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opinion and that, but still i am sure. yes. mm hm. sure. what exactly would you like to clarify? stood now good. now my whole whole of every day and talk very loudly on in political we met a group of pronounced love. my question is that i worked at the edge that the don't don't want it. what is your vision of our, of our membership in the you together? you have to see your prospects, membership and, and i know that you wanted, but this is night. and i'm sure that you will be in the new or the net wherever you want to go. because you know, and your grade will always respect your choice. i just, i am saying it, my son seems to me your questions. i don't your own day after the returning of the best of my obvious cool bullet, a mental bus la doors, we show them larry dunn, our ambassador to our friendly jazz. as soon as we see this report, we just provide the to your grade on the part of your story. deja. thank you very much, soon and yes, the pre throw to the next dealt with them very much and separate them just as i am from the and then said you're provided with all the land of russia and dan capability and so on that and i'll be russian a bo load to really bring that modem to my to include in your, my defense line or do you need your advice and thought method received your message and finally send the heavy heavy weapon. thank you very much. so still, whoa, i would like to give you the example of guy here and seeing every jenner he can reach was 5 and that russian almost 315 and then that the old key and back to read it to 5 is better. 3, my, my, this in the past for me as a human, the whole as a president, what day will be a bone calling your client? we will return and this will not be the issue or spend years the, or the story or the weapon, whether we will. if we have the reference, we will immediately be returning to 5 or more reach we have in your brain. this is in the we, unfortunately, unfortunately may read the 3 of the top of full full score the russia. but then in the morning, we are joining them at the lot advance thing where we don't or we keep talking about like long not only if we talk about this for a long time, but we talk about this bar and much, much longer. not likely to be why on this box right now, we see the change in the issue of our web. less than thought i could see the change in all the parts of the us even be increasing as we, after all miss you. and for this guy was concise with the web as k way is the lead that we will be able to please fi i was told is that the east of our state at any point in time, what happened may be the thing which we are talking about which you money will close, my overlays besieged the very difficult when you will see the j. one of the more difficult day they keep selling from they see you from the around everywhere from the, from the pay larry of, from the process. and the most recent signal i received, i was one way to go school. i received it from the regiment fighting. and as soon as we are able to reach them, we will be there. but yet we really advise civilized we digest human re, i'm so loosely to the situation we or change on the young that we offer exchange or they will go, we are not offering the change of those who and he was killed who died, but they have less than 2 people, they don't please their own people and after the exchange or military government or depending better you but we are ready to do that. and the bottom of the rep conference, i've already said that we've always only your not to leave for jeff with me for my just for our phone call you are you currently trade the command? terrible situation in this is the live the in stucco men. and when the president of the russian federation will talk in a split the bill, we will not be changing in 2 hours late the after that 3 years as the right crash that now the issue is the pragmatic dialogue, not the truck. you know, they said the ro, at a be call. abby k. even be the chair at the beginning, your grades. i have 2 questions. one of them is that april as to the requirements on their grad country. as of now at the point where we are having our discussion, what the requirements do they have, who they want you to recognize. they say they don't buy that might be presenting the requirements right now, or maybe they have refused to present their requirements such as business. so they question on your question, what does the requirements and this 2nd question shutting got live, how the event will develop within the days or weeks or even days. so you creating engine ukrainian, people will leave in such a high law, for example, like the state of things is leaving when it is always re militarized, where people learning or who to go to the machine. i read you to leave a start just as long as nothing is on the 2nd part of your question. whether or not i believe the all your old, those who say will remain in you're talking about women and children call that when men who happen. so be not real mental that they're small still brain young. i guess most no higher than 90 percent of our people are united. i'm very happy that we kept saying that we are not talking about what's being regular not being ready. it is the only way out the only solution breach week. we will be we have become this because don't actually we know where we know that we have to defend our men federal that mean that we shall be waging war. i believe that because when we, when we shall be this stage, we are the most powerful army and the most experienced army and the most experienced army in terms of that. so you really are, and i believe that we shall become one of the strongest which state in europe, not because we special even though i believe in this is because this is the only solution with the duration. these are the reality which we leave. and this is the reality of our who and them as to the request or requires. so did men from the whole be russian sage aeration? i thought as we know from the mass media and then to you should we every month because both agreement with negotiation because it's been written in that ultimate grain that is already not the dialogue. so initially the story of the something was changing exactly the car. so big you not, you of your brain united state, we transfer them from the very base of the ra in several days. the more the mark them in the so called the muslim, started to disappear from there is still already. and then the new patient between the group and i believe everybody knows that that was a fad. then i thought, and i thought is that i know for the school, when you get there, russian calling you and you have to respond to the law. and then your day to day, they have received a high level of credit just so that not only this day, but it looks like they bring more people so much that they have let them do i do such an outcome or get i certainly do your great day you have cherished with the shell of the media who absolutely controlled by the policy of the graham and, and then they wear them selves. we've been like, well or k, which was the bread to your brain and i heard that they present. it brings us to our community somewhat processing those replies to pretty. so your question, the most relevant question is the you can see is the faith of them by the end to try and speak a bit. these are the only issues, only real things, the readings, just print them sometime and be seen use some where as b n jack was printed then thank you very much of the news with ms. jones and i'm from dc. you mentioned your open. yes. i want you to read it to me. if you have a chance to talk to him right now, what we'll do with him mandatory from the united states. i just says it's fine with whatever the child receiving the united states. are you happy with that or this lot of the spectrum and for the long so can we have very great forward to lose the it was a b s course which we are receiving now, but we reach be receiving from the united states. so what we want more than we have in the lot that we can not say no the military for a dense and receiving from us. yes, there are lots of friends you. 2 them talking in the movie. oh, 08. did that system in the united states in the day? well, who sex and the families that are due to of reaching the victory and the providing be a yeah. and this isn't actually as bad, whether you will be willing to buy this and that's why the us usually that's why i need that. but i really want everything to be quick after the fall, if they, if they say, porch now or and stuff. i don't think this is a big secret from us being so tomorrow i shall be meeting with mr. can defend lot coming. so we are and we will be back in we will be back for the time when that basically will allow the president of the school and tomorrow we will be discharging the least of west on which we need and about the the liberty store, your grain and besides, once again, the last week, the last week i was i and it says this that you know, the message. they say they stepped the, the, them that lines and the quality. i'm talking about the rest of the day. but the by the united states that everything has been through the end of my grades for that and be ready, much waiting for that. i want to say that that in addition to our pizza, we will get them not that for weapons, which we will receive from the and now i just wish i said by john, no idea what agency, what, what is your you on the maybe a mission of a in general, what is your you wrong by john h and b for before the war or your military service men, the value of mary. hi. be when so they as a janie and why is that possible to huge bearing which as the by john has was john, we will not get by that. remind wait, wait, wait so many questions. let me jot them down. correct? from the very beginning. what is your view on the intimidation, or maybe a over here or there by john and so in the, in the, in the, in the nation. and in this region, in this war between the russia and ukraine before the war, you create military. so you are aware you'll be experienced by japanese for this betty betty? highly so on who do your military do your mileage every service men you be are in the in this war. ok. some questions that be there for and the what, what is your view on the use that your virus star? what does that all the bike racks are in this war with russia? oh, you have quite interesting questions indeed. by she was very much for your question. get senior emission wants my view on the mission and does that a bunch and the from the point of your age and i shall tell you on this later to be withdrawn and the 2nd with them. so what was that? i was holding this dial tone. so there may be a. 6 full in fact, that we have better relations with both by jan and i would like to talk in detail lambs the install and there are diplomatic meetings. so our stuff in place is actually showing judge wants to be our lead me among the congress who wants to be a maybe a role in this rose shop, open list. everything that wants to be gone. the guy, ron started b m, on the job. i'm just so you are a john and i can be there by john. yes. but i want to say that president lee has already been supporting your brain and supporting your friends that live larry medical supplies where x, i'm just from the point of view of mentors. oh, i forgot the russian where the i don't, i don't know. but i believe that it's very come from the point your weapons provide a support through your brain because their budget says to make a little better difficult. i understand olivia and i believe that that is by janet by not at all. if the battery you can put me on there. yeah. and yes, yeah. let me thought of them. there's railings galleries that like that right now. but it was gotten of a de la. so we are expecting for more, more because it's very difficult for us to understand for too long, you know, with us by every day our, our boys and see you die. and you must understand this, but we have good relations with his air by john. the real though we're by a rock star by actor play a rock star that these are jones is marcelo sam. yes, not praise austin. as you know that we have started to join the production unit and we already have her thrones produced to jointly, which are you with the use of her, our engines. we use this equipment and with all due respect to buy a rock star and to at the any hard to we're, i will tell you franklin, this is a different war. ah, well, this is her the answer to the question, how the experience of are there were interest. this is a different war. express i had this war cannot be compared to any. are there war in the 21st century? it can not even become thirds according to the war as saudi 19 nineties. there was no such a war at all the lease on in mobile dad. the web phones or drones may help them, but they will not make the difference. because their history only styles his dro artillery his and his trav events they says and even places them major starter and i get it to the dog. is ne, seem a gun, sir? i wouldn't to recollect of any a such level of destruction in any are there were worse, which were waged by russian federation, the director of the countries and such atrocities, sir. oh like torture? like feel my celia raping the going you will. and me gung, there has never happened. me about anything like that and her a god forbid, from these capitan again on the territory of other countries. and this is the kind but the situation now that ukraine can talk all days about spain for this, where the lives of ukrainians and your countries should help us. which of the like us, you should remember that when they finish with us, they will start with you that the, my, for you at no cost should know this implicit in $1.00 plus one. if you throw some of the subsequent whiska for this chemist, affordable to salmon, have to come back to a very serious question and a very painful wound at the machine. murder you. well, i think you all saw another video from a basement set as of style. whereas children for 55 days haven't seen the sun, the sky, and where are you food? is it running out really well? is there any way to, to blow the kids out? mario been working whether it is physical or possible cancer israel with any deadline because they had a cheap defenders that are running out of weapons and people. there aren't any not of medicines and hood, i'm not ready to tell you everything. what i tell them as the president and naive and solution and talking to them. many others, our guys i in permanent contact with people over there. i must tell you that these are our people and our town. and therefore we have full a moral, a right? so for military did blow cage in of our cities and we have a lot of holes that will be able to do this. whether we're ready now. you know, you don't believe anyone local wine in about a military did blow cajun. we are not ready today. and by the way, that us moral guys who aren't now and defend in this part of them are you up on as of stuff boy, those who are blocked, they're the leaders commanders understand this very well. this is ariel, it must or that would laska skate. use sky news please. deborah gonzales says you said that you are ready to talk to put into funds, implement tech solutions taken into account when you country has gone through to live. could change to mean that to be delivered to the type, you know, in the or the fact that the secretary of state and defense secretary. and here you said that us and british weapons. you would like to get to that can say what the threat will be for your crane if the united states and britain still sends in the weapons that quick call it to chron will bring the russians. they kept some more territories in the south and he's still granted them come back to thinking about the meeting with the president, the russian federation. i didn't say i one shot this high to on the i have to see the president will see if we a plan. so this is your 0 diploma. $6.00 is whether i one was a leader of russia to be but it's presented to the tribunal to the court. it's not me. it's not only him. i think that all who is your order is shameful, for there is to eliminate peaceful citizens, women, and children, and others to be judged by the international court. we know how long it may take. we know how long international court work will wait. if not, then our childrens will leave up to the day when they last a die the, the, the policy of this state will, will be completely ruined in terms of our partners. i don't believe that i was, and i, i don't even think about the possibility that our partners to look provide us with the weapons which they promised or not. they have no alternative. we will not give them this opportunity. we have no other chance to defend our land and to, to, to, to get it back. what would be the, how the chance the other chance would be that we have no state? no, no. the po, this will be just discouraged land. this is don't deltona to which i will never take into account. some one we can see the water at the end or to the left please. at the very end. do you think of something presenter, but that is of the most of the melanin good afternoon, mister president. thank you for finding time to talk to to us my friends from poland asked me to send you a word so so called centerville. hope that there was some really good questions from our polish friends who very often heard that russians tried to persuade us that you left a key of that you were in worse. so we were trying to find you in the worse. so and failed. and then we see that you're here. would you like to come to us? the question? oh my god of amber was kinda funny. he has a she said niece, i've been hearing this question for 60 days. whether i want to go somewhere i have no rights. and frankly speaking, i don't want to proceed with all due respect, which and i have a great respect to poland, to our friends, to the leaders of pol, until polish people g. you received 2500000 of our people. it's a huge assistance. and this is a special ed to you to one nation to another one at the possible my difficult time to behave like this is publicly it's, you can only thank for this business, possibly which anderson for hinuit low claim because the pose are very safe and very friendly and neighbors for ukraine that i think this is yeah for a long time and who will be very serious for a long time in terms of visiting balance. i visited on g dude. i a number of times we've always met. i always was get paid to to do to see him to visit him by his invitation. i often come there. maybe i don't feel like it go, because i told my feel only in ukraine, but still i have a very clearly and when i am in poland, something very close to my people to my country men. so and i'm once again, i'm extremely grateful to both for their support and natalie, not only for humanitarian united since very beginning. we've.

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Georgia , United States , Centerville , United Kingdom , Israel , Saudi Arabia , Russia , Poland , Spain , Ukraine , Polish , Britain , Saudi , Ukrainians , Ukrainian , Russian Federation , British , Russian , Russians , Asa Janie , Deborah Gonzales , Marcelo Sam , Larry Dunn ,

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