for something. anything else? i feel it's completely xena phobic. it's racist. corbin, yes. a friend who set up a go fun me page says the trump, you're a spy. catching program aimed at preventing china from stealing intellectual property is not catching spies. they're going about it in a completely wrong way. i mean, they are clearly targeting, for the most part, asian americans. and, you know, we've seen this in past instances in history and it's happening now. when the biden administration inherited the china initiative id decided that wasn't the right approach. it replaced that with a broader plan called the strategy for countering nation state threats. targeting espionage from china, russia. busy iran and north korea since then there have been trials across the us with at vast a mixed record of convictions. the case of gang chin, a massachusetts institute of technology professor accused of lying about his ties to china was dismissed without trial. university of kansas professor fang franklin towel was convicted in april of fraud and making false statements. but the judge is declined to set a sentencing date and is considering defense claims that there are major problems with the prosecution's case, f b, i. officials point to the case of harvard university chemist charles libor convicted of lying to federal agencies about his tie to a chinese talent recruitment program. failing to disclose a chinese bank account and tax evasion. they say there's good reason to focus on china. there is no country, no country that presents a broader, more severe threat to our innovation, our ideas on our economic security than china does. joyce jour with chinese student living in chicago says the focus on china makes the u. s. and increasingly hostile environment. there's a huge rise of anti asia and violence and discrimination as many smaller incidents as well. and i do think that this, these trials are originated from the, the miller social political factors, the case of ming chang, shao marx, the latest test of whether the anti spying program will survive public scrutiny. john henderson, al jazeera chicago. eros aerospace company space acts has lost its 7th crude mission to orbit. falcon 9 rocket blasted off from the space at the kennedy space center in florida, 3 nasa astronaut. so heading to the instructional space station along with an italian from the european space agency on a 6 month mission planning to conduct some $200.00 experiments.

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